Introducing - MoonByul!


Moonbyul was leaning back on a big office chair, her legs up on the table and she's gently twisting back and forth while playing on her phone. She's wearing a navy blue hoodie, black skinny jeans ripped around the knees, a pair of Air Jordan, and a white snap back. She's the definition of the cool kid at school.

Moonbyul, full name Moon Byul-Yi, is well known all over Korean and the world for her singing and rapping. Debuting at just 15 with no company backing, when it was just her and her school music teacher (who's now the CEO of the company) hustling the streets of Seoul, singing at subway stations, airdropping her music into people's phone, and utilizing social media in it's early days.

And now, almost a decade later, at age 24, have achieve so much, including a few Grammy's. She's well known as a singer-songwriter, writing almost all her songs. Her rapping skills leave many rappers in awe. Her dancing so dropping. She's the top selling artist in Korean the past 30 years. Artist, not just best selling solo artist, no, best artist. And she's still young, she'll be the top in Korean history soon.

She's also greatly admired for being a “do it yourself” person. All her MV's are directed and edited by her. Her photo book shoot for her albums are all conceptualized and final images all approved by her. Many artist are also envious of her good relationship with her CEO. He trust her so much that she basically makes her own schedule, choose her own work, basically have free reign over her career, and he just signs the contract for formality. And this laid back approached works. Thanks to her, her teacher/CEO company is now one of the top entertainment company in Korea. They debuted two groups who's taking the world by storm. Their hit songs were produced/composed by MoonByul. She's the company main producer and composer as well.

But of course, 9 years of hard work leaves little room for personal life. Couple that with her very shy personality, and you get a loner. Not in a bad way of course. Just she's lonely. She doesn't really have friends outside people in the company. But those aren't really friends either, they're more like good friendly colleagues. She have so many people wanting to get to know her, especially girls wanting to get to “know” her, but Byul is always too shy. Her closest friends are her ceo/school music teacher, his wife/her part time stylist, and their 4 years old daughter.... yeah.

So! What else to do but intervene on her behalf, even if she gets mad? Her CEO signed her up to be on the first season of Same-Gender We Got Married! She's going to be mad, but it's for her own good really! He hopes, at the very least, she becomes decent friend with whoever she's paired with, that way, she doesn't spend all her free time playing with his 4 years old daughter. He's all for a free babysitter, but that's just sad.

“Byul-yi,” her CEO greets her as he walks in the room with a camera man trailing behind.

She looks up in happiness before confusion takes over, “Hi?”

She puts her legs down and scratches her cheek, “there's a man with a camera behind you.”

“Yes Byul-Yi, I know” her CEO replied amusingly, taking a seat in front of her.


“He's here to film you.”

“Uh, for what?”

“Your pre-wedding interview!” Her extra, very extra CEO reached into his pocket and threw some confetti on her.

“CONGRATS!” He pretending to wipe away tears, “oh, you're so grown up now, I remember when you were clinging to me, afraid of getting lost on the subway,”

Byul sat there blinking, her mind not being able to process what is happening.

He took this opportunity to drop an envelope in front of her and ran away, “here's your marriage details! Have fun! Bye! Don't kill me please!”

He bolted out of there and slam the door behind him.

The camera man sweat-drop at this very odd dynamic.

A few second pass by,

“Ahem, ByulYi-shi, hi?”

She shook herself out of her stupor, and flustered about, “Oh! Hello! So sorry, my -he – married - i'm confused.”

The camera man took pity on her, “Your CEO signed you up for the first season of Same Gender We Got Married. I'm here for the first interview. Please open the envelope.”

She stared at him blankly, “...what.”

“Congrats on your upcoming wedding!”

She took a deep breath, as if to stop herself from chasing after her CEO and killing him, and slowly reached for the envelope. Opening it gently to not rip the paper, she band to read the content. Once done, she looks back up at the camera.

She rubbed the back of her neck nervously, “i'm sorry, this is a bit of a surprise.”

She wave the paper, “i should – okay..”

Byul looks down and start fidgeting with the strings on her hoodie. A few second pass before she looks up at the camera again.

“Um, hello? Wife? AAAHHH”

The camera man jumped at the unexpected high pitch scream.

“sorry sorry, okay! I can do this!”

She took a deep breath, “Hello wife,” she stood up and bow, then realized she's wearing a snap back hat. She immediately took it off, “sorry! That was rude!”

She's so flustered right now, the camera man is really starting to pity her and think he should start over. Delete all footage and walk back in like it's the first time.

“Okay!” she exclaim, “for real this time!”

She took a deep breath, “Hello Wife,” she bows deeply then got up and hop to sit on the table, swinging her legs like a kid. The camera man held back his laugh.

She wave the paper at the camera, “It's asking me what I hope for in my wife.”

“Hm, I dont like having expectation,” she shrug and ponder for it bit, “I think life is happier when there's no expectation. If you have high expectations and it doesn't meet it, you're only left with sadness. But if you have no expectations, then you'd be pleasantly surprise every-time.”

“My ideal type?”

She shook her head, “None. I believe in soulmates. There's someone for everyone and we're destine to meet. I don' Well, I never thought about idea type because we'll meet our other half as they are.”

“Who do you hope your wife will be?”

“As long as they're not underage, or old enough to be my parents haha”

“Meet your wife tomorrow at XYZ Cafe at 10am.”

She looks at the camera man, “so I just show up there tomorrow?”

He sweatdrop, normally their manager would go over the schedule, but MoonByul is unique in that she's her own manger, and her CEO dropped this schedule on her without telling her.

He made a motion to let her know he'll tell her after camera end.

She leans forward, confused by his motions, “I'm sorry?”

He sighed, and changed it up, making a cut motion letting her know to end the shot.

“Ah!” She hop off the table and bow, “bye! See you tomorrow!”

The camera man ended the shoot and lower the camera.

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thehotmonkey #1
Chapter 27: fun story!
La_Joke26 #2
Chapter 27: Oh wow, I didn’t think this would be over so soon. And it’s so emotional!! Glad you had fun writing this. It was fun to read. 😊
Moujen #3
Chapter 27: this story has been a comfort to me and I am really curious as to what happens so I would love for a sequel but in the meantime I'm just looking forwards to whatever you decide to do next
chxstark #4
Chapter 27: Honestly I think it need some sequel, because this ending so sudden. The WGM is not ended yet, the things in Korea, all that noise that caused their fight. But we can only say this, you're the one who has the control over your own story. :D

I really didn't expect that from her past, damn girl being traumatized to see her parents died w her own eyes. :'(

I'm sorry for the long comment. Have a nice day, and thanm you for this update! ❤
Taitai84 1331 streak #5
Chapter 27: The ending is rather abrupt… but can understand if you wish to stop it here like this~
Astrae_17 #6
Chapter 27: Thank you for the story! I really enjoyed reading it! It was super interesting and I would love to find out what happens after they kiss! Thank you for the hard work you put into writing this fic!
Chapter 27: she has yongsun now and thankyuu for the beautiful story 💖 im not gonna lie, ill miss this a lot
Chapter 27: Anw, thank you for writing this amazing and beautiful story ✨ we'll surely wait for the sequels. Thanks authornim?😊
Chapter 27: I'm crying I know how painful it is. How difficult it it for Byul and how Yongsun can affect Byul. 😭
Chapter 27: Ahhhhh I want more T^T But the ending is perfect 😁 To only have a glimpse of Byulyi's past, we already got the idea of the entirety of it, and also understood more her personality and how she became such a great artist there in the story. Thank you so much authornim! It was indeed a fun ride ^^