Oh Parents...

Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

Changmin and Joon walk out of the Boys dorms and into the open. Min spots the car and is about to grab Joon's hand, but stops himself, closing it into a fist at his side.

They both head out to the car. Joon goes in first, then changmin slides in next to him but makes sure there's plenty of distance between them.

"I said 5 minutes didn't I?" Changmin's father says, obviously in a bad mood.

"I'm sorry father..." min says not meeting his eyes.

"I'm sorry sir" Joon says also. "but we had to finish up the last sentence of the story we are reading. Romeo and Juliet..? A wonderful English novel. Your son reads it very well."

Min's father nods, looking satisfied. "Yes, my son is a wonderful student." he remarks then looks forward at the driver motioning for him to go.

The mother looks at min. "Why haven't you called us? Is it a girl? Do you have a girlfriend?"

Changmin glances over at joon without thinking, then quickly away hoping his parents didn't notice. "I uh..no mom! I've just been...busy..." he fiddles with his hands, nervous.

"With?..." her face goes hard.

"S-school!" he looks up at his mother then away, not trusting his face to keep his secrets.

Just stay calm Changmin...they don't know anything unless you tell them.

His mother frowns harder. "Who is it? Who stole my baby's heart!??!" 

"N-no one mother!! I promise!!" shakes his head startled.

"fine then." She crosses her arms looking mad.

The car finally pulls up to the restaurant. Changmin gets out of the car first, taking a deep breath, glad to out of the cramped confine.

Changmin's mother grabs min's hand swinging it slightly. "I hope you don't mind, but the menus are in English. I figured you'd find that great since you guys are studying english." 

Changmin glances at Joon.

Oh no! Joon's terrible in English! They'll think he's an idiot they'll tell me to stay away from him!

The family sits down and changmin picks up a menu as the waiter walks over. "I...I would like water and the shrimp mushroom salad please." he says in English.

His father nods approvingly, then looks over at joon.

Just copy what I said...

Joon's face turns red as he looks at the menu. "water and.." he starts in english. "..Steak salad please." he finishes in really fast Korean.

The waiter rushes to write it down before looking at changmin. "Hey! I know you, you're the guy that's dat-" joon cuts him off. "we don't pay you to talk we pay you to wait on us! Go put in our orders."

The waiter rushes away terrified.

Min looks down at his water, dying of embarrassment and turning crimson.

His mothers head snaps up. "What was the waiter going to say?"

"Changmin starts to drink his water not meeting his mother eyes. Min's father glares at joon. "I'm sure joon could tell us..." Min chokes.

Joon laughs smoothly. "That's our class clown. He's been messing with Changmin. Don't Worry about it."

Changmin's father looks back in the direction the waiter had walked off, glaring.

"It's really okay father..." min says setting his water down.


After a long silence the food finally arrives. the waiter doesn't meet joon's eyes and runs away quickly after setting the food down.

Min's father scoffs. "how did he even get a job here? I've never seen such a disrespectful waiter in all my life!"

Changmin's father then turns to Joon, his eyes daggers.

Joon's face flushes.

Min's dad doesn't eat. "So you say you've been at the school for awhile Mr. Lee? What is your favorite subject?"

"Chemical engineering and physics." Joon says taking a small bite of his food.

"Oh.." Changmin's father leans forward interested. "what do you like about them?"

"Physics has a lot of in depth skill about learning how math can form the proper equation into the building blocks of life such as velocity and gravity. This helps me with chemical engineering." Joon grins. "I love chemistry."

Changmin grins still looking down, very proud of his boyfriend.

Joon shrugs. "Quadratic formulas these days eh?"

Min bites his lip holding back a laugh.

Oh Joon, only you could make a joke at a time like this.

Changmin's father nods sitting back in his seat, starting to eat again.

Then Min's mother stands up, and changmin looks at her, eyes growing wide.

Oh God! Mom...sit down now.


"NOW!" Changmin's mother takes a deep breath. "all he needs is a girlfriend..." she turns to min. "MINNIE. GET LAID. GOD."

Changmin spit takes all over the table coughing violently.

"DEAR!" Mins father yells at his wife.

The mom looks up. "What?!! It's true! Look at how pale he is. He obviously wants the V. Now who is it? I KNOW IT'S SOMEONE! WHO IS SHE?"

"Mom!!" min says through coughs. "I don't have a girlfriend! I swear!" he turns red.

"Well we BOTH know you don't have a boyfriend!"

Oh don't look at Joon! Don't look at Joon!

"N-no!" changmin shakes his head then looks anywhere but joon, feeling guilty for lying about him especially after earlier that day.

Sorry baby...

His mom stays standing. "Fine! Well I want to go home now!"

His father sighs. "Fine dear..." he stands up. "Well it was nice to meet you Joon. And son.." he turns to min. "I expect to get a report on your grades when they come out, understand?"

Min nods. "Goodbye father..."

Joon bows, and the two parents walk out.

Changmin watches them leave, then lets out a breath starting to laugh. "Oh my God...."

Relief spreads through him making him giddy.

Did we actually do it?

Aish, that was...Terrible. Joon says, sliding down in in his seat slightly.

"Yes..." Min leans back in his seat letting out another long breath. "Oh God...I'm so glad that's over with!" changmin starts to feel tears in his eyes.

I can't believe we did it!

"Let's go back to the dorm Minnie."

Min looks over at him letting a smile touch his lips. "Yes...lets!" he takes joons hand, feeling happy again.

Then the waiter walks past, looking with distaste on the two. "Get a room fags!"

Joon stands up suddenly and punches the waiter so hard in the face that his teeth shake. "SHUT THE HELL UP !!" He jumps on the waiter beating the out of him.

Min's eyes grow wide and he pushes himself up from the table, grabbing joon's arm trying to pull him off the waiter. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Joon stop!! PLEASE!"

Joon kicks the man in the stomach not letting up. "I'm going to kill you!"

"JOON!!" min grabs his arm tighter, still trying to drag Joon away. "PLEASE STOP! He's just an idiot! Walk away!! He's not worth it!"

Joon sits up his hands covered in blood. "You're so lucky." He grabs changmin's hand and runs out.


Joon hails down a cab and gets in with minnie. They don't talk and soon enough they're back in Joon dorm.

Changmin walks into the room, sitting down on the bed trying to catch his breath. adrenalin still running through him.

Oh my God what just happened?

Changmin stares at the ground still in shock, but then he hears crying.

He looks up to see a distraught Joon with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"W-what? Joon?!" he runs over to him. "what's wrong?" He looks into his eyes wiping tears from them, worried.

Baby? Please talk to me?!

Joon sobs harder, bringing his hands up to his face. "Why am I such a jerk? Why?!"

Changmin's heart breaks feeling how shaken he is with sobs. He walks him over to joon's bed, sitting him down and pulling him into a hug."...stop crying....please." He kisses his cheek. "Please..."

Joon doesn't stop crying his breath becoming choked. Changmin doesn't let him go, just holds him in his arms, on the verge of tears himself.

After a long while min pulls Joon away holding him at arms length. "Joon...listen to me! You're not a bad person!" he swallows hard, trying not to cry. "I...I love you!"

Changmin pulls Joon back in, hugging him close. "And..I don't care if the whole school is scared of you...I'll always love you Joon..."

Joon's sobs slowly die down in Min's embrace. "O-Okay... I guess."

"Good.." He wipes the tears from joon's face, letting a small smile touch his lips. Then he lets out a long breath. "oh my goodness, I can't believe we pulled that off!"

Changmin laughs, then blushes, averting his eyes from Joon. "Sorry about...my mom."

Joon shakes his head before kissing him on the lips slowly, then leaning back on the bed. "Its okay. She just wants the best for you."

Min laughs turning even more red. "Still...it's a miracle they didn't find out..." he runs a hand through his hair.

"Mhm. I know baby."

Changmin lets out a long breath and with it all of the stress of the night.

Thank God that's over!

He turns to joon a small playful smile pulling at his lips. he crawls over beside him then lays down facing him.

Joon bites his lip and looks back at him.

Oh Joon....If only you knew the things you do to my silly heart. I don't know what I would do if they ever took me away from you.

Changmin his head slighlty, smiling sweetly, then he leans forward kissing Joon lightly on the nose.

Don't ever leave me baby...

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D