Sometimes you need to fall before you can fly.

The story only I didn't know.

    I woke up with an immense head ache, not to mention my red arm.
I guess seeing Smash yesterday wasn't a nightmare.
I took a shower and changed into something that would cover my red arm.

    "Unnie, unnie.." I walked downstairs, seeing a note on couch. I went over to it and picked it up.

Pabo dongsaeng~ I'll be back, I went to go buy Aj some food since I forgot to buy some yesterday. Also, I might eat out with Nicole, so don't wait for me. There's some money in your purse, so go out and eat or cook. It's whatever you want~!  - The most awesome Unnie ever, Park Sunmi^^

    "Aj, kaja~ You're so slow." I sighed as I walked Aj at the nearby park. He kept on smelling every tree we passed by, occasionally stopping to mark his territory. "Ahhh, jinjja? I'm so hungry, might as well get an ice cream before breakfast." I smiled and walked to the ice cream shop. I tied Aj to the nearest pole and made my way inside, ordering my vanilla ice cream.
"Here you go ma'am." The employee said as she gave me my ice cream. I thanked her and paid for it, walking outside to go get Aj. He was sitting down, looking at all the cars and people passing by.
"Aj~Let's go home." I smiled as I untied him and walked back to our house, but still occasionally stopping so he could mark his territory.
    As I walked back home someone tapped my back, I quickly turned, thinking it might be Smash, but to my surprise it wasn't.
"Long time no see, eh?" She smiled at me, "Oh, is that your puppy?" She asked, bending down to pet Aj.
I smiled, "Ah, Eunso-ah annyeong~. His name is Aj."
"Looks like you've been good," She chuckled. "So what are you doing?"
"Oh, I was just taking Aj out for a walk and I was craving ice cream, so I got some." I said, my ice cream. "Have you eaten?" I asked her.
She shook her head, "Ani. I was just about to go to a cafe and eat. Want to come?"
"Neh~but let's go take Aj first, eung?" I asked her, walking ahead of her. She nodded and trailed after me, following me to my house.

    "Here are your two cappuccinos and bagels." The waiter smiled, setting our order on the table. He winked at me as he left, leaving me in a slight daze.
"Looks like someone has an admirer." Eunso joked. She looked at her bagel, then at mine. "Sheesh, you're lucky." She pouted.
I raised a brow, "Wae?"
"That's why," She said, pointing at my bagel. "You see how perfect it is, and then look at mine, it's all wrinkly." She made a face, showing me her old bagel. "But food is food," She smiled, taking a bite of her bagel.
I smiled as I took a sip of my cappuccino, slightly burning my tounge. "Ahh, this is hot."
"Of course it is," Eunso laughed, handing me over a napkin. I smiled at took it, wiping off my mouth.

L.Joe's P.O.V.

    "Oppa, isn't that Sunmi unnie with...that one guy from B.A.P.?" Chohee asked as we stepped into a store at the mall. I squinted my eyes, trying to clearly see if it was her or not. "What was his name? Oh yeah, Yongguk-ssi."
"Oh, it's not them. Stop imagining things pabo," I patted her head and walked ahead of her. I went near the jewelry section, which was close to the supposedly Sunmi and Yongguk.
Chohee smirked and came next to me, whispering, "Oh, so you're a spy now?"
"Shh, I'm not sure if it's them. Let's just- Oh crap. It is them." I stopped in my tracks when I saw him smiling at her while she had a silly hat on.
"Jinjja?" Chohee smiled, but her smiled faded once she turned to me again. "But doesn't Cap Oppa like her?"
I sighed, "I think, but he says he doesn't. Arg, molla. He's just too confusing."
"Mm, so what about going to say hi?" She asked, taking a step closer to them, but I pulled her back into a hug. Sunmi immediatley turned around at the sound of Chohee's scream, but I covered and pulled her into a clothes rack. "Oppa!" She whined. "I was just going to-"
"She might think we're stalking her. You know how Sunmi noona is." I cutt her off, slightly scolding her. She puffed out her cheeks and got out of my embrace, getting out of the clothes rack. "Chohee-ah" I whispered, getting out of the clothes rack. I found her, but stopped in my tracks seeing Sunmi giving me the what-the-hell-are-you-doing look. I mentally face palmed myself, glaring at the sheepishly smiling Chohee next to me.
"Mianhae oppa, I guess she heard me scream." She apologized. I sighed and pinched her arm, earning a smack in the arm myself from Sunmi.
"Never hit a lady, L.Joe." Sunmi frowned, "By the way, what are you guys doing here?"
Chohee chuckled, "We're here to buy some stuff unnie, of course."
"Nooo, we're here to hunt elephants." I whispered, earning another smack from Sunmi. "Yah! What's up with all the smacking?" I pouted, rubbing my arm.
"Well I wouldn't have to smack you if you weren't such a smart , you remind me of Minhee." She sighed, her smile then returning at the name of her sister. "Speaking of Minhee, I wonder where she is?"
Yongguk put his arm around Sunmi's shoulder, "Let's go check on her, didn't you say she was home..alone?"
"Neh~ I bet someone's with her though." She winked as Yongguk chuckled. "We'll see you two love birds around." She smiled, waving at us as she left with Yongguk.
"Ooooohh.." Chohee said as they left. "Seems like he's better than Cap oppa." She frowned.
I patted her head, "Oh don't worry, they're just friends.." I smiled at her, taking her to the instruments sections. I wanted to check out the pianos.

Minhee's P.OV.

    "It's getting dark, so I'll see you around. I need to go and check up on my mom." Eunso sighed as she checked her phone.
"What time is it?" I asked as I walked around the park with her.
She pursed her lips, "10 p.m."
"Ahh, well I'll see you around." I smiled at her. She nodded and waved at me, walking off to the opppsite direction. I inhaled a huge pack of air and exhaled, looking off into the distance. 2 more hours..

    As I got home, I heard laughter in the house. I opened the gate, stepping into the lawn. As I was going to open the door, it flew open, revealing Yongguk.
"Minhee-ah," He smiled, patting my shoulder. "Nice to see you, now if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving." He said, getting past me. "Goodnight."
I nodded and smiled at him, "Goodnight."
"Pabo-ah~" Sunmi yelled from inside.
"Shhh, stop yelling." I scolded her, closing the door behind me. "The neighbors might get mad."
"No they won't," She smiled, motioning me to her. I went over to her, sitting on the couch beside her.
"What do you want?" I asked, looking at the t.v.
"Guess what?" She asked as she turned the t.v off.
I pouted and turned to her, "Why'd you turn it off? Won Bin was on."
"So you could pay attention to me," She frowned. "Plus you can see him later, this is something VERY important." She said, emphasizing the word 'very'.
"Ara, ara. What is it?" I said, turning around to face her. She grinned, a grin that could only mean one thing. "Nooo?" I gasped. "You two are-"
"Aniya~ not yet. He just asked me out for a date." She squeeled.
I smiled, hugging her. "Omo~ That's just great! I hope you two have an awesome date, when is it?"
"Saturday night," She squeeled again. "I need to go buy a new outfit."
"But any dress you have now would look fine-"
"Don't lie, I need a new one." She said, getting up. "Well I'll see you tomorrow, it's late and I need some sleep. I work tomorrow."
I stood up from the couch, "Work?"
"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you." She stopped, turning back to look at me. "I'm working, you know our parents inheritance is for college. So I decided to work, Yongguk got me a job at the mall in this instrument store."
"Jinjja?" I walked to her, "Where at? Do they have pianos? Talking about pianos, when is mine arriving?" I questioned her non-stop.
She held her hands out, "Calm yourself Minnie, and yes it does. I'll show you tomorrow where it's at and on Tuesday, so tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to dreamland." She winked, going upstairs to her room.
I sighed, sitting back down on the couch. I turned the tv on, checking the time and it read 11:56 p.m. "Guess I should get going," I said to myself, getting up to turn off all the lights. I quickly made my way up to my room, putting pillows on my bed, then covering them with my sheets. "Old trick, but oh well." I then quietly exited my room, walking downstairs to the room. I picked up my phone from the couch, "Just in case."

    As I walked down the dark sidewalk, making my way to the nearby park, my heart was literally pounding out of my chest. I was scared that it would just jump out, killing me even before I got to the park. I walked over to the swings, sitting down on one. I swung slowly and quietly, just so I could hear when Smash was coming. Then I heard footsteps, making me gulp and slowly turn around.
"And look," Hyunjun said as he came closer to me. "She really did come."
"Just get this over with, why did you want me here?" I spat, trying not to show the fear I had.
"Right," Minkyu smirked, putting a lollipop in his mouth. "We asked you to come to talk about Hero."
I squinted my eyes, "Wae? Minsoo-"
"You killed him, that's why. And us, as his hyungs must avenge him." Youngsuk glared at me, sending chills down my spine.
I sighed, fidgetting with the sleaves of my sweater. "But I didn't-"
"Stop acting Minnie," Jungsoo spat out, coming closer to me. He swiftly took ahold of my shoulder, facing me towards him. "Revenge is the one and only thing we want. So if you're too stupid to not realize what we mean by revenge, I'll tell you." He said, shaking me. "You. We have to-"
"M-Me?" I stuttered, looking up at him with a confused look.
"Yes you," Youngsuk said, coming near my left side. He put an arm around my shoulder, causing Jungsoo to release his grip on me. "We will just simply make you feel what he felt when you killed him, but don't worry. We won't kill you," He chuckled, his arm squeezing my neck. "Maybe."
"L-Let me go," I managed to choke out, squirming under his grip.
Minkyu came closer to me as well, taking his lollipop out. He smirked and plastered the sticky lollipop all over my face, including my hair. "Didn't you used to say you loved candy?" He then left the lollipop stuck on my hair. "Looking good Minnie."

    As they tortured me more and more, also hitting me, I cried. I cried not only of being abused but of not being able to stand up for myself, If only they did this before, they'd be dead. But unfortunatley no, they were doing it now. Now that I'm weak and useless, yes, I'm just a useless nobody. I coughed, blood oozing out of my mouth.
"Guys, I think that's enough." I heard Hyunjun say. He pulled on my hair, dropping my head to the dirt floor. "I'm sure this'll teach you not to come near us, or ever kill any of our friends."
"Hyung, I think we should go." I heard Jungsoo say. My vision became blurry, not only from tears but from fatigue and exhaustion. "Hyung!"
"Just- You better not come near us again, or else..or else something bad will happen. Something as bad as not ever seeing daylight anymore Minnie. You hear me?" Hyunjun yelled, kicking dirt in my face.
"Kaja guys," I heard Minkyu's voice last before I passed out, completely toasted from all the beating I had received.

Sunmi's P.O.V.

    I really couldn't sleep since the date on Saturday had me all giddy. I went downstairs to get a drink, but when I was walking down the corridor, I decided to check on Minhee. Let's see how this pabo dongsaeng is doing. I walked in her room quietly, trying not to wake her. Hmmm, something's different. I pondered, looking around her room. I then noticed her pajamas on her nightstand, and the bulge on her bed was too big for a petite girl her size. I walked closer, slowly pulling off her covers, gasping when I saw only her pillows. I then quickly ran to my room, unplugging my phone from the charger. I quickly dialed her number, "Pick up, pick up...pabo where'd you go?" I mumbled to myself.
"Annyeonghaseyo~ Park Minhee here! I'm sorry I can't pick up right now, but do leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible~! Ppyong!" Her voicemail said, I cursed under my breath and hung up.
"Is she really playing this game?" I asked myself. " she hurt? Nooo, please be okay pabo. I just have this feeling that something happened." I mumbled to myself, walking downstairs. I got my jacket from the rack and walked out of the house, searching for Minhee.

    As I walked deeper into the darkness, I sighed, my heart beat accelerating. "Aigoo. Pabo, where are you?" I then reached the park, seeing a man kneeled down while looking at someone on the ground. I have no idea, but I suddenly felt a pull telling me to go near them. And as I came closer to them, tears began to form. "M-Minhee!" I yelled, running towards her.
The ahjussi then stood up, "Do you know her? I found her laying on the ground, I called the ambulance already. All I was able to see were some figures walk away as soon as I reached her, I'm sorry for not doing anything to help." He bowed, putting his phone away into his pocket.
"Aniya, i-it's okay." I stuttered, cradling Minhee in my arms. "I-I'm-"
"Gwaenchana," The ahjussi smiled, pointing over to the ambulance that had just arrived. "It'll all be all right, just believe." He patted my back, walking away, dissapearing into the darkness and I mean literally dissapearing into the darkness. He just walked away and poofed himself out.
I rubbed my eyes, I must be imagining things...but wait, come to think about that ahjussi really looked like-
"Wheel it in, looks like she's in a bad condition." One of the ambulance doctor said, taking me out of my thoughts. He then came along with two other guys, lifting Minhee up away from me and putting her on the bed, then they wheeled her off.
"Coming with us ma'am?" The doctor asked, holding his hand out. I slowly nodded, taking his hand. He then walked me over to the ambulance, helping me get on. I then sat down next to Minhee, seeing her like this breaks my heart.
What happened to you?

    It's been three hours, and Minhee hasn't waken up. The nurses come in and out, checking up on her every once in a while. I sighed, looking over at her unmoving figure. "Minhee-ah, you just keep getting hurt more and more. What have you even done to deserve this? Nothing but be kind, yet you get treated like this.." I said, holding her cold hand and motionless hand.
    I woke up when I heard my phone's ringtone.
"Yeobuseyo?" I answered without even checking the caller i.d.
"Sunmi-ah, why aren't you at work?" Yongguk asked in a concerned voice.
I rubbed my eyes, "H-How do you know?"
"I work at the store next door, so I came to check up on you, but the ahjumma told me you never came."
"Jinjja? W-What time is it? I-I've just..." I stuttered, trailing off as soon as I stared at the sleeping Minhee next to me.
Yongguk sighed from the other side of the line, "It's 9 a.m and busy with wha-"
"Yongguk..." I said, cutting him off. "Minhee..Minhee, she.."
"What's wrong with her?" Yongguk asked, raising his voice a little.
"I'm at the hospital, yesterday she-"
"Mwoh?" He cut me off, practically yelling through the phone. "I-Is she fine? What happened? N-Never mind, I'm on my way." He said before he hung up.
I put my phone down as a tear fell, I'm glad you at least have people who care for you, Minhee. I weakly smiled, remembering the worriness in Yongguk's voice.

Daehyun's P.O.V.

    I groaned, reaching over to my nightsand to get pick up my ringing phone. I sleepily looked at the caller i.d, What does he want? I thought to myself before picking up, "Yeobuseyo?"
"Daehyun?" Yongguk asked as soon as I answered.
"Mm, yeah. That's who you called, no?"
"Aish, just get ready. I'm coming to pick you up for something." He replied.
I rubbed my half open-half closed eyes, "Are you kidding me hyung? It's like 6 a.m, wh-"
"Daehyun, it's 9 not 6." He sighed, "Just get ready. We're going to the hospital."
"Same thing- Wait, hospital? Wae?" I asked, fully opening my eyes.
I heard him heavily sigh, "Just- I-I'll tell you when I get home. Get ready, eung?"
"Neh hyung, see you." I replied, hanging up. "His voice was serious, he wasn't playing...but who could be at the hospital?" I rubbed my head, getting up to take a quick shower before Yongguk comes.

    "WHAT?" I yelled once I heard what Yongguk just said. "Why? What happened? Is she allright? When did this happen?" I bombarded him with questions.
"Calm down Daehyun, you'll wake the rest." Yongguk scolded me, "Now let's go." I nodded and ran to the door like lighting.

    Minhee-ah, please be okay. I sighed, laying my head back on the car seat as Yongguk drove.

Minhee's P.O.V.

    I slowly opened my eyes, seeing Sunmi's burry figure.
"U-Unnie?" I called out. "W-Where am I?"
"Minnie? Y-You're up?" She asked, her hands immediatley ahold of mine.
I winced form the pain while I tried to sit up, "A-Ahh, apa."
"Don't force yourself to get up, just lay down. And you'r at the hospital." She said, laying me back down. I looked up to see her face, automtically noticing her sad eyes, not to mention her dried tears.
"Mianhae," I weakly smiled. "I'm always worry-"
"Pabo~" She softly wacked my head, "You're my little sister, of course you'll always make me worried, but it's not your fault." She smiled.
"Ani, now tell me what happened?" She asked, looking at me with a stern look.
I puffed out my cheeks, ready to tell her when all of a sudden the door flew open.
"Minhee!" Daehyun yelled as he came over to me, "Gwaenchana?"
"Aish, Daehyun! Sorry, he uhh..ran all the way up here and I couldn't catch up." Yongguk smiled, taking in a big breath, then walking over to me. "Gwaenchana?" He asked as he put a hand on my head.
I smiled, looking at both of them, "Neh, nan gwaenchana, gomawo for coming."
"Why would I not come?" Daehyun asked as he gave me a look, "I was worried something bad happened, and well seeing your smile just reassures me that you're fine."
Yongguk chuckled and patted my head, whispering, "I'm going to go talk to Sunmi. I'll leave you two, and I'm glad you're okay Minhee." I nodded and he smiled, leaving to go sit next to Sunmi at the other end of the room.

    "So what happened?" Daehyun asked as he sat on a chair next to my bed.
I froze, Should I tell him?...
"Minhee," He called out. I turned to him and smiled, carressing his hand in mine.
"Nothing happened, just-"
Daehyun frowned, cutting me off, "What do you mean nothing happened? You're all beaten up, seems like someone jumped you."
"T-That I can't say." I sighed, "But all I can say is sometimes you need to fall before you can fly."
He gave me a puzzled look, "What do you mean?"
"I fell, but it was a good thing that this happened. I-I was taught a good lesson."
"What lesson?" He furrowed his eyebrows.
"The lesson of not being worthless. Yes, I admit that I was beaten up, but it taught me that I shouldn't let that happen again, and that next time I should defend myself. I know I'm sort of weak...especially with them since I really cared for them before, but that's in the past." I weakly smiled, still holding onto his hand.
"Who's they? You knew them? W-"
"Neh, I do..well at least I thought I did, I guess time passes and people change, eh?" I sourly chuckled, "But the lesson is learned, no need to worry~" I squeezed his hand, smiling up at him.
"Mmm, you know when you say No need to worry , that's when people worry the most, but I'll trust you. Falling before you fly, ahh?" He smiled, "You're always full of good quotes." He softly ruffled my hair.
"Why of course," I joked, looking over at Sunmi and Yongguk. "I've actually never seen Unnie so happy before." I said pointing at Sunmi and Yongguk.
Daehyun smiled, looking at them. "Same with hyung, he's usually cold, but people change..especially when they meet someone new." He smiled, looking back at me when he said the last 6 words.
"Right," I smiled up at him, eyes sparkling with happiness.

Daehyun's P.O.V.

    It was at least 4 p.m when Minhee fell asleep while we watched a K-Drama on television. I smiled as I looked at her, seeing her sleeping figure. It just brought me happiness for no reason, I then looked over at Yongguk and Sunmi. They were still really into the drama, especially hyung. His eyes were watery, ready to cry while he sipped on his drink. Sunmi on the other hand was smiling, snuggled into Yongguk's chest, for he had his arm around her.

Sometimes you need to fall before you can fly.

I heard Minhee's voice in my head. I smiled, turning back to look at her, but my eyes widened. She was the exact image of Sungah or Yunah, or whichever one it was. She opened her chocolate colored eyes and smiled at me, that warm smile I found so attractive and beautiful.
"Daehyun-ah, what's wrong? You look so surprised." She said while looking at me with sad eyes. "Oppa don't be sad, I'm here. I'll always be here."
"S-Sungah?" I stuttered, rubbing my eyes. "Why?" I asked as her figure faded, turning back into Minhee.
"Daehyun! Yo Daehyun?" Yongguk called me as I shook my head, turning around to face him. "You okay? I uhh, I heard you say something?"
"Oh, I was just talking to Minhee, but she uhh, fell asleep." I faked a smile, he nodded and continued watching the drama with a sleeping Sunmi on his chest.

What the hell just happened? I asked myself, looking at Minhee. Sometimes you need to fall before you can fly, so how exactly do I fall to fly? Minhee-ah,?





Updated ~~~

Anyways, please subscribe and comment.

I really appreciate the comments. ^^

But.........anyways, I can't wait 'till 2NE1's comeback~

I adore Dara's hair!

Also, check out my new Daehyun ff, it's about ninjas ;D

Killing you was a command.

Click on it ^^

Much Love,      

Lee Juliet~

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updated! Wahh, I'm starting to update more frequently (well... not really) but its still better than nothing. otl


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Chapter 27: OMG!!!! L.JOE!!!!!! Get away from her!!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! YAH Jung DAEHYUN!!! WHere are you?!!!! ><
OMG!!! Daehyun you should be there!!! ==
btw, thanks for updating hehe I like it ! ^O^ ==
Chapter 27: yay! an update ^^
Mrs_Chang_Hyun #5
Chapter 26: YAY!!!!! FINALLY U UPDATE!!! >_<
THANKS!!! and I also Forgive you hehe :D
Chapter 26: Thanks for the Update!!!!!
Oh And By The Way...I Forgive you author-nim <3 <3 <3
OMG!!! author-nim!!! X( When are you going to update again?! huhuhu i have been waiting for likemonths... huhuhu X(
Chapter 25: UPDATEEEEEE DAEHYUNNIEEEEEEEE MAKE YO FIRST MOVE MAAN OR OR L.JOE FDKJAVJEABCHEJ BALLI!!! i dunno why i feel so happy when daehyun talks or when he tries to kiss Minhee.. MORE SKINSHIP >:D
Chapter 25: oh~~~ PLS update soon!!! author-nim, i really love ur story its... CHINCHA DAEBAK!!!! HEhe :D XD >_<