Special Chapter 07: You'll be Young Forever (Thank you for 300 subscribers!!)

The Most Beautiful Moment in Y(our) Life
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A/N: HI EVERYONE SURPRISE!!! Wow I never thought that the subscribers number would grow since I finished the story and we finally reached 300 subscribers!! (as for now.. I don't know if anyone will undo it but yeah xD) 

I am so thankful to all of you, new subscribers and old subscribers a like, thank you for loving and supporting this story until the end! As a gift of reaching 300 subscribers and celebrating the fourth mensiversary in two days (is mensiversary even a word, well okay you all know, its for monthly) I made you guys this special chapter! It's a little sad, I know, but this is only an alterante universe! Anything can happen after the game and this is just one of the possibility that I decided to write ^^ The last part might be confusing, I mixed the point of view so try to read it carefully

Once again, thankyou so much everyone for supporting the story (and upvotes, gosh 15 upvotes, I never have even dreamed for someone to upvote my story TT TT) and enjoy the chapter!

Jeon Jungkook knows this day is going to come, sooner or later.

It was winter in Los Angeles and even though it wasn’t snowing yet, the air is pretty freezing that Jungkook can’t really go out without at least three layers of clothing. It was thankful that he doesn’t have any more classes to attend for the rest of the season or he’ll probably suffer from the weather. It’s not like he’s that weak to the cold—but he really preferred to be inside eating a hot bowl of ramyeon instead of lounging around outside.

Since he doesn’t really have anything to do in the day (he did applied for a part-time job in a local cafe near his campus), it has been a cycle of waking up at noon, eating his parent’s leftovers and a marathon of whatever TV series that he caught his interest on for him. It has been going on and on since the first day of winter and he thought nothing is going to change.

That’s why he’s pretty surprised to see a flock of mint hair (he laughed when he sent a selca of his new hair to the group chat) who he’s so familiar with knocking on his front door.

“Hey,” Yoongi grinned his usual gummy smile, “Mind if we talk a bit outside?”

It has been a year since Jungkook moved back to Los Angeles.

Right away as he graduated, his dad told him to apply a university abroad instead of staying in Busan. He was pretty reluctant at first, but with his circle encouraging him to do it anyway, here he was now back in his old home. It was a pretty thrilling experience of seeing his old friends ecstatic with him back (he could even remember Halla’s curses and hugs when he showed up in front of her) but still, no one can’t beat the boys he had befriended back in Korea.

“Here,” the older gave him a paper cup, still warm and fresh, “Chocolate, right?”

The seven of them had been in pieces since the first-graders graduated. With Yoongi suddenly receiving a music scholarship to New York which he had applied out of boredom (Jungkook remembered how the older boy cried in front of them while still holding the acceptance paper), Jimin and Hoseok studying in Seoul, Taehyung busy with him doing a double major on mathematics education and visual art, it left only Namjoon and Seokjin staying in Busan, both busy with their own college too.

Even though they’re all busy in with their own life, they never stopped contacting each other.

“Yeah,” Jungkook gleefully accepted the cup, “Wow, hyung, if you didn’t said you did basketball too back in New York, I think I wouldn’t believe it. I almost thought your skin is the snow,”

Yoongi laughed, “It hasn’t even started yet, Jungkook!”

“I know,” he scrunched his face as the chocolate was too hot, suddenly got a little silent, “So what were you saying was true, hyung?”

The older nodded, sipping his own cup of coffee, “Yeah, Namjoon just told me yesterday and I decided I had to tell you in person. Thankfully the flights to here wasn’t too expensive,”

“That was pretty abrupt of you, hyung,”

“Hey, it’s only thing that came to my mind when I got the call!” the mint-haired boy nudged him playfully, then sighed as he looked to the sky, clouded with heavy tint of fog, “I really don’t know what to say, actually. Everyone blew up on the news and Namjoon sounds... lifeless,”

“I’d be too if I were him,” Jungkook softly replied, “I forgot that this kind of day will come sooner or later,”

Yoongi gave him a pity laugh, “It’s that impossible, huh?”

“Mom told me he was in edges of stage 2 before we left,” he looked down, “It’s scary how it could grow within a year. He’s only playing the waiting game now,”

“One month,” the older boy breathed, “One month left to feel the world,”

There was silence between them, both not knowing what to say about the situation. Since Seokjin’s graduation, his disease had been something that the sixth of them had been avoiding to talk about, even in his weak times they’d just shrugged it off so the oldest could feel much comfortable. No one asked him how he feels every time he coughed (once in a while, it had blood), they only hugged him wordlessly and accompanied him to rest as they know he’s pretty sensitive to the topic. When the truth finally dawns at them, they’ve realized that they had been running from the reality for too long.

Jungkook may have grown up, but the fact that he’s going to face another death of a very dear person to him made him gloom, loss of words and seemingly going to give up after the seven of them holding on the thin rope of hope for so long. He didn’t go into denial like how Jungwon’s death first came upon him.

“Jungkook,” Yoongi softly started, turning to the younger, “You’re on winter break, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“What do you say about visiting him for a while?”

Jungkook never get used to how flights from America to South Korea are very jet lagging, but all of his tiredness dispersed when he saw his face.

“Oh my god,” he forgot how the older’s voice are like the heavens itself, “Jungkook, Yoongi—you’re here,”

The two of them with Yoongi finally decided to fly with Jungkook instead of flying alone from New York had finally arrived in Busan at noon, thankfully with visiting hours still up and open. Namjoon picked them up as soon as they got off the plane, not even dropping them at their homes first.

“Seokjin-hyung,” the younger took his hand as he tried to sit himself up, “Hyung—you’re so thin,”

“Haha, I know,” he let out a hearty laugh as he straighten up his beanie, no signs of his usual brown strands appearing, “But don’t worry, I’m still eating. What’s the occasion?”

“Just,” Jungkook’s breath hitched a little as he looked over to Yoongi for answers, which only earned a small smile to keep everything down from Seokjin, “Just winter break. Yeah, Yoongi-hyung and I were bored and we decided we should give you a visit,”

The older boy smiled at him, “A good decision then. I’ve missed both of you a lot,”

“We missed you too, hyung,” the mint-haired boy who’s currently seated beside Seokjin’s bed gave him a grin—a far too sad of a grin if Jungkook should say, but at least it got pass the older’s eye, “How are you these days?”

“Pretty fine,” he shrugged, but he smiled a little too bitter for the rest of the boys to not notice, “Although, there’s no news if I’ll get a chance to walk outside again or not,”

Suddenly the ice-like atmosphere between them broke with a loud bang, the room door opened showing a flock of orange hair with a chestnut one and an ordinary brown one with green streaks beside him, “SEOKJIN-HYUNG, WE’RE HERE—OH MY GOD, JUNGKOOK AND YOONGI-HYUNG!!”

“Can you guys be much louder?” Namjoon slapped his forehead, “We won’t stop getting scolded by the nurses around if you keep doing that,”

But as predicted, the three boys that has just came in didn’t even give a glance on what the older said, Taehyung already glomping on the black-haired boy that he haven’t been seeing for a while, “Jungkookie, I miss you!”

“I miss you too, Tae,” he chuckled, patting on the boy’s shoulder, “What’s up with the highlights?”

“Oh, I was accompanying Jimin-hyung to recolor his hair,” the boy pointed on the orange head who’s currently catching up with Yoongi, “I thought it would be great if I did something too!”

A snicker was heard from across the room, Hoseok grinning cheekily, “But it made you looked like seaweed!”

“It’s not!” a laugh erupted in the room, Taehyung’s cheek pink from the flustering, “It looks much better than yours!”

“Hey, mine is perfectly normal—no strange streaks or pretending to be an ice cream flavor,” there was a sound of protest from Jimin, “But I gotta admit, Yoongi-hyung’s hair looked really nice,”

“I know, right,” the said boy flicked his hair, earning a frown from the boy beside him, “It’s swag,”

The room was filled with laughter and chatters as time goes, but unfortunately Seokjin started coughing and Namjoon was reminded he’s up for another therapy session in thirty-minutes, causing the boys to retreat from the room. It wasn’t too dark outside, but the five of them decided to have some dinner together in order to catch up.

“It’s sad isn’t it,” Hoseok sighed, a cup of tea in his hand as they waited for their orders in Seokjin’s favorite chicken stall, “Seeing Seokjin-hyung,”

“He looks so tired,” Jungkook nodded, sipping his own cup, “He’s way too pale for his own good—plaer than Yoongi-hyung even,”

The mint-haired boy hummed as he leaned on his chair, “Is there really no chance of a health improvement for him?”

“Sadly no,” Jimin shook his head sadly, “the doctors said that his statics are decreasing each day even though they increase his dosages. We haven’t even cracked the news to him—no one between us had the heart to do it,”

“So he didn’t know that he’s dying?”

The rest of the boys shook their head.

“What a cruel world,” the youngest of the crowd poked on his meal portion gloomily when the food finally arrived, “Seokjin-hyung doesn’t deserve this,”

“Yeah,” Taehyung breathed, “We should do something for him,”

“What can we do?” the orange-haired boy beside him looked down, “We can’t suddenly make his cancer disappear,”

“No, I mean, something like, his last wish, you know,” he gulped, “He only have another one month to stay..,”

Everyone got silent. The fact that they had been avoiding to talk about since the news broke out finally came to them. They keep eating in silence as no one wanted to really accept that their beloved hyung is dying, but Jungkook finally voiced out.

“I have an idea,” he whispered, “What’s the last place that hyung has been talking a lot about?”


Seokjin can’t believe the breeze that passed his face was that ethereal for him.

Just a week after the boys visited him (he had found out that Yoongi and Jungkook was staying for the whole month), suddenly the doctors took off his IV, saying that he’s going on a trip and he found his friends waiting for him downstairs in front of the hospital’s entrance with a navy pick-up truck behind them. He was wondering why did Namjoon insisted him to change his clothing to a much warmer one and forced him to use that thick old scarf he had been using since he graduated, but everything still surprises him when they decided to stop at the beach.

“Careful, hyung,” Jungkook was beside him holding his hand tightly as they got closer to the water, “You’ll get your shoes wet,”

He only chuckled as he glanced to Taehyung who was in the middle of a splash fight with Hoseok and Jimin, Yoongi scowling and shouting at them while Namjoon was laying a thick blanket on the sand for them to sit on, “It’s okay, I kind of wanted to get wet too,”

It only earned a frown from the younger, “It’s too cold for you, hyung!”

“I know,” he sent him a soft smile, “But it’s much better for me to do anything I want now since there’s not much time left, right?”

Seokjin was taking the news far too calm for the boys liking. When they carefully asked and approached him to send the fact to him, he only nodded with a small smile and saying that he already knew from the doctors. It was almost as if he wasn’t even a bit scared about himself dying, that he only keep smiling it off like the news wasn’t nothing much than an annoying itch.

The boy’s frown was only deepening, but he nodded anyway, “You’re right..,”

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J-co_07 #1
Chapter 35: This is one of the best fanfics I've ever read. It's rare to see a story that's focusing on friendship, slice of life and a hint of angst with no romance or even a hint of it. You are really a great author who made this fantastic story. I salute you.
Chiyogalaxy #3
Chapter 12: I was so confused about the chapter name... Orange gingers... Aren't all gingers orange, isn't that the whole point of them being gingers? And then right at the end, it all made sense.
Anbabsvsva #4
Chapter 35: No matter how many times I read this, I never get tired of it!!! Omg I'm crying everytime, I love this so much
rikominiko #5
Chapter 33: I'm crying right now.. Gosh this fanfic is rare for me because its full with friendship things and not romantic type just like other fanfic. I'm glad I found this fanfic. I never regret reading this. Never...
Chapter 32: This is actually good! Aside for a few typo in the first few chapters, your writing is good. The plot flows nicely and it ended prettily. Great job!
Chapter 33: Ok. Since it popped-up in my notification, and I really can't vote on your poll, 'cause whatever your decision is i'll support it. So, what I did is reread the Special Chapter and i felt again what I felt the first time I read it. Yes, I am crying again in the office rn. I so loved this story.
Chapter 33: Honestly, though...
ainkyu #9
Chapter 33: Oh my.. You make me cry.. *sob
I relieved that there's nothing happen to Seokjin until the epilogue and "Yeah! no one died!" but what is this, i cant believe this is happening. Two brother figure of his went away, ahhhh