Leaving School

Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

Everything was so cold.

Sitting in his classroom on the last day of school that's all Changmin could feel, just cold. Cold stares, a cold blunt test laying in front of him, and a cold breeze against his skin. He shivered pulling his jacket closer. He felt vulnerable sitting in the class with so many of his so called 'friends' around him. Changmin let out a long breath and marked the last couple questions on the test, and turned it over, not looking around. 

Why can't the school year just be over? I just need to get out of here...

School had always been Changmin's life, his parents had put such pressure on him to succeed that there was no time for anything else. Changmin was a rather shy and attractive young man, and that made him the type of person that you'd hear girls squealing about to their piers, and that males envied for his looks.

Girls clung to him like leches, all wanting to be the one to date the 'hotty' of their school. And when one girl would leave him another would take her place by the end of the day. Changmin followed along with this trend, even though it was an unhealthy one, girls would ask him to become their boyfriend and he would agree, it was what every boy did so it seemed like the natural thing. But it didn't matter what Changmin did, eventually all of them would get mad and leave him.

"Why were you talking to her?! do you like her?!"

"You need to kiss me more! don't you love me?!"

"Stop with your damn homework and talk to me!"

He couldn't say that the constant break ups didn't hurt him ether, he had tried to make an effort with some of the girls, but that only made the inevitable separation harder to deal with in the end.

He felt guilty to a certain extent, and it also hurt...a lot. What was so wrong with him that when people got to know him they would decide to leave? Changmin let out a sigh and put his head in his arms.

I need to get out of here...

Finally the bell rang signalling the end of the year, kids cheered around him, quickly packing their bags trying to avoid staying in school even a second longer than they had to. Changmin slowly stood and slid his belongings into his bag, finally slinging the whole thing over his shoulder. As he walked out of the classroom and through the halls he could hear people calling to their friends, saying their goodbyes, but there was no such send away for Changmin. As he exited the school, he felt a wave of sadness hit him just as hard as the cold spring breeze.

So many years at that school and no one even bothers to say goodbye...not that I deserve one with all of the people I must have hurt.

 He pulled his jacket around him again and walked the four miles home slowly, feeling sick. 

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D