In The End They're All The Same

Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

Changmin walks home from his old school the world around him vibrant and peaceful. There's a soft breeze in the trees, making autumn leaves clatter across the sidewalks quietly and everyone he passes waves happily at him. He finally reaches his house and walks up the steps getting his key out, but before he could put in in the lock the door swings open and multiple hands pull him inside. He's thrown violently to the ground. and his father grabs his collar.

"And what do you think you're doing!?"

His father pushes him against the ground hard making him black out.

"What did I tell you about associating with...their kind?! You'll just get poisoned!!"

His father lets him go and stands up, but before Min could say a word his father kicks him in the face. Changmin's head jerks to the side and he collapses to his hands. He tries to push himself up, but his father kicks him again this time in the stomach.

"F-Father..please stop!" Changmin chokes out. "I was just talking to him I swear! Please stop!"

His father kicks him again.

"Don't father me! You are no son of mine!!"

He kicks him again and again, blood flowing from Changmin's body. He tries to speak to his father, but can't get the words out.



Changmin awakes to a loud yell and his whole world being shaken. His eyes flash open and he gasps

"What?....what's going-...on?"

He looks up to an unfamiliar ceiling, Joon's face leaning over him.

"You passed out yah!!"

Changmin looks at him confused. "wha-...what?...where am I?....what's...?"

"You passed out Chang!" 

Changmin blinks, trying to get his eyes to focus. " I...passed out?"

Joon nods slowly. "your...parents must be strict..."

Changmin's face contorts into a grimace as he remembers his dream and he nods slowly closing his eyes.

Joon sits next to him on the bed. "I'm so sorry..."

Min shutters and brings his hand up to his face. "It's not your fault..." he says shakily.

"I wish I could help."

A small laugh comes out of min's mouth, but it's a sad sound. He closes his eyes. "‎..there's nothing you could parents are my parents...."

"They're not here right now. Just remember that." Joon squeezes his arm reassuringly."It'll be okay. I promise you. I'm here for you."

‎Changmin nods his head again, slowly sitting up. he looks over at joon. "thank you..." he says quietly, touching his arm. then gets embarrassed and removes it looking down.

Why was he acting like this. He didn't like Joon...did he?

Then he hears Joon yell, and when he turns around he's hit in the face with a pillow, knocking him out of his daze. "Yah! what was that for?"

Joon grins. "you look'd like you could use a little fun." he tosses another at him.

"Whoa! Wait!" Min throws the pillow back at Joon.

Joon smirks and hits him back lightly. "Noooope."

"Yah!" grabs another pillow and stands up on the bed throwing it at joon smiling now, completely forgetting himself.

This bastards going down!

Joon laughs as well and stands up, dodging his pillow throws.

"No you don't dodge!" He laughs grabbing another pillow and hits him with it.

"NOOOO!" Joon feigns death falling to the bed. "you killed me!!!" fake dies again.

Changmin laughs and ‎walks over to joon putting one foot on him and striking a victor pose. "yes! I am the victor! All shall bow to me!" he says the last bit in English then starts laughing over dramatically. "Bwuhahaha!"

Joon giggles. "You're engrish is funy." He says in very bad English.

Min laughs again and removes his foot from Joon.

Joon blushes a deep red. "Stop that."

"Stop what?" Changmin looks down at him confused.

"N-nothing. I .. Nothing."

"Liar! Seriously what?" Min sits down on his knees next to Joon smiling.

 "I'm just..glad you're smiling again!" He playfully pinches Min cheek.

"Yah! Quit that!" Changmin bats Joon's hand away, shifting his balance, but his foot gets stuck in the blankets and he falls forward onto his face.

Joon starts laughing uncontrollably. "You're stupid!"

Changmin pulls himself up feeling hurt. "I am not!"

Reality hit him hard again.

Oh God! what am I doing?! Why am I here?!

He pushes himself off of the bed, biting back a wave of feelings.

Joon's smile falteres. "What's wrong??"

"I don't even know what I'm doing here...I need to leave."

Joon shakes his head. "‎Really? You're going to do this? Here ? Now?" He lets out a irritated breath. "Just leave because you're ..I don't know. Fine. If you want to leave at least take your bag." Joon lifts it up and tosses it at him, before looking out the window.

Why is he getting pissed at me?!...I was wrong to stay here! He doesn't want me here anyway...Well at least he choose to leave me now and didn't wait to do it when I trusted him more like all of my old friends did.

"Fine then!" changmin reaches down and lifts his bag. "So much for trusting you! You're just like everyone else! You just want something from me and then you leave! but fine!! whatever!" he walks to the door.

Joon's voice gets mad. "I'm leaving? I'm leaving? I never told you to leave. You decided to leave. I told you how I felt and you rejected me and I still am right here for you. What do you expect me to do? Hold you hostage? If you want to leave in not going to stop you. I can't keep you a prisoner no matter how much I like you." Sounds hurt.

Changmin stops in his tracks. "You're just trying to make a fool out of me! God! I'm so stupid!!" he clenches teeth willing himself not to break down, then turns around tears burning behind his eyes. "I hope you had fun Joon!"

Joon looks hurt, he runs up to changmin. "I'M not trying to make a fool out of you!! Why would I do that?"

Changmin spins on him. "Because that's just how you are!" He brings a hand up to his face to wipe a tear away, trying to be strong. "I shared things with you....I opened myself to you.......I just....I didn't know how I felt about you, but I went against so many things..."

Joon's eyes open up wide, looking shocked. "Get out! Get out!" He grabs changmin's backpack and throws it out of his room all of chagmin's unfinished homework scattering everywhere. "Go!"

"Fine..." He walks out of the door and bends down to pick up his bag, then kneels down on the ground and picks up the papers.

I don't want to be here...please just let me pick these papers up fast and get away from him. Please...If I break down in front of him I'll never live it down. Stop crying! Damn you Changmin just stop!

Changmin jumps as he hears the door slam behind him. "Don't bother coming back!"

Min swallowed, tears now falling freely from his eyes onto his neglected homework. memories of all his lost friends flashed across his memory.

Why do I always do this?  I shouldn't be allowed to be around people.

He wipes the tears away. 

and here I am, alone again! My parents are going to kill me and for what?

He completely looses it sobs starting to shake him. He finished picking up his things and walks to the dorms, wiping tears from his eyes.

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D