Love is Tough

My First Mission
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Mina POV

Yesterday, i dare myself to ask chaeyoung on a date ! And guess what ?
She said yes ! SHE . SAID . YES !

Right now I feel everything going on slow motion mode. It' feels like my heart was going to blown up. My cheeck become really hot like you can cook an egg on it. 

I'm just feel really happy ! Tomorrow will be one of the most memorable day in my life ! I said that while jumping around in my room.

Now, i'm starting to write some list to do on my first date with chaeyoung, in case my mind goes blank and ruin the date.

First Date with Chaeyoung to do list :
1. Buy costume for this friday
2. Eat strawberry ice-cream (Chaeyoung’s favourite flavour)
3. Strolling in the mall looking for cute couple items (hope she want it to wear couple things)
4. Eat dinner
5. Walk her home on foot. ON FOOT

Finish ! I hope we can done all my to do list. WE MUST !

Ahhh.. can't wait for tomorrow ! I keep saying tha sentences on my mind.

Hope we can have a joyful time together, hope there's no akward moment, and hope i can make her happy to spend time with me :)

From : mina unnie
To : chaeyoung

Now sleep you kid ! Get some rest, stop studying !
Prepare yourself for tomorrow okay ? :)

See you tomorrow chaeyoungie ! ♥.♥

Right now is 11.46 pm. We always chat until late at night.

After sending the message I lock my phone, charge it and put it on the table next to my bed. I try to close my eyes to sleep, but i just can't. I'm to exicted for tomorrow. But than i got another message from her again.

From : chaeyoung
To : mina unnie

Okay unnie ! I will sleep now, and for the record, i'm not studying right now. I was doodling on my sketchbook. Your guess is wrong ! Hahahahaha

But i can guess that you can't sleep now, too excited for tomorrow huh ?

But unnie, u need to sleep and have enough rest ! There’s a math test tomorrow.  So sleep now ! :p

See you tomorrow unnie ! ♥

She sent a heart emoji ! AT LAST A HEART EMOJI EVERYBODY ! A HEART EMOJI ! I feel like I’m just received my first grammy award.

By the way, how can she now that i can't sleep because i'm to excited for tomorrow ? Is she a shaman or something ? 

Well she told me to sleep with a heart emoji. Than i will sleep now ! THE POWER OF LOVE !

Good night world ! Good night chaeyoungie !



Chaeyoung POV

“What are you doing chaeng ?” bunnie unnie ask me right after she comes out of the bathroom.

Nayeon unnie decided to accompany me tonight, she know that I miss my parents, and need someone at home. She know that I don’t want to be lonely tonight.

It’s 9 pm right now, and I’m drawing on my desk. I’m really serious on my drawing this time so I’m not answer nayeon unnie’s question.

“Are you going to ignore this unnie ? The kind unnie who will accompany you tonight ? Huh small bean ?” she is upset, because I ignore her.

I smile after hearing that, unnie is really cute when she upset.

I know she is upset, but I keep ignoring her. I want to again tonight, you know it’s kind of a hobby to tease this unnie.

“YA KID ! I’m talking to you…” she said that with a louder voice than walk towards me, “… Can you plea….” She is shock by what she saw right now, “…oh I’m sorry to disturbing you, I don’t know that my little sister is now drawing her lover.” She smile and tease me back.

She is indeed teasing me, but I’m not feel teased. And you know why ? 

“You really good at drawing you know, Mina is going to like it. She probably will frame that drawing and hang it on her bedroom wall.” She amazed with my drawing.

“I’m JEALOUS ! You never drew me ! hufftt “, she cross her hand while pouting.

“Aigoo this unnie. Okay ! I will draw you someday, but now please give me some space, I need to finish this drawing today. I want to give this drawing to mina unnie tomorrow on our first date.” I’m excited about tomorrow !

“What ? First date ? Tomorrow ? How ? You don’t tell me !” her eyes opened widely waiting for my answer.

“I’m just told you unnie. And yes Mina Unnie ask me for a date tomorrow. Close your mouth unnie, don’t be so shock like that. I can have a date to not just you” I stick out my tounge and continue my drawing.

I’m back dancing with my pencil, drawing mina unnie’s face. At first I was afraid that my drawing is not so good, I’m afraid mina unnie would not like it. But after bunny unnie praise me I gain my confidence and start drawing with full power again.

Hope mina unnie will like it. 


The next day …


Author POV

“Guys now gather around me please. I have some announcements.” She call her dance club member to gather and listen to her announcement.

Everyone stop their activities and walk towards momo. Every d

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Interesting hmmm...
Chapter 26: Really good!!! Its fcking good!!! I love itty!!!!!!!!♡.♡ is there part2 of this story?. O.o
Chapter 1: =u=)b
Chapter 26: Jahxisbfjsbciabxvjs there so in sweet TT my michaeng heart :">
sy_ericaa #5
Chapter 23: OMG good storyy
Chapter 28: Me.. I like MiChaeng in celebrity and normal people or college life..
but I also want a little bit of NaChaeng.. Maybe Nayeon as Chaeyoung's Sister or Jeongyeon as Chaeyoung's Sister and Nayeon as Jeongyeon's Girlfriend then Nayeon treat Chaeng as her sister *0*..
What I mean in "I want a little bit of NaChaeng" is them being close but not more than sisters.. hahaha..
Agent_X #7
Chapter 27: Chapter 27: michaeng in celebrity and normal people love or college life (with satzu plz)
myascerets #8
Chapter 27: more michaeng please
NaChoYoung #9
Best fanfiction ive ever read.
Chapter 27: i prefer a celebrity and normal people love btw dont forget to added 2yeon><