Food for the sick - "It tastes good, right?"

A Top Star's Competition

Taehyung is sitting in the hospital bed resting with the movie script in front of him. 

He's reading over his lines and Namjoon is sitting on a chair opposite the bed where Taehyung is. 


When a knock on the door is heard, Taehyung immediately looks up anticipating Jungkook's arrival with Jin as well. But he's disappointed when he sees a nurse come in instead with a tray of food wheeled into his hospital room. 


"Hello, Taehyung. How are you feeling today?" she asks kindly. 

"I'm fine." he nods. 

He's handed a tray of food and she leaves soon after, informing him that she'll be back to collect the tray and plate when he was done. 


As he bites into the sandwhich, he chomps down happily as he finds that it's not quite so bad. "Want some?" he offers to Namjoon with a mouthfull. 

"..No thanks." he says, after spotting the chewed mass of lettuce and bread in the other's mouth. 


Soon after he was done, Namjoon helps Taehyung put the dishes to the side and Taehyung starts reading the script again. 

What Taehyung doesn't know however, is that a certain someone is slaving away in a kitchen in a luxury apartment. 








"Arghh! Damn it!" Jungkook flings down the spatula onto the pan, splattering pieces of egg and oil over the stove and onto himself. "!" he cursed, not so innocently. 

Jin sighed from the kitchen door. 


"Jungkook ah, that's not how you cook eggs." 

"How am I supposed to cook them then? They ain't scrambling!" he says, frustrated. 

"That's because, darling, you're not cooking them right." Jin responds in a patronizing manner. 


He pushes himself off the doorframe and walks over to Jungkook who is glaring at the attempted dish. 

Simple scrambled eggs. 


How does one even mess up cooking eggs..

Jin sighs again. 


Taking the spatula he pushes Jungkook out of the way. He proceeds to take the pan off the stove and put the blackened bits of egg onto a separate plate. Adding more oil, he waits for it to heat up before cracking another egg expertly into the pan. 

Jungkook watches on, half envious and half amazed. 


He makes it look like a piece of cake! Oh! Cake! I should make some. 

Jungkook thinks to himself as Jin finishes up the egg, a perfect fried egg. 


"That's not even fair. Fried eggs are easier to cook than scrambled eggs." Jungkook muttered bitterly as Jin laughs light-heartedly at a sulking Jungkook. 

"No they're not, honey. Fried eggs are harder because you have to flip them. Not like it's hard to do, though." he says, winking. 

"Whatever. Let me try again." Jungkook says, determined to get one of these cooked to perfection to give to Taehyung. 


Jin shrugs as he walks across the kitchen to grab a fork. He's already taken a bite when he asks, "You want to take this egg for Taehyung instead?" 

He knows full well that Jungkook wanted to get one he cooked himself to the other actor. 

"No." he said, flat out ignoring his manager while he channels his focus into creating a fried egg as Jin had done. 


Only to break the yolk as he was trying to flip it. 

"Noo!!!!" Jungkook cries out, slumping to the ground and whining. 


Watching the scene, Jin is not even amused anymore as he finishes up the last of his perfectly round, and very cooked egg. 








"Jin hyung, help me make a cake!" Jungkook shouts, bounding over to the other happily. 

There's a tupperware full of badly scrambled eggs and a second was filled with white rice. Courtesy of Jin. 


"Serious? A cake?" Jin asks as his arm gets pulled by the younger boy. 

When he gets to the kitchen, the messy kitchen from egg cooking has not cleaned up in the slightest bit. And there it was, nonetheless, baking ingredients atop the kitchen counter in all it's glory. 



"Jungkook, is that.. mint sauce?" 

"Yes!" he nods proudly, "I searched up Taehyung's profile on the internet and it said he likes mint chocolate chip ice-cream. As well as minties." 

"Oh darling, you can't put mint sauce in cakes." Jin says, as if talking to a child and running a hand down Jungkook's hair from the back of his head. 

Jungkook frowns cutely, confused. "Why not?" 

"Mint sauce is very different from mint choc chip ice-cream and minties. If you put them in a cake Taehyung is likely to throw up." he says, still speaking in a condescending tone. 


Then, evil Jungkook is awakened and he smirks. 

"Oh, is that so? I'll get him back for putting sugar and salt in my drink bottle. And may-or-may not spitting in my juice." Jungkook pushes Jin's hand away from his head and proceeds to look up cake recipes on his phone. 


"Are you gonna help me, or what?" he says. 

Jin is stunned and doesn't move from where he is. He blinks at Jungkook with his hand still suspended in the air, shocked at Jungkook's sudden change of wanting to make a cake Taehyung likes to making a cake Taehyung, or anyone for that matter, hates. 

This is a Jungkook Jin is familiar with. And he can't help but shake his head in disbelief. 


And here he was, wondering if Jungkook was starting to actually like the other actor. 








"FRICK, FRACK, FRIKITTY FRACK!" Loud cursing is heard flying around the room as it leaves a young actor's mouth. 

Jungkook had tipped too much flour into the mixture and after convincing himself that it would turn out alright, he poured too much water in. 

"Jungkook stop swearing." Jin tells him, taking the whisk off the table as Jungkook puts down the jug of water he didn't bother to measure out. 

"I wasn't swearing, hyung." he mutters back a response. 


Jin whisks the thick mixture into a thick clump of flour and eggs with sugar and butter. There are thick lumps of flour in the mixture and even when he works the batter into a even thicker clump with the intent of making the ingredients combine, it's not looking any better. In fact, the cake mixture is looking even worse. 


"Ew, hyung." Jungkook says, jabbing at the cake batter with the whisk. 

"It's your fault, Jungkook. You said you wanted to put in the ingredients yourself." Jin says, completely giving up on the cake mix and handing the bowl over to Jungkook. 

Taking it, Jungkook eyes the mix of ingredients with a frown. He then proceeds to take the carton of milk and pour a load of it in, and Jin's eyes widen. 


"What are you doing?!" 

"Adding milk." he simply says. 

"No, I mean why?" Jin says to the younger. 

"Wouldn't it be better with it?" 

"You're adding too much, with this I don't even know is Taehyung can stomach this." 


Jungkook bites his lip. 

"Maybe we should start again.." 

"No." Jin says flatly. "You've used half of the ingredients already and you're not gonna waste anymore flour. Find a way to salvage the cake mixture." 

Jungkook's shoulders deflate and he stomps on the floor like a child. "Auwwww... it's not working, hyung! Look!" Jungkook lifts the whisk from the batter, lumps falling back down into the bowl in gross clumps of flour and unmelted butter. 


"Well, we'll find a way." Jungkook says, placing the bowl back on the counter. 

"You'll find a way. I don't know what to do with that." Jin points. 

"You're so unhelpful." Jungkook says, rolling his eyes and walking to the cabinet to see what he could use. 


"Chocolate chips!" he shouts excitedly. He shuts the cabinet door. 

"What?" Jin blinks, looking up from his phone, secretly searching up on the internet to see how to save damaged cake mixtures. 

"Let's go out and buy some." Jungkook grabs the other by the hand and out into the apartment hallway. 








Namjoon is sipping his tea when his phone bleeps, signalling a message. 


Message to : Kim Namjoon

Sender : Kim Seokjin


Namjoon-ah T_T


Sent - 11:03am



Frowning, Namjoon reads over the distressed text message only containing his name. He contemplates what to write back for a while, not entirely sure how to respond to a text like that. 



Message to : Kim Seokjin

Sender : Kim Namjoon




Sent - 11:05am




Message to : Kim Namjoon

Sender : Kim Seokjin



Jungkook is trying to bake a cake for Taehyung and it's a disaster. Now I'm being forced to drive
to the supermarket to buy chocolate chips. I'm not even sure if he's trying to make something
Taehyung likes or hates because guess what, he's adding mint sauce. 


Sent - 11:06am



Message to : Kim Seokjin

Sender : Kim Namjoon


A cake? What for? Mint sauce is a terrible idea for a cake. Oh, and Taehyung is sleeping now, btw.
In case Jungkook wants an update. 


Sent - 11:06am



Message to : Kim Namjoon

Sender : Kim Seokjin


He's coming back from the toilet. I have to drive to the supermarket now. Gosh, first he drags me out to
the hallway only for him to dash back in to dress nice and go to the toilet. 


Sent - 11:07am



Message to : Kim Seokjin

Sender: Kim Namjoon


Should I tell Taehyung about the cake? 


Sent - 11:07am



Message to : Kim Namjoon

Sender : Kim Seokjin


Go ahead. But I don't think Jungkook would appreciate you revealing his cake plan to the actor. 


Sent - 11:09am



After that, Namjoon receives no more texts from the other manager and instead opts to wait for them to finish shopping, incase he has more to say about the cake they're cooking up. 








Jin and Jungkook enter the hospital with a bunch of people trying to follow behind them, only to be held back by security. Jungkook managed a short interview before pushing through the crowds with Jin. 


"Is there someone you're visiting here?" a reporter shouts over the noise, practically shoving a mic in Jungkook's face. Only for him to be pulled back by Jin protectively. 

Jungkook smiles a sweet smile at the reporter, showing an excited eye. 

"Yes! It's Taehyung!" 

"Taehyung? Kim Taehyung, the actor you're currently working on a film with?" he interiewer presses forward, fighting the crowd. 

Jin holds onto Jungkook protectively, pulling him back to him where necessary so he doesn't get knocked around. 

"Yes. He was visi-" Jungkook is jabbed in the side by Jin standing behind him, and he gets the hint that it wasn't his information to tell. 

The interveiwer keeps his mic on Jungkook and he finishes what he says, changing his original words, "Taehyung fainted and I'm currently here to keep him company and visit him. I've made food as well." he informs, proudly lifting up a designer brand bag with contained the tupperwares of food he made. 


Just as the interviewer was about to press on more questions, Jin stepped in front and blocked him and the camera, helping Jungkook and himself into the hospital doors and to the receptionist to ask for Taehyung's name. 

The doors to the hospital closed behind them as security made sure the reporters and fans did not follow. 


"Let's get these to Taehyung." Jungkook says, bounding off to the elevator with Jin signing a visitors paper by the receptionist's desk. 

Jin bows politely to the girl behind the desk and hurries off towards Jungkook holding the elevator door open for him. Stepping in, the two are the only ones in the elevator as the doors slide shut and the lift rises to Taehyung's floor. 

"Do you think he'll like the eggs at least? I didn't try them, what if it tastes bad?" Jungkook asks the older, to which Jin glances towards him. 


Thinking about the blackened, dry scrambled eggs and white rice didn't seem all too appetising. Especially for someone who was recovering. And mint sauce cake and flour didn't seem all too good for dessert either. The chocolate chips wouldn't help. It wouldn't help at all since there was a full bottle of mint sauce mixed in with the batter. There was soup too, which consisted of merely water, salt and oil. It was also sitting in a flask in another bag Jungkook was holding. There was plastic cutlery sitting in the bag as well. 

Jin stays silent as the lift halts at Taehyung's hospital floor. Stepping out, Jungkook knocks on the door while holding a Dior bag with the flask and plastic spoons with one hand and a Chanel bag in his other hand which held the scrambled eggs, rice and cake. 


The first one to greet him was Namjoon who opened the door to reveal a beaming Jungkook with an uneasy looking Jin behind, every so often glancing at the bags in the young actor's hands. 


"Hi hyung!" Jungkook chirps. "I made food for Taehyung!" 

He lifts the bags up and waves them, practically shining with pride and happiness at having brought homecooked food. 

Namjoon nods and lets the two in, side eyeing Jin who gives him an oh-my-gosh-namjoon-the-food-is-terrible-but-the-love-is-there-what-do-i-do look. 


Taehyung lifts his head from his upright sitting position, having woken up earlier from his nap. 

"You're here!" he says, almost feeling excited. 

"I brought you something." Jungkook drops the bags by Taehyung's bedside, pulling out a container of eggs and rice. "I made it myself." 

He holds out the tupperware of eggs and rice, to which Taehyung accepts with curious eyes. "You cooked for me?" he asks. 

"Yeah, I know believe it or not." Jungkook replies, a playful tone lacing his voice. 

Opening the container, Taehyung blinks and raises his eyebrows ever so slightly at the burnt bits of scrambled eggs. Looking up, Taehyung lifts the container to Jungkook, "Does that look anything close to edible to you?" 

"Shut up, I tried. Stop complaining and just eat it." Jungkook huffs, shoving the container back at Taehyung by his wrist. 


Taehyung takes the plastic spoon offerred by Jungkook and takes a spoonful of rice - that was made by Jin - and a spoonful of egg. 

As he eats it, he sees Jungkook and the others watching him eat, judging his expression. He pushes back a grimace as he chews it, swallowing it thickly. 


"How is it?" 


Looking down, Taehyung spots Jungkook's hopeful eyes that are now by his bed. He had crouched down and is resting his arms on Taehyung's white sheets, chin on the back of his hands. 

Taking a quick glance at the egg and rice, he turns back to the other and nods. "It's alright." 

Upon seeing Jungkook's eyes brighten, Taehyung turns back to the dish and forces another mouthful down his throat, eyes on the food only as Jin watches with astonishment at Taehyung. 

Taehyung acts like he likes it, when really the food tastes terrible. But the thought that Jungkook had made it for him made it that bit more bearable. Even if it was from his rival. 


"Is it really?" Jungkook grabs the spoon from Taehyung's hand and takes a bite of it himself, only to grimance and pull back. 

Taehyung doesn't meet his eyes as he grabs the spoon back, shoving another mouthful into his mouth and chews it while readying another spoonful. 

"It's horrible, why are you eating it?" Jungkook makes a grab for the containers, only to get blocked by Taehyung as he turns his back and finishes as much as he can. 

"I'll eat it, since you made it. Don't want to waste food." 

Jungkook rolls his eyes, "It's already wasted ever since I cooked it. Just give it, I'll give you something else." 

He reaches for the containers again only to get swatted away as Taehyung manages another bite. Soon enough he's finished the whole thing and he does admit it was a terrible tasting dish. But he wasn't about to say it out loud and risk hurting the other's feelings. Even though he did know himself that he burnt the eggs. 


"You said you had more?" Taehyung says, handing back the empty container. The container which held the rice was still half full with rice and he also handed it back to Jungkook to put away. 

Jungkook reaches down and grabs the flask of soup. And Namjoon feels Jin letting out a soft whine and resting his forehead on Namjoon's shoulder. 


Is the soup really that ? 

Namjoon thinks, as the younger pours the soup into the lid of the flask. 


Taehyung takes it, the black lining of the flask lid made it hard for Taehyung to see if there was anything in it. Nonetheless, he spotted the oil on the top of the soup and drank it, only to spit out half of what entered his mouth. 


Jungkook grimaced, "Was it really that bad?" he asks, timid. 


On a typical rival day filled with banter and arguments, Jungkook would've laughed. But no. If you asked him why he wouldn't have been able to answer. Finding he cared more than he should about what Taehyung thought about his cooking bothered him a little more than he would have liked. 


"Sorry Jungkook, this one is a, uh-" Taehyung doesn't know how to put it. 

"It's fine. Just give it to me." Jungkook reaches for the lid and tips it back into the flask, reminding himself to throw it out later. 

"Anything else? You brought a big bag." Taehyung says, peering over the side. 


He's not too sure if he wanted to know if there was any more food coming his way. 

Jungkook immediately brightens at the prospect of seeing Taehyung eating his mint sauce cake and he gets ready to picture the moment in his mind since the other is bound to know something is up if he brought his phone out to video him eating. 


"One more." 

Taking out the cake, he hands one piece to him which Taehyung accepts rather hesitantly. As he bites into it, the smell and taste of mint sauce hits him and his eyes water. At the same time, he bites into a pocket of flour that was not mixed in with the batter and his mouth instantly goes dry as his saliva becomes practically non-existent with the flour covering his tastebuds. 


"What the frack?!" Taehyung manages an angry muffle and this time he knows Jungkook did it on purpose because now he's cracking up laughing, tears at his eyes and a hand clutching his stomach as he tries his best to control his uncontrollable laughter at the look on Taehyung's face. 


"oh my gosh! HAHAHA!" Jungkook cackles. 

Namjoon hurries to him as Taehyung reaches over to a bag to the side, instantly grabbing something he hopes has water in it. But in his haste, he hadn't realised that the flask he grabbed was the soup that Jungkook had made before. Jungkook had placed the flask back in the bag it came out from and Taehyung had unintentionally grabbed it. 

Opening the lid and downing about half a mouthful, a spray of the soup leaves Taehyung's mouth and dampens his sheets and wets his hands. Namjoon sighs as he wasn't able to grab the flask in time and Jin, he's not entirely sure what to do or say when a nurse enters the room to check on what was going on. 


"What's happening in here? Everything alright- oh!" She says, surprised. 


Jin bites his lip, embarrassed. The nurse stands still with stunned eyes. 

Taehyung chokes and his lips pull back in a scowl which Jungkook finds hilarious. 












"Jeon Jungkook!!!" 








Oh Taehyung, what are you going to do? 










Sorry for the late update

I hope you enjoyed the chapter

I was busy again and found the time to update this story

Thank you for the new subscribers and i hope you enjoyed this chapter

I'm about to get a new poster so hopefully it'll be a bit of a change here and tt's a longer chapter to make up for my absence

Leave a comment to let me know what you think!


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Chapter 25: Wowwww love every second of this story. Why it finished so fast!!?? Love the way you describe the sassy characters and also the love story was really great and the ending was the best. Thanks for writing and sharing this story with us. :)
TisyiaKpopper #2
Chapter 25: Aww such a cute story! Love it, great job authornim!
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 4: Aww tsundere jungkook
TisyiaKpopper #4
Bwibwikook #5
Chapter 23: I know you already make a statement about jungkook top but the sudden change of his character is a bit too weird for me like...he is cute bun in the beginning even tho he is sassy and all but this is too weird tohandle..but your plot and writing style is completely great tbh
Bwibwikook #6
Chapter 1: Poor director choi haha
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #7
Chapter 24: I'm ded Namjoon :,)
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #8
Chapter 16: Man I agree with Jin, Taehyung is such an angel :,)
Chapter 25: Noooo, why did this story have to come to an end? T^T This story was awesome, I enjoyed every single moment of reading it! My comments probably didn't show it, because they were full of a mess, but I had a lot fun in these... 9 hours of reading it! <333 You created amazing characters that falling in love with is as easy as saying 'taekook'. Their arguments were very creative and made me laugh for more than once! Taehyung was such a softie, a forgiving angel, and I wanted to hug him every single time he was hurt. Jungkook on the other hand was a total , but it was probably his first time falling in love, and at the end he and Tae were happy, so one can't stay mad at him for too long. Namjoon and Seokjin's journey with love wasn't as eventful so it was a nice contrast to the Taekook couple! Your way of writing is really pleasant to read althrough I hoped there would be more insight into Taehyung and Jungkook's minds? Feelings? Thoughts? It's just my own opinion though >_<
To summarise - you wrote a really great story here, I enjoyed it a lot~! ^^ <333
Chapter 24: gffgdh jdgfjdfggy kufdgfyu
Namjoon you er
finally. FINALLY! I'm proud of you Jungkookie! WOOHOOO *throws confetti in the air*