
Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

-Five Week Later-

Changmin walks into one of the school's small music studios and sits down at the piano. he reaches into his bag and pulls out some sheet music smiling down at it slightly. 

He'd worked very hard on writing this song. After he'd made up with Joon, changmin had wanted to make something for him. he'd thought long and hard and decided to write a song.

He practices it slowly. He wasn't very good at the piano one of his friends CL had been helping him with it.

After 2 hours of practice, he puts the papers in his folder and stands up closing the piano. He was going be late to eat dinner with Joon.

He shoves the folder in his bag then rushes out of the music studio, so excited to see Joon.


-2 Hours Later-

Changmin and Joon walk across campus to their dorm room, both holding hands.

"Thanks for eating with me." Min says happily.

Joon smiles back and kisses Min lightly on the cheek. "No thank you baby."

Changmin swings Joon's arm slightly, both smiling at each other. Joon squeezes his hand back and min blushes. 

Oh God! how can I fall for him so fast? 


They walk the rest of the way to the dorms, turning the corner into their dorms hall.

Min looks up and his smile dies, heart stopping.


Three people were standing in front of their door. One was Chorong the other two...

Were his parents.

The mother spins around. "Minn- ..." Her smile cuts short. "What is this? Minnie? What is the meaning of this?!"

Min's father spins around to his wife then to his son, his face turning into a dark scowl.

"Heh..Uhm, yeah, Changmin, you're parents came to see you...." Chorong looks at their hands.

"W-...what??..." The mother looks shocked, then her face turns angry. "MINNIE!! MIN WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!"

Min stands frozen, his mouth opening and closing, but not able to get any words out.

W-...what...what's going on? this has got to be a nightmare...no...

"So...guys..." chorong lets out a fake laugh. "Y'all are holding hands." she nods at their hands, fingers laced with one another.

Min drops joon's hand, looking at the ground.


his father walks over to his son. "and what is the meaning of this son?" his voice isn't loud or yelling, but cold, distaste hanging in the sentence.

"N-nothing sir." min stutters not meeting his fathers eyes.

changmin's mother goes up to minnie, looking mad. "ARE...ARE YOU GAY?" after min doesn't reply she slaps him in the face. "YOU BETTER GIVE ME AN ANSWER!"

min head snaps to the side, falling off balance, clutching his cheek. "N-no mother!" looks at her scared.

Then she turns to Joon. "WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SON?!"

Joon looks at her worried. "Look... What does it matter if he's gay or straight or whatever? Don't you just want him to be happy?"

Changmin's father grabs joon, by the shoulder pushing him against the wall, ignoring his wife. "are you dating my son!? are you and my son having ?! I WILL NOT EXCEPT THIS!! you fags ruining the goodness in this world! you've corrupted him!" he spits in joon's face, and slams him hard against the wall.

s-stop it dad!

Changmin runs up to his father.

Joon yelps in pain. "What is wrong with you?!"

Changmin's father looks furious, he punches Joon hard in the face then kicks him in the chest once he falls. "get out of here!! I don't want you to ever talk to my son again!! GO!!

The father turns to the stunned min and grabs his arm. "come on we're getting you out of this hell hole!"

Min tries to pull away from his father and help joon, but his fathers hand tightens on his arm making him yelp. "Don't worry son we'll make you well again! we just need to get you away from his kind."

no please no! this can't be happening! Please stop!!

chorong grabs onto min's father's shoulder. "Mr.Shim, this isn't necessary."

Changmins father pushes her off. "get away, this is none of your business!"

He turns to his wife. "Come along dear, we're getting out of here!" he pulls min along down the hallway.

Changmin struggles against him. "Father let me go!"

Min's father stops and pulls Min close. "Stop fighting me! I know you may have feelings for that boy but he's just brainwashed you! I'm going to take you back home and everything will get better."

Joon makes a small pained noise still on the ground. then he looks after them, his voice choked. "please don't take Minnie away."

Min's father ignores joon and starts pulling min back down the hallway. changmin turns around not being able to break free from his father's grasp and looks back at joon. his father notices and jerks him forward, making them break eye contact.

no! please!! don't make me leave him!! he's hurt! let me go!

"Father please! let me go I'm begging you!" he yanks against his fathers grasp. "Please!"

Min's father looks at his son with pity. "it's okay son, you'll soon forget this ever happened."

Changmin cries out one last time to joon, before he's yanked out of view. his father pulls him across the courtyard to the car, pushing him inside. his mother gets in too and they drive away.

Min grabs for the door handle, but his father brings a hand down on his hard tearing Min's hand away from it.

Changmin feels like crying. "Please father! Just let me go back!"

His father doesn't say anything, but looks out of the window.

min swallows back a sob and turns to watch the school shrink away in the distance, feeling like he's being taken away from home.

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D