I really do miss talking like we used to.

The story only I didn't know.



Sunmi's P.O.V.

    I was making dinner gracefully, cause I mean come on, I'm a great cook. Yeah, well maybe not as good as Minhee but I am good. When I was done, I set the table and waited for those two soon-to-be love birds to get down. As I waited, my phone vibrated signaling that I had received a text. I got up and took my phone out from my back pocket and viewed the message.

Noona, can you please come over? Cap hyung is really depressed and he says he doesn't want to talk to anyone, so we decided that only you could get him to open his room door and eat. - Niel :3

I scrunched my nose, wondering on what to reply back.

Wae? Why me? You guys are friends, so why do you guys say that only I can get him to eat..wait! He's not eating? Omo, is he fine? - Sunmi Noona~ ^^

Ani, he's not eating. He hasn't ate at all today. All he has done is stay locked up in his room, not wanting to open the door for anyone. And as to why you're the only one, I cannot say. Just come noona, palli! - Niel :3

*Sigh* But I was ready to eat ;___;  Fine. I'm on my way, but if I can't get him to open the door, I'm leaving, kay? - Sunmi Noona~ ^^

Jinjja? Nehhh~ Palli, palli !! - Niel :3

Cap oppa, what's wrong?  I thought to myself as I headed to the living room to get my jacket. I then got my umbrella and waited a little for Daehyun or Sunmi to come down, but neither of them came so I left them a note and a text, just in case if Minhee doesn't see the note because she's too caught up with Daehyun. Then I left, quickly running to my car. I started it and drove one block away to Teen Top's house. Thank goodness it was close by, if not...well I don't know. I then texted Niel to open the door once I got out of my car.

    "Noona, you came? For what?" Ricky asked as he saw me enter his house. He was playing a zombie game with Changjo and Chunji. L.Joe was resting on the couch with his arm over his face, sleeping probably.
"Neh, now where's Niel?" I asked, taking off my jacket and hanging it up. I then placed my umbrella down and made my way towards the living room, shaking L.Joe.
"Leave me alone Ricky, I already told you that I don't want to play that godda- Oh, Noona?" L.Joe stiffened as he awkwardly smiled at me. "What are you-"
"Niel called me to come and see oppa, is he locked up in his room?" I cutt him off, glaring at him. I know I had no reason to be mad, but I was grumpy since I was about to eat at home. Not to mention that I was going to tease Minhee and Daehyun, also this weather. Ugh, why did Cap ruin everything?
"Calm down noona. Yes, he's in his room." L.Joe said as he got up, walking me towards the stairs. He then stopped infront of Cap's room. "Hyung, someone's here to see you. Open up."
"Go away L.Joe." Cap said from the other side of the door. I sighed, knocking on the door kind of loud. "I said to go aw-"
"Listen up Cap, I came here all the way from my house, not that it's far away. But I was about to eat dinner, plus I have a guest over, so if you'd please open the door, I'd really appreciate it." I said in a stern voice. L.Joe who was next to me just a few seconds ago was now far away.
He nervously chuckled and pointed downstairs, "I-I'll just leave you two...L.Joe's out!"
I watched him go downstairs, dissapearing within seconds. Then the door opened, revealing a rather crappy Cap. "So you came here just because-"
"Because I was worried, duhh. I am your friends, right?" I asked, staring into his eyes. He sighed and fully opened the door, then retreated to his bed, sitting down. I sat on a chair next to his bed stand, puffing out my cheeks. Sheesh, Minhee's cheek puffing is really contagious. I thought to myself.
"So, what do you want?" Cap asked in a rather indifferent tone.
I sighed, looking into his sad eyes. "I want to know what's wrong with you..Oppa, gwaenchana?"

Minhee's P.O.V.

    When I was out of the shower, I quickly changed into my pajamas and put my hello kitty slippers on.

I then took Aj a fast puppy shower, leaving his black and white fur smelling like strawberries. I then blow dried his short hair which just took 5 minutes. I exited my room, still hearing the shower in Daehyun's room on. God, this guy sure showers long.  I thought to myself. I then headed downstairs, searching for Sunmi. "Unnie! Unnie? Unnie, where are yo- Oh.." I picked up the note on the table, "This girl and her notes.."

Hello love birds~ keke, just kidding! Well, as you know..I'm not here right now because I had a sudden important inccident happen that I have to solve. Please feel free to eat without me, but don't finish all the food, save some for the awesome cook, eh? Be back soon~~!  - The best Unnie and Noona EVAR, Sunmi ^^;

I smiled at the Love Birds  part, "Foolish unnie."
"Minnie is that you?" I heard a voice call from behind. I turned around and smiled, looking at Daehyun up and down. He reminded me of Appa, a lot. Except with blonde hair instead of brown and well yeah, that's it. Otherwise they kind of looked alike since Appa was a young and handsome feller, just like Daehyun.
"Neh, It's me." I said, handing him the note that Sunmi left. "She had to leave for an important situation, now...let's go eat. I'm starving." I rubbed my tummy, going to the kitchen with Daehyun behind me.

Daehyun's P.O.V.

    I couldn't really keep my eyes off of Minhee's figure. I mean yeah, she was skinny, but she had curves that could clearly be seen from the tightness of her hello kitty top pajama. Her face gave off a cute appearance, yet when you see her in tight clothes, that changes everything. A real Bagel girl right there, just like Secret's Hyosung.
"What would you like to drink, juice, water, or what?" Minhee asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I smiled, pointing at the juice. "Juice please."
She nodded and poured some juice in a cup for me and another for her. "Here you go, anything else?" She asked before she sat down. I shook my head and she sat down, starting to eat almost instantly. I chuckled as I saw her gobble her food down quickly, a little faster than Yongguk and the rest when they were hungry. "What?" She asked, drinking from her cup.
I shook my head and continued laughing, "Nothing."
"Yah! Stop laughing and eat, or else I'll eat your food." She pouted and cracked a smile afterwards. I laughed at her, making her laugh as well.
You really have changed from the first time I saw you. I thought as I drunk some of my juice. I'm glad you did. I'm glad that I can see that wonderful smile of yours, because I never get tired of it. I then looked down to her neck, smiling to myself once I saw the necklace I had given to her on her welcome back party.
"Oppa, let's have a contest. Whoever finishes first, doesn't clean the dishes." She smiled, holding her hand out to me.
I nodded and chuckled, shaking her hand. "You're on. Don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're a girl."
"I don't expect you to," She smirked, taking her hand away from mine. She then started gobbling her food down, I smiled and did the same.

Sunmi's P.O.V.

    "I'm fine, really." He simply said, avoiding eye contact.
"You've said that for the millionth time oppa, now come on! Tell me what's wrong, I really want to go home and eat. I can't just leave a guest alone at home with Minhee." I sighed, rubbing my head.
He scoffed, "And that guest surely is Yongguk, huh."
"No." I squinted my eyes, "He's-"
"Whatever, it's fine. You can go and eat, and have fun with Yongguk, it's not like I care." Cap said, standing up and pushing me out of his room roughly.
"O-Oppa, wh-what are you doing?" I asked as I tried to resist from his harsh push, but he didn't stop. Instead he kept on pushing me, knocking me down on the floor before we reached the door. "A-Ahh." I winced as I hit my elbow on the floor. He then stiffened, looking down at me.
"I-I'm sorry-"
"Let me go," I panicked. He's never treated me like this, ever. "What has gotten into you? You've seriously changed, why are you-"
"Oh, so now I'm the one who's changed?" He asked in a sarcastic tone. He held his hand out to me and I flinched, thinking that he was going to push me out again, but to my surprise he helped me up. He then pulled my face towards his and...

Minhee's P.O.V.

    "No fair," Daehyun whined as he got up to clean the dishes. "You cheated."
I pretended to be hurt by his words, "Cheater? Me? Oh, puuhlease. You tried to cheat but I won, fair and square."
He pouted and went to the sink, but I quickly went over and helped him. We washed the dished together and also got soap all over our faces. Once we were done, we went to the living room and watched some tv.

    While we were watching tv, Daehyun got up to go to the bathroom. A few minutes later the power suddenly went off, turning the house pitch black. I gulped, looking at my surroundings that were now dark, I wasn't really afraid of the dark. I was afraid of the power going off when a storm was on, being alone and for there to be thunder. And as if on cue, thunder roared off in the sky, causing me to shriek and hide behind a pillow. Next thing I knew, those flashbacks came to me. Overflowing my sense of emotions.

Sunmi's P.O.V.

    He pulled my face towards his and stared into my eyes. Then his grip around my neck tightened, pushing me away from him. I stumbled back, confused my his sudden actions.
"Leave.." He hissed, pushing me out harshly, once more. He then closed the door in my face, almost hitting my nose. I then turned when I saw a shadow next to me. I saw L.Joe with a sad expression, I shrugged my shoulders, leaning my mouth towards the door.
"I really don't know what's wrong with you. You've changed. But...I have to admitt, I really do miss talking like we used to, Minsoo-ssi." I cringed at myself hearing me call him, one of my best friends, formally. I then walked past L.Joe, slightly bumping shoulders with him.
"Noona...w-what happened?" Niel asked, coming over with open arms. I stopped as he pulled me in for a hug, "It's okay noona. He's just in a bad mood lately."
I bit my lower lip to stop me from crying. I didn't want to look like a cry baby in front of my dongsaengs, but I just couldn't take it. How can someone change from being the sweetest, most adorable person to being a total jerk just out of nowhere. "N-Niel..J-Just-"
"Gwaenchana Noona?" I heard Ricky ask. Niel parted from the hug and looked at me, so did Ricky. That's where I couldn't take it anymore. I let my tears out, crying into my palms.
"H-He pushed me out of his room," I said in between tears.
"Sunmi n-" I heard Changjo ask. He came near me and lifted my hands away from my face, "What happened? Why are you crying noona? And what happened to your neck, it's red!"
I took a step back, bumping into L.Joe. "What did he do to you noona?" I shook my head and ran for my jacket and umbrella, then sprinted towards my car. I quickly got in, locked the doors and drove off, leaving Teen Top's figures standing by their door. It was really thundering and pouring hard, luckily I made it in time to my house, but I stayed in the car. I tried efortlessly to calm myself down, but the rain wasn't helping much.

L.Joe's P.O.V.

    Sunmi bumped my shoulder as she walked downstairs. I could see in her eyes that she was ready to cry any moment. Sunmi noona is really tough, but when it comes to these things, she's really sensitive. And this had to be serious since she just called one of her bestfriends formally. I knocked on his door but got no response. I sighed and headed downstairs where I heard Changjo ask Sunmi why her neck was red. Wait, did hyung do that to her? Did..he hurt her?  Sunmi backed away from him, bumping into me once more. She turned and I saw her teary eyes. She then ran, getting her jacket and umbrella. We all ran after her but she had already backed out of the driveway. I just stood there, watching her drive down the rainy roads.
"Why was noona crying?" Ricky pouted, leaning onto Niel's shoulder.
"What happened?" Chunji asked, pulling his sweats up. "Why's everyone at the door?"
"Noona just ran away cry-"
"Shut up Ricky," I hissed, angrilly heading to Cap's room. I pounded on his door, but still got not answer from him. Chunji then wrapped his arms around my waist, insisting me to calm down.
" that," I hissed, banging on Cap's door. "Listen here hyung. I know you're all butthurt that Sunmi noona likes Yongguk, but treating her bad won't make her like him any less. Cause while you're ignoring her, someone is begging for her attention." I paused, "So you ignored her for three whole years, and now you're all sad because she started paying attention to someone else? She waited three long years for you, but nooo. You just went out with other girls, and she dissed all those guys who asked her out just because she liked you. Now you're all mad cause someone's actually making their way to her heart? That's pathetic. Really pathetic."
Everything stayed quiet, the rest of the guys stood at the steps, while Chunji let go of his grip on my waist. He then backed away when the door to Cap's room opened.
"Says the guy who wants Minhee when he already has Chohee." Cap scoffed, pulling me in his room by my collar.
"Tch, I just figured out that I don't like her like that-"
"Shut up L.Joe," Cap yelled, pushing me out of his room. "Stop..." He trailed off, looking at me and the rest of the guys. "Just stop." He said before closing his door again.
"Are you alright?" Chunji asked as he came over to me, pulling my head up while he examined my neck.
I lightly pushed him away and walked off to my room, throwing myself on my bed.
Am I really selfish for liking Minhee? But..I really can't control my heart. I love Chohee, but I like Minhee, aish. What's wrong with you Byunghun?




Thank you guys so much for subscribing and commenting,

it really means a lot~ ^__^

But anyway, I wanted to focus a little more on Sunmi and Cap, but don't worry,

Daehyun and Minhee'll have their moment, just wait~

Oh, and a little present. OHMY, Jonguppie, Y SO HOT?

And he still has that sweet smile plastered on his face~ >,<

I hope you enjoyed reading ^^;

Much Love,      

Lee Juliet :D

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updated! Wahh, I'm starting to update more frequently (well... not really) but its still better than nothing. otl


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Chapter 27: OMG!!!! L.JOE!!!!!! Get away from her!!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! YAH Jung DAEHYUN!!! WHere are you?!!!! ><
OMG!!! Daehyun you should be there!!! ==
btw, thanks for updating hehe I like it ! ^O^ ==
Chapter 27: yay! an update ^^
Mrs_Chang_Hyun #5
Chapter 26: YAY!!!!! FINALLY U UPDATE!!! >_<
THANKS!!! and I also Forgive you hehe :D
Chapter 26: Thanks for the Update!!!!!
Oh And By The Way...I Forgive you author-nim <3 <3 <3
OMG!!! author-nim!!! X( When are you going to update again?! huhuhu i have been waiting for likemonths... huhuhu X(
Chapter 25: UPDATEEEEEE DAEHYUNNIEEEEEEEE MAKE YO FIRST MOVE MAAN OR OR L.JOE FDKJAVJEABCHEJ BALLI!!! i dunno why i feel so happy when daehyun talks or when he tries to kiss Minhee.. MORE SKINSHIP >:D
Chapter 25: oh~~~ PLS update soon!!! author-nim, i really love ur story its... CHINCHA DAEBAK!!!! HEhe :D XD >_<