
Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

Changmin glares at him, still mad. But feeling a terrible ache in his chest.

Why did I do that to him?

Joon cries out in pain then stands up punching changmin hard in the chest.

Min doubles over collapsing to the ground, pain shooting through his entire body.

Oh no, not again! Please not now!

He forces himself to his feet still glaring, clutching his chest.

Joon glares at him. "I told you not to hit me."

changmin keeps his face angry even as pain starts taking over his body.

I thought this pain had left me! God no not now! I can't do this again! 

He bites his lip hard. "Why won't you talk to me joon?"

"I don't want to!! I don't know! Why does it matter?"

"IT MATTERS because we've always talked with each other! IT MATTERS because this thing is making you leave!! IT MATTERS BECAUSE I MAY NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!" He yells at joon his voice breaking.

Joon sighs. "ANI! stop your yelling. Get some mul and calm down."

"Maybe I don't want to!" min pushes him again less forcefully this time, fighting tears. "This is important Joon!"

Joon grabs Min by the arm and throws him on the bed, changmin bites back another wave of pain.

Joon then leans over Changmin, kissing him hard on the lips. "stop!"

Changmin breaks apart from joon breathing hard, utterly shocked. then struggles, trying to pull his arm away from Joon's. "Get off of me you bastard!"

Joon looks hurt. "What is wrong with you?"

Changmin bites back another wave of pain. "What do you think is wrong with me?!" he glares at joon."You don't say two words to me then you try to make out!" changmin clenches his teeth, eyes turning red.

Joon I love you! Please just talk to me!

Joon sighs, pulling away from him. "I have said plenty of words to you!"

"Really? Have you now?" changmin swallows hard. "Joon you need to tell me what's going on..."

"There's nothing to tell!" I just don't want to be here anymore." Joon looks away."

"Why though?" Min's voice softens, his heart hurting. he tried to catch joon's eye. " this this about earlier?"

"It's nothing. Its not about anything. I just don't care anymore!"

Changmin swallows hard, feeling pain far worse then the pain throbbing through his body, then he looks away. " don't care?....not even"

"Didn't you ruin us?" 

Changmin bites his lip looking at the floor. "Joon...I'm sorry...I didn't mean for it to happen...I don't even like her...I-..." his voice dies.

Joon shrugs his shoulders. "should I go and make out with people randomly?"

Min continues to stare at his hands, guilt crushing him. "No....I shouldn't have just happened...." he swallows, hesitating."does...does this mean we're over?" he looks up at joon slowly."...can I ever make it up to you?"

"I-I don't know changmin. I don't know." Joon's phone vibrates to life suddenly. He reaches into his pocket and answers it. "Annyeong? Oh .. Umma.. Yes." his face hardens. "Aniyo...I turned in the money yesterday. No I'm still top of the class..." he pauses then continues on. "he did? He does? Oh okay..I love you too..Bye." he hangs up.

Changmin looks over at joon, worried. "What's going on?"

Joon plays with his hands. "uh the principal called yesterday..My mother. He just wanted to make sure that I was still on top of my studies I guess."

"Why would he...?" min says almost to himself.

"It's nothing."

Min looks over at joon, worry contorting his features even further. "And now we're lying to each other too...?"

Joon sighs. "fine. I'm only here on a scholarship. I'm not rich. I have to work two jobs here at school to be able to afford food for the month. With being a jerk and throwing money at other kids to keep up my reputation I barely have enough money for food and school books. I don't know how much longer I can keep it up. I was about to leave school but then I met you. You gave me purpose to move on and work hard so I could be with you. Now that you've gone and...I don't know. Whats the point of being here if the one I love most doesn't want me anymore?" Joon hides his face.

As changmin listens to joon's story his eyes slowly go wider the pain in his chest getting worse.

If I had only known! I would have helped him I could of...I could of helped him, given him food...anything! I'm a terrible boyfriend! how could I have not known! why didn't he tell me?!

Min looks down. "You mean...all this time..." his voice dies in his throat, not able to get his thoughts out. then he swallows and looks up at joon, voice quiet. "Why didn't you tell me all of this?"

"It's no ones problem to know! I was fine doing everything myself." joon lays down on the bed.

"Joon!" Min yells at him then stops."......joon." he says again quieting his voice. "I could have helped you...why...why wouldn't you tell me something this important?" he starts to get mad again, worried.

"Because I don't want your help!! I want to be normal!"

"God Joon!! Why can't you just let people help you?!" he runs his hand through his hair. "But no! You just have to be Mr independent! Do you have any idea how distant that makes me feel?! Maybe I want to help you!! Maybe I care about you, huh!!" min clenches teeth, swallowing hard.

"I'm sorry."

changmin looks back over at joon, not sure what to think. Then he closes his eyes and lets out a sigh.

He was going through all of that and I didn't even know...some boyfriend I am. I am so sorry Joon...I wish I could make it up to you.

The room falls into silence. Changmin can still feel the old throbbing pain in his body.

Then Joon finally speaks. "Come kiss me."

changmin looks over at him, a deep longing in his chest.

I want to Joon...but I can't bring myself if you're just going to leave me. Changmin bites his lip. But...I will do this for you.

He crawls over beside Joon. and leans forward, but stops."....are....are you sure?"

Joon nods slowly, and min moves forward hesitantly. He kisses him on the lips slowly, softly, eyes closing, joon kissing him back.

I love you too much Joon...

Min's hand moves behind joon's neck pressing them closer together, still kissing him. Joon exhales a bit and kisses his neck, his hand resting on Minnie's collar, pushing him forward.

Changmin lets out a small noise and grabs joon's shirt.

Then there's a loud thump as the door flies open.

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D