Things Not To Do In A Library

Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

-Three Weeks Later-

Changmin walks into the library and sets his book bag down on one of the tables situated in a corner. He lets out a sigh and deflates into a chair resting his head in his arms.

"Ugh, another night without sleep...I can't keep doing this..." He starts to nod off.

"Do what?" Came a perky voice, jerking Min out of his stupor.

"Oh, Chorong!...It's you!" he lets out a breath. "You scared me..."

"Who did you think I was?" she raises an eyebrow. "This is a library, not a bedroom, go back to the dorms if you want to sleep."

Min nods sleepily. "Sorry..."


Chorong park was one of the people Min had met soon after coming to the school. She was...kind of annoying in her own unique way, but seemed harmless enough.

One of the only things that made her dangerous was her knowledge of Joon and Min dating. Both of them had decided to keep the whole thing a secret, firstly to keep it from the ears of Changmin's parents and secondly to keep up Joon's jerkish image. But Chorong was a sneaky one, and had a ways of learning things she shouldn't. Thus Chorong held a secret without even knowing it.

"I'm sorry, I just really need to study for my next class." he yawns.

Chorong rolls her eyes. "It's just school, you know."

Min nods but doesn't say anything, going back to his books.

Oh Chorong, I'll talk with you later. Please just go...

Chorong scoffs. "Are you a puppet now? You don't speak?"

Changmin doesn't reply.

"Aish boy!" Chorong pushes min's book bag off the table. "There, go sleep now."

Min looks over at her shocked. "Jeez chorong!" He stands up and walks over to his bag picking it up and setting it back on the table. "I really need to study, and if you can't deal with that..."


Chorong shrugs her shoulders. "Meh, they're just books." she rolls her eyes. "No, continue boy, don't let me disturb you." she plugs in her earphones and looks around before taking pink nailpolish out her bag and starts painting her fingernails.

Min rolls his eyes and pulls out a korean mythology book trying to ignore her and the loud music coming from her ear phones.

AISH! Just turn it off girl please! I can't focus.

After a couple of minutes of trying to keep his attention on the book, he stands up and tugs one of her ear buds out. "You're going to hurt your ears if you keep listening to that so loud..." He says calmly, then sits back down.

She takes out the other one and blinks at him. "Awh, how sweet, you're caring for my well being." she smiles. "Thanks, doll, but I have a mother for that~ Aishhh!" curses under breath. "Smudge a nail, now I have to do it all over again."

Min lets out a long exasperated breath, but picks up his book again. Then he glances over at her. "You know if you're caught doing that in here we'll both get in trouble..."

"No one's looking~ you know, you'll never have fun if you're always uptight." Condescendingly nods at him and pats his head. "Ohhhh, you'll look great in pink!" she holds out hand and looks from her nails back to his face. "You should wear pink more often!"

Min gives her a look, but bites his tongue not wanting to say something he'd regret later. Then he looks away and mumbles under his breath.

Not now Chorong...please just...not now.

Chorong turned to him. "Is everything okay? Mr.Sour Puss?"

Changmin looks back up at her mildly irritated, his hand going to massage his aching head. "Yes dear..." smiles fakely.

Chorong sighs. "It's true though, real men wear pink." Takes his other hand and paints his pinky fingernail pink. "Awhhh, look how cute you look with pinkkkkkk~" she sing songs. "Joon would love it~!"

Changmin pulls hand back embarrassed, going red. "Hush up..." he glances around worried.

I don't think anybody heard.

She looks at him confused for a second, but then smirks. "Ahh, I see what's going many know? Besides me, of course."

Min looks at his hands his face turning even redder. "just be quite about it okay?"

She laughs. "Ahhhh, this is absolutely precious. I feel honoured to be trusted with such a secret, General Changmin Sir!" she salutes sarcastically, still laughing hard.

He swallows embarrassed, still looking down. "...just shut up Chorong." He mumbles.

"Mhm, sure, whatever pleases your soul." She smirks and quickly paints the rest of your nails on that hand. "Alright, wait for that to dry, we have to put a top coat on to make sure it doesn't chip~"

Changmin pulls his hand away again, looking mortified.

Oh God I hope this stuff isn't permanent.

She rolls her eyes. "Oh stop being a drama queen, your hand looks 40 times better. But you know, I would think that the oh all-so-mighty-Joon and you would have no problem going public, guess you guys aren't that tough, huh?"

Min looks down,then grabs his book, pushing it into his bag and stands up.

I don't have to take this...She can insult me later when I don't have so much to do.

Then he feels a hand around his wrist. "Really? Running away? You'll have to tell someone besides Joon one day you, running away only makes it worst~"

He pulls his hand away, but clenches his teeth knowing she's all to right.

"Come on~ Just reminding you...I'm the only one that knows, it's only fair to tell me why." she pouts.

Changmin looks down, and swallows hard. then he looks over at chorong biting his lip. "I..." Then he looks away again.

I can't tell her, it just seems to weird to talk about.

she sighs exasperatedly and tugs his wrist again so he'll sit back down. "Listen, man up, okay? When things are tough you either it up and talk about it or be a wimp and live your life in regret. And look at a lady when she's talking to's called manners.."

He tries to look her in the eyes. "I-....well-...." He looks down at his hands without thinking then quickly up again. "We just...can't tell people....this can't get spread around."

Chorong rests her elbow on the table and props her chin and looks at him slightly confused. "because...? it will affect which one of you?"

"Both...I mean..." he scratches his neck, hands shaking. "...I parents....they...they don't exactly know I'm dating him, and...they wouldn't really approve..." he swallows again trying to stay calm."...and joon has his image to keep up."

She narrows her eyes. "His image of a douche?" then she nods slowly. "Your parents don't know you like guys, huh? 

"Well...I like both actually..." looks down at his hands then up again, slightly mad. "...and just lay off him, okay?"

"Yikes, kay tiger, whatever you please, just saying, I'll find out sooner or later." she smirks. "So they'll be ashamed if they found out that you're not dating someone of high class, let alone a female, right?" 

Min nods again. "They...they just wouldn't understand..."

There's a short silence then Chorong reaches out her hands holding his, looking sympathetic. "Changmin...You know you can't hide from your parents, you need to start talking to people~"

Changmin flinches a little, not expecting her touch, then he nods slowly.

"Listen, I know I've been really mean to you but, you can always come to me and talk about what ever's going on. Okay?" she gives off a small smile.

"Th-thank you..." he looks into her eyes and nods again.

Maybe she isn't as bad as I thought...I mean, she's a bit annoying...but she seems to really care.

She squeezes min's hands and smiles again. "You're welcome~" then she leans in and kisses him.

Changmin doesn't think about it at first, it was so out of the blue and caught him so off guard that his mind didn't even catch up, he kisses her back instinctually. 

He can feel Chorong wrap her arms around his neck, then he hears a voice. "Sorry to interrupt this little fest but..this is a library and I need to..." Changmin opens his eyes meeting none other then Joon's. Min pushes himself away from her. 

Joon looks furious, but at a loss for words. Then he takes the red book he was carrying and flings it at Chorong. "WHAT THE ?!..." His hands clench into fists. "SHIM CHOIKANG CHANGMIN! WHAT THE HELL?"

Joon slams his fist down on the table before picking it up and flipping it over. Books fall to the floor and the table makes a loud thunk. Changmin just stares on dazed and frozen.

Joon then looks at Chorong who has a cut cheek and grabs her by her shirt collar. Changmin looks on in horror.

Joon's so mad, he'll kill her!

He runs up to joon and grabs his arm trying to pull him away. Joon ignores him and pulls Chorong closer to his face spitting on her. "You sicken me." He lets go of her and she falls back into a bookshelf.

Then he whirls around to Changmin. "And you!..You? I hate you. I despise you. As a matter of fact, we're over. I'm packing my and switching rooms. Also, EXPECT A PHONE CALL FROM YOUR PARENTS BECAUSE I'M ING TELLING THEM YOU'RE GAY."

He starts to stride out of the room then stops. "OH AND BY THE WAY THAT RED BOOK I THREW AT CHORONG? THAT WAS YOUR PRESENT. HAPPY TWO MONTH ANNIVERSARY ." He kicks the doors open and leaves.

changmin look's after joon stunned. feeling numb. Then it hits him, Joon's words echoing in his mind and tears rush into his eyes and he starts sobbing dropping to the ground.

ing stupid! Stupid Changmin! That's what I am! Why would I do this?! Stupid! STUPID!! I just threw away the most important person in my life. WELL ING GREAT JOB CHANGMIN YOU RUINED YOUR LIFE AGAIN!

Changmin continues to sob, then he reaches out for the red book barely able to see through his tears, he brings it to him and starts sobbing harder as he reads the title. 'a midsummer's night dream'. He holds the book close not able to stop crying, tears running down his face and dropping on his fingers clutching the red volume.

I'm so sorry Joon...

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D