Once Upon an Awkward Dinner...

Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

Thirty minutes later there comes another knock at Changmin's door. Min stands up and glances around the room to make sure he hadn't missed anything. He walks to the door grabbing his coat and keys and even, after a slight hesitation, his unfinished homework. Shoving the papers into his bag and finally pulling the door open.

"Wow! You look exactly the same.. As you did before..." Joon comments with a small smile when changmin opend the door.

Changmin turns and locks his door, then faces Joon again.

Joon smiles again. "Let's go!" He takes Changmin's hand and starts to pull him down the hallway.

Changmin lets himself get pulled along, until they finally reach the restaurant. After getting seated Joon orders some lemon water then turns to Min.

 "So, tell me about yourself."

Changmin fiddles with his napkin.

Why is he asking me questions?

"Um well..." he starts hesitantly. "I have two sisters, my parents are both professors...I like to play guitar..." He takes a breath to ask joon about himself, but then lets it out remembering the outburst over the last question he'd asked.

Joon looks interested."Wow! That's...Cool. How long have you been playing guitar?"

"Most of my life...I find it relieves stress......I used to just eat when I was under pressure."

OH CRAP! Why did I let that slip?! I don't want this dude to know all my crap.

Changmin bites his lip, smiling to cover up his nervousness and looks at his hands again. 

"I sing.." Joon says.

Thank God! Subject change!

"Wow, that's really cool!" Changmin smiles shyly. "I'm not much of a singer myself...not in public anyways. How long have you been singing?" He asks, mentally hitting himself, and hoping Joon wouldn't freak again.

Joon smirks a bit. "Since I was six. I love it..." Then he sighs. "You look tense..What's wrong?"

Changmin chokes on his water.

Oh God! Am I that obvious! Calm down Min! Calm down!

"N-Nothing's wrong." He smiles trying to cover up.

"Are you s-sure?" Joon holds out a napkin to Min. "Here you...Spit some water out of your mouth."

Changmin turns red despite himself. "Oh, oh..sorry!" He takes the napkin and cleans up not looking at Joon.

Oh man, this is so ing embarrassing! I need to calm down now!

Joon smiles and his head slightly. "You're cute."

Changmin looks up startled.

D-Did I just hear him right?! Why would he think I'm cute?...oh God!

Changmin sits down slowly. "Oh..uh.........thanks...."

The whole conversation died, both of them staring at the table awkwardly.

Food get here please!

As if on cue the waitress arrived placing their food in front of them, Changmin digs in eating slightly faster than normal as to finish quicker.  

I really shouldn't have come...this is so awkward.

Joon looks up from his food slowly. "Thanks for coming out with me tonight." 

Changmin looks up too. "Yeah, no problem....this is...fun." He smiles halfheartedly. 

Joon bites his lip. I don't have a lot of friends.."

"Oh.....I'm sorry...." Looks down, feeling bad for wanting to get away from him now.

"No! It's okay. You're just really nice."

Changmin plays with his food. "Heh, not really..."

"Why do you say that?" Joon asks.

Oh man I let another thing slip...what am I gonna say?

"I just..." Changmin hesitates.

Well, I might as well just tell him...I'm going to avoid him like the plague after this anyway.

"I'm just not that nice....I was kinda a jerk at my other school...I was like, under a lot of stress and stuff and my parents were coming down on me..." changmin laughs sadly. "and..the girls wouldn't leave me alone...I mean, you'd think that wouldn't be a bad thing, but it was like non-stop drama and screaming, and...yeah.....I just...took it out on my friends and little sisters."

 Min looks at his hands. "...I'm just not real great."

Joon looks at him for a minute then leans over and says seriously. "Its okay! You're in a new place now. No one here is judging you. Especially not me."

Then he sits back in his chair again and blushes slightly. "So..You like girls...?"

Changmin looks over at him. "Yes....I mean.........do you?"

Joon blushes again. "..Oh..Yeah." He says a little bit sadly.

Oh....is he?...............................oh.

 "I mean, I've never really thought about it...." Changmin laughs nervously.

 "No..No I understand." Joon then plays with his fork. "I guess you won't like it if..I take you to the park to study then.."

"Oh I...I don't know.....that would be fine I guess...I mean we're just studying." laughs. "I'm sure people wouldn't get the wrong idea."

Joon sighs. "never mind.." He stands up paying the bill. "You should go do your homework. Thanks Minnie..." Then he quickly turns and walks away.

Chamgmin looks up.

Wait, what is he doing...?

He skirts around the table catching Joon's arm.

Joon spins around. "Y-yeah?"

"I just...why are you running away all of a sudden? Did I say something wrong?"

Joon tilts his head. "I just don't want to bother you ..."

Changmin lets go of Joon's arm. "Did I say you were bothering me?"

"Well.. No.. But I feel strongly about you."

Oh .

Joon blushes. "Yeah. I know. I'm a disgrace."

‎"No....I just......you're not a disgrace.....I'm just not...I mean...." Changmin rocks from one foot to the other unsure what to say, and unsure what to think.

Man why is this happening? I mean, Joon's not awful...but....do I like him like that? Do I like him at all? WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING?! Why would I even consider this?! I'm not gay, my parents would freaking disown me if I was gay! I'm not!...but....

Joon shrugs. "just forget it. I was stupid to say something."

Joon turns to walk out again, but Min grabs his arm again.


"Just...don't go...just let me think for a second."

Joon bites his lip. "O-Okay...I wont."

Changmin lets go of Joon's arm and runs a hand over his mouth, then he turns to Joon sereously.

"I just...I just don't know Joon.....I....I think you're great, but.....I don't love men...or...at least....I don't think I do...and my parents! Oh God! A wave of fear hits Min again and his breath begins to get faster, pushing him almost on the verge of tears.

Joon looks freaked out. "Changmin!!! No don't cry!! Don't!! Calm down! Look its okay. Im sorry. I'm sorry."

OH God! oh God!! if they even knew I was talking about this! or even thinking about this!! They would disown me!

The room starts to spin for Changmin, his breathing uneven and fast, starting to black out.

"Please stop please!! I'll leave you alone. I'll never talk to you again I'm sorry!"

Changmin barely hears his words, he losses his balance and collapses, unconscious.

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D