

As usual Soojin was the one cooking dinner she always got home before the other two. She was a bit sore from work having fit an extra class in during lunch instead of eating. She finished cooking and looked at the clock a little worried. "where are those two?" She clicked her tongue out of annoyance. "They could have at least called and told me 'hey I'm running late I love you'..." She pouted. "now dinners gonna get cold" 


   After about 30 minutes of Soojin sitting at the dining table playing with her chopsticks and staring at her phone she heard the door open. Shuhua came running in. "I'm sorry I'm late unnies there was a meeting and it ran late and..." She realized she didn't see Miyeon. "Hey where's Miyeonie?" She saw Soojin at the table looking down. the whole time shuhua had been talking Soojin had been trying to calm her nerves as she didn't like to show even her girlfriends when she was upset. Shuhua went to Soojin holding her hand to comfort her while she pulled out her phone trying to call Miyeon. 


   After a few rings Miyeon answered she sounded out of breath. "I'm sorry baby I missed the bus I'm running home." shuhua looked confused "but it's been almost 40 minutes it's only a 20 minute walk." Miyeon panted. "I... will explain... when I get you...less than 10 minutes..." She hung up and looked at her phone. "She's almost home she missed the bus she's running here?" Soojin looked up at the younger girl her eyes glistening as she looked like she was gonna cry. Shuhua hugged her "She'll be fine just sore." 


  7 minutes and 23 seconds later is when Miyeon walked into the house. she collapsed onto the couch still catching her breath 2 bouquets of roses clutched in her hand looking a little worse for wear. Soojin and Shuhua quickly went to her Soojin with a bottle of water in hand. "Are you okay? what happened?" Soojin gave the water to Miyeon. After a moment and a large portion of the water Miyeon began to tell them everything. "I was running late because my boss wanted to talk to me. And so I missed the bus so I was even more late. And I knew you would worry so I wanted to buy you both flowers..." She held up the sad looking roses. "and while I was in the store I saw an old woman struggling to reach a box so I went to help her out. And she told me everything about her son and his girlfriend who are terrible people by the way. But then I paid and saw the time and decided to run the rest of the way." Soojin crossed her arms rolling her eyes "You could have at least called me I was worried." She took the roses and went to put them in vases in the kitchen. as she did she looked at them knowing she couldn't be mad at the older girl. 


   Miyeon was confused why Soojin was acting like that and Shuhua explained. "We were both late she was panicking." Miyeon bit her lip feeling bad. Shuhua held her hand kissing her cheek. "but we're all home safe now that's what counts right? Oh hey why did your boss want you to talk to him?" Miyeon smiled proudly. "That part of the story has to wait til after dinner when I can tell our Jinnie too." Shuhua rolled her eyes and pulled the woman to the dining room. 


   After dinner and sharing about their day Shuhua had volunteered to do the dishes as both of her girlfriends were sore. Soojin sat in the counter across from the sink with a glass of wine in hand while Miyeon stood beside her holding and playing with the girls hand her own glass of wine not far from them. Shuhua spoke up as she finished the dishes. "So Yeonie what is it you wanted to tell Jinnie and I?" Miyeon stood up straight smirking proudly as she took a hand of both of her girlfriends. "Well you're looking at the brand new CFO of the Cho company" Shuhua and Soojin almost in sync gasped. "wait really? You're not messing with us?" Soojin questioned. Miyeon nodded. "Next weekend there will be a party where I will be formally celebrated that means we all have to go got it homebody?" She looked at soojin who preferred to stay home most of the time. Shuhua leaned in and kissed Miyeon softly Soojin copied the action wiping the lipstick that smeared a bit off of Miyeons bottom lip. "I always told my mom I didn't need to marry a rich man I'd still end up rich." Soojin said winking at Miyeon. Miyeon blushed. Shuhua clapped excitedly. "Since it's Friday we can have our own celebration! And we can invite the girls! tomorrow right?" 


   They settled down on the couch Shuhua sitting in between the two so they could both lay down. "My old ladies so tired." She teased them. Soojin sat up and paused the movie they were watching making Shuhua look at her. "What did you call us?" Shuhua gulped she felt Miyeons arms snake around her waist. "I think she called us old Jinnie." Shuhua knew she was in trouble when Soojin stood up and pulled Shuhua by her shirt. "why don't we go teach Shuhua here some manners?" Miyeon nodded and kissed Soojin before going to the bedroom Soojin following and pulling Shuhua behind. She knew she was in for a long night. 

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Apparently all I needed was a little free time to finish all those chapters I was working on.


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Chapter 41: I'm so sorry for your loss, take whatever time you need
Nanakanan221 #2
Chapter 40: ahhh the end made me tear up... poor shu😭
Chapter 40: A sad but beautiful chapter, and Shuhua with a tattoo...uow
Chapter 39: You're back! Excited for the wedding. 💜🍒
Chapter 39: You came back! I can't wait for the wedding
Chapter 37: Don't worry, I totally understand what you're going through! Writing has to be fun and not an obligation, take time for yourself, rest, inspiration will come back when you least expect it
Chapter 36: Cute even drunk! My Jichuuu
Chapter 35: I loved that they are all together celebrating
Chapter 34: Shu's tattoo gave me an idea. This is so cute, but kinda nostalgic considering we only got to see Jin's rainbow tattoo properly once. 💜🍒
Chapter 33: A rubber ducky tattoo suddenly doesn't sound so bad now. Am planning to have one similar to Soojin's though. That cute little heart she's got. 💜🍒