Chapter 24 - Ninth Day of School PT 2

little monstars; apply closed!

Ninth day of school Pt 2


  Hyungwon walked down the hall as he watched Kyungho exit his office as he was carrying some files as he had seen Jooyui's car in the parking lot. He walked over to him as he crossed his own arms. "Why was Jooyui here?" He asked as he looked at Kyungho. He watched the other look at him just holding his files behind his back. 

"We were just talking," Kyungho said as he looked at the other. "I can't talk about our conversation as you know." He said as he looked at Hyungwon. 

"That is fine. I'll talk to Jooyui later." Hyungwon said as he looked at him. "You better leave her and her family alone. Show that you have some sort of moral code." Hyungwon said as he looked at him. 

"Don't you have some brats to go look after?" Kyungho asked 

"Yeah, and I take care of yours better than you can." Hyungwon walked around as he looked back at him. "Seriously, Kyungho. Leave her alone." He said as he kept walking just heading to the ER to finish up his shift then head over to the daycare. He sighed as he was handed a chart as he looked over to him. He sighed as he walked over to the desk as leaned on the counter as it was pretty empty this morning. 

"Dr.Chae, you're pretty friend left you a message. You left your phone here."  A male nurse said as he handed him his phone. 

"Thanks, Seongwoo (Wanna One)," Hyungwon said as he took his phone. He figured that it would be Sooyoung but it was Jooyui. "I'll be right back." Hyungwon looked at the younger as he nodded just walking out the ER doors. He walked to the parking lot just walking up to Jooyui's car as he got in the passenger seat just looking at her. "Is everything okay?" He asked as he watched as Jooyui handed him some papers. Hyungwon took them as he looked them over just sighing to himself. "Why did you sign these? I mean nothing is wrong with them, but I thought you weren't going to do this?" Hyungwon asked 

"My mom went to him directly," Jooyui said "I really couldn't say no when I saw all the money that it would cost. I would have to take on more parties and we would have to raise the cost of attending at the daycare which I don't want to do." Jooyui said as she looked at him. "But, I owe him now. I don't know how to tell Minhyuk or if I should even tell him." Jooyui said as she looked at him. 

"I think you should tell him. I mean do you two keep secrets from each other?" Hyungwon asked as he raised an eyebrow at her. 

"I don't tell him everything if that is what you're asking. I have done a lot of not so great things in my life, Hyungwon. He doesn't need to know about them that I why I have Kihyun and Hyunwoo to know the old me." She said to him. 

"What version of yourself does Minhyuk love?" Hyungwon asked, "Or more like which version of you have you let him love?" Hyungwon gave her a look. 

"Stupidly enough, he loves all of them." Jooyui laid her head on the steering wheel. 

"I think you two should talk about this still. This involves Minjae and I know he is very important to both of you. Granted, I don't think Kyungho is going to get in the middle of that." Hyungwon said 

"Unless he is given enough motivation from a rich ," Jooyui said 

"Did you just call your own mother a 'rich '?" Hyungwon asked as he shook his head. "I mean I have seen some mothers do some evil things, but I don't -" He started as he looked at Jooyui 

"You don't know my mother or my parents. I am sorry. I just needed someone unbiased to talk to. Kihyun would already have a murder plan ready and I'd be failing at holding back Hyunwoo into beating Kyungho right on the hospital floor." Jooyui said 

Hyungwon sighed as he looked at her. "I understand. I am here for you and a lot of other people are too. Should we tell Mi?" He asked 

"No! She has enough on her plate. I mean I don't want to drag her in." Jooyui looked at him as she peered over his shoulder as he had a couple texts from Sooyoung. "Looks like your relationship is going good." She said 

"What relationship? She just wants to eat lunch." Hyungwon blinked. 

"Oh gosh, Hyungwon. No wonder Sooyoung asked me what turns on a dorky shy doctor." Jooyui said 

"Why would she be asking you that? Did she say who it was?" Hyungwon asked as he looked at her. 

"You're hopeless," Jooyui said as she shook her head. "You can get out now. I do not want to keep Sarang by herself for any longer." She said as Hyungwon still looked confused. "By the way, she was asking about you." Jooyui watched him shut her door as his face turned red as she drove away. Jooyui parked her car just sighing to herself as she started to walk to the cafe. She entered as she was surprised to see Minhyuk sitting by himself just typing on his laptop. "Why aren't you at the daycare?" She asked 

"I came to eat lunch with you but Sarang said you were at the hospital," Minhyuk said 

"My mom set up a meeting with a doctor to discuss Minjae. We should talk about it later." Jooyui said 

"We can talk about it now." Minhyuk looked at her as he stood up. "Is everything okay?" He asked He packed up his things as he walked to the counter. "Sarang, can you hide these things in a safe spot? I am going to take Jooyui on a walk." He handed them to her as she nodded. He walked back over to Jooyui as he took her hand just guiding her out. "What happened?" He asked 

"I meet with Kyungho. My mom set us up to have to take this deal. We just don't have the money to do this on our own." Jooyui handed him the papers from her bag. She watched as Minhyuk read through them. "He said that I owed him," Jooyui said 

"I could have gone with you," Minhyuk said 

"You had class and I didn't want to bother you. Besides this is my family so I can handle it." Jooyui nodded as she sighed to herself. 

"You can never bother with me anything especially if someone is manipulating you like this. Don't worry, I won't let anything happen." Minhyuk looked at her 

"I am sorry you got stuck with me," Jooyui said as they walked. 

"Will you stop saying that. I am the one who confessed to you in school. It is more like you were stuck with me since I followed you all the time like a little puppy before you finally gave in." Minhyuk nodded, "You were and still are the only one I wanted." He said as he wrapped an arm around her waist. 


Sarang was waiting a table that had asked her if Jooyui was in and she had said no. The other girls had said that was too bad as Sarang had left the table. She walked back to the table with their order as she sat down the order. "I mean Jooyui should be back soon. She just stepped out with her husband." Sarang said as she looked at them. "Are you ladies her friends?" Sarang asked 

"She and Kihyun got married? We went to high school with Jooyui." One girl said with a nod. 

Sarang blinked at them. "Oh uhm no. Her husband's name is Minhyuk." Sarang said 

"Oh really? Everyone just figured that they would. I mean he was obsessed with her and they were so close - everyone figured that they were dating. Jooyui and Kihyun transferred schools their third year." One girl nodded. "It is funny to hear that since they use to fool around with each other when we would sneak out at night, you know how kids are." The girl said 

"It is such a bummer that they didn't get together. Everyone joked they would make the best kids in school." The other girl laughed. 

Sarang only blinked at them as Jooyui entered back with Minhyuk. "Please enjoy your drinks." Sarang spun off just entering the back as she looked at Jooyui as she entered. "Those two girls were asking for you. They went to high school with Kihyun and you." She stared at Jooyui 

"Yeah, which one? I got kicked out of my first one in my second year. My parents transferred me before they could though." Jooyui shrugged as she put on her apron. 

"And they said Kihyun followed you. They also told me some other interesting things." Sarang took off her apron as she grabbed her things. "I am going to take my lunch break." Sarang walked past her 

"Sarang, what did they say?" Jooyui looked at her 

"They said enough." Sarang let the door to the kitchen area slam in Jooyui's face as she walked out. She crossed her arms as she walked. She knew that she shouldn't let something like this upset her, but she didn't know why she was. It was in the past and they were just stupid teenagers. She sighed as she found herself on Yerin's campus as she was texting her if she wanted to eat together if she was on break. She found Yerin waiting outside of the main building as Sarang waved. 

"Why the long face?" Yerin climbed the stairs of the building with her as they walked inside. 

"Is it that obvious?" Sarang asked as she looked at the other. She watched Yerin nod. "I just got a little upset over some things these two girls that use to go to high school with Jooyui said to me about her and Kihyun." Sarang sighed. "I know I shouldn't get upset but I guess that I was caught off guard," Sarang said 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Yerin asked They got their food as Yerin found a quiet spot where they could talk and eat at the same time. "I mean it is reasonable for you to be. I mean you don't really know them back then. They have known each other for a long time." Yerin said 

"I am not upset over that. I am just upset that those girls told me that they use to fool around with each other. Best friends don't do that." Yerin said 

"Did you talk to Jooyui?" Yerin watched Sarang shake her head. "That would a good idea. I mean from the stories Mi tells me about Jooyui - she was pretty wild in high school. Eunkyung laughed and said she sounded like just like her sister. Besides you already know that back then Kihyun didn't just want to be friends with her, but that has changed now. You two are going on a date. Everyone has a past." Yerin stuffed some rice in "I bet there is stuff you haven't told Kihyun that would upset him." She added 

"You're right, but it still worries me. Enough about my sorry complicated love life. How are you and Jooheon?" She asked 

"What about us?" Yerin asked 

"You know what I mean," Sarang said 

Yerin sighed. "It is fine. We are just friends that hang out a lot." Yerin said as she looked at her. "So, no he hasn't really asked me out," Yerin said as she eyed her. "And stop changing the subject. You should go to the daycare after this and talk to Kihyun." Yerin ate a few pieces of kimchi as the two girls sat there just eating their lunch together. 


Sarang entered the cafe after eating with Yerin as she watched Jooyui was serving a small group of high school students on their lunch break. She walked back to the back as she turned around to see Jooyui blocking the exit back to the main area. "I know we need to talk. Can we talk at close up? I just overreacted. I was just shocked." Sarang said 

"Okay. You know that part of my life is long gone right?" Jooyui asked as she looked at the younger one. "I can even give you some pointers." She teased as Sarang glared at her. 

"Not you too, no thanks. " Sarang walked around her as she exited to the front. Closing up time came quickly as they had a pretty slow afternoon. Sarang waved bye to Yunseo as he got the bakery closed up as Sarang looked over to Jooyui cleaning up tables. 

"What do you want to know?" Jooyui asked as she looked back over to her. 

Sarang sighed as she felt somehow bad about asking these questions. Like shouldn't she just trust her friend? "You know what, I don't need to know anything. I trust you. What is in the past should stay there." Sarang said as she had been thinking about it all afternoon. 

"I think you should still talk to Kihyun that you know. We were drunk, stupid, and teenagers. Besides I was only messing around with Kihyun to get Minhyuk's attention. He was quite dense and slow when it came to people hitting on him." Jooyui nodded 

"Okay. Jooyui, I am sorry. I should have just talked to you. This is just different to me, I guess." Sarang said as she looked at her. "I mean I have never liked someone that just broke up with their fiance and use to be in love with their best friend." Sarang laid her head on the counter. 

"If it makes you feel any better, I never had any romantic feelings for Kihyun." Jooyui nodded to her. She heard the front door to the cafe open up, "Sorry, we are closed." Jooyui said 

"Even for us?" Kihyun walked in with Minjae and Hanuel. "Minhyuk is parking his car." He said as he let Haneul run to a booth as he strolled up Minjae's stroller to the table. 

"Can I have some leftovers?!" Haneul beamed at Jooyui. 

"Sure kiddo, come on back and pick out what you want." Jooyui held out her hand to Haneul as he took it as they walked into the back of the cafe.

Sarang looked at Kihyun as she smiled at him. "Can we talk real quick?" She asked as she made her way to a booth just giving Minjae one of his toys to play with as she passed him to the booth. She looked at him as he sat down. "Some of your classmates from high school were in the cafe today. They told me somethings about Jooyui and you. We've already talked about it and I am okay with it. It happened a long time ago and I just wanted you to know that I know." Sarang said 

"Okay. I mean I was going to tell you at some point. I didn't think it was that important. I mean Jooyui fooled around with a lot of guys until Minhyuk and her got together. Besides it only happened a couple times." Kihyun said as he looked at her. "Anyway, I was hoping that we could just hang out together just us two tonight? I already asked Minhyuk and he said they would watch Hanuel." Kihyun asked 

Sarang eyes widen as she blinked. "I mean well uhm okay." She answered as she watched Jooyui and Hanuel coming back out as Haneul had a bag of cookies in his hands. "Not too many, you haven't had dinner yet." Sarang said, "How does spending some time at Jooyui's and Minhyuk's sound?" Sarang asked 

"Like all us?" Haneul asked 

"Not exactly. Kihyun and I aren't going to be there. Are you okay with that?" Sarang asked 

"Yeah! You two go have a fun time. I can help watch Minjae." Hanuel said as he broke a piece of cookie just giving it to the younger boy. "I really want a baby sibling like Minjae," Hanuel announced as Jooyui winked at the other two. 

"Yeah well keep on dreaming. I won't have a baby for a long time." Sarang said, "I can barely take care of you." Sarang said as she looked at Hanuel. 

"Well, you two lovebirds go on. I got this from here." Jooyui said as she watched Sarang hurry to the back just putting her jacket on as she followed Kihyun out as Minhyuk was coming inside. "We have Haneul for the night. We will go home once I finish cleaning up." Jooyui told them as she went back to cleaning up the cafe. 



author's: notes

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Chapter 37: Ehh... I don't like Kyungho.
I hope everything stay good for Jooyui and Minhyuk.
Also, I hope Changkyung can get better soon.
And I died with the kids rioting and raiding the fridge xD hahahahahahahaha
Chapter 36: Why am I having to play catch up. Lol anyways, Changkyun and Eunkyung making progress cute even though not on good circumstances xD also glad for Mi and Hyunwoo to settle out their misunderstanding. Sarang and Kihyun are kinda cute, but loving Hyungwon and Sooyoung the most tho xD but imaging Minhyuk, Jooyui, and Minjae going to America would be beneficial but curious how things will turn out for them in the end. Just loving everyone's dynamics and such.
Chapter 35: i love how you developed the relationship between hyungwon, sooyoung, and seungjun! it really warms my heart to see seungjun care about his mother so much, but hyungwon is also supporting her too!

"i'll make sure his doesn't work anymore"
like omg!! that was so sassy!
also i'm excited to read about the date ~~~~~ hehehe
Chapter 35: Hyungwon and Sooyoung are so freaking cute! Ugh
And Jooyui is always Sarang's number one supporter on the KiRang mission hahahahahaha
I hope things go well with Joo's parents.
Chapter 34: A Christmas air is slowly enveloping everyone x3
It's good to see that Mi and Hyunwoo worked things out.
That Jooyui and Minhyuk can get her parents safely, and that Sooyoung and Hyungwoon (and Seungjun) can enjoy their time together xD
i have to apologize because i was gone for a long time and i didn't really expect it because my mental health was not okay,,, and so i took a very long break,,,
but i'm back and i am so sorry i didn't let you know beforehand! i will catch up and comment again, sorry again!!
Chapter 32: So know it's Mi and Hyunwoo to have trouble in paradise xD
But it's nice to see Kihyun and Sarang doing well. And Sooyoung and Hyungwon too. :)
And Eunji teasing Chaeyeon is always welcomed xD hahahahahaha I would do the same xD
And I think this was also the first "clash" between the moms. But from what I understand, Jooyui is right.
Chapter 31: I swear I'll catch up with the other story! Am on mobile so this one was updated first and I couldn't resist! Hyungwon is a better father than that Jaehyuk and Seungjun is adorable with Hyunwoo's advice. Lol Also indirect sleepover with Wonho, Chaeyeon, and Yeojin. Cute! Everyone's story pace is really nice and seeing them form differently is also lovely. Can't wait for the next one!
Chapter 30: Omg sorry for late reply!!
But the boys are so much dad like.
Hyunwoo that's chill dad just come other when needed. XD
Minhyuk is so loving while still being himself. Haha
And Changkyun always seem like he has one thing going on after th other and there's no rest. XD
And omg Jooheon and Yerin are so adorable!! Minho is cute I like him. XD
Can't wait for this last weekend and back to school!!!
Chapter 30: Hyunwoo is so dad-like already :')
And Minhyuk can be lazy with dinner if he needs too xD hahaha He's really nico for revising Changkyun's work tho. (And I feel sorry for Changkyun because he needs to deal with Kyungmi :') but he's getting good at it, even better than Eunkyung i think xD hahahaha )
But YeHeon thooooo!! hajkshkjahdkajhd SO CUTE OMG I totally agree with Minho in this matter xD