Remaining Love

Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

Joon staggers back clutching his face, bleeding.

Chorong grabs the back of changmin's shirt, trying to pull him away from Joon, but can't. 

Min stares at Joon a few seconds more fuming.

He's so ing stupid!! 

He can feel tears start to fall freely down his face and he wipes them away, still angry, trying not to break down. "w-why w-would you..." he can't get the words out, the anger in his chest turning into a deep ache.

Stop it changmin damn you! You're supposed to be getting over this bastard!! Stop it!

"I-I thought you wanted her." Joon says sheepishly.

Min shakes his head, putting his hands over his face. he starts crying hard not caring what chorong thinks. the sobs are making his old pain come back and he starts blackout and stumbles backward hitting the hall wall. he slides to the ground, shaking.

"Hey, Minnie, hey! Calm down!" Joon yells stepping forward.

but min can't calm down, sobs shake him and his breath comes in uneven gasps. he pulls his knees up hugging them to himself burring his face in them. all of the emotions he's felt over the last couple days come crashing down on him, all of the worry, fear, uncertainty, his feelings for joon and the rejection he felt watching him with another. he's lightheaded and confused, his heart feeling like it's going to explode, he doesn't know what to think and the pain in his chest isn't going away.

He feels Joon slide next to him sighing slightly.

Min looks over at him, wiping his eyes, his face wet with tears. then he speaks,voice still shaking. "j-joon...I'm..I'm so sorry...I..I don't know how many times I have to say that before..before you'll believe me." a tear rolls down his cheek. "I'm sorry..."

Joon nods."its okay"

Changmin shakes his head. "It's not though! You may say it is but that's not what you're thinking! if it's okay you wouldn't have ignored me! if it was okay you wouldn't have slept with that girl! If it was okay we'd still be together!"  he shakes his head again. "you can say it's okay all you want, but it's not..."

Min looks down for a few seconds then turns to face Joon."why did you leave me? Was it because I wouldn't sleep with you?" he looks at his hands. "joon....I still love you...I never stopped..even if I told myself I didn't..I really never stopped...but..." he looks down."...if you don't really love me back..." his voice dies, looking sad.

Joon frowns. "I only left you because you deserved more than me and I thought you liked her. Not because I don't love you and certainly not because you didn't come back to the dorms with me. I love you for being you not anything else. I love you."

"Well you have a really weird way of showing it!" then he looks over at Joon slowly. "Joon...I chose to love you...and it wan't an easy decision...but I still chose you, and I told you I didn't like her. Why would you think that I wanted someone else? why did you think there's was anyone better for me? because I'm still convinced there isn't..."

"Because you kissed her! And again you were JUST kissing her." Joon looks hurt.

"Well you were having with a girl not five nights ago!!" min lets out a sigh, feeling hurt when the memories start coming back to him. "Joon...I love YOU. Not her or anyone else..."

Joon nods slowly. "I love you too.."

Then min turns to joon slowly, looking into his eyes seriously. "Then why do we keep doing this to each other?"

Joon shrugs slightly. "I don't know minnie."

Min rests his head on his crossed arms looking ahead.

Oh what am I going to much as I want to get rid of these feelings they wont leave me. Ugh Changmin you weak still love him.

Min sighs.

Then what do I do now? Get back with him? Can I? 

I still love him so much...even though I wanted to hate him...I never could. 

Min looks over at Joon. "I..I don't want us to keep doing this...I can't watch you with someone else..."

"Neither can I." Joon says, pouting slightly.

min looks at Joon for a few seconds, the old feelings for him coming back.

....I still love him...he made me so happy.

I.....I can forgive him.

So...why can't we start over? If he's willing...I think this could still work

he stares at Joon. "Joon...lets stop being with other people."

Joon agrees."yes. Please. I would like that."

changmin nods slowly and leans forward hesitantly, kissing Joon on the cheek softly. "thank you..." he slips his hand into joon's hesitantly."..thank you..."

Joon blushes. "don't thank me. Now can we go into our room and not the hallway?"

Changmin nods again pushing himself up, not letting go of Joon's hand.

I missed much...

They walk into the dorm room together and the door closes.

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D