Things That Interrupt Us

Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

-7 Week's Later-

Changmin lazily fiddles with his pen sitting in his room working on algebra homework. He picks up his phone checking the time and gasps.

Joon's going to be here any second to study!

He drops his phone back on the desk and rushes over to his closet stripping his shirt and pulling on a clean one. He then hurries over to his book-bag pulling out the book they're supposed to be studying (romeo and Juliet) as well as a notebook and pencil. He tosses them on the bed just as he hears joon knock on the door. Changmin walks to it, his heart beating fast despite himself. he unlocks the door and opens it slowly.

Joon was standing in the doorway a grin on his face. "hey there minnie." he ruffles min's hair.

Min smiles reaching up to straighten his hair. then grabs joon's hand with both of his own and pulls him inside, smiling. "come on in." 

Joon winces. "Easy!!" Changmin looks down at Joon's hands, the skin is all bruised up.

"Oh.." Changmin lets go quickly"...sorry."

Has he been fighting again...?

Min looks down, scratching his cheek.

"It's not your fault! I got into another fight..." Joon bites his lip.

Changmin looks up, worry clear in his face. " can't keep doing this to yourself." he says seriously.

"Whaaattt? Come on, it was only one night in the nurses office."

 "Joon!!" Min starts, then looks down.

Why does he have to do this to himself?

" just can't...." changmin swallows then walks over to him taking his bruised hand gently. "I just don't want to think about you getting hurt all the time." min looks up into joon's eyes.

Joon ‎smiles weakly. "hey.. It's all part of the image." his smile trembles. "my own room mate hates me..But if they found out I was poor and had to work in the nurses office for my tuition..I would die."

Changmin nods slowly, looking down.

Why doesn't he understand how much I worry about him? Every time he gets hurt...It's painful to see all the scares and bruises on him.

Joon kisses Min's hand. "Don't worry..."

changmin nods again, then looks up at joon smiling sadly. He squeses his hand careful not to hurt him. "Just be careful..." then he smiles. "We should really start on our work..." he leads him over to the bed.

Joon bites his lip. ""

Min ‎sits down on the bed letting go of joon's hand and reaches over for the romeo and Juliet book. "So where did we leave off?" he opens book on his lap.

"Romeo oh Romeo where for out thou Romeo. Deny thy father and refuse thy name or I shall ever be called a caplet." Joon says in very bad mocking English.

"Ahh! I see!" min laughs, then flips to that page and starts reading. "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?..." he continues reading for a time. "...What satisfaction canst thou have to-night? The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine." min stops and looks over at joon. "would you like a turn?"

Joon blushes terribly. "Noooo."

"Come on now!" Min smiles and places the book in Joon's lap. "You'll never get better until you try. I'll help you..."

Joon blushes. "I can't..I'm shy."

Changmin gives Joon one of those 'really joon. really...' faces then smiles again, laughing slightly. "I think we both know you're not..."

Joon smiles knowingly. "I just don't like English!!"

Min nods. "Well...maybe we can come back to this." he lays the book on the bed next to him then turns to joon taking his hand again.

Joon blushes and lightly squeezes Min's hand, making changmins heart beat fast.

 "so.." Min starts, blushing." were your classes today?" he finally says lamely.

Joon laughs. "they were okay...I had to show this kid who was boss..but I..." he pauses then continues slowly. "I was thinking about you a lot. Then I worked my shift at the nurses office. The usual.."

Min nods then looks down at their hands. "I...I really worry about you joon...I just...." his voice dies."....I....I really love you...just please...stay out of trouble" shyly looks away.

Joon nods blushing once more. "I will..I will." he brushes a piece of dirt off mins shirt.

"I'm serous joon..."

"Yah? Why?" Joon's hand moves to mins shoulder.

"I just don't want to see you bloodied and beat up!" takes a deep breath resting his hand on joon's. "Is that so much to ask?"

"No..I guess not."

Changmin smiles, tracing the side of Joon's face with a finger. "thank you.."

Joon smiles. "You're so welcome."

‎Changmin looks into joon's eyes and his heart starts beating fast, everything else dies away.

Even though he's such an idiot sometimes...he is still the best person I've ever dated. I've never felt this serous about anyone before.

Then Min notices that he's still caressing Joon's face, and pull away embarrassed.

Joon smiles shyly and takes mins hand in his. "you know how much you mean to me?" he pulls min onto his lap. "so so so so much." he holds min close to him and kisses him on the cheek.

min smiles back, a little startled at first by the change in joon, but yet, he liked it in a way. he blushes but slides his hand behind joon's neck bringing them closer and kisses him lightly on the lips eyes slowly closing. then he moves his hand into joon's hair pushing him forward slowly not breaking apart.

Joon exhales still kissing min. His hands moving behind min's waist, then sliding up the back his shirt.

min leans further forward pushing joon with him, pressing his lips further into joon's. their breaths becoming uneven and faster as they both fall onto the bed.

Joon smiles and kisses his jawline all the way back up to his lips, kissing them gently. Min smiles through the kiss his mind in a daze. he runs his hand up joon's chest until he reches his neck kissing him deeper. "Mm babe." Joon says pulling min down further on top of himself.

Min lets out a breath through the kiss then he hears his phone ringing. he jerks slightly, startled, eyes flashing open. he starts to pull away from joon but stops not wanting to leave him.

Joon sits up. "Answer it!!"

Min groans slightly, but on the inside he thanks joon for understanding. he sits up and reaches to the desk for his phone pulling it to him and answering it. "hello.."

"MINNIE!! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH BABY!!" changmin's mother cries through the phone. then he hears a muffeled noise and then another voice replaces hers. "Son it's your father. You mother talked me into taking you out for dinner." 

"and his girl friend too!" Min hears his mother yell in the background." then his father replaces her again. "We're outside the boys dorms now actually."

Min's eyes flash open wide. "U-..uh..yes..." Min says. his hand starts shaking as he listens to the phone.

"Yes and we can't seem to remember your blasted room number!" changmin's father seems pissed.

"m-my room number?" Min starts breathing hard. "it's 4 hundred and 67...I..." changmin jumps up away from joon his other hand straightening his hair and pulling his shirt back down.

oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!!

"Good we'll be up in a minute!" min's father interrupts.

"Okay...I'll...I'll see you then." Changmin hangs up and looks at joon in terror.

OH ! OH !! If they figure out I'm dating Joon...

Joon peers at him inquisitively. "what's wrong?"


"M-my parents!!" Min says, breathing hard his hand flying to his mouth. "th-there here...down stairs! there...there coming up! right now!" 

Joon's eyes go wide.

Oh we're screwed!

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D