Coming Back...

Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

Joon and Changmin walk for two blocks to Joon's car. When they got there both of them slipped into the padded seats, joon in the drivers side and min in the passengers. changmin rests his head against the cold window, dazed, dizzy from the lack of food, everything feeling fake and unreal as they drive back to the school.

Had that really just happened? I mean...that just seemed impossible. I escaped my parents...and Joon pulled a gun on my I dreaming?


Once they get back to the school the two young men piled out of the car and walk back to the dorm in silence. Changmin followed Joon hesitantly, looking around at the familiar buildings.

I didn't think I'd ever see this place again....

They walk up the steps of the boys dorm building then down the halls to their room. Joon unlocks the door, then sits on the bed and exhales, his arms shaking a bit.

Changmin follows him up to the door, but hovers in the doorway resting his hands on the edge of it, eyes staring into space, his face still blank.

"What a fun afternoon." Joon says and shakes his head.

min turns to joon, still looking dazed. "Th-thank you joon..." his voice holds so much more emotion then his blank face gives away. then tears rush to his eyes. "I don't know what I would have done if-.." his voice breaks, and he takes in a sharp breath, swallowing hard trying to keep his emotions down.

Stop these tears have to be strong...

Changmin looks down, then feels a light, guiding hand on his arm, leading him over to Joon's bed.

They both sit down and Joon hugs changmin very tightly not saying anything. he places gentle kisses on min's cheeks over and over.

Tears start to fall freely from changmin's eyes, and he wraps his arms around joon, hugging him hard, not ever wanting to let go. "Joon I love you so much." his voice gets choked with sobs, still quiet. "I missed you...I missed you so much! I...I thought I wouldn't see you again. I thought...I was alone...that you had moved on. I..I thought..." changmin can't get the words out and starts shaking.

"Shh.. I'm right here! .. shh.."Joon pets his hair gently, comfortingly. 

"I'm sorry." min chokes out, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be...It's okay." joon mumbles, resting his head against changmin's.

Changmin lets out a shaky breath. "oh joon what...what are we going to do? I..I can't go back there!" he shakes his head, eyes going wide. "I would die..I can't!"

"Don't worry. You're staying here. I promise." Joon kisses him and changmin kisses back, but he lets out a sob, not believing him. he knows that any second his parents are going to burst through the door, gun or no gun, and take him away again. They would lock him in that room again. a tear rolls down min's face and he kisses joon again. but his parents could never take away this moment now.

Joon lays changmin down on the bed gently and stares into his eyes. "your hair got longer Minnie. It looks cute." he leans down and kisses min on the forehead, sending shivers down changmin's spine and his eyes shut slightly. 

Min lets out a small laugh, his voice still choked from crying, feeling happyness in his chest for the first time in ages. then he reaches up and slips his hand behind joon's neck, pulling him down slightly, kissing him softly on the lips.

God I've missed him!

Joon starts kissing changmin harder and min kisses him back with such passion, his breath becoming rapid. he pulls joon closer hooking his other hand behind his neck, not breaking apart.

Then suddenly there came a loud bang from the hallway and some yelling. The two break apart, joon getting off of changmin quickly, both on edge.

Joon swallows hard then looks up. "well...I...I better get started on my homework."

min nods slowly, still in a daze.

O-okay.....Joon must be busy. I mean...I miss him, but if he doesn't want to..I can wait...if he doesn't want to kiss me's okay...

Changmin walks over to the mat they used to use when one of them stayed the night and starts to unroll it.

Joon walks towards the door heading for the study hall, then frowns. "you know it's not a crime to want to flirt with your boyfriend. But I guess we both don't know that." he sighs and walks out, leaving changmin alone.


I messed up again...good job changmin.

Min felt sad, stupid and disappointed in himself.

Joon had just been playing...

he sighs and looks down at his hands at what he's doing, then drops the mat.

I'm an idiot...

he bites his lip hard and sits on the floor.

Of course Joon had just been joking....God I'm so stupid...

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D