You're Jung Jin- NO WAY!?
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A/N: Jinnie, Jinyoung's cousin, I thought of her having a cameo. Hihi here it goes!


Jinnie's POV

"Great, I'll call you back. Bye." I hang up to that friend of mine who I met again in the airport when I'm about to land in France. He's actually gay though but his family don't seem to mind that issue.

"Jinnie, your father needs to meet you in his office." My notifier called me and I sighed, great, another task?

Eversince I went here in France without anyone knowing my departure, I always tend to work and fix things up. I thought of adding a vacation on my stay here but I think that's not a good idea. Our sales in France seems to decreased and its not a good sign so they hurriedly called me up to settle things.

I went to my father without knocking on his door. My eyes widened to see my gay friend sitting with crossed legs on the black leather couch across my father. He's dressed in his usual party clothes, looking all giddy like someone just agreed on his plan. Lucky gay huh?

"Hey Jinnie." My father greeted me and I winked at mt friend's presence and went to kiss my father's cheeks. "Hey Dad, so what's this all about?"

"You need to have a break sometimes." My father chided.

"Well, Uncle thought of agreeing on my idea! You're coming with me." My friend giddily said and lunched on me. He clings on my arm and swiftly drags me out of my father's office. What the-

"Yah!" I shout in protest! The hell, I don't even know why he is dragging me.

"Bye Uncle! We'll be back tomorrow! Thank you." He waves with his free arm, still dragging me and I glance back only to find my father smiling at me, even mouthed "Goodluck!" Seriously? What are they up to?

I glared at my friend and pinch his arm to halt at our tracks. "Yah, what did you tell my father? You bribe him don't you?! I'm a busy woman so stop this nonsensical idea of yours."

He raised an eyebrow and place a hand on his waist looking all like a . "Well, that reminds me.. You're a busy woman, look at you! You're so haggard because of your hectic schedule! Sometimes, you need to take a break so just thanked me Uncle agreed on that! Come on, don't be a pooper and just go with me!"

I get it, he dragged me again but this time, no protest. "Wait, I need to change. I don't want to look like a saleslady in wherever that place may be." He laughed and nodded at me.

"Of course! That's why we'll go home first and we'll just meet up in the bar my brother owns." He winked at me as we both got inside the elevator. I'm getting pumped up with this smart idea of his. Wahaha finally, I can NOW have fun!

2 hours later, I'm now driving my way to the bar my gay friend told me. Haha, I'm getting all excited with this and with my black attire.. Jeez, I'm a walking in my own runway. Before I forgot, he even mentioned a "blind date" for me to meet.

"Blind date?! Who believe on those? Tss."

First off, I'm really not a fan of blind date. I find them corny and inappropriate. Much better if I'm desperate to have a boyfriend but I'm satisfied in my current status plus the fact that I don't have laid my eyes on any guy yet.. My right guy must be still on his journey.  I don't want another problem, jeez but tonight.. I have a feeling things would go smoothly.. Hahaha I parked my RX8 in the reserved space and head for the entrance. I showed off my V.I.P pass and he led the way inside.

Clubs here is quite similar to those in Korea so I'm not surprise anymore but its quite crowded in the dancefloor. Dim lights and blinding LEDS just irritates my eyes just when I stepped in. I rolled my eyes and went to the bar.

"One martini please.." The handsome bartender nodded with a smile, hurriedly making up my martini. I fished my phone out of my purse to text where that great gay friend of mine is. I don't want to be a loner here for pete's sake. As I wait, I looked at my si-


I'll be lying if I say that this guy sitted 1 chair apart from me don't look smoking hot. "Smoking hot" even looked like an exaggerating compliment. Puhlease! My heart even beats fast like its a first time I met an Adonis in my life.

"Here's your Martini, Miss." I smiled at the bartender and just sit in one of the stool as I sipped on my drink. Gahh. How I wish Riu is with me at the moment, I'm sure she knows how to give advice on how will I do tonight.

Just look, just look at the handsome guy just 1 chair away from me. He looks handsome in the black low collar coat with white undershirt and clean fixed hair plus that big lips of him.. Gahh, cutie!  I even noticed he's not wearing any earrings. I usually don't find guys cool having earrings. Its a turn off for me, literally!

I was completely drown on his brown hair when he turn around and met my eyes. I swear I saw a tiny spark on his tantalizing eyes. My heart quickly worked on its job, pumping even faster, bringing more blood on me and to add to that, on my face!

Time parts slowly ..so effin slowly that I would go crazy. "Hi.." He muttered with a timid smile. Shucks! Adonis just greeted me, what would I do?! I composed myself and bring myself smiling at him back.

"H-hello.." I muttered, ! Stuttering infront of him?! I'm embarassing myself! Nooooo! I notice his friends peeking behind him and I must say they're all good-looking too but this.. this crush of mine beats them all, HA!

"Hi Miss! You're so pretty! Are you alone?" His friend chirped, it would be highly appreciated that my crush asked me that and not you.. I tried myself not to roll my eyes at him.

With still a tiny smile on my lips, "No.. Actually, I'm waiting for my frie-"

"There you are! I've been looking at you, I thought you got drowned on your closet." Finally! My gay friend kissed both of my cheeks and s

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i already edited up until chap 56


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14 streak #1
Chapter 73: Awww the ending was very cute!!!
I thank you so much b1a4 fanfics are so rare and your writing skills are amazing thank you so much for writing a b1a4 fanfic
Chapter 59: You know old hag is really offensive. You might not want to mention that
Chapter 39: im like screaming too much because of the feels okay hahahha i cant otl..wait can i ask? are you perhaps an adamsonian? :)
Chapter 73: Omoooo~ I fell inlove with this storyyy. My Jinyoungbaby would be happy if I told his this story of yours <3 Thankyou for putting your effort in finishing this story. Everything is just so perfect :* I FELL INLOVE WITH JINYOUNG MORE :3
rudelysweetk21 #6
Chapter 73: hehe funny and cute, thanks for writing! enjoyed reading :)
Saemiy #7
Chapter 73: Omoooo. This story is soooo sweet.
I couldnt help hut to finish as soon as possible.
You made me want a twins. Hahahaha.
Saemiy #8
Chapter 73: Omoooo. This story is soooo sweet.
I couldnt help hut to finish as soon as possible.
You made me want a twins. Hahahaha.