♥ HunHan!kids

Exo Family Stories


Here's HunHan as kids for you. Requested by the dearest taemisol.
I hope you like it. ♥



Luhan couldn't read the time yet, yet he knew that if the big pointer was on twelve and the small pointer was on one it was time for either his Baba or his Appa to pick him up from kindergarten. The big pointer had moved a little already but that was okay for the boy. Luhan was used to being picked up late; his parents were just too busy to be on time every day.

Patiently waiting the little boy sat on the steps in front of the kindergarten building and watched as his friends and classmates walked out of the big gate, holding the hands of their parents. As the last kid had left, Luhan turned to take a look at the big clock. The big pointer had moved a lot and already had past the small pointer. A sigh left the little boy. His parents were late every day but never that late.

Humming, Luhan stood up and hopped down the stairs. He decided to go to the playground and play there a little. Since nobody was there anymore his parents would have no trouble finding him if they would arrive.

The playground of the kindergarten was empty; well almost. A boy was there, playing by the colorful slide. When he spotted Luhan he walked towards him.

"Hello," the boy chirped. "Are you alone?"

Luhan nodded. The boy was as tall as him but definitely younger than him. His uniform wasn't blue but yellow, such as the ones the kids from the second year would wear.

"I'm Sehun."

"I'm Luhan," Luhan introduced himself.

"That's a cool name," Sehun said. "Do you want to play with me? Come, I found a leave with many ladybugs on it."

Luhan followed Sehun over to the slide. Looking at the big leave and the handful of ladybugs that sat on it, he squealed loudly. He really liked ladybugs.

"Don't you want to go home?"

At Sehun's ask, Luhan looked up from the leaf. "Ah, my parents didn't pick me up," he pouted. "They are always late but never that late."

Sehun hummed. "That's bad."

"And why are you still here?"

Sehun's lips curled into a smile. "My Papa is a teacher here," he said. "We go home together every day when he's cleaned up his classroom. Come, let's go to my Papa."

Sehun grabbed Luhan by the hand and pulled him along. Hand in hand they walked into the building and walked down the long hall to a classroom at the very end of the corridor. "Papa," Sehun called out.

"I'm here, honey," a soft voice called back.

"Look Papa, this is Luhan. He's my new friend," Sehun chirped as the two boys stepped into the classroom.

Luhan's eyes fell onto a figure of Sehun's Papa. The man looked nice, had big round eyes and his lips formed into a heart shape as he smiled. "H-hello."

"Hello Luhan," Sehuns Papa said. "Nice to meet you. Why are you still here?"

"Luhannie's parents didn't come," Sehun answered, frowning a little.

"Oh, really? Well, uh, we should try to call them, huh?"

The boy's followed Sehun's father all the way to the teacher's room. The hopped onto a couple of chairs as the teacher went to look for the phone numbers of Luhan's parents. He let out a sigh as he put the headset down. "Your parents are busy bees, huh?"

Luhan nodded. "They are always late but they have never forgotten me before."

"Papa, can't Luhannie come home with us?" Sehun asked as his father picked the phone's headset back up.

"Well, would you like to come home with us, Luhan?"

Luhan nodded without hesitation. "Yes," he squeaked.

"Alright, then let me call your parents again to tell them where you are."

It didn't surprise Luhan that both of his parents also didn't answer the second call they received from Sehun's Papa and he listened as the man left a voice message on his parent's phones, telling them his phone number, address and that he would take Luhan home with him and his son.

"Alright, then let's go and grab our bags and we can go."

"Are we late for the bus, Papa?" Sehun asked as they made their way bag to the classroom.

"No," the father smiled. "Daddy will pick us up today."

"Really? That's so cool!"

Luhan frowned at Sehun excited squeal and tilted his head in confusion. "Why is that cool?"

"My Daddy is a police officer," Sehun grinned. "Everytime he picks us up he comes with his police car!"

Luhan's eyes widened. "R-really?"

"Yes, yes! It's so cool!"

Luhan was excited to see the police car and ran after Sehun as the boy speed up to hurry to the front gate. There was a man standing, leaning against the brick wall. He was wearing a dark blue uniform and only a couple of inches away from him stood a police car.


The officer turned to them and Luhan stopped in his tracks as Sehun ran towards the man, jumping at him. As a hand him over the head he looked up, meeting Sehun's Papa's smile. "Come," he said and offered him his hand. Luhan took it and giggled a little as the teacher swung their hands back and forth.

"Oh, who's this little handsome fella here?"

"This is Luhan and he's coming home with us today."

"Yes, Luhannie's parents forgot to pick him up."

"Ah, that's bad," the police officer said, pouting a little. He then, with Sehun in his arms, bent down a little. "Nice to meet you, Luhan. I'm Chanyeol, Sehun's Daddy."

"Hello," Luhan greeted back, smiling at the man.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot to introduce myself, didn't I?" A laugh left the teacher. "You can call me Kyungsoo."


"Come on, Daddy. Let's go home now, I want to drive with your car."

Luhan was just as excited as his new friend and wiggled in joy as Kyungsoo fasten their seatbelts and they finally drove of. The ride to Sehun's house was short but the best Luhan had ever had. He wished he could drive with the police car more often.

Sehun lived in a nice, little house and Luhan smiled at the little black dog that greeted them with a bark as they entered the house. "This is Toben," Sehun smiled. "Daddy brought him home a couple of months ago. He was very small and sick."

"Aw, why?"

"I don't know," the boy shrugged. "Papa said Daddy and other police officers rescued a lot of puppies from a bad guy. Papa took good care of Toben. He fed him with a bottle, like baby."

Luhan patted the little, curly dog and squeaked as Toben jumped at him, his chin. Sehun laugh out loudly. "Toben likes giving kisses!"

"Sehun, Luhan, do you want to help me baking a cake?"

The boy's looked at each other, immediately nodding their heads in the same rhythm. "Yes!"

"Alright, then wash your hands please."

They went to wash their hands and when they were back from the bathroom, Kyungsoo was waiting for them with a couple of clothes in his hands. "Here Luhan, try this on. You and Sehun seem to be the same height, I'm sure his clothes will fit you."

As their height was mentioned, Luhan looked at Sehun. "Sehunnie, how old are you? You have a yellow uniform."

"I'm four! And you?"

"I'm five. Why are you as tall as me when you're younger?"

Kyungsoo laughed out at the comment. "Don't be sad about this, Luhan. Everybody is different. Look at Sehun's Daddy and me. I'm not even two months younger than him but I'm so much smaller than him."

Luhan nodded and then smiled. "He's as tall as my Baba. And my Appa is like you, so much smaller than Baba. Baba always calls Appa an angry dwarf."

Sehun loudly gasped at the words and stared at his Papa. "Papa," he said. "That's what Daddy always says to you, too!"

Somewhere from another room Luhan could hear the police officer laughing. Kyungsoo shook his head and rolled his eyes. He reached for Luhan's uniform and folded it. "See, fits perfectly," he smiled and tugged the shirt Luhan had put on in place. "Are you okay with it?"

"Yes," Luhan nodded. "I like it."

"Good, then let's go and make some cake."

Luhan had never baked a cake before and he had so much fun helping mixing the ingredients and stirring in the bowl. For the topping the boys dipped strawberries into melted chocolate and set them aside while the cake was in the oven.

"In about half an hour the cake is done," Kyungsoo said. "Do you want to go and play with Toben in the garden?"

They didn't have to be asked twice and after washing the chocolate off their fingers, the two boy dashed into the garden. "Oh, cool," Luhan said as his eyes fell onto Sehun's play area. His new friend had a sandpit and a treehouse. And from the big branch right beneath the treehouse hung a swing.

"Don't you have a treehouse?" Sehun asked.

"We don't have a garden," Luhan answered. "We only have a very big balcony. We have a pool buts it's not as nice as your garden."

Sehun hummed. "Maybe you can come and play with me tomorrow, too."

"Yes, we should ask!"

"Do you want to see my treehouse? Daddy made it pretty!"

Just as the kids wanted to climb up the letter to the treehouse, someone called out for Sehun. A soft voice was calling for him and Toben ran straight to the where the voice was coming from behind the fence.

Luhan followed Sehun to the fence. "Who's that?" A boy peeked through the gap of the fence.

"That's Luhannie," Sehun said. "He's my new friend from kindergarten. Do you want to come over?"

The boy nodded. "I'll go and ask my Papa."

"Who's he?" Luhan whispered as the boy behind the fence ran away.

"Baekhyunnie," Sehun said. "He's my boyfriend," he added with a grin. "He's already in school."

Baekhyunnie was allowed to play with them proudly introduced himself to Luhan as Baekhyun, first grader and best in his math class.

"You forgot to tell him that you're my boyfriend," Sehun grumbled with a pout.

"I'm not your boyfriend," Baekhyun said. "When I'm big I'm going to marry your Daddy."

"My Daddy is already married to my Papa. You can't marry him! My Papa will never allow it!"

"What will I never allow it?"

Kyungsoo who had heard the bickering through the open patio door went to check up on the boys. Chanyeol was with him, changed into a pair of casual clothes. "Hey Baek."

"Papa," Sehun whined. "Baekhyunnie doesn't want to be my boyfriend! He says he wants to marry Daddy when he's grown up. I said you doesn't allow that!"

"Well," Kyungsoo said, trying not to laugh. "That's true. Baekhyun, you just can't steal my husband from me."

The first grader pouted. "But, I want to marry him. He's a police officer. He's so cool."

Chanyeol made a sound. "Oh, he only loves me because I'm a cop?! How mean."

Shaking his head, Kyungsoo playfully hit his husband in the chest. "Baek, why don't you go and ask Jongin to marry you, then? He wants to become a police officer, right?"

"That's true!" The boy gasped. "I'm going to ask Nini to marry me!"

"But what about me?" Sehun whined loudly.

"Maybe Luhan wants to be your boyfriend?"

Sehun turned to Luhan. "Luhannie! Do you want to be my boyfriend?"


Chanyeol laughed out as his son jumped at the older boy, kissing his cheek. "I remember us playing with cars when we were their age."

"That's not true," Soo said. "You forced me to pinky promise to marry you when we're five."

The tall police officer grinned. "Well, it worked."

"Well, if this down there works as well, you just met your son in law today."

"I'm okay with that, he's a cute guy."

"He is," Kyungsoo smiled. "Well, let's see if we can reach the parents of our possible future son in law. It worries me a little that they forgot him like that."

Luhan didn't know about the concern Sehun's parents had and had a lot of fun with his two new friends. Baekhyun told them about the good and not so good sides of school and together the three boys fought monsters and dragons until Kyungsoo called them in to eat some cake.

"So yummy," Luhan hummed, chewing on a piece of strawberry. "Appa never bakes with me?"

"No?" Chanyeol asked. "What are your parents working as?"

"I don't know," the boy said. "I only know that they both have a company."

"They both have a company?"

"Yes, Appa works with money and Baba's company works with a company from China, You know, my Baba is chinese."

"Yeah, I kinda figured that already. You have a chinese name, right?"

Luhan nodded, giving a smile. "We lived in China until last Christmas. Then we came here."

"Wow, cool," Baekhyun muttered, with his mouth full of cake. "Do you know teacher Zhang?"

"Yes, he's my teacher."

"He was my teacher, too. My Appa likes him a lot. He says he's handsome."

Chanyeol snorted while Kyungsoo quitely bit back his laugh. Sehun at the other hand gasped. "But your Papa is married to your Appa," he stated. "Does he not love your Appa?"

"He does, but Papa says you can look at other people if you think they're beautiful."

Kyungsoo leaned back into his chair and gazed at his husband. "Do you also look at other people?"

"Why should I when I have the most beautiful of them all at home?"

"Papa you're blushing," Sehun stated, pointing at his father. "Daddy you made Papa blush!"

The police officer gave proud smile. "Listen well son, you can learn a lot from your old man."


"I wanna know, I wanna know," Baekhyun squeaked, mouth and cheeks smeared with chocolate. "I have to tell Nini so he marries me!"

"Just invite Jongin over for dinner and tell him you'll have fried chicken."

"Oh right, Nini loves fried chicken!"

Luhan leaned over to Sehun. "Who's Nini?"

"Nini is a friend of us. He lives on the other side of the street. He goes to my class. Do you want to meet him?"

Luhan nodded.

"Ah, then you have to wait another hour," Kyungsoo said. "You know that Jongin goes to his cousins place every Tuesday."

Sehun made a sound. "Ah, I forgot."

After finishing their cake and playing another round in Sehun's treehouse, the three boys made their way to introduce Luhan to Jongin. They met the boy outside the house. "Hey Nini," Sehun greeted. "Where are you going?"

"I wanted to ask you if you have time to play," the boy answered.

"Oh cool, we just wanted to ask you to come to play, too. Look, this is Luhannie. He goes to our kindergarten."

"Hey," Jongin said. "I never saw you before."

"I'm in third year," Luhan said.

Jongin only hummed and nodded his head a little. "So, what are we gonna play?"

"Do we want to play with the dogs?"

"Oh, yes," Baekhyun nodded. "I'll go and get Mongryong."

Luhan looked at Sehun. "But I don't have a dog," he said.

Jongin smiled at him. "Don't worry, I have three dogs. You can have one of mine to play."

Not even five minutes later, Sehun's backyard was crowded with barking, squeaking puppies who hopped around, chasing one another.

"What are they doing?" Chanyeol asked as he heard the boys in his garden squealing. He stepped to the window and hugged his husband from behind. "Oh, Baek and Nini brought their dogs."

"Yeah, they're playing everyday life, I guess?" Soo chuckled. "Baek is a vet and Luhan and Jongin run a dog salon. I'm not that sure about our son. Toben is not really listening to him."

The police officer snickered. "But he still seems to have a lot of fun. Luhan, too."

Luhan indeed had a lot of fun with his new friends. He had a lot of fun playing with them and the dogs, running around the garden, rolling around the grass.

When it was time for dinner all four boys found place at the dining table. The puppies were still outside in the garden when the friends dug into their food. "I hope you like it, Luhan."

"It's super yummy," Luhan said, smiling at Kyungsoo. "Thank you."

"Aw, you're so adorable."

It was the first time since his family had moved from China that Luhan was at a friends house and he really enjoyed the time. He didn't have much friends, actually he had only one friend; if you even call it like that. Apart from the times he played with the son from next door, Luhan was alone most of the times. Having real friends was what Luhan had dreamed of all the time in the past months and finally this dream came true.

Now, deep inside he wished for his parents to forgot him every day but he knew that at some point of the day they would notice his absence and eventually pick him up. And a sudden pair of loud voices yelling at each other, confirmed his guessing.

"What the?" Sehun's Daddy stood up from his chair and left the kitchen, only to come back a second later with one of his eyebrows being raised. "There's a pretty fancy dressed couple standing in our front yard, shouting at one another."

"M-maybe my Baba and my Appa?"

Kyungsoo cleared his throat. 'Well, let's take a look and find out."

All boys followed the two adults to the front door and as Chanyeol opened the door, Luhan indeed found his parents fighting in his friends front yard. His Baba had this deep frown on his forehead he always had when he was angry and his Appa had his arms crossed over his chest, tapping his foot on the ground.

"This is all your fault!"

"How is it my fault?! You also didn't pick up your damn phone. You knew that I had a very important meeting with a client."

"Important meeting? Do you want me to laugh. Yifan, please, you went to play golf with this very important client. How much did you talk about business while hitting some stupid balls."

"I ha-" "I am very sorry to interrupt you," Chanyeol spoke op, stepping down the steps of the house. "I'm pretty sure you have a lot to discuss right now but please don't do this in my front yard, okay?"

His Appa blushed and deeply bowed and Luhan chuckled at his father's flushed face. "I apologize," he said. "Uh, we're Luhan's parents."

"Yeah, we already guessed that. Nice to meet you, I'm Park Chanyeol. I'm the father of Luhan's friend Sehun."

"Boyfriend!" Sehun corrected.

"Oh pardon, son. Boyfriend, of course."



Chanyeol only chuckled at their dumbfounded faces. "Well, I assume you're here to pick up your son, right?" He turned around to point at Luhan.

Luhan waved at his parents. "H-hey."

The smaller of the two men hurried towards the boy. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I promise I'll never ever forget to pick you up again."

Kyungsoo cleared his throat. "Well, Luhan told me and my husband that it often happens that you're quite late to pick him up."

"W-we are, that's true. We're very busy."

"Busy or not, you should make sure that Luhan gets picked up from school on time. If he and Sehun wouldn't have met, he probably would still sit on the playground. Alone. Starving."

"Kyungsoo, I'm sure he got," Chanyeol laughed.

"So, uh, you're his teacher?" The taller of the men eventually took the words and stepped forwards as well. "We've never spoken to you before."

"I'm a teacher at the kindergarten, yes, but I teach the second year."

"Ah, I see."

"We're really sorry for what happened. I'm Junmyeon by the way. And this is my husband, Yifan."

"The tall guy and the angry dwarf," Chanyeol commented, giving a smile. "Luhan told us a lot."

Luhan parents did not know what to say to that and only laughed a little, eyeing their son. "Well sweety, it's time to go home now."

All boys let out a sound of disapproval. "Ah, too bad," Jongin said. "It was so much fun."

"Nah," Soo smiled. "You'll see each other in kindergarten, tomorrow."

"Yeah, but not, me," Baekhyun dramatically wailed. He hugged Luhan, pressing their small bodies together. "Come back soon, Luhannie."

"I will," Luhan smiled.

The little boy said goodbye to his friends while Kyungsoo got him his school bag and the bag with his uniform. "No need to rush with the clothes, Sehun has plenty to wear."

"Oh okay, thank you," Junmyeon said, bowing a little. "Goodbye then and thank you again."

"You're welcome."

Sehun lead his new friend all the way to the yard gate. "See you tomorrow, Luhannie."

Luhan's parents gasped as the boy pressed a kiss to their sons lips. Chanyeol on the other hand rooted for Sehun. "Good move, son. I'm proud of you."


"What? It was a good move."

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at his husband. "Alright, honey, come here now."

Sehun waved at the leaving family as he hopped back to his own and Luhan smiled as his Appa took him by the hand as they crossed the street. Two fancy cars were parked at the side of the street but none of them was as cool as Chanyeol's police car.

He drove home with his Appa, telling him about the police car and the cake he baked together with Kyungsoo and Sehun. By the time they arrived at home, he also had told him about Toben and the other puppies.

"Sounds like a lot of fun. Are all these boys your friends?"

Luhan nodded. "Yes, there's Baekhyunnie and Nini. Nini's name is actually Jongin. And Baekhyunnie wants to marry Nini. Before he wanted to marry Sehunnie's Daddy but Sehunnie's Papa said he can't so he decided to marry Jongin. At first he was Sehunnie's boyfriend but then Sehunnie asked me to be his boyfriend. Oh, and we played in the treehouse. It was super funny."

The parents looked at each other, not knowing what to say. "Uh, g-great," Junmyeon eventually brought out.

"Y-yeah," Yifan nodded along. "Really sounds like a lot of fun."

"Yes," Luhan grinned. "When can I visit Sehunnie again?"

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thank you for the story!
Missa007 #2
Chapter 9: Chansoo baby!!
Chapter 45: Awww the ending’s so sweet :3
Chapter 24: that was so sweet, the ending especially :3
Chapter 23: awww this is so cute, i love domestic kaibaek :333
whattalife #6
Chapter 10: I would have love their son's name is Sehun 😍
Chapter 48: i am looking forward to reading more stories from you:)
Chapter 49: I undrstand