Photos and Homework

Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

Changmin wakes up the next morning to a bright light, his eyes flicker open to the sun just coming over the horizon.

He sits up slowly and looks around dazed, then the pictures of last night come flashing back and it takes all of his will power not to cry again. he pushes himself up and slowly and makes his way down the stairs. he doesn't meet anyone in the halls, it's too early, and he's thankful. He walks to the boys lounge, and flops on one of the couches.

I'm done Joon...I'm just...done.


-4 days later-

Changmin pushes his bag further up on his shoulder to keep if from falling off as he walks back to his dorm room. the halls are quiet as most of the boys are still out to dinner, min had come back sooner trying to get a jump start on the homework for his new classes. he finally get's to his door pulling out a key and unlocking it, then closing it behind him with his foot. he looks around the small room. Joon's stuff was everywhere, min lets out a sigh.

Min had been avoiding Joon, they never talked, the only time they even saw each other was when they both laid in there beds to sleep, and changmin had to keep convincing himself that their silence made him happy.

Min lets his bag drop onto his bed then pushes some of joon's stuff out of the way to make room on the desk for work. he pulls a book out of his bag, letting the heavy volume hit the desk with a thunk. he sighs again. "Well...I better get started..."

Changmin had barely begun studying when a sharp knock came at the door. min looks up, and pushes himself from his seat, walking over to the door running a hand through his hair.

He opens the door slowly expecting Joon.

he probably lost his key again..

But when he opens it his eyes grow wide. "C-chorong?...what....what are you doing here?" looks at her confused.

She rolls her eyes and folds her arms. "You forgot, didn't you? We have to work on the project, puppet." she raises an eyebrow at him, slightly scoffing. "Gonna let me in before the teachers pass by?"

"Uh...uh, yeah.." he moves aside to let her in. "sure." he racks his brain to remember the project.

Oh God what other things am I forgetting? 

She sighs in exasperation, walking inside the room. "I would swear you have short term memory lost, honestly." she looks around, wrinkling her nose. "Don't you clean here?"

Min closes the door and rolls his eyes.

don't even start...

"Let's just get the project done...please?" he walks over to his bed and sits down pulling out a science book.

She chews on the piece of gum as she walks over to min, searching in her bag for something, "Glad the thoughts are mutual." she pulls out a book and sits next to min, watching him. "You better get started~"

Changmin gives her a 'you've got to be kidding me' look then sighs. "Chorong I'm not going to just do the work for" he turns to appropriate page. "if I remember correctly this is what the project was on." he leans over to his bag and pulls out a notebook.

"Where do you want to start?" he says slowly, knowing that this was going to be a very, very long project if he had to work with her.

She leans over, propping her chin with her hand, her elbow resting on her knee as she stares at the wall at the end of the room. "Trust me, if you just do it and I 'approve', this wouldn't take that long."

Then she narrows her eyes looking at min's desk. "Are those your parents?"

Min looks up from the book then over at chorong, following her gaze to the picture resting on the desk. it was his parents. he stands up quickly grabbing the photo shoving it facedown. "Th-that's nothing!" he slides the photo into the drawer closing it swiftly, then sits back down, choosing not to look at chorong, but instead the book in front of him.

"What the-..?" she looks at him before standing up and walking over to the drawer. 

Changmin looks up just in time to see chorong stand, he reaches out to stop her but misses and stands up.

Chorong opens the desk. rummaging for the photo frame, finally finding it and watches it. "How can this not be nothing?"

Min runs over to her and grabs her arm with the frame in it. "give it!...please!" he adds. "it's really nothing!" he reaches for the frame.

She holds it away from him with one hand and waves a finger in front of his face with a slight smirk. "Nuh uh puppet~" she pushes him away with the same finger and turns around and looks at the photo. "Awh, they are your parents, how cute~"

"Seriously Choron give it back!" min says seriously. he stands where she had pushed him, not wanting to fight with her.

Chorong turns back around and smiles sweetly. "Why so grumpy Mr.Sour Puss? It's just a picture of your parents, after all." she puts the frame back on his desk, going to close the drawer but stops.

"What's thisssss?" she says playfully, pulling out a couple of photos from the desk drawer.

No, not those...

Changmin jumps forward grabbing at the photos, but she moves it out of the way. "Chorong hand it over now!" he says, his voice serous, holding out his hand. "Now!"

She turns around and runs to the next side of the room, jumping over Joon's unintentional obstacle course. "Who are these pretty little girls?" she says with a songs in her voice.

min stares at her growing less amused by the second. "Chorong...really...hand them over!" he starts to follow her to the other side of the room, but moves to quickly and trips, falling almost the ground catching himself ungracefully on the desk.

He pulls himself up and grabs her arm again. "hand them over!"

She pouts and looks up at him. "I just wanted to know who these girls are. Your sisters? Or cousins maybe? The one on the right looks like you a bit." she nudges his shoulder. "Let go of me!"

Min doesn't let go but reaches for the photos, grabbing them and pulling them from her hands forcefully. then he turns around and sits back down on the bed placing the photos in one of the binders already in his bag.

Chorong rolls her eyes and follows him. "Puppet, why you no talk? Yahhhhh." she lightly taps him on the back of his head. "They're your sisters, aren't they?"

Just stop it Chorong...

Changmin turns around slowly and glares at her. "What does it matter?"

She raises eyebrows. "First you didn't want me seeing the picture of your parents, then your sisters, well, I'm guessing they're your sisters...You're hiding something, aren't you?" she narrows eyes at his glare.

"What does it matter?!" he says a little too loudly, then sighs. "maybe you should go..."

Chorong remains silent for a second, then grabs his binder again and pulls his sisters photos from it before he can object. Holding the picture of the girls by his face, she bites her lower lip, looking from the picture to Min's face and back again. "They are your sisters, she has your eyes...the other one smiles like you, too." then she glances over at the picture of Min's parents.

"Chorong please stop!" changmin covers up his unease with a mad edge in his voice, grabbing for the photo again. "What is your problem?"

"Well...let's see, I have alot of problems, where do you want me to begin." she laughs shortly before rolling her eyes. "Listen, I don't know why you 're so reserved about it, it's absolutely normal to have sisters and parents, you do know that?"

"Yes, but..." he lets out a long breath." doesn't mean I want to share my whole life's story with you..." he gives up trying to grab the photo and sits back down on the bed, pulling his knees up, hugging them to himself looking out the window, his thoughts very far away.

He missed his sisters, they were the only reason he ever wanted to go back home, they were always there with a cup of tea and a few kind words, when his parents or school was crushing down on him.

Min let out a sigh, tears starting to burn at his eyes, he hadn't seen them in so long.

Chorong turns sharply around to look at him. "Cha-.." she stops when she sees his eyes wet. "Changmin...?"

Min looks are her startled out of his daze, then he realizes he has tears in his eyes and quickly looks away bringing up his sleeve to wipe them.

ing great Changmin, lets just cry in front of her. wonderful! 

She looks away. "Look, Changmin....just forget it..." she sighs and picks up her book."Let's just do the project.."

Changmin nods still wiping the tears from his eyes, face turning red. "Sorry..."

You need to stop crying so much Changmin! Man up and stop caring so much you cry baby.

She bites lip and looks down at her book. "It's need to be sorry." she avoids looking at him. "I just wasn't prepared for you to..uhm...cry..."

"I'm..sorry...I....I don't know what came over me..." he looks away the tears not stopping. he swallows, cursing himself quietly.

why was he doing this? and now out of all times! dammit Changmin!!

She shakes head. "I said it was okay...Anyways, let's just do the project."

Min wipes his eyes again the tears finally subsiding. he grabs his book and both of them start working on it.

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D