
Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

Changmin wakes up the next morning feeling sick. So many thoughts are running through his mind that he thinks he'll go mad. and with each thought comes a different emotion all of them fighting for his attention. his head swims.

I'll just skip school today...I wont be lying if I say I don't feel well.

Changmin closes his eyes still laying on the bed, not moving. He bites his lip forcing down a wave of tears as his thoughts turn to Joon.

"What am I going to do...?" he says to himself, voice breaking.

He rolls over.

Oh God just let the feelings stop!! Please! Joon hates me, he doesn't want me...and...and he wont even tell me why! It's unhealthy to feel this way! I'm just killing myself by liking him! Please just make me hate him!! Please! please! I'll do anything just make it stop!!

Changmin puts his head in his pillow, a sob escaping his lips.

I don't want to do this anymore...I just shouldn't love people...never again. It hurts too much...

After a good 4 hours of trying to force himself into unconsciousness he gives up. he pushes himself up off of the bed and and puts on fresh clothes. He looks at his books, and sighs, turning away from them, deciding to skip all of his classes. he grabs his bag and swim suit and walks slowly to the pool, thinking a short swim would get his mind clear.

He passed many people in the halls, but thankfully no one talked to him.


Finally he reached the pool walking to the changing rooms. When he hears a scream and shouting coming from the pool.

Chorong?? Why is she yelling?

Changmin walks over hesitantly his bag over one shoulder. "What's...what's going on?"

"J-joon." she pushes Changmin slightly, guiding him to look at the pool. "H-he's..." she doesn't finish her sentence as she shouts again. "JOON!"

Changmin looks at the pool and his eyes grow wide. He can see someones hands splashing about frantically, their whole body below the water. "Joo-..." changmin's voice dies, a sharp pain shooting through his chest.


Then without thinking he drops drops his bag and runs the couple of steps to the water diving in, swimming toward Joon.

By the time he makes it to where Joon is he's already far beneath the water, not moving. Changmin takes a deep breath and dives under grabbing him and pulling him upward.

He breaks the surface, pulling Joon's face above the water with him. "Baby?!"

Joon doesn't move, his skin pale and discolored slightly.

Don't do this! Please!!

Changmin struggles to pull joon to the edge of the pool his weight pulling him down a couple of times, but he finally makes it. he pulls himself out of the water still clutching joon to keep him above, then he heaves him onto land after him, laying him flat on his back. "Joon! Joon!" he yells at him disparately leaning over him, water dripping from his hair onto joon's face. "Joon please wake up!!" His voice is choked.

Please no! Don't die! Please God no!!

Joon's eyes don't open.

Chorong crawls over, hyperventilating. "C-changmin!" She pushes min slightly to let go of him and turns Joon over on his stomach. "You have to let all the water out....he swallowed too much...."

Changmin's eyes fill with tears, a sob escaping his throat. "Oh, don't do this baby! Please don't do this!" he grabs joon and starts to hit his back, then he flips him over onto his stomach, pressing down on his chest again disparately trying to revive him.

I don't care if he hates me! Please just start breathing again! Please! Please I'm begging you, start breathing.

Changmin lets out another sob and leans down, pushing the hair out of his face. Then he presses his lips against Joon's forcing air into his lungs.

Please just comeback...

Joon coughs, his chest spamming. Water comes pouring out of his mouth and he sits up gasping.

changmin pulls away, breathing hard, worry still clear in his face and tears still in his eyes.

Joon looks around. "where am I?" then his voice dies and he collapses again.

Changmin catches him and lays him down gently, then he turns to Chorong.

"What happened?"

Chorong looks at him, trying to calm down. "I...he just..." she shakes her head starting to cry. "He was being a jerk and I pushed him in the pool. I didn't know he couldn't..." her voice dies and she puts her head in her hands.

changmin holds joon in his arms, starting to sob harder. then he looks up at chorong not even able to see her through his tears. "Just get help!! Please!!" then he looks back at joon hugging him close and rocks back and forth. he looks down and kisses him long on the lips, tears streaming out of his eyes.

Just wake up...that's all I want...just wake up.

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D