The Encounter That Messed Up Everything

Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

A few weeks had passed since he'd first arrived at school. Over the weeks he'd met a whole slew of people, they all seemed nice enough, but Changmin couldn't help but feel nervous around them.

I don't want to do the wrong thing...just keep your distance and maybe they wont hate you.


Currently changmin was bent over his homework, studying hard. He puts his pencil down and rubs his forehead.

I can't do doesn't make sense. I need a break...but I need to finish.

He sighs then suddely there came a knock at the door. Changmin hesitates then pushes himself up and walks over to the door.

Why would someone have to interrupt me now out of all times? This homework is confusing and my teacher hates me. I need to get this done and the last thing I want is to deal with people..

Changmin bites his lip and opens the door slowly reveling a tall young man with dark brown hair and an overall air of confidence.

"Oh hello..." Changmin says slowly. "I...don't think we've met. I'm changmin." He holds out his hand to shake the boy's hand.

The other looks Min up and down, but doesn't except his hand. "I'm Joon your English partner...can I come in?"

Why does this guy make me so nervous? Just something about him...I don't like it.

Changmin hesitates, rubbing the back of his neck then steps aside to let him in.

But...I'm not going to be rude.

"Yeah sure you can come in....I didn't know I was going to have an English partner though."

Joon grins. "Yeah." then his face goes serious. "Is that a problem?"

" at all." Min says quickly, shrugging trying to stay cool.

This guy really scares me. What does he want? Why is he even here?

" you want to study then?" Changmin pulls out his English books slowly.

Joon nods. "Yeah. We are supposed to read.. A midnight summers dream. Some English guy wrote it." He says then laughs. "oh wait! A midsummer nights dream!" He corrects himself.

Great another genius.

Min holds up the book. "Do you want to start reading or should I?"

Joon takes a seat on the bed. " can read it."

So you're gonna make me do all the work, huh. Just great.

Changmin pulls up the desk chair and starts reading. He stammers over some of the weird words and after a long while he stops and rubs his eyes.

God he must think I'm an idiot. Why is English so hard? Dammit.

He holds the book out to joon."Please say you'll give it a try...?"


Joon takes the book and starts to read, but doesn't even get past the first couple of words, he struggles for another minute then throws the book against the wall.

Changmin looks up from rubbing his eye shocked.

Oh God what is he doing?!

"Are you okay?"


Changmin jumps when he yells, but then shys away from him feeling hurt.

I was just trying to be nice...why do I even bother?

Joon looks at Changmin. "Yah...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I just don't like questions."

Changmin nods but looks at his hands.

I wish he'd just leave...

There's a long silence then Joon speaks. "Let me make it up to you. How about dinner? Tonight, at 8?"

Changmin hesitates.

I haven't eaten out in ages it might be nice to get out of here for a bit even if it is with this guy.

The he glances over at his homework. "I...can't...I have to keep my grades up or my parents will kill me."

Joon stand up. "come on!!! I'll only steal you for an hour or two.."

Changmin looks over at his homework again.

This one time isn't going to kill me...

"Fine. just for a bit."

Joon nods. "Alright, awesome. I'll knock on your door in thirty." then he walks out.

Changmin shuts the door behind him then looks at his homework again and sighs.

Just this once....only this once.

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D