The End?

Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

There was a moment of panic.

"AHHH?! What? Oh my god, oh my god!!" Joon cries, running for the closet.

"W-what are you doing?!!"


"Oh! good!!"

Changmin takes a couple deep breaths.

If my parents find out I'm dating Joon...they'll...

Changmin shakes his head and runs over to the bed, straightening it, then spins around to joon. "h-how do I look?!!"

Joon bites his lip. "Amazing. Like always."

Min smiles at him letting out a shaky breath, but then the smile dies as there comes a knock on the door. he looks at the door then back at joon who sits down on the bed and grabs a book, looking nervous, his hands shaking.

Changmin walks over to the door, takes one last deep breath and then pulls it open.

"MINNIE!!" Changmin's mother throws her arms around Min. "how are you? I missed you so much!!" she gets a stern look on her face. "are you doing your homework? Do you have good grades? Where is your girlfriend?"

Changmin nods at his mother quickly."Y-yes mom my grades are fine...I-.." his father walks into the room cutting min off. "And this is the place we pay 600 a week for? disgraceful! it's no more than a closet! this school... ripping of their students!" mumbles angrily.

Joon laughs. "that's what I said.."

Changmin's mother looks at joon. "..Is this your roommate?"

"N-no mother! this is my... English partner." looks over at joon. "he came over to study."

relaxes. "Ah.. Nice to meet you. Joon."

Min's father looks joon up and down. "And who are you young man? Where is your family from?"

Joon stands up. "My name is Lee Joon. I am as previously stated before Changmin's English partner. My family is from...The rich part of Seoul. Very wealthy!"

Changmin's fathers eyes narrow and min swallows. "Very well Mr. long have you been attending here?"

Joon shrugs slightly. "About a month or so! Top of my class sir!"

Min's father looks at joon measuring him up. "Well..." he looks over at his son. "We were going to take you out to supper, you can bring your..." looks over at joon distastefully. "..english partner."

Changmin looks at his father and swallows again reading his intentions.

He's going to drill Joon. Oh God! My father can read people like an open book. We're never going to keep this secret!

"We have a car waiting down stairs" his father continues. "get some nice clothes on and meet us down there in 5 minutes."

Changmin's parents walk out of the room shutting the door behind them. they both wait a few seconds, then Joon  runs into Min's arms. "What are we going to do? I have to go to dinner with you ? What?" He hides his face in Min's shoulder.

Changmin hugs him back his hands shaking. "I-it will be fine..." he says almost to himself.

I don't want this to end! Please don't pull me away from him! I have to warn him!

He looks up at Joon. "But, joon you have to be careful...I..I know my father he only invited you to make sure you're not going to corrupt me...distract me from my studies." changmin pulls away from joon slightly. "Joon...if they figure out....I mean...that we're..." he starts blushing looking down, then looks back up meeting his eyes."..he'll pull me out of school..."

Joon's eyes open wide. "No!"

Changmin nods trying to stay calm. "they will..."

They'll probably hire a tutor...keep me at the windows..make sure I don't disgrace them further...

"That won't happen!" Joon goes to the closet that over the weeks has seemed to have a mixture of both their clothes in it and picks out two different ties and suit jackets. He slides it on and ties the tie around his neck before tossing the other two objects to Min. "Put it on so we can get this over with."

Joon bites his lip before running over and kissing Min hard on the mouth. He retreats and goes to organize his books by his temporary bed on the floor.

Min stares into space for a few more seconds holding the dress clothes in his hands the feeling of joon's lips still on his. then he shakes himself pulling off his shirt and replacing it with the one joon had handed him. he buttoned it up and pulled on the jacket straightening his tie. then looks over at joon not wanting to think that this might be there last moments together. He walks over to him touching him lightly on the shoulder.

He turns around to face Minnie. "Neh?"

Changmin smiles sadly and straightens joon's tie. then he looks him in the eye, and grabs the front of joon's shirt pulling him closer and onto his lips kissing him long and hard. not wanting to break away.

Joon groans a bit but pulls away. "later Minnie..I promise." he walks out of the room leaving changmin staring after him.

Min wanted to cry, he felt like a part of him was being pulled away from him. he looks down. 

Please don't let this be the end...

Then he takes a deep breath and follows him.

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D