
The story only I didn't know.


Three weeks later;;

Minhee's P.O.V.

    I woke up, groggily making my way to the kitchen. I prepared the usual for today's event, a picnic that we were going to have at a special place. A place that Sunmi and I visit twice every year together, and alone other times. Once the picnic basket was done, I walked upstairs, seeing Sunmi exit her room already dressed. She gave me a weak smile, stopping infront of me.
"The forecast said it's going to rain, and it's pretty chilly out so wear something warm. We're going to be gone for the whole day, I don't want you to get sick." She said in the softest voice I've ever heard from her. I only hear her talk so calmly ever so often. I nodded my head, slowly entering my room. I walked up to my closet, choosing out today's outfit, but before I changed, I showered and did my morning routine.

[A/N: Like this, but no bag]

I picked up my umbrella that was on my bed, then I walked downstairs where Sunmi was waiting. She had on a long black dress with some black boots, and her hair was tied up into a bun. She wore a scarf around her neck, making her look warm and comfy.
"Are you ready?" She asked, her hands gripping tighter on the picnic basket in her hands. I nodded, biting my bottom lip to not let the tears drop.
You can't cry Minhee, at least not yet, not yet. Wait until you get there, it's for the best. I told myself as Sunmi and I both walked out of our house.

L.Joe's P.O.V.

    I walked downstairs where everyone was dressed in black from head to toe, except from their hair, of course. I scratched my head, trying to think clearly on why they're all dressed in black.
"Hyung, aren't you going this year?" Ricky asked, moving his blue hair out of his face with his hand.
Changjo turned around, a hat on top of his red head. "Do you know what today is?"
"We should take umbrellas but let's wait for a while, they need time to let it all out first." Niel walked into the room. He ed his head from left to right, making his now shorter hair move smoothly with every move he did. "Where are the umbrellas?"
"They're in the basement, duh." Chunji said, fixing his golden hair with his hands as he looked at himself in the living room mirror. Niel thanked him, running down to the basement to get our umbrellas.
I sighed, laying down on the couch in the living room. "Why is everyone wearing black? And where are we going?"
"Hey there ahjussi," Cap smacked my leg as he took a seat on the couch opposite sides as me. He patted his black hair, "I match from head to toe, don't I?"
I nodded my head, making my silver hair move along with me. "Where are we going hyung?"
"You don't remember?" Ricky asked as he crawled over to me. He stopped in front of my face, his blue hair causing my eyes to close. "We're going to the cemetery."
"Wha- cemetery? Why?" I asked, sitting up as Chunji made his way towards me. He sat down next to me, patting my shoulder.
"Sunmi noona and Minhee's parents' death anniversary is today, remember?" He asked, raising a brow. "And we were always there with Sunmi noona since she couldn't go with Minhee because at that time, Minhee was in the mental hospital."
"Yeah, and we're not going to stop being there with noonas in their roughest times. Like she always says, we're family already." Niel said as he came into the living room with our umbrellas.
Ricky nodded his head, standing up and walking over towards Niel to get an umbrella. "And like Sunmi noona says, Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind-"
"Or forgotten." Changjo finished Ricky's sentence.
Cap smiled, standing up from his seat on the couch. "Go get ready L.Joe, we're leaving in a few minutes." I nodded, quickly running to my room to wash up.

Daehyun's P.O.V.

    "It's gonna start to rain pretty soon," Zelo pouted as he rested his forehead on the window. "And I wanted to go to Lotte World with noonas."
"Cheer up litte guy," Himchan walked over to him, patting his back. "We'll just do something else with them and maybe some other day we can all go to Lotte World together."
Youngjae nodded his head as he sat down next to me. "I'm hungry and I want some of Minhee's cooking for a change." He said, rubbing his tummy.
"Then we should surprise visit them!" Jongup smiled as he clapped his hands. He walked over to Yongguk who was resting on the other couch. "Can we? Please hyung, can we?"
"What if they're already doing something, though?" Youngjae asked, surfing through the channels on tv until he found something interesting.
Zelo got up, leaving Himchan looking out the window alone. "Text Minhee noona, hyung." He said, sitting down next to me with pleading eyes.
"I don't want to bother her. Why don't you text Sunmi, Yongguk?" I asked, looking over at him. He shrugged, taking out his phone.
"I have a feeling that she won't answer back. Last night she said that she had somewhere important to go and that she'll be gone the whole day." He sighed, wondering if he should text her or not. "I'll just call her."

Minhee's P.O.V.

    As we parked at the cemetery, Sunmi got a call. At first she wasn't going to answer it, but for some reason after seeing who it was, she did.
"Yeobuseyo, Yongguk." She answered in a fake happy voice. I ignored her, blocking everything out of my mind as possible. As she continued to talk on the phone with Yongguk, I got out the car, making my way to those two familiar grave stones. My feet felt heavier with every step I took, my eyes grew wattery the closer I got to the two grave stones. Right before I could take the last step, I felt rain drops falling down on me. I looked at my hands, trying to find my umbrella but to my bad luck, I had left it in the car. I exhaled a huge amount of air as my eyes read those two names that were engraved on the tomb stones. My fingers reached out to touch the already soaked grave stone, the tips of my fingers were touching a name. A name I knew very well. A name that I would've never liked to see engraved on a grave stone, Kevin Park. I then looked to the other grave stone, seeing the other name, Eunhee Park. I couldn't help it anymore, I couldn't keep my tears in anymore, so right there, I cried. My tears flowing down my cheeks, as my mind became a river of memories.


    After Umma and Appa left, Nana Lee drove us somewhere. I didn't know where we were going or what was happening, but I knew it was bad because Nana Lee was crying. Allthough she smiled at us, I knew inside she was hurting, but I didn't know why. She drove us to the hospital, telling us to not worry about anything. As we got out the car, I looked to the right, dropping the umbrella that sheltered me from the rain. I stood there frozen in place, watching two patients being taken out of an ambulance. I shook my head, covering my mouth as my tears dropped. I ran towards the two bodies that were a few feet away from me, ignoring Nana Lee yelling at me in the background.
"Umma!! Appa!" I yelled, my feet immediately reaching the two bloody figures who were being wheeled into the Emergency Room.
"P--rincess?" Appa's faint voice was heard. I nodded my head, wrapping my arms around his rotten and bloody body. I looked at his disfigured face, my tears over-flowing my face.
"Umma!!" Sunmi yelled as she ran towards umma who was on another bed beside appa, her body getting clean from the rain that dropped. The nurses and doctors told us to part away from them since they were going to get treated immediatley. I shook my head, crying my eyes out on my fathers' chest.
"Honey, you can see them once they've had surgery. They need immediate treatment, let go of appa. He'll be okay, and so will umma. Don't worry." Nana Lee whispered in my ear, pulling me away from my dad. I watched as they wheeled my two parents into the E.R. room.

    Once we waited for a couple of hours, we were finally granted the wish to see our parents, even if it was only one at a time. Nana Lee went first, then Sunmi and finally it was me. I walked into their room, slowly. My eyes traveled to both of them, their eyes were closed and they looked peaceful.
"Appa? Umma?" I called, making my way towards them.
Umma opened her eyes, weakly smiling at me. "Baby-ah."
"Princess--" Appa called. I looked at him, my eyes growing watery as I saw his pale and scarred face. "C-ome here." I nodded, making my way towards him. "Listen up, I want you to smile always."
"And accept life," Umma choked out, reaching out to hold my hand. She gripped onto it tight, not letting go. I nodded my head, tears forming in my already red eyes.
"Umma, Appa, don't go. Stay with unnie and me, please don't go. K-kajima" I cried out, closing my eyes. I opened them to see my mom smiling, her eyes beginning to close.
"Baby-ah, take care of yourself. I-I'm glad I got to talk to you before I leave...Remember that I love you, always." She weakly smiled, her grip on my hand lossening. I shook my head, walking towards her bed. Her smile soon faded and along with her smile, her hand fell. It fell to the side of her bed, hitting the metal railings.
I shook my head, throwing my arms around her as the machine beside her began to beep continuously. "Umma!!! Umma don't go. U-Umma?" I shook her arms with my small hands. "Appa, why is umma sleeping?" I asked, turning around to face my dad.
He faintly chuckled, letting tears escape his beautiful eyes. "Umma's gone. She won't be back..a-and neither will appa."
"B-but appa..You can't leave. Remember what you said??" I asked, walking towards him with small steps. "Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind-"
"Or forgotten," He choked out the last word, cutting me off. I nodded my head, leaning down to hug him. I wrapped my arms around his damaged and cold body. "Now be a good girl and--" He stopped talking.
"And what? A-Appa? D-Don't leave me...k-kajima..appa!" I cried into his chest, inhaling his familiar smell. Soon the doctors rushed into the room, pulling me off to the side as they pumped some machines onto my parents' cold bodies. I cried into some random doctor's arms, not being able to control myself.

Flashback end;

    My memories were interrupted when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up seeing Sunmi behind me, her eyes already wattery. She smiled, putting an umbrella over me.
"Pabo-ah, you're going to get sick." She said, kneeling down to put her arms around me.
I sniffled, leaning my head on her shoulder. "Unnie, why did appa and umma leave...?"
"T-They didn't want to, trust me." She choked out, her voice becoming thick. "It was an accident, all an a-accident." She let out a whimper, crying afterwards. "I miss them."
"N-Nado." I whispered, crying on her shoulder as I looked at the two graves in front of us both.

    "Noonas," I heard Ricky's voice. I turned around to face him as Sunmi dried off her tears. "We're here, like always." He smiled, holding up some roses he had in his hands.
"R-Ricky-ah," Sunmi smiled, her tears forming once again. He smiled, running towards her with his arms wide open.
"Noona, gwaenchana. It's okay to cry." He patted her back as they hugged.
I looked behind them, seeing the rest of Teen Top. They all had bouquets of flowers and were all wearing black. My eyes then caught sight of their hair, everyone's hair had changed, wether it was dyed or cut.
"Noona, you're getting wet." Changjo said, coming closer to me. He put his umbrella over me, helping me stand up from the dirty ground. His hands made their way to my face, drying my tears.
"Wh- Why are you guys here?" Sunmi asked, looking at them with a smile on her face.
Cap smiled, walking towards her. "Ohana means family."
"Family means no one gets left behind." Chunji smiled, walking over to me. He put an arm around my shoulder, coming closer to me and Changjo.
"Or forgotten." Niel smiled, placing his bouquet of flowers near my parent's graves. He then turned around, facing the rest of us. "And we're family, right?"
Sunmi nodded her head, putting her arms around Ricky and Cap who were beside her. "You guys are the best. But where's L.Joe?"
"He was taking a long time to get ready, so he said he'd meet us up here." Chunji answered, his gaze falling on the wet roads ahead of us all. "I wonder what's taking him, anyway."
"He'll be here, you know L.Joe. He's late for everything." Niel clapped his hands, pointing towards their car that was parked ahead. "We've brought a mini shelter house, it's in the trunk."
"A what?" Sunmi asked, her eyes following Niel's gaze. "Oh, like a tent?"
"Neh, so we can have a pincic like always." Ricky smiled, running towards the car. "I'll get it!"

[A/N: Like this, but a little smaller.]

    After they set the tent/shelter house, we all went inside. It was dry and warm inside, even if we barely had set it up.
"Now to set the picnic," Sunmi clapped her hands, setting the blanket she brought from our house on the floor. She then set all the food on the blanket, making sure we wouldn't sit on it. "Now, let's eat."
"I want a sammich," Ricky smiled, his hand lingering towards the sandwiches. "Noonas, did you know we were coming?"
Sunmi shook her head, "We just made a lot of food cause..."
"You usually eat the pain away?" Chunji asked, raising his brow with a concerned look. Sunmi nodded her head, reaching towards her face to wipe a tear away. I was just quiet, not speaking one word at all. It's not that I couldn't speak, it's just that I didn't want to because I knew that if I did speak, I'd just cry. My throat hurt, like as if it was being squeezed, therefore, I just stayed quiet, remembering my beloved parents.

L.Joe's P.O.V.

    As I drove down to the cemetery, I stopped at a shop to get flowers. I got out, quickly going towards some white flowers. I knew Sunmi noona liked those kind, so I picked them. I then went to the front counter to pay for them.
"Hyung, get the red ones." I heard someone say as I paid for my flowers. I turned around and there I saw them, two of the B.A.P members. They were dressed in black, I supposed they were going to the cemetery as well.
Himchan, I think that's his name, shook his head, pointing towards the pink flowers, "We're getting these. They're pretty." He then picked them up, turning around to face me.
"Hey, aren't you..uhh, Joe..or something like that?" The tall, white-skinned boy behind him asked, pointing towards me.
I forced a smile on my face, "It's L.Joe."
"Annyeong, L.Joe-ssi. Ohhhh! His flowers! Hyung, hyung, hyung! We should get some like those, they're prettier!" He said, tugging on Himchan's black dress shirt.
"Zelo, Zelo, calm down. I already picked the pink ones, let's go pay." Himchan sighed, walking past me. Zelo frowned, bowing lightly at me before he ran past me, following Himchan to the counter.
If they're here, then the rest of them are here too, right?  I thought to myself, taking one last glance at Zelo and Himchan before stepping out into the pouring rain. I ignored the fact of even looking for the rest of B.A.P, so I just power-walked to my car. I was only a few feet away from getting into my car when I bumped into someone, almost knocking the person down if it wasn't for my fast reflexes in catching him/her, allthough I was sure it was a girl.
"Tch, watch where you're going." The girl spatt out, pushing herself away from me.
I scoffed, moving my silver bangs out of the way to get a clearer view of the rude girl. A surprised expression appeared on my face once I recognized her. "Long time, no see, Daehyun's stalker."
"Wha- Oh, it's you." She smirked, drops of water falling on her hair.
"Yeah, it's me. But...don't tell me you're here following Daehyun?" I asked, raising a brow with a slick smirk plastered on my face.
She scoffed, fixing her jacket. "As if. I have better things to do with my li-"
"Don't lie." I bitterly chuckled, forcefully putting an arm on her shoulder. "You don't need to lie to me, I know that you're stalking him. You always do."
She smacked my hand away from her shoulder, an evil smirk appearing on her face. "Well well, looks like you know me fairly well." She came closer to me, her breath falling on my neck. "I like how you think and put things together, but trust me, you don't want to know me."
"Why would I, anyway?" I chuckled, backing away from her. I gently brushed past her, but she stopped me, holding onto my arm.
"Who's the girl?" She asked as her back faced me.
I lifted a brow, looking at her from the corner of my eye. "What girl?"
"You know very well who I'm talking about." She said, letting me go and turning around to face me. "Whoever she is, she better leave him or else."
"Or else..what?" I asked, but she had already dissapeared out of sight. "Who is she?" I pondered, making my way towards my car, but eventually shrugged it off and continued my journey to the cemetery.

Minhee's P.O.V.

    I stiffened when I heard umma's familiar voice echoing in the distance. I couldn't help but cry, hearing her soft and mellow voice once more, just like before. It all seemed so real, so real that I could feel her presence near me. My eyes traveled around everyone who were munching away on their food, simply enjoying it in their tummies as they occasionaly chatted with one another.
"Minhee," I heard her voice call my name. "Minhee, Minhee."
I looked up, my eyes searching for her around the tent. "Umma?"
"Minhee noona, gwaenchana?" Changjo asked, as my ears adjusted to his voice. I turned towards him with wide eyes, my gaze falling on his concerned face. "It's okay to cry, but please, don't bottle it all in." He wiped away a tear from my eye, smiling at me.
"That's what ohana is for, right?" Chunji winked, impersonating Stitch's voice the best he could. I smiled, nodding my head.
Changjo nodded his head, leaning over to get another sandwich, "Exactly, now eat noona. You're too skinny." He said, handing me over a sandwich.




Woot woot, I updated. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter ^^

akjshaskj, I'm excited to see B.A.P on Weekly Idol~ <3




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updated! Wahh, I'm starting to update more frequently (well... not really) but its still better than nothing. otl


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Chapter 27: OMG!!!! L.JOE!!!!!! Get away from her!!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! YAH Jung DAEHYUN!!! WHere are you?!!!! ><
OMG!!! Daehyun you should be there!!! ==
btw, thanks for updating hehe I like it ! ^O^ ==
Chapter 27: yay! an update ^^
Mrs_Chang_Hyun #5
Chapter 26: YAY!!!!! FINALLY U UPDATE!!! >_<
THANKS!!! and I also Forgive you hehe :D
Chapter 26: Thanks for the Update!!!!!
Oh And By The Way...I Forgive you author-nim <3 <3 <3
OMG!!! author-nim!!! X( When are you going to update again?! huhuhu i have been waiting for likemonths... huhuhu X(
Chapter 25: UPDATEEEEEE DAEHYUNNIEEEEEEEE MAKE YO FIRST MOVE MAAN OR OR L.JOE FDKJAVJEABCHEJ BALLI!!! i dunno why i feel so happy when daehyun talks or when he tries to kiss Minhee.. MORE SKINSHIP >:D
Chapter 25: oh~~~ PLS update soon!!! author-nim, i really love ur story its... CHINCHA DAEBAK!!!! HEhe :D XD >_<