Off - "Weird."

A Top Star's Competition

Right. It's the next filming date after Taehyung's little family emergency four days ago, and something is so off with Taehyung. 

He's not being weird. Like, the normal weird. He's also flat out done with this movie when Director Choi calls another NG. And he looks exhausted


Jungkook knows something is up when all Taehyung responds to him all day is a deadpan, flat out sarcastic, "Thanks." to all of his insults. 

That's not right. He's supposed to be firing back lame insults on the same level as his and jumping around from place to place. 

Nervously chewing on his lip, he observes the other from afar when the Director calls for a break. 


"Taehyung, can I see you for a minute?" Director Choi calls him over and Jungkook can't help but to move behind the director's chair to eavesdrop. 

Well, like his manager said, he's a busybody. Nosy, whatever you want to call it. But Jungkook is so adorable that he think's he's an exception. Where's the lie? 


Taehyung wordlessly stands and walks over to the director with a small sigh, keeping his head low as he stops in front of the young director. 

"Yes, Director Choi?" he mumbles out tiredly. 

"Your performance today isn't outstanding. Is something the matter? If it's about that family emergency, I'd like a little clarification on why you left so suddenly." 

Taehyung can feel his chest constrict at the mention of his older cousin currently recuperating in the hospital. 

"Yeah.. okay. Well, it's just my older cousin. He's been caught up in a fatal car accident." Taehyung explains slowly. 

Jungkook blinks as he hears the news. Still hiding behind the Director's chair, he perks up his ears to catch the next bit of information that leaves Taehyung's mouth. 

"Well, he or she is fine, right? There's nothing to worry about. I don't mean to be insensitive but try to focus on the filming please." 

Taehyung purses his lips tightly, Fatal. He's not exactly doing too well.. 


Jungkook immediately frowns. 


Wtf, Director? Taehyung's going through something called 'family matters'. Insensitive, pfft. More like inconsiderate to his feelings. Wait, isn't it just the same thing in a longer phrase? Ah, stuff it! 

Jungkook shakes his head of distracting thoughts just as Taehyung speaks an obedient, "Yes, Director Choi. Sorry about today." 

Director Choi just nods and dismisses him. 


Jungkook watches as he trudges back to the set and he sees his manager call Taehyung, asking him "where Jungkook was", and he sees Taehyung replying with an unmotivated shrug. 

Deciding to leave his spot behind the director's chair, Jungkook runs up to the disheartened actor. 


Taehyung turns to the source of the noise and he sees Jungkook running up to him. He simply turns around and walks a few steps further and places himself on the edge of the lake. Looking into his reflection he sees an image of his drained self and turns away when Jungkook plonks himself right beside him. 

"What you want..?" Taehyung says softly as he's not in the mood for any arguing. 

"Why is your acting so today, huh? Saw Director Choi telling you off just now." Jungkook nudges him, trying to liven the mood and attempting to make it seem like any other filming day where the two would continue to argue and get on each other's nerves to piss them off. He's hoping he can annoy the other enough to get him to stop thinking about his older cousin and pay attention to him instead so that he's not so damn sad. 


Didn't seem like the right day today, anyhow. 

Taehyung grits his teeth and bites out a short and harsh, sarcastic, "Thanks." 

Slightly taken aback, Jungkook's smirk slips off his face. The other seemed to be on edge and it didn't look like he even had the energy to argue. He didn't even get up and move away from him, instead Taehyung continued to sit there, not moving a muscle even when Jungkook showed no intention of leaving and only looking at him with a confused expression. 

"...What?" Taehyung asks lowly when he sees Jungkook still looking at him from the side in his peripheral. 

Jungkook clears his throat awkwardly and turns to the lake as well. It's a beautiful scenery and Taehyung's glad for the outdoors they were using to film that day. It was worth driving half a day to get to the area. 


"Hows...uhm.." Jungkook doesn't know how to proceed without Taehyung questioning him back about how he knew such information about his cousin's accident, when Taehyung turns his gaze to him. 

"What is it, Jungkook?" he says. 

"How's your cousin?" he blurts out. 

Taehyung's tired eyes widen a small fraction, "W-What? My.. cousin?" 

Jungkook swallows, not looking at Taehyung and still keeping his eyes trained on the lake in front of them. 

"Well.. let's just say I overheard some pieces of information from, uh, reliable sources." he says, carefully wording his reply. 

Something clicks in Taehyung's head when he remembers Jungkook talking with his manager when he was in the hospital. 


"Namjoon." Taehyung says. 

"What?" Jungkook turns to look at Taehyung and he wishes he didn't, because now he can't look away. His beautiful brown eyes captured his own in the setting sun that cast gentle, mesmerising shades of orange and yellow and lighting up the horizon. As well as Taehyung's eyes. 

The colours rest on Taehyung's face, almost as if it's purpose there was to make Taehyung look like the most graceful, alluring man there. 


"Namjoon hyung." Taehyung says again, breaking Jungkook out of his trance. 

"Oh, uh, what about him?" Jungkook says, cluelessly. 

Sighing, Taehyung brings his gaze back to the lake, leaving Jungkook with the view of his side profile. 


Okay, so. I'm supposed to hate this guy. But right now all I see is that he's hot and I'm worried for him. Weird. 

Jungkook thinks to himself, trying to focus on what the other was telling him about his conversation with his manager. He finds dark circles underneath the other's tired, but nonetheless gorgeous eyes. 


"Manager hyung told you about Baekhyun hyung's accident, right?" Taehyung asked. 

"Yeah.. Did you cry?" Jungkook half-teased. 

"And if I did? You gonna make fun of me? Laugh?" Taehyung snaps, taking it the wrong way. 

Jungkook feels a small surge of panic when Taehyung gets up to leave the lakeside, and he immediately stands and grabs the other's wrist. 

"What are you doing?" Taehyung says, shaking his wrist free. Trying to, anyway as Jungkook keeps a tight grip around him. 

"I-" Jungkook pauses, "I'm sorry." 

Taehyung stops wriggling and glances back briefly, meeting Jungkook's eyes and he takes it as a sincere apology. 

"I was just kidding. I'm-I'm sorry." 

"It's fine. Just let go." he almost whispers. 


It's only when Taehyung runs back to the set and makes a sudden turn does he see the glistening eyes of Kim Taehyung. 


Tears. He figures Taehyung's going through a situation worse than he had intially thought.



Don't cry, Taehyung. 










"Everyone! Everyone, we're going from page 193! All cameras ready on standby and two on close ups during the conversation. The remaining cameras, half in full shot and the other half spread around them in mid shot with one camera either side of Taehyung and Jungkook. Ensure camera A is a closeup of the two of them by the lake. Capture the kiss scene in the sunset and cut scene after the conversation and kiss. Questions?" 

Director Choi shouted directions at the camera crew and directed the actors on the set. 

"Romance! Don't be stiff, as if you're really in love!" he said to the two actors sitting in the grass, a good few metres away. 


Jungkook glanced at Taehyung who still looked rather sad and yes, it was awkward for them to film a kiss scene after Jungkook had gotten Taehyung slightly angry. Unintentionally, though. 


"Standby. CUE!" Director Choi shouted. 


"Minguk, look at me." Taehyung takes one of Jungkook's hands resting on the grass. Jungkook turns to him with his doe eyes, making them waver as he stares into Taehyung's own brown orbs. 

Lips stretching into a small smile, Taehyung says his next line. "You remember what you told me before, don't you?" 

Swallowing, Jungkook speaks with a soft voice as said in the script, "There's someone for everyone." he says the line on the verge of whispering. 

At this, Taehyung takes his cue to widen his smile ever so slightly, "That someone for me, is none other than you." he says. 

Director Choi gets busy motioning cameras to capture the sentimental, touching scene. 

Taehyung leans forward on the grass, gripping Jungkook's hand gently. Which was something weird as well, because whenever each of them got a scene like this, they'll be squeezing the life out of each other. 


Jungkook flutters his eyes closed as Taehyung closes the gap between them. He feels a soft pair of lips touch his own and he freezes for a moment. Luckily for the both of them, the two actors remember what Director Choi had said and Taehyung makes the first move to tilt his head more to the side, pressing his lips onto Jungkook's a little more. 

Jungkook starts to move his lips against the other and if he remembers correctly he's supposed to touch the other's cheek with his hand. 

Not knowing what came over him, an image of Taehyung's disheartened eyes flashed in Jungkook's mind for a split of a second and it has Jungkook wanting to see that eating smile of his instead. 

So instead of following the script, Jungkook doesn't touch Taehyung's cheek and waits until Taehyung leans back. When he does, there's supposed to be a slight pause until the director cuts the scene. Taehyung looks into Jungkook's eyes and before the director could cut the scene, Jungkook swiftly leans forward this time and reattaches his lips onto a surprised Taehyung for a quick kiss. When he pulls back a second later, Jungkook sends a bright smile to Taehyung with his face inches from him, only then reaching up to touch the other's cheek. 



"CUT!" Director Choi calls out. 

There's a few claps heard around the set from the level of performance from the two top actors. Jungkook stands up and brushes off his clothes from sitting on the grass and simply walks away to get a drink by the managers. When actually, he wanted to hide his reddening cheeks. 


Why am I feeling all, jittery? I can feel heat crawling up my neck. 

Jungkook thinks, hoping the cool breeze would cool him down as well as calm his body. 


This leaves Taehyung sitting on the grass and looking at the other, wondering if that second kiss, had second meaning










"Taehyung! Come on, we're going. If we don't leave now you'll miss the visiting hours." Namjoon called out to Taehyung as the camera crew started to pack up. It was late in the evening, the director called it a day when the last scene in the outdoor fields were completed. 

He follows his manager's call and enters the van. Jungkook catches sight of Taehyung when he heard Namjoon call out to him. 


Visiting hours? Is he going to see his cousin? Baekeon or something..

Jungkook thinks. 


"Manager hyung." Jungkook runs up to Seokjin. 

"Oh, yeah. Ready to go?" 

Jungkook nods and pulls his manager to the van. "Hurry, we need to go somewhere." 

Seokjin is dragged by the arm, "What- Where to, Jungkook?" 

Jungkook lets go off Seokjin's arm and hops into the van. "They're leaving the site soon! Hurry!" he slams the door shut. 


Seokjin, blinking, runs back to the site for a second to grab a bag of belongings. When he enters the driver's seat, he sees Jungkook looking in front, behind, and to the side. 

Biting the inside of his cheeks, Jungkook motions to Seokjin to not drive yet. 

"What is it?" Seokjin says. 

"We're following Taehyung's van." says Jungkook. 



"Shh!" Jungkook shushes. "Oh! They're leaving! Go, go, go!" 

Taehyung's van drives up in front of them and Seokjin had no other option rather than to tail the other vehicle. 

"Why are we doing this by the way, Jungkook." Seokjin grunts, letting a few cars in front of them go forward to avoid looking like they were actually following them. Well, Seokjin was just following Jungkook's words. 

Seokjin picks up his earpiece and calls Namjoon. 



"Yeah, hi. Where are you going now?" Seokjin asks as Jungkook turns to look at him. 

"We're on the way to visit Taehyung's cousin in the hospital. Why?" came the reply. 

"Is it the one about 20 or so minutes away?" 

"Yeah that one. Why you asking?" 

"This Jungkook of mine is-" he's cut off when Jungkook yanks the earpiece from him and plugs it into his own ear. "Namjoon hyung?" 

"Jungkook? It's you again?" 

"Yeah. Well, see you later!" Jungkook hangs up the call and hands the earpiece back to Seokjin as he stops the van at a red light. 


Seokjin sighs in defeat. "Fine, we'll do it your way." 

Jungkook flashes a bunny grin and leans back in the seat. 








"I'm here to see Byun Baekhyun." Taehyung says over the counter, keeping his sunglasses on as Namjoon fends off papparazzi. 

"Room 304." the receptionist says. 


The two make their way to the elevator as Namjoon says, "They've moved to a different room again?" 

"Mmm." Taehyung says. 

The doors open and Taehyung step out with Namjoon in tow. They search the floor for room 304 and Taehyung enters it immediately. 


"Hyung?" Taehyung calls out, softly. Is he awake? 

When he enters he sees his cousin lying on the bed with his aunt and uncle on chairs beside him. 

"Not awake yet?" Taehyung says, sitting himself down in a chair the opposite side of his cousin. Baekhyun doesn't stir when he holds his hand. 

"He's been sleeping for a while. He woke up earlier, though. Doctors came in to check on him and it looks like he'll be okay, hopefully." his uncle tells him. 

Taehyung nods and Namjoon - who's standing beside him - places a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. His aunt was sleeping in the chair located beside Baekhyun's bed. 

"He was in a pretty bad state earlier actually, almost wasn't allowed visitors. Doctors were surprised he even woke up, even if it was for a little while." his uncle says. 


Namjoon moves his hand on top of Taehyung's head, ruffling his hair affectionately to offer some comfort. 

"It'll be okay, you shouldn't worry so much." he tells him. 

Taehyung nods silently, looking at his cousin with worried eyes as he leans into Namjoon's side. 








"He's still in there?" Jungkook groans, looking out of his tinted window from inside the van to the hospital doors. 

"What do you expect to accomplish by following him here?" Seokjin says, nonchalantly flipping a page of his magazine with his eyes not leaving the glossy pages. 

"He's been in there for three or four hours! What's he doing in there?" Jungkook bites his lip with a frown, trying to play detective from outside the hospital. 

Seokjin sighs. 


Well, it'll be a late dinner by the looks of things right now. 




After a few hours pass by with no events, Jungkook kicks the back of the driver's seat in frustration. Awaking Seokjin who had fallen asleep, he proceeds to look outside for a second to see if there's anyone around before opening the door. 

"What're you doing now, huh?" Seokjin says. A yawn follows through and Seokjin glances back using the mirror. 

"I'm going to find Taehyung." he says, hopping out of the van and intending to go inside the hospital to look for the other. 


"Visiting hours should be over by now. He's been in there for ages!" 

"What is it to you?" 


Seokjin wasn't trying to sound insensitive to Taehyung's family situation. He only wanted to find out why this boy he's managing is so eager to see him. They were rivals, weren't they?

His question stops Jungkook in his tracks and he doesn't move. What is it to me..

All he knows at this point in time is that he doesn't like seeing Kim Taehyung all sad because -

1. It does not suit him. 

2. He's practically the definition of 4D. 

3. When 4D people get all sad something is wrong.


"Because!" Jungkook says defensively, "He's being all like sad and if he's sad that means he won't be able to argue with me on the same level which woud lead to an easy victory, and that can't happen because we're rivals. He's supposed to be on par with me. And also, he, uhm, won't be able to act properly! Yes, that's right. If he can't act properly Director Choi will get all angry and the movie won't be great! It has to be great because for one, I'm starring in it and the starring counterpart also has to be great to not make me look bad!" Jungkook almost shouts. 

Seokjin stares at him with wide eyes. 


So unexpected. 

What the actual heck. What. 


"Ok, so.." Seokjin says, "When you go in there, how are you supposed to explain yourself? 'Hello, I'm here because you seem sad about your cousin and it's bothering me, so I'm here to cheer ya' up. How's that?' You really want to say something like that?" Seokjin finishes with an unimpressed look. 

Jungkook frowns and bites his lips, "No. I'll just.. oh, I know!" he says excited. 

Raising an eyebrow, Seokjin stares at him and waits for this idea. 


"I'll buy some food and I'll just say that I'm here to support him in this entire situation." 


Sighing, Seokjin turns and hits his head on the top of the steering wheel. "What's the food got to do with it?" 

"It won't be awkward if we can eat." 

"You're worried, aren't you?" Seokjin says, turning around again to meet the eyes of Jungkook who's still standing by the open door of the van. "Get inside." 

Jungkook hops back in and his manager waits for his reply. "I'm not worried. It's just.. I don't like him sad. It's so out of character." 

"Didn't you, quote, 'hate him', or something along the lines of that?" 

"Yeah sure, but haven't you seen him? It's like his soul has been away!" Jungkook slumps in his seat, leaning on the car door. 

"Do whatever you want, it just seems like you're worried, is all." Seokjin says, "Now, you wanted food?" 

Jungkook brightens up. 

"You're actually going along with this? For me~?" he sings. 

"Shut up. Why am I still here with you? I could've gone home long ago!" Seokjin says, starting up the engine. 

"Thank you, Seokjin hyeuongg~" Jungkook says, singing his words to be cute. 

"Oh stop it. If I had a family I would have abandoned you here if you were going to stay for hours." Seokjin grumbled, in a joking manner that got Jungkook laughing in the back seat. 

"But Seokjin, we are family." Jungkook says, attempting to hug the other from behind the driver's seat playfully. 

"I'm about to drive here! Put on your seatbelt, ok?" Seokjin says. But he was right. 


They were family. 







"What food you want to get for Taehyung?" 

"I'm not sure what he likes.." 


"Rivals, hyung.. rivals." 

"What does that have to do with what food he likes?!" 














I hope you enjoyed it update

It was a somehow long update and it wasn't easy to write so I hope you liked it

190 subsribers! Thank you all for reading and please continue to support this story. Your comments are cute and motivates writing~ 

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Chapter 25: Wowwww love every second of this story. Why it finished so fast!!?? Love the way you describe the sassy characters and also the love story was really great and the ending was the best. Thanks for writing and sharing this story with us. :)
TisyiaKpopper #2
Chapter 25: Aww such a cute story! Love it, great job authornim!
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 4: Aww tsundere jungkook
TisyiaKpopper #4
Bwibwikook #5
Chapter 23: I know you already make a statement about jungkook top but the sudden change of his character is a bit too weird for me like...he is cute bun in the beginning even tho he is sassy and all but this is too weird tohandle..but your plot and writing style is completely great tbh
Bwibwikook #6
Chapter 1: Poor director choi haha
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #7
Chapter 24: I'm ded Namjoon :,)
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #8
Chapter 16: Man I agree with Jin, Taehyung is such an angel :,)
Chapter 25: Noooo, why did this story have to come to an end? T^T This story was awesome, I enjoyed every single moment of reading it! My comments probably didn't show it, because they were full of a mess, but I had a lot fun in these... 9 hours of reading it! <333 You created amazing characters that falling in love with is as easy as saying 'taekook'. Their arguments were very creative and made me laugh for more than once! Taehyung was such a softie, a forgiving angel, and I wanted to hug him every single time he was hurt. Jungkook on the other hand was a total , but it was probably his first time falling in love, and at the end he and Tae were happy, so one can't stay mad at him for too long. Namjoon and Seokjin's journey with love wasn't as eventful so it was a nice contrast to the Taekook couple! Your way of writing is really pleasant to read althrough I hoped there would be more insight into Taehyung and Jungkook's minds? Feelings? Thoughts? It's just my own opinion though >_<
To summarise - you wrote a really great story here, I enjoyed it a lot~! ^^ <333
Chapter 24: gffgdh jdgfjdfggy kufdgfyu
Namjoon you er
finally. FINALLY! I'm proud of you Jungkookie! WOOHOOO *throws confetti in the air*