Who Are You?


Kim Jisoo and her brother have always been perfect, but one day her brother get's sick and her perfect world begins to break apart.

Jisoo then meets the misterious Min Yoongi, who shows her how to see the world with her own eyes and express who she really is.

But everyone has its own secret...


This is my second story, so please enjoy. As english is not my native language please let me know if there are too many mistakes.

This story starts a little sad but it will get brighter over time, so please wait for the bright days to come! Thank you for reading :)



"On the first visit to psychiatric ward, my parents came up with me
We listened to the consultation together, my parents said they don’t truly understand me
I don’t understand myself well either, then who would understand?
Friend? Or you? Nobody knows me well."

~ AugustD - The Last ~


When Min Yoongi met Kim Jisoo for the first time he knew she was different. She was just like him, a hopeless soul that needed saving but didn't want to be saved from her misery. Everyone has his or her own secret but eventually we cannot bear to hold it in anymore. Yoongi wasn't sure what kind of connection they had but then they met again in a place both of them shouldn't be in.


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Vinuna197 #1
Chapter 30: I love your story, please keep your good work. I really love it!!!<3
Chapter 24: :'>
readallday #4
Chapter 23: I love this story so muuuch :) good job author-nim :)
Chapter 20: :o im shook hahahaha
Chapter 18: :'( my heart </3
mikazukiaugust #7
Chapter 13: This is heartbreaking chapter ???
mikazukiaugust #8
Chapter 10: Aaahhh i cant waittt the next chapter ????

Author nim, do u have this story on wattpad?
mikazukiaugust #9
Chapter 7: This chapter is beautiful, i can feel the emotion, and i just want to cry too