
Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

After a couple of hours, min lets out a sigh, rubbings his eyes, both heavy and tired.

chorong twirls the pink pen in between her fingers a small smile playing on her lips. she looks over at Min. "So...." she shifts around on the bed and folds her legs under her. "How old are your sisters?"

Changmin looks over at her half asleep, resting his head on his hand. "the one is a year younger then me..." he yawns. "and the other is two years younger..."

She smirks. "Awh, they look alot like you. You must miss them alot huh? And your parents.."

"yeah I miss them a lot..." he says eyes starting to close, he brings up his hand to his face, rubbing his eyes."..but...I don't miss my parents much..."

"Oh..." chorong nods slowly and nudges his shoulder slightly but because of his tired state he leans a bit, almost falling over. "Why not? They're your parents, everyone misses their parents, puppet."

min shakes his head, straitening up groggily. "Not me..." his face turns sad.

She tilts her chin upwards in a nod. "Yah, why?"

"many reasons...I don't know..." he rubs his eyes again. " parents just put a lot of pressure on me...they...just want me to fit into their little mold and if I stray from that...." his voice dies away.

She remains quiet for a while, then she breaks the silence. "Soo...they want you to be Mr.Perfect, right? Good grades, good friends, all rounded?"

Min nods, exhausted. "but...I just....I can't be that all the time.." he swallows. "..I'm not perfect. but..." he shakes his head." parents won't accept me if I'm not what they want me to be..."

He looks down at his hands."...or...or worse they could make me into it....they could pull me out of school..pull me away from people and distractions...they could make sure I become what they want." tears start prickling behind his eyes again and he takes another shaky breath still looking at his hands.

She continues to play with the pen, then looks up at him. "I'm...sorry?" she stays silent for a moment. "You shouldn't let them decide on who you want to be, you're old enough to make your own decisions. I'm guessing they didn't know about..Joon."

Min feels a sharp pain in his chest and breaks down into tears, putting his head in his hands, the thought of joon killing him.

Stop it changmin!! what is wrong with you lately?! Just stop crying !!

Chorong slowly scoots over and hesitantly patting Min's back. "There there....." she hesitates. "I'll take that as a no.."

min nods his head trying to console himself. "I'm really sorry...I just...." he shakes his head." and joon aren't...we aren't.." tears well up again and he can't get his words out.

"I know, well, I kind of know. Joon told me you two broke-..." she bites lip cutting herself off. "It's okay, don't need to explain, I understand. lets just...finish the work..."

Changmin nods slowly. "yes...lets." he looks over at chorong. "thank you."

She shrugs. "don't mention it."

Then she picks up the book again and they both continue working.



After 4 hours of work, they were so close to being done. 

Min glanced at one of the papers spread around him, then after writing something down he turns to chorong. "I...I think we're done!"

Chorong smiles and turns to him. "It's about time, that was seriously some frustrating ." she rolls her eyes and scoots closer to him. "I didn't expect us to finish this early, honestly..." she smirks slightly and leans closer to him.

Changmin smiles, leaning down and placing the finished paper in his bag. he then sits back up and looks at her grinning. "You did very well!"

she mumbles somthing under her breath, then slightly pouts. "It's a kind of late....all the teachers are probably patrolling, you don't mind if I stay for a little while longer until the coast is clear, do you?" she smiles sweetly and scoots even closer so that they are side by side.

Min shakes his head. "No, that's fine!" he smiles again.

"You know, you still manage to smile even though you went through so much. And you have a really nice smile, Changmin~" she leans in even closer and tilts her chin upwards to sort of whisper in his ear. "Just saying~" she grins.

Changmin can feel her breath on his skin, making him break out into goosebumps. He smiles slightly and looks down. "thank you..."

Then he feels a finger under his chin lifting his head up slightly so he's facing her. she smirks at him. "Didn't I say to look at a girl when she's talking to you?" she closes the small gap in between them as she kisses him gently.

Changmin doesn't pull away. he kisses her back slowly, getting lost in the kiss, mind going dizzy.

It felt good to kiss her. he didn't know if it was because he likes her or if he just missed this feeling. He pressed his lips further on hers, feeling her kiss back, a small grin on her lips.

Then a voice comes from the door. "W-What the hell is going on?"

Min's lips break apart slightly, his mind far away, he looks over at the door and sees Joon standing there looking shocked. changmin's mind is still in a daze, then his mind catches up and his eyes go wide. he pulls away slightly from chorong, startled.

Min can see Chorong grin next to him. "Hey, Joon."

Joons face shows a hint of stress and depression. "okay..Okay." he looks like he's at a loss for words.

Then for the first time ever Joon just breaks down into tears.

Changmin can feel his heart ache despite himself. he starts to move forward to comfort Joon but stops remembering the girl in Joon's bed.

Joon then he speaks, his voice shaking. "okay..Okay I guess I deserved this." He looks hurt. Then he turns around and reaches for the door again, but his legs collapse and he faints, falling to the floor.

Chorong gasps and changmin stands, then hesitates.

W-what should I care?

But...he couldn't just stand there and watch, he rushes over to joon falling to his knees making sure he's alright.

Chorong walks up, folding her arms. " Is he okay?"

"I-..I think so." Min flips Joon around leaning him against the door, feeling for a pulse.

Chorong stoops down next to min and nudges joon's shoulder. "Yah! Lee Joon! Get up."

Joon stirs, looking out of it. "h-huh??" He opens his eyes slowly then looks at chorong and punches her hard in the face.

Changmin backs up startled, expecting to get punched himself.

Joon stands up and punches through the window, his knuckle getting sliced and starting to bleed. He heads for the computer.

Min turns to chorong, helping her up, then he turns to joon his mouth dropping open.

WHAT THE ?! W-What are you doing Joon?! Stop!

Changmin runs forward to hold him back.

Joon stops and turns on min. "YOU KNOW? I only broke up with you because you deserved someone better!"

Joon grabs the computer and throws it at Min, it doesn't hit Minnie but it breaks at his feet, shattering to pieces.

Min looks at him in disbelief. "J-joon..."

"You're ing crazy." chorong yells at joon, holding onto min's arm.

Joon's voice cracks. "Don't! Just don't!" he pushes past Min and out of the room.

changmin runs after Joon, chorong still clinging to his arm, he grabs joon like he did on there first date. "Joon stop!"

Joon turns around. "What?"

"Wh-..why didn't you-...?" looks into Joon's eyes, disbelief, sadness and confusion swirling around his mind. "Joon is this why you haven't been talking to me?"

Joon nods slowly.

Min looks at joon for a few seconds, then violently punches him in the shoulder. "GOD JOON you are so stupid!!" he hits him again, fuming mad, but less forcefully this time. "there isn't anyone better for me!" tears start burning in his eyes. " could you be so stupid?"


changmin shoves joon hard. "Joon do you..? Do you have any...?" he can't even get out his words, too much anger and sadness in his mind and heart. he shoves him again. "God do you have any...any idea what this has done to me?" tears start rolling down his cheeks, but he's too mad to care.

Joon looks at the floor and Chorong tries to hold min back. "Yah.."

Min shoves her off and looks at joon, eyes blurry with tears, still fuming. Then he punches Joon in the face the hardest he's ever punched anyone.

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D