More Then Kissing

Sincerely Yours (Seoul Academy: Changmin P.O.V)

-One Week Later-

Changmin walks down the hallway a small skip in his step. As he walks further the crowd starts to thin around him until there's no one around at all.

Min stops and glances around making sure no one's following him, then he turns to his right walking quickly down a hallway full of dark, seldom used classrooms. he walks a little further then stops at one of the art classrooms. he opens the door slowly, no one inside. he closes the door behind him hearing it click, then he walks over to one of the long tables, sitting on it.

Once there he reaches into his bag pulling out a couple of small lunch boxes. he checks his watch. "I wonder when joon will get here...?"

As if one cue the door opens and Joon walks in. "Hey Minnie.." Joon smiles warmly and walks over to Min, flipping a seat onto the floor and slides into it. "Did you miss me baby?"

"Yes, a lot." Changmin leans over and pecks joon on the cheek. Then he moves the food closer so they could both reach it, opening them one at a time.

There's a small silence and Joon bites his lip. looking at Min. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

Changmin nods, looking down at what he's doing, smile faltering slightly. He pulls open the last container, then looks up at joon. "Yeah...I'm feeling much better...I still have some pain every once and awhile, but...I'm sure I'll be fine..." the pain is much worse then I'm making it out to be...but I don't want Joon to worry. As long as I keep up on my pain medication I'll be fine.

Changmin smiles reassuringly over at Joon, then looks down at the food and motions to it, wanting to change the subject. "I hope you like it..."

Joon takes a bite of Lo mein. "Oh my gosh! This is so yummy!" he pecks Minnie on the lips. "almost as yummy as you!" he winks.

Changmin blushes, smiling, then he starts eating the food himself. "So, how have classes been so far today...?"

Joon shrugs. "Kids intimidated by me. You know the usual. Mr Kim totally hates me."

Min nods, pulling his feet up on the table, sitting Indian style. "Well you really didn't make the greatest first impression with him. Didn't you...steal his food or something?"

Joon laughs hard. "meh. It's whatever. Ill just die slowly on the inside when everyone finally hates me."

Changmin pushes Joon lightly on the shoulder. "Well I don't hate you!"

"I know I know.. And I'm glad for that. You're my soulmate changmin!"

Oh goodness, every time you say something like that I think my hearts going to beat right out of my chest.

Changmin smiles, looking down shyly. Then he lays his hand on joon's squeezing it slightly, before going back to eating, a small blush creeping into his face.

Joon smiles then shrugs. "So when do we ?" Changmin chokes on his food and Joon bursts out laughing. "I KID I KID. I just like seeing that cute blush on your face." 

Changmin coughs violently, blushing crimson. 

Joon stands up worried. "baby are you okay?" he pats min's back gently.

"Yes! yes!" Min coughs some more, shooing Joon away, blushing deep red. "I'm fine!" he coughs a couple more times, but clears his throat, then tries to hide his flushed cheeks embarrassed.

Man stay cool Changmin. He just brought up why are you freaking out?

Min fans his face, eyes watering from coughing so hard. he laughs nervously, one hand reaching out to joon's arm pushing him back down in his chair gently. "I'm sorry."

Joon leans over grinning. "I'm glad to see you are that into me."

Changmin smiles coyly, but starts eating again, his face still red.

Why am I so self conscious all of a sudden? And why does the thought of sleeping with him scare me so much?...maybe it's because I've never slept with someone before.

Joon bites his lip, but continues eating. "Hey, let go back to my room after this."

Changmin looks up. "Joon we can't...we both have classes..."

Joon sighs. "fine..."

Min looks over at joon, part of him wishing he had said something different.

Is he upset?

Changmin lowers the chopsticks from his mouth slightly. "I'm sorry..."

Joon shrugs and shifts slight away from him eating his food in silence.

Min sighs. then sits his chopsticks down moving closer to joon, setting a hand on top of his boyfriend's. "What's really bothering you baby?"


"Joon I know you're lying to me..." looks at him seriously, caressing his hand softly.

"It's nothing!" Joon moves his hand away from Minnie's and starts to eat again.

Changmin looks at joon for a few seconds more, holding his now empty hand with his other, feeling rejected.

Is it because...? Is it because I wont go back to the dorms with him?

Min looks down, and stands up walking over to his bag, he pulls something out and returns with it. "Here...I made this for you..." he holds out a photobook, not meeting joon's eyes.

Please just take's stupid I know, but...

Joon takes it into his hands and opens it, his eyes tearing up. "These are the best pictures I've ever had!!" he stands up and kisses changmin hard on the lips.

Min kisses him back, then breaks apart slowly. "Joon...if you really want to go back to your room...we could skip school." He looks down torn, but doesn't want to loose him.

Joon sighs. "No. It's whatever. I'm going home..Enjoy your classes." He turns and walks out of the room.

Changmin watches him leave the classroom and sighs, looking down, hugging his arms to himself. Then he looks back up at the empty doorway, rocking from foot to foot.

Should I go after him?....I'm...I'm scared of....I don't think I'm ready....but...but I don't want to loose him over this...It's not that big of a deal compared to keeping him.

Min then decides something and without hesitating or even grabbing any of his things he runs after joon. he see's him walking down the deserted hallway, still holding the photobook at his side. Min runs up to him and shoves him into the wall kissing him hard on the mouth. Joon melts into the kiss slowly, but after a few seconds he opens his eyes pulling away. "C-C-Changmin..What are you doing?!"

"Kissing you. What does it look like?" He breaths his words out, leaning forward again pressing his lips against Joon's passionately.

Joon's eyes slide shut and he wraps his hands around Min's small waist. Then he pulls back again. "Minnie we're in school!!"

Changmin lets out an exasperated sigh, blinking away tears. "I-..I don't care anymore!!" he leans into him again kissing him hard on the lips his hand grabbing Joon's shirt. He lets out a choked breath still kissing him a signal tear rolling down his cheek.

Why is this so hard? Please stop me Joon...please say I mean more to you then this...I will do anything for you...but don't make me do this...

Joon kisses him, but pulls back once more. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong!" he says but tears are now flowing down his face and his voice is choked. He grabs Joon's shirt tighter and kisses him again not letting go, forcing him against the wall harder.

Please....stop me.

Joon pushes him off. "Baby. Stop! Why are you doing this?"

Changmin stumbles backward, breath coming in uneven gasps, tears now streaming down his face. He looks into Joon's eyes. "I-...I love you Joon! and...and I don't want you to leave me again." Min starts sobbing. "I'll do anything!" He brings his hands up to his face, voice desperate and choked. "ANYTHING! Just don't leave me again!"

"Just relax. I'm not leaving. I'm right here." He sighs. "Ill wait till...You're ready to.." Joon blushes. "you know. I would never force you into that."

Changmin continues to sob nodding, but not meeting his eyes.

I'm so sorry baby...

Joon sighs again. "Just relax changmin."

Min shakes his head. "Y-you say you wont leave me, but have!" Min continues to sob and leans backwards into the opposite side of the hall sliding to the ground. "Y-you came back, but I can't take this Joon!! I'm not...I'm not strong enough..."

Joon exhales loudly. "I left you once. Because you cheated on me. That was well deserved. Stop Crying and toughen up. I just...I don't know why you always do this to me."

Yes I know! I'm stupid! So stupid! I'm awful and I would take the kiss back in a heartbeat! 

"I'm so sorry Joon!"Changmin chokes out, self hate entering his voice. "I'm sorry that I'm a cheating , I'm sorry I'm not stronger, I'm sorry you have to deal with me!" Pain enters his voice. "I've never been serous about anyone I've dated before. I-..I don't know what I'm doing! I'm scared and confused! I just love you Joon...I would do anything for you!"

"Then just be yourself. Get yourself together."

Changmin nods shakily, wiping his eyes on his sleeve.

I will stop...I will calm down.

Joon lets out a breath of air. "Okay..Okay. We really have to stop being upset."

Min nods again, wiping the last of his tears away. Not meeting Joon's eyes.

Joon shrugs. "Go to class. I'm going home. I don't have any afternoon classes. You know this."

Joon slings his back pack over his shoulder and walks away, leaving Changmin in the hall by himself.

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Nuhuuu CL appeared... I lub you~ :D Can't wait for the next one ^^
I cried Q___Q I really did... .___.
OMG Q______Q sobsobsob... Joon's such a douchebag T^T'
OMG! poor Hyoyeon...But I really like it ^^ xD Joon saved Min Yaaaaaaaaaaaay~
Muhahaha I really like it neheeeee~ Can't wait for the update :D