Lean on my shoulder.

The story only I didn't know.




L.Joe's P.O.V.

    As I arrived at the cemetery, I saw a familiar tent-house. I smiled as I made my way towards it, ready to see everyone. I peeked in through the entrance and looked around. I saw Sunmi noona talking to Cap like she used to, and also Ricky. Changjo and Chunji on the other hand were talking to each other. My eyes traveled around, falling on Minhee who was curled up with her chin resting on her knees. Her eyes seemed distant, oblivious to her surroundings.
"Sorry for coming late, everyone." I said, fully entering the tent-house. Sunmi looked up, showing me her smile. "I bought these." I walked over to her and handed her the flowers as her smile turned into a grin.
"Thanks Byunghun." She stood up, smelling the flowers. She quietly walked out of the tent, probably to go set the flowers near her parents graves. I then ptoceeded to gteet the others, even if I had just seen them awhile ago. I smiled as I walked over to Chunji and Minhee, on the far corner.
Chunji blew air in Minhee's ear, making her snap out of wherever her mind was at. She blinked twice, her eyes looking at Chunji in slight amusement. "What're you doing?"
"Nothing." She mumbled, her eyes gazing over at me. "Oh. L.Joe, annyeong." She smiled, more like forcefully smiled. I frowned, walking towards her. I sat down next to her, leaning closer towards her. She backed away, her eyes rounding up with surprise. "W-What are you doing?"
I raised a brow, leaning closer towars her. My hand conciously reached out to her face, wiping her tear-stained cheek. "Don't cry." I whispered, "It doesn't suit you. It's better to smile."
She blinked again, this time a little slower. She looked at my hand that was still on her cheek and removed it, placing it back on my lap. "Gomawo, bu-but how can I not c-cry? I- My-" She stopped mid-sentence, her eyes b with tears. She bit her lower lip, trying to fight the tears that were already falling down her eyes.
"It's okay," I whispered to her as I pulled her into my embrace, rubbing her back slowly.
Ricky stood up abrubtly, his eyes round with anxiety. "I- Noona, is there a bathroom anywhere close to here?"
"Neh, clear down the road." Sunmi answered, "Wae?"
"I have to go," Ricky sighed. "Really bad."
Cap lightly smacked his leg, "Then go."
"B-but hyung, what if some grave-digger gets me on my way to the bathroom, and then he burries me alive?
You guys would be so sad." He pouted his lips, shivering like a cold dog. I sighed, still rubbing Minhee's back as she clung onto me tight. "Can someone go with me?"
"Changjo go," Cap said, pointing towards the tent's exit. "Be back as soon as possible, or else I'll go and look for you two myself. And please, please don't cause any trouble."
Changjo dramatically gasped, placing his hand over his chest. "Us, cause trouble? Never."
"Right, we're angels. What are you talking about?" Ricky tsk-ed as he walked towards Changjo, pulling him up. "Kaja."

Daehyun's P.O.V.

    "Those two are taking too long," Yongguk sighed as he rested his head on the steering wheel. "How long has it been? 30 minutes?"
"Hyung don't exaggerate." Youngjae said, looking out the window. "It's Himchan, of course he's going to take a long time."
"But not this long." Yongguk countered, patting my back. "Go get them, Daehyun-ah. Tell them to hurry up."
I nodded my head, getting out of the van.

    Once I was inside the store, I searched everywhere for Himchan and Zelo, but I found no trace of them. Then, just when I was ready to give up, I saw them. Himchan and Zelo were talking to a girl. I couldn't tell who the girl was because her back was facing me.
"Himchannie, Zelo, why are you taking so long?" I asked as I walked over to them. My eyes landed on the girl who had a smile plastered on her face.
"Oh, Hi Daehyun." She winked, lightly waving her hand at me.
I squinted my eyes, unknowingly glaring at her. "What do you want?"
"Ohhh, someone's got an attitude." She sarcastically chuckled, bringing her hand to cover . "I was just introducing myself to your friends. At first they mistook me for Sungah, but I informed them that I'm Yunah, her twin sister." I looked back at Zelo and Himchan, seeing their puzzled faces. "By the way, why are you all wearing black?"
I retraced my view back to her, giving her a rude stare. "For something. Now if you'll excuse us, we have to go." I said as I walked past Yunah.
"Y-Yeah, come on Himchan hyung. I want to see Sunmi and Minhee noonas already." Zelo whined as he dragged Himchan behind me, forgetting about Yunah who was standing there. I heard her mumble something to herself as she sped off ahead of us. "What's her problem?" Zelo asked as he watched Yunah exit the store.
"Who knows, but we need to hurry up." I voiced as I walked back to the van, ahead of them.

Minhee's P.O.V.

    "So what you're trying to say is that I shouldn't smile anymore?" Ricky asked as he nudged Sunmi.
He had a worried expression on his face, obviously upset with what Sunmi had just said.
She shook her head as she held onto his shoulder, "Ani. I was just saying that your smile reminds me of my dad, not that you don't have to smile."
"But if I smile, I'll remind you of your dad and then you'll cry." He pouted, looking at the half-bitten sandwich in his left hand. "And I don't want you to cry."
"Ricky-ah," I called out, making him lift up his head to face me. "Just because something reminds us of our parents doesn't mean it has to be sad. Having something to remind you of someone or something can be painful, but at least you won't forget them." I paused, feeling my voice thicken. "And it brings back the memories, but they're happy memories of appa smiling, so don't stop smiling because I love your smile. Not only that, but it feels like my dad was still here smiling at me. A-And--" I sniffled as I burried my face on the nearest thing as possible which happened to be L.Joe's shoulder.
"Gwaenchana Minhee-ah." L.Joe whispered as he rubbed my shoulder, his voice sounding soft and sincere. I lifted my head, staring at his face. He smiled, closing his eyes slowly, then re-opening them. "You must be really tired. Just rest and forget about everything." He slightly stuck out his tounge as he wiped away my tears with his thumb, setting my head on his shoulder. "Lean on my shoulder when you're tired. I'll be here for you."
I smiled, snuggling myself closer to his warmth.

L.Joe P.O.V.

    She's not moving...is she asleep?  I asked myself as I poked Chunji's cheek. He was sitting beside me, talking to Sunmi and the others.
"Hm?" He meerly mumbled as he turned around to look at me.
I cocked my head towards Minhee's direction, pointing at my shoulder. "Is she asleep?"
"Let me see- Yeah." He smiled as he reached out to move her bangs out of her face. "She must've been really tired."
"Neh," I nodded, taking a look at her from the corner of my eyes. "Really tired."

    After some time, there was a light pat on the tent entrance. I looked up from drinking my milkshake, raising a brow as Ricky went to open the tent door.
"Who is it?" I mumbled to myself as I waited to see who would enter, and soon Zelo's blue and blonde hair popped into the tent. He searched around the whole tent, finally his eyes landing on Sunmi.
"Noona," He called out as he fully entered. He smiled, shaking his black jacket before walking towards us. "Sorry, it's a little wet. It's raining cats and dogs out there."
"Lucky for you, you had an umbrella. Mine broke," In came a pouting Himchan, almost completely soaked.
Soon the other guys followed, mumbling something as they all entered. "Hey didn't we just see you?" Himchan asked as he pointed at me, pursing his lips in questioning.
I nodded my head, carefull not to awake Minhee. "Neh, annyeonghaseyo. Lee Byunghun-imnida."
"Psh. No need to be formal." He replied, flailing his hand up. "The name's Himchan, but call me hyung. Himchan hyung."
"You can call me L.Joe." I smiled, slightly nodding towards the rest, signaling for them to call me that as well. But I looked at one person in particullar, Daehyun. His gaze was cold and rude, sending me a mean vibe. I smiled at him, but he meekly brought the corner of his lips up, bitterly smiling at me.
Fine then, be that way. I thought to myself as I mocked him with a mean face, rolling my eyes.

Daehyun's P.O.V.

    When we entered the tent, my eyes quickly focused on something unpleasent. I saw as Minhee was fast asleep on L.Joe's shoulder. Her angelic face seemed calm and peaceful. I inwardly frowned, keeping my smile on the outside.
"You can call me L.Joe." L.Joe smiled at Himchan as he nodded his head in everyone's direction, I guess signaling for us to call him that as well, not only hyung. His eyes fixed on me, sincerely smiling at me. I tried to smile back, but I couldn't since I was sort of jealous. I avoided looking at them, seeing how Minhee slept on his shoulder and how his arm was around her shoulder, making sure that she wouldn't fall or feel uncomfortable.
"Hyung, why is noona with L.Joe?" Zelo whispered to me, his breath tickling down my neck. I lightly pushed him away, shrugging my shoulders. "Oooh. Watch out cause he might try to steal noona from yo-"
"Not even." I cutt him off, bawling my fists.
Zelo patted my shoulder, "Don't get mad hyung. I'm just saying, but don't worry, I think she really likes you." He cheesily smiled at me, hugging my arm. "Daehyunnie's just jealous."
"Tch, jealous? More like furious." Youngjae butted in, chewing on some food from the picnic. "But this is how I see it." He paused, swallowing whatever he had in his mouth. "She's sad cause it's her parents' death anniversary and well he's there to comfort her. Is it that hard to notice that?"
I sighed, ruffling my hair in slight frustration. "But she seems-"
"She might hug other guys, laugh with other guys, or hang out with other guys, but none of them will ever mean to her as much as you do." Someone voiced from behind me, causing me to jump in surprise. I turned around to see Sunmi winking at me.
"W-What did you say?" I asked, finally composing myself. Did she say that no other guy will..what?
She smiled at me, ruffling my smooth brown hair. "I know you heard me. Keep it in mind."
"What?" I mumbled to myself, sticking my toungue out as I closed my eyes with a sigh. I hate when I hear something but forget it seconds later.

L.Joe's P.O.V.

    After the sun was setting and the stars were starting to shine, Minhee finally awoke. She mumbledsomething as she rubbed her eyes, looking at me with a sweet smile.
"Had a nice sleep?" I asked as I rubbed my sore shoulder that she had been using as a pillow for a couple moments.
She blinked twice, putting her hand on my shoulder. "O-Oh, I'm sorry. Did I cause your shoulder to be sore from resting on it? Mianhae, y-you should've let me sleep on the floor."
"Don't worry. It's alright." I smiled, my eyes nearly dissapearing from sight as I did. "No harm done."
She let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. Apa?"
"Ani. I'm fine, didn't I already tell you." I shook my head with a smile, pressing my hand on top of her head. "But something does hurt.."
"W-What does?" She responded rather quickly, her eyes looking at my arm and shoulder.
I laughed, causing the others to look at us, including Daehyun. "It hurts that you think I'm weak."
"I never said that," She pouted. "I was just worried cause your shoulder was sore from my big head laying on it."
I flicked my bangs out of the way, looking into her caramel-colored eyes. "You're head isn't big. But don't you remember what I said?" She shook her head, having a pondering look in her eyes. I leaned in closer to her, coming face-to-face with her. "I said you could lean on my shoulder when you're tired and that I'd be here for you, right?"
"R-Right." She stuttered, her eyes focusing on someone else rather than me. "Thanks,"
"That's what friends are for, right?" I asked, getting her to look at me once again. She smiled at me, turning around to talk to Changjo who was poking her. I smiled to myself, unconsiously turning around to look at Daehyun.

Minhee's P.O.V.

I pursed my lips, making them into a pout as I turned to face him. "I never said that. I was just worried cause your shoulder was sore from my big head laying on it."
"Your head isn't big, but don't you remember what I said?" He asked as he leaned closer to me, only inches away from my face. "I said you could lean on my shoulder when you were tired and that I'd be here for you, right?"
"R-Right." I stuttered as my eyes focused on the person who was also staring at me, Daehyun. "Thanks."
"That's what friends are for, right?" He asked with a smile. I nodded my head, returning the smile and then turning around to face Changjo who had been poking me, trying to get my attention. But soon my phone buzzed, signaling me that I had received a text. I slowly got it out of my jacket pocket, checking to see who it was from.





So I put Byunghunnie more in the story, since I noticed I was being a little more

Daehyun biased /facepalms/ But anyway, I hope you enjoyed le chapter.

Oh and by the way, I might update more constantly since I have school now *sighs* and I'll be

home more, so I'll have more time to update and I won't have many things to do besides study and what-not.

Yaaay~ ----and, are any of you SECRET TIME ready for SECRET's comeback? Cause I know I am!!

But please do comment&subscribe. Thank you, all my subbies&commenters ^^

^__^ ~~~and I'll answer your following questions bellow, so please do ask away~ :D


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updated! Wahh, I'm starting to update more frequently (well... not really) but its still better than nothing. otl


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Chapter 27: OMG!!!! L.JOE!!!!!! Get away from her!!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! YAH Jung DAEHYUN!!! WHere are you?!!!! ><
OMG!!! Daehyun you should be there!!! ==
btw, thanks for updating hehe I like it ! ^O^ ==
Chapter 27: yay! an update ^^
Mrs_Chang_Hyun #5
Chapter 26: YAY!!!!! FINALLY U UPDATE!!! >_<
THANKS!!! and I also Forgive you hehe :D
Chapter 26: Thanks for the Update!!!!!
Oh And By The Way...I Forgive you author-nim <3 <3 <3
OMG!!! author-nim!!! X( When are you going to update again?! huhuhu i have been waiting for likemonths... huhuhu X(
Chapter 25: UPDATEEEEEE DAEHYUNNIEEEEEEEE MAKE YO FIRST MOVE MAAN OR OR L.JOE FDKJAVJEABCHEJ BALLI!!! i dunno why i feel so happy when daehyun talks or when he tries to kiss Minhee.. MORE SKINSHIP >:D
Chapter 25: oh~~~ PLS update soon!!! author-nim, i really love ur story its... CHINCHA DAEBAK!!!! HEhe :D XD >_<