Mission 1, complete!

Please dump me! It's a bet

Shin's P.O.V

A bunch of butterflies flew in my stomach on my way to the date. Even though I knew it wasn't a "real" date I still had that nervous and exited feeling that I have before dates. 

I sat on the bench in the park where we had planned out meeting. He hadn't showed up yet. Suddenly a pair of warm hands covered my hands.

"Oh! Jeremy!" I joked. He removed his hands. "What!?" 

I laughed. "You're waay to easy to fool!" I said. He made a cute pout that maked him looked even more cute.

"You look really nice" Jonghyun complimented me. I made a quick spin.

"All for you!" I smiled. I felt really relaxed in his company. Our casual and joking conversations made me relax.

"So what have you planned for today?" I asked him. He suddenly looked a bit guilty.

"Well... I heard girls loves spontanius dates?" He asked me and looked at me full of hope.

I couldn't help but chuckle of his sillyness. "You've read that in a girl magazine right?" I asked him.

He widened his eyes as I just figured out how to stop all wars. "How did you know that?" He asked confused.

"I'm just born brave" I said. 

"So where do you wanna go?" He asked me. I looked around in the neighbourhood. I didn't knew the hood and didn't have any suggestions. "Up to you" I smiled.

"Okay..." He looked around so did I. "Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Ehh.." I was about to be polite when my stomach interrupted me. *Ggrgrnjvk* (sound of a stomach growling;)) 

Jonghyun laughed. "That's also a sort of an answer" He smiled. 

"I know this restaurant some street from here. We can go there if you want to?" Jonghyun asked me. 

I nodded and smiled. Jonghyun grabbed  my hand and we walked through the streets together. The heet got to my cheeks when I felt his hand in mine. 

This was going so fast. Yet it felt really natural. 

Jonghyun talked about the restaurant on the way. I tried to listen but mostly focused on his hand in mine. He noticed my starring. 

"Oh, is it okay?" He asked and was about to let go. "Oh no! Don't let go!" I broke out. Jonghyun smirked and grabbed my hand again.

"Easy now. You're really that crazy about me?" He joked. My cheeks turned red. "Oh you're blushing now, too?" He smirked. 

"No, I just.. Eh?" The words dissapeared in my mouth. Jonghyun chuckled.

"So we're here" He said and pulled the door to open  it. Unfortunately the door stayed where it were. Jonghyun kept pulling the door. It was obviously locked.

"Jonghyun, I think it's locked?" I carefully suggested. Jonghyun was just stubborn. "No it can't be closed" He denyed and kept pulling the door open.

I saw a sign on the door. "Jonghyun?" I asked. He didn't react and kept fighting with the locked door. "Jonghyun?"  I asked again. No response.

"Jonghyun!?" I shouted. Then he finally looked at me. I showed him the sign. "Closed" He read out loud.

I nodded. "But... This was my only idea. To be honest I don't know this neighbourhood" He said. 

"It's okay. Let's just walk around. We'll probaly find some food at one ponit, right?" I said optimstic. Jonghyun smiled at me. "Sure" He said and grabbed my hand again.

Unfortunately fate wasn't on our side. Every restaurant we passed had closed. Actually all the neighbourhood looked pretty closed down. Jonghyun got more and more frustrated as we passed the restaurants. 

"Aish! I'm such a fail" Jonghyun mumled. "No no! Let's just have a great time starving" I said forcing myself to stay optmistic. 

Jonghyun tried hard too but he couldn't hide his sighs when another restaurant passed. It had gotten dark by now and my stomach groweld every second minute. Jonghyun's stomach had started too and we maked sort of a quire of growls. 

"I don't think any restaurants is open. It must be a special day or something?" I said as we could see the end of the street. Jonghyun sighed. "I'm sorry about you have to get so hungry" He said. 

"Yeah, I'm wondering if you're some evil witch who is trying to starve me" I joked. "It's okay" I assured him afterwards.

A low sound of mexican music sounded a street away. "Listen" I said. "Who plays music now?" He wondered.

"Let's go" I said and tried to follow the music. When we turned down the street the sound came from they were gone. Insted there were a hot dog stand. (honestly I have no idea if they have theese in Korea, but just preetend then;))

"Weird. I was sure they were on this street" I wondered. Jonghyun kept looking at the hotdog stand. 

"i know this isn't so nice as I expected but... I'm really hungry---" Jonghyun excused. "Don't worry. we can eat here" I smiled.

Jonghyun's eyes lit up and his stomach growled in happiness. "Really!!?" 

"Sure!" I said. We went to the stand. A mexican looking man smiled at us. He clapped his hands together in happiness when he saw us.

"Custumers! And even a cute pair, I'm so happy! What can I do for you, sweetheart?" The very happy man asked us.

"Just two normal hotdogs, please" Jonghyun ordered. "Coming right up!" He smiled. He handed us our hot dogs. I led the hotdog to my mouth and just when I was abot to take I bite...:

"AMIGO! A-AMIGO! AMIGO!!!" Some voices shouted. The band from before jumped out from behind the stand with guitars and banjoes in their hands and played.

Jonghyun jumped in shock and his face was priceless. "Hahahahaha!" I laughed. 

"Not.Funny." Jonghyun grumbled. "NOT FUNNY. NOT FUNNY. NOT VERY FUNNY. NOT FUNNY AT AAAAAAAALL!!!" The band sang. I laughed and Jonghyun couldn't help but smile too. 

"This is the best dinner I had for years" I joked as I tasted the hot dog. "Yeah, me too!" Jonghyun agreed.

"ME TOO! ME, ME, ME, ME, ME TOOOO!" the chorus sang. "Oh gosh you're annoying!" Jonghyun complained.

"ANNOYIIIIIIING!" they sang. "Okay, please stop now" I asked them. "NOW NOW NOW STOP NOW!" they kept on singing.

"Please?" I begged. "PREEETTY PRETTY PLEASE!" 

"Aish! Enough! stop it!" Jonghyun demanded. "STOP STOP! PLEAE JUST STOP!" They sang. Jonghyun sighed annoyed.

"Come on, we'll just go" I whispered. Jonghyun nodded and we walked away. "Finally silence" I sighed. 

"SILENCE IS JUST A WORD!" They sang. We turned around and there they were again. All foolishly happy with their big mexican hats.

"Are you still here?" Jonghyun sighed. "I'LL BE THERE FOR YOOU!" they sang

"Ok, do you want money?" Jonghyun asked. "MONEY IS JUST PAPER!" 

"1,2,3 run!" I whispered to Jonghyun. He grabbed my hand and we escaped we tried to escape the  mexican men. 

Suprisingly the slightly overweigth mexicans ran really fast. They kept up with us while they sang and played on their guitars.


"How do we ever escape  from them?" Jonghyun tried to breathed. 

"Just-- Keep---running" I breathed. 

We ended up running back to the park where we started. We sat down on the bench. 

"Hey, did they go?" I asked as I noticed there were silent for once. 

"I think so" Jonghyun asked. Then I bursted out laughing. I practically rollled on the floor laughing. Jonghyun looked at I was insane.

"What's so funny?" He asked. 

"It just that it seemed like you had planned this date totally out but still tried to convince me that it was spontanious. Then all of your idea failed. We ended up eating at a hotdog stand and being chaced my mexicans" I laughed. 

Jonghyun looked at me for a pair of seconds. Then a smile appeared on his lips. The smile turned into a laugh. We just sat on the bench luaghing together. Not really knowing what we laughed of.

When our laughed slowly ended I turned to Jonghyun. "Thanks for a wonderfull date. I had fun today" I said.

"I had fun to" Jonghyun said. "I really like you" He confessed. I smiled. "I like you too" I said.

Jonghyun's face came closer to mine. I could feel his warm breath on my skin. Just before he touched my lips he asked: "Can I?" 

Insted of answering I leant in and met his soft silky lips. When our lips finally touched we got interrupted:

"KISS KISS KISS!!!" The mexican band sang and appeared behind our bench. I laughed.

Someway Jonghyun and I ended up singing along to the mexicans song.

The people that passed us looked at us as we were insane. Two young people crazily singing along to some middleaged mexicans.

*Mission 1 complete* I thought while I looked at Jonghyun. There were only one neck to it.

I hadn't thought of the bet a sincle time since I met up with Jonghyun.


The fun will start in the next chapter! :D Btw no offense if there are any mexicans who read this. It's only this band who are this silly! :)

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Chapter 28: is so nice story !!!!
Chapter 28: Usually a character who's doing a bet on a fanfic is a common thing..., but yours is really unique because not only Shin, but Jonghyun's also doing a bet! I totally love this story and I love the ending! As much as I hate Kwan and Siwan, I'm happy both of them end up happily too:) thank u for making a beautiful story!♡
IsuelMaya #3
Chapter 28: just love it.... it shows how romantic kim jonghyun is......
Loved the story~!!!
I'm probably really late but... New reader here~ I was browsing though one of the graphic shops posters and yours popped up- I thought it was interesting and here I am:)
Chapter 4: Hahahahhahahahahahaa!! I just can't stop laughing
poor Jonghyun, Shin is so rude~
IM dieing of laughter right now LOVING THE STORY SO FAR :))))
darkangel11421 #8
finished reading and i have to say this- this is the ONLY story that wasn't a /yaio that i actually enjoyed... i mean i am a jongkey and 2min shipper and this was different.... in all the good way :D LOVED it !! :D
darkangel11421 #9
omg... you noe the name Jae-Hwa.... i read it on wattpad (a stories website) too , but there it was a girl,..... so i got a bit confused :P it's a popular name i guess :P