Dancing queen

Please dump me! It's a bet


No one’s P.O.V

Jonghyun and Shin entered the giant apartment where the party was held. It was completely modern, only the richest could afford something like that. People like Kwan.

The apartment were crowded with people. The already half-drunk people pushed to each other. Some were already started to fight other’s dancing on the table. People were randomly making out with the person next to them, the gender didn’t matter. And it was only 8pm.

Then the brilliant thought hit Jonghyun. There was a good chance that Kwan might not find them in the chaos, especially if he took Shin to the middle of the dance floor. If Jonghyun just left Shin or a minute or so and talked to Kwan, then there was no risk Shin found out about the bet.

Jonghyun’s bad mood disappeared and he grabbed Shin’s hand. “Let’s go to dancing”, he said. “You, without any sort of compulsion, suggest us to dance?” Shin asked and raised her brows.

Jonghyun shrugged his shoulders and smiled cockily. “What can I say? I have improved”, He lied. Because he indeed hadn’t improved.

Shin forced Jonghyun to show off his new moves. He started out in the small but as more and more people looked at him, he took it as a sign to go wilder. The people around him started to cheer. Jonghyun thought he did awesome. He did not notice that the people were laughing of him.

“Let’s not embarrass ourselves more tonight, arrosso?” Shin stopped Jonghyun by placing a hand on his shoulders. Jonghyun furrowed his eyebrows and eyed the cheering crowd.

“No, Jonghyun, just no”, Shin said. Jonghyun was about to protest more but the music changed from fast to a slow love song. Shin was saved by the music. Jonghyun picked up what was left of his dignity and turned to Shin.

“May I ask this very fine lady for a dance?” He formally asked and offered Shin his hand. Shin giggled and nodded. “Yes, the very fine man may”, she responded.

 Jonghyun smiled and placed his hands around Shin’s waist. Shin and Jonghyun slowly started to follow the music and soon they danced a simple but nice dance. Shin noticed that Jonghyun often looked around as he was looking for someone but Shin assumed that he may have known someone at the party. Maybe he wanted to talk with them?

“Are you looking for someone particular?” she asked Jonghyun. “Huh?” Jonghyun said and finally turned his head to me. Shin chuckled a bit of his confused expression.

“You know, you’re not a very present dance partner”, Shin commented. “Sorry, I’ll pull myself together now”, Jonghyun promised but his head was still turned 180 degrees around. Shin just shook her head and laughed a bit.

But it didn’t last long before Jonghyun’s missing attention got consequences. Jonghyun tripped over his own feet and caused Shin to fall too. Jonghyun caught Shin right before her face kissed the floor. Shin looked up and noticed how close their faces just got.

Jonghyun could easily smell Shin’s sweet breath. Her brown eyes stared right into Jonghyun’s. Jonghyun was aware of that it was cliché, but in that moment he felt like he could drown in Shin’s eyes.

Shin’s slender fingers gently drew up Jonghyun’s jawline. After Shin’s opinion that was one of the most attractive things about Jonghyun. That and his big puppy eyes… And his soft hair, his laughter, his warm smile, his body and oh well… She could go on forever.

Jonghyun’s face came nearer Shin’s and their lips met in a kiss. Jonghyun’s lips quickly touched Shin’s. Shin didn’t seem to have had enough yet and her hand pulled Jonghyun’s face towards hers once more.

Jonghyun’s hand ran through Shin’s light brown hair. Jonghyun loved Shin’s new look. Not that she wasn’t absolute gorgeous before. Now she just seemed even more beautiful, if possible. Her black hair didn’t blend in with the rest anymore because now, she was an exception. Even more boys were going to envy Jonghyun and Jonghyun liked that thought.

Their kisses got more and more intense and their tongues started to dance. Finally they parted, Jonghyun with a small smile.

“I really like you Shin”, he whispered in her ear. By his warm breath, Shin instantly wanted more of him but she knew that wasn’t appropriate at a place like this. But if they were alone right now, Shin knew exactly what she would have done with Jonghyun. She would have touched his body, kissed his neckline, she would have…

Shin’s eyes became foggy by her dreaming and Jonghyun waved a hand in front of her face. “Calling Shin, back to earth”, Jonghyun chuckled. She looked rather cute like that, in a complete other universe.

Shin blushed in embarrassment, when she realized what just happened.  She had actually just stood right in front of Jonghyun, fantasying about him. Almost like he wasn’t hers.

But luckily he was.

The music got faster again and Shin and Jonghyun danced faster. This time Jonghyun didn’t go crazy like before but danced a silly dance together with Shin. They were having so much fun that they didn’t notice the several numbers changing.

Their dance was interrupted by a text on Jonghyun’s phone. “I can see you. If you don’t want your little chick to know, meet me at the bar and tell your to stay right where she are. If she moves, she will know”, Kwan had texted Jonghyun.

Jonghyun took a quick glance at Shin and the bar. It wasn’t that far away and he could see Shin all the time form the bar. Nothing bad could happen.

“Shin, I’m just going to get us some drinks”, Jonghyun said. “I’ll go with you”, Shin smiled. Jonghyun shook his head. “It’ll only take a minute. Just stay right here, okay?” Jonghyun said and disappeared into the crowd.

“Well hello Mr. Jonghyun”, Kwan sang in a mocking tone when Jonghyun reached the bar. Jonghyun ignored Kwan’s comment and scowled at him.

“I brought the girl, as you told me to. She’s in love with me. Happy?” Jonghyun growled. Kwan acted a little, even though he knew how much Shin loved Jonghyun. He pretended to study Shin intensely.

“If she is so in love with you, who is that guy talking to her now? They don’t seem like strangers”, Kwan looked at Jonghyun with raised brows.

“What the hell are you-“ Jonghyun stopped his sentence. True enough, a familiar guy was now talking to Shin. Simon, to be more exact. Her ex.  

“Jonghyun, there is something you need to know about Shin”, Kwan said. This time his face wasn’t joking and he stared right into Jonghyun’s eyes.

“So, you are still together, huh?” Simon asked Shin even though the answer was pretty obvious. Shin nodded, still a little confused of Simon’s presence.

“Shin, I only say this because I care about you but, there is something you need to know about Jonghyun”, Simon said.


I’m counting on one more update tomorrow before I leave for Italy (only maybe. I'll try) That means I won’t be updating for more than two weeks. Please have patience with me ;) See you then, guys <3

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Chapter 28: is so nice story !!!!
Chapter 28: Usually a character who's doing a bet on a fanfic is a common thing..., but yours is really unique because not only Shin, but Jonghyun's also doing a bet! I totally love this story and I love the ending! As much as I hate Kwan and Siwan, I'm happy both of them end up happily too:) thank u for making a beautiful story!♡
IsuelMaya #3
Chapter 28: just love it.... it shows how romantic kim jonghyun is......
Loved the story~!!!
I'm probably really late but... New reader here~ I was browsing though one of the graphic shops posters and yours popped up- I thought it was interesting and here I am:)
Chapter 4: Hahahahhahahahahahaa!! I just can't stop laughing
poor Jonghyun, Shin is so rude~
IM dieing of laughter right now LOVING THE STORY SO FAR :))))
darkangel11421 #8
finished reading and i have to say this- this is the ONLY story that wasn't a /yaio that i actually enjoyed... i mean i am a jongkey and 2min shipper and this was different.... in all the good way :D LOVED it !! :D
darkangel11421 #9
omg... you noe the name Jae-Hwa.... i read it on wattpad (a stories website) too , but there it was a girl,..... so i got a bit confused :P it's a popular name i guess :P