Arrival of the Newbie

About Love & Light
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The final trimester finally come and I am in my last three months of pregnancy. Baekhyun was busy as ever as the end of the year is approaching and my birth due is nearing. He has been busy as ever and had less time to be with me. 






Baekhyun's voice was on the other side as he was on his way to the airport. Baekhyun's outstation work also made our relationship a bit distant. He always had to make emergency trips due to the end-year project that he had to do.



"Yes, sweetheart. How is Aeri doing?" 



"Only Aeri? How about Aeri's mummy?" 



I said. Unconsciously I was pouting as I lay down on the bed after having another lonely dinner without Baekhyun. Despite of that, Baekhyun had always looked after me so well during the pregnancy. I was somehow jealous as he would straight away ask about the baby instead of me every night. Thanks to the pregnancy hormone, I would somehow become sulky towards him. I wonder if would I also be fighting with our baby for Baekhyun's attention? That thought had me chuckling and giggling alone. That would be so funny. Baekhyun's chuckles could be heard from the other side. His voice once again echoed through the phone call. 



"Does Aeri's mummy miss Bobohu?" 



"She is. When is Bobohu coming back?" 



I asked playing along with his playful teasing. His breathing then went through the phone as if he was sighing out of tiredness. It always brings shivers to me even after so many phone calls between us. Baekhyun really makes me go crazy throughout our whole relationship.



"I wish I could fly and straight away appear in front of you, Na." 



"So do it," I said and he once again chuckles. 



"Kim Nayeon, in this relationship let me alone be crazy not you too." 



Baekhyun said pretending to be stern as I hold back my giggles. We then had our conversation on the phone that night. Oh, I miss Baekhyun so bad yet he was busy working as I hold on to my lonely feeling day by day. Knowing that fact, I had occupied myself with home chores along with working from home as Baekhyun was worrying about my health being. Thank god Yerin had been understanding all along and she was also letting me rest at home. 






That night, I was still looking over the sketch that Yerin sends to me as our project have not settled yet. Baekhyun was looking at me after he climbs up to the upper level of the house. He just returned home and have dinner alone. I didn't get to join him due to the work that overwhelming. I then ignored him since I need to settle the work before I take a break soon. 






He calls again as I was been focusing on the work. 



"Baek, I am busy right now. Don't disturb me." 



I said as I didn't look at him at all. Baekhyun suddenly went silent. I turn my head to look at him as he seems dissatisfied. He was this frown as he stared at me long.






"Na... you have been working since yesterday and not even sleep." 



"I need to finish all of this soon, Baek."



Baekhyun's face however still dissatisfied. He then holds my hand. I stop my work as I look at him. He looks more serious than ever as his right hand is busy holding my face softly while rubbing my stomach slowly with his left one. It has become his habit as he will also talk to Aeri every night. 



"Look at your face, Na. You are obviously tired. You are pregnant. You should have rest instead of moving around." 



I sighed. I then push his hands away. He seems offended.



"Just a little bit more, Baek. I am tired of just lying down and doing nothing."



I said which was the truth. I already rest for a while after our baby shower and all I do was rest and eat while catching up with things I can't do before. Baekhyun on the other side had been busy as ever and he can't always be with me which make me feel lonely. Thank god Yerin often comes and accompanies me but I can't just sit down. I want to do something to make myself feel useful even if I am pregnant. 



"Na, I already tell Yerin to take all of this by tomorrow. Now come on." 



Baekhyun once again tried to convince me. He then pushes the sketch before pulling my hand again. I however found his words kind of offensive. Why is he deciding things for me now? Am I that indulgent to Baekhyun? Now that I realise he makes me do nothing and let him do everything for me. He has been blocking me from going to the kitchen which results in us ordering out or him cooking for me, limiting my movement to go outside the house and now stopping me to do my work. I feel stuck. My face frowning. 






He stops before I take my hands from him. He was kissing it gently which was also one of his habits claiming to soothe the baby. My voice was holding back my annoyance. 



"Let me do what I want for once. You have been making me feel stuffy, Baek." 



"I do it for you and Aeri, Na. I don't want to see you sick." 



"But I am not sick, Baek." 



I try to not raise my voice on him. I realize my emotion is like a roller coaster and I often get mad at Baekhyun. Thank god he was patient. Baekhyun's face however turns even gloomy and darker. He stares at me. His voice was low and deep.



"Do whatever you want then. Don't come to me unless you already realize what are you doing right now." 




He said as he stood up and walks away. I look at his back. He was walking down the stairs and gone from my sight. I sighed. 


'It's okay Nayeon, you can persuade him later...' 


I continue my work peacefully before a few minutes later my stomach feels a bit sore. I caress my little baby Aeri. The baby had been kicking and moving for the whole term so that's why I didn't think so much about the pain that I feel right now.



"Aeri, mummy is doing some work here. Can you please don't kick mummy?" 



I said as I smile thinking about the baby that was probably active a lot but the kick is getting more and more intense. I wrinkle my forehead afterward. The baby kick is often but not as often as this. I can feel sweats form on my forehead. 






I mumble as I take a breath. Why it's hurt now? I then stop my work. I stand up when the pain is going unbearable. I walk to the stairs. 






I called him since my lower part feel uncomfortable and it was kind of alarming. The doctor had told us to go to the hospital soon if I can't handle the pain yet that time has come. Baekhyun was downstairs still mad over the fact I do not want to stop working and rest. I hold on to the stairs. Gosh, why it's so hurt? 


"Baek... I don't feel good..." 


I mumble my voice shaking. What is happening? My stomach starts to feel hurt too. Where the hell did this guy go? I suddenly want to cry. Where is Baekhyun when I need him? 




It feels like I am going to pee before I can feel liquid somehow going out from down my legs. I look under my jumper that was bought by Baekhyun since my stomach can no longer be covered with normal maternity clothing. My eyes turn wide. My hands were holding onto the stairs tight. At that moment, my head had already given me the answer.


My water broke. 






My voice yelled as tears rolled to my face and after that, everything went dark as the last thing I saw was Baekhyun standing at the end of the

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19/09 - WE GOT 500 SUBBIES! This is so crazy 😭 Thanks so much for your love ! I have no words other than love to all readers. I hope you will stay to love and enjoy this story also Baekhyun 🫶🏻 Once again thanks lovies <3


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0 points #1
Chapter 43: Awwww Such a cute happy family.
Chapter 43: Thank u so much for this amazing story.
SummerLuv #3
Chapter 43: The kids are sooooo cute!! & Baekhyun and Nayeon are still so madly in love 🥹 he's such a loyal man for keeping something since 5yo omg where to find such guy 😂
Chapter 43: Ohmagosh!their families are too cute.
SummerLuv #5
Chapter 42: Just finished reading this whole story and it's great!!! I like how the drama ain't too dramatic 🤣 props to sehun got being the matchmaker tho. Him and yerin are such good pairing HAHAHA
41 streak #6
Chapter 9: hei author Park_Rafa88!!

well that was extremely..FUNky..lols..the meeting..the way his nini was like he is still mine..this is funny!!

⋆。°✩ starfan24 ⋆。°✩
41 streak #7
Chapter 8: hei author Park_Rafa88!! seems she is already aware of what might occur between them..i do wonder how this will be for their friendship..i get the sense that they trust each other alots..

⋆。°✩ starfan24 ⋆。°✩
41 streak #8
Chapter 6: hei author Park_Rafa88!!

i am excited and curious as to what happens next between her and baekhyun!!

⋆。°✩ starfan24 ⋆。°✩
Chapter 41: What a beautiful ending <333
Chapter 41: Baekhyun should not have worried much. He's the best husband and father! Btw, is nayeon pregnant again 🤣 can't wait for baekhyun's version!

Thank you for updating authornim 🌹