Fake Relationship - "Cut it, you disgusting sweethearts."

A Top Star's Competition

"Taehyung, are you dating Jungkook?" 

The question comes from the CEO of his company, him sitting uncomfortably in the chair across the small coffee table in his office. 



"Then how do you explain these pictures?" The mentioned pictures are on display on the computer screen behind his CEO and on the phone of the said CEO that was placed on the table. 

The image of the two actors kissing in the bathroom glaringly bright on the screen. 

"I can't." he responds, still not looking up. 

"And why not, I need an explanation." 

"I can't give one." 


There was a silence before he spoke again. 

"What happened? At the dinner, Taehyung." 

Taehyung blinked before speaking, 

"I went in after Jungkook to the bathroom because Jin-sshi had asked me to follow him, since it was dark and all and he was drunk." he starts off. "And then, I waited until he was out, but then he just pinned me down and he just, he just kissed me." 


"I still don't get how the press managed to get those images." 

"I don't either, it wasn't like anyone was in there, but the only way was, whoever it was was at the entrance and hid behind the wall that would allow him to see inside if he just faced inside. I mean, it wasn't like it had an actual door where you open and enter." 

"Well, if I said, 'no, Kim Taehyung denies dating Jeon Jungkook', I'm going to need a valid reason why. And no, I cannot just say that he was drunk. It would look bad on his part." 


Taehyung nodded. 

"So? What do you suggest we do?" the CEO asks, as a means of opening the choices to Taehyung. 

And when Taehyung shrugs, he knows he has to tell him what he had thought of. 

"Well, if you've got no ideas, then, you'll just have to 'date' him. More like, pretend to, so after a while you can 'break it off', and it wasn't like there was an actual relationship going on. It would protect both your images." 


A fake relationship? 

Taehyung thinks. 


"I-well, I'm not so sure if I-" Taehyung tries, his own feelings stopping him from fully accepting the idea. 

Now that the other, most likely, knows of his feelings he might take advatange of it and 'toy' with him. He was scared of that. 

"If you've got anything better, we can use that instead." the CEO says, raising a brow, not expecting any ideas. 


Taehyung is silent and bites his lip. 

"..Okay. But he needs to know about it-" 

"Well of course, it's in both of your best interests and its obvious he needs to know what's going on. You can plan your 'break up' after." 


Taehyung knows just pretending to be in a relationship is just a one-way road for his feelings to grow, and when it all ends he knows he's going to be in heartbreak and hurt. Because everything would've been fake, made up and fabricated. 










Jin walks into the living room where Jungkook is seated, thinking about Taehyung for a second and his mouth threatens to twitch up and his heart feeling warm. 


"Jungkook," Jin calls, a phone at his ear. 


Jungkook jumps a foot in the air, turning his head around to face Jin with dilated pupils and mouth hanging. 

Snorting immediately upon seeing his face, Jin quickly clears his throat as he addresses the person on the line, "Excuse me, sir." 

He pulls the phone away and covers the microphone, 


"Jungkook-ah, Taehyung's CEO is on the line and he's suggesting something to solve the dating scandal." 

Promtly shutting his mouth before dust and flies go in, he raises a brow. 

"That is?" he questions. 

"Let's listen together." Jin says, sitting down opposite him on a plush, single armchair. 


"Sir, we're listening." Jin says, putting the phone on speaker and carefully placing it on the glass table where it sat between the two of them. 

"Yes, well. I'll go ahead and talk over the phone if you don't have the time to come in to the office." says the man on the other line. 

"Yes, what is it you propose for the situation?" Jin says, professionally and Jungkook almost laughs at his sense of reliability and professionalism he's upholding. 

Getting the hint, if the actor's smile is anything to go by, he shoots a glare at Jungkook before turning his attention back to the phone. 

"I have gone over it with Taehyung, and though it seems he was initially against it, there was no better solution." 


Seriously, just spit it out. 

Jungkook thinks, impatiently. 


"We're planning to set up a fabricated relationship between Taehyung and Jungkook." 

Jungkook stills. 


"Fabricated?" Jin questions, eyebrows disappearing under his bangs. 

"Yes, and I have mentioned this and have already had a meeting with Jungkook's company. It's all been settled. We're simply informing you of what would be put out in the next few days." 

"Is-Is everything spoken through already?" Jin asks. 

"Yes, almost." 

"What would be our course of action? And please, elaborate." 

"Yes, yes. We are to affirm the news of the relationship as it would be highly suspicious to not put out a statement and simply ignore the images-" 

Jungkook clears his throat silently and looks sideways. 

"-and it would also not be good for the two of them looking like they were just 'having a fling' or a 'drunken happening', it would not be positive for either. There is no way to refute it being the two since you were spotted at the staff dinner and the images clearly depict the both of you." 

"What were to happen once they are confirmed to be 'dating'?" Jin asks, furthering his explanation. 

"Since it is in neither party to want to actually 'date'-" the man starts, 


I'm not too sure about that. 

Jungkook thinks, 

Especially if it's Taehyung.  


"-a 'break up' shall be announced a few months into the 'relationship'. Possibly even after the movie is filmed. We could put out a statement regarding extreme pressure of the eyes of the media and public, and they decided to simply 'break it off'." 

The confirmed proposition sounded like a really good one. Only if no feelings were involved. 


"Yes, I-I agree." Jin says, looking up at the other sitting across from him, looking unsettled. 


"From there, it would be simply a form of very simple media play. To protect the image of both actors. It will be just like a budding relationship broken ended due to public and media pressures." 

"Yes, I, I agree with the proposition." 

"What does Jungkook think about this?" 

Jin looks up again, heart slightly cracking. 


Jungkook, who knew about the other's feelings thought it was very unfair. He himself was unsure of his own feelings and personally did not want to do this, not to Taehyung after he'd hurt him so many times. Especially now, the biggest risk of hurting him weighed heavily on this proposition. 

Knowing the other's feelings for him after an indirect confession, if he was sure he'd harboured the same ones he would have delved into the relationship already, and by simply confirming the dating news, nothing would have to be fabricated. Nothing would have to be staged. No hearts would be broken. 

If he realised at the end of it all how he really didn't harbour the same feelings, he'd have crushed the other twice over with their 'performance' and act of being a happy couple. 


His eyes slightly teary and mouth pulled into a very unsettled frown, he casts a hopeless look at Jin who only nodded at him, understandingly. 

But unless Jungkook had a brighter idea, he'd have no choice. 


"Yes, we agree with it." Jin confirms. 

"You accept the proposition, then?" 

"It's already been accepted, has it not?" Jin says, "We have no problems with it being carried out. Keep us updated." 

"Yes, of course. Thank you and I ask for your cooperation, Jin and Jungkook-sshi." 


The line hangs up and as soon as it does, Jin hears a small and muffled, an almost-sob, from the figure before him. 

Jungkook looks very conflicted and shakes his head, bottom half of his face hidden behind one hand and stopping any sounds that threatened to fall. He proceeds to cover his face with his arms, bangs peeking over the top of his arms. 


Jin goes up to console him. Wrapping his arms around Jungkook, who has his knees up to his chest and arms resting on the top. 

He removes one of his hands from the other's back to stoke through his hair and whispering soft shh's and it's going to be okay, okay?'s. 

Jin knows that Jungkook probably loves Taehyung a whole lot, hidden under the layers of self-perceived hate and annoyance, irritation and disregard for Taehyung. 


It just wasn't him to tell the other, I mean, he could tell him all he wanted. But it was up to him to believe it. Only he could uncover his own feelings to truly believe it and tell Taehyung his own feelings and not just because someone told him that 'that was what he was feeling.' (that's a lot of 'feelings')










21st August 2016


Trending actors Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook are starring alongside one another in an upcoming-hit film directored and produced by Choi Min Jun, 'Sentimental Attachment'. Both were recently spotted outside a restaurant at what was a staff dinner with some of the film's producers, and were shot kissing in a dimly-lit bathroom just outside. 

The companies of both Taehyung and Jungkook have confirmed the news. The two had formed feelings for one another in the duration of the filming so far, and have been currently dating secretly, though it has not been disclosed for how long. 


A statement from manager Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin have been asked.

'It took a lot to admit it, but I hope the responses would not be overwhelming and negative. Please look favourably on the new couple.' Taehyung's current manager, Kim Namjoon had stated. 

'I hope you would support the relationship and wish them luck in their budding stages.' Jungkook's current manager, Kim Seokjin had said. 


What do you think of the new couple? 


taehyung jungkook sentatt choiminjun


Staring down at the phone screen, Jungkook's phone buzzed non-stop. 

He tried to ignore it while he read the article, unsettled heart but somewhat wishing it was real. 

It was ironic, how he wanted it to be real, but it was indeed real for everyone else. 


His phone kept going off, all the poeple he knew contacting him to confirm his dating news personally. And growing annoyed, he put it on mute while he scrolled through the multiple news articles, clicking on some [BREAKING] or [CONFIRMED] or even 'Shocking news of Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook', already knowing it would be their dating news. 

He sighs, wondering what Taehyung might have been thinking about the articles. 


Has he read them? 


"Come on, Kookie, filming time." Jin says, poking his head around the corner and calling his nickname to try to soothe him. 

Jungkook mumbled an, "Okay." 


Going out of his apartment, he wondered if he'd be bombarded by the press. 








Taehyung was already dealing with that. Just leaving a previous schedule, Taehyung was having trouble just getting to his car. Getting pushed and shoved, a camera in his face and one shoved in his ribs, Taehyung struggled through the mass of flash, cameras and desperate news reporters. 


"One statement please!" 


"How are you taking the-" 

"Taehyung, will you tell us something about your relationship with him?" 

"Just a sentence!" 

"Is there anything you would like to say regarding your relat-" 

"Taehyung, will you give us a-" 


Growing annoyed, Namjoon angrily shoved a cluster of reporters that was too close. They stumbled back and he pulled Taehyung forward, only for another idiot to intercept and shove a blinding light in Taehyung's eyes, pushing him back and making him see heaven even through his sunglasses. 

The camera whacked him hard in between the eyes, cracking his sunglasses and almost knocking them off. 


Taehyung thinks, the plastic snapped against his nosebridge and tearing his skin. 



He ducks his head in immediate pain as the blood seeps under and travels down his nose. 


Namjoon growls and more or less thwacks the guy right back into the flailing arms of a female reporter behind him. 


You want information about love, you nincompoop, I'll play ing cupid for you. 

Namjoon thinks, grabbing Taehyung harder this time and pulling him along. 


The van door pulled open, and Namjoon hurriedly wanting Taehyung away from feral humans, shoves Taehyung rougly inside and shuts the door, turning around and wrestling hard, opening the door to the drivers seat. 

He turns around immediately after the door is shut, and when he sees Taehyung peeling away the bloody sunglasses he jolts and opens the door. 


Calling one of the bodyguards, he says, 

"Will you drive instead to.." 


Taehyung winces as he wipes blood off with his fingertips, trying not to stain the leather seat which was going to be a to clean if blood got on it. 


"Thank you." Namjoon says hurriedly, climbing to the back seat and throwing himself beside Taehyung as the bodyguard got in and shut the door, started the engine and pulled away safely. 


"Hey, let me see." Namjoon says, taking Taehyung's face in his hands and turning it towards him. 

Whining, Taehyung maneouvres his neck away, only for Namjoon to grab it back. 


"Look here." he says, again. 

Taehyung's hands are awkwardly raised in the air, bloody sunglasses in his lap with red hands. 


Grabbing a bunch of tissues, he presses them against Taehyung's nose and instructs him to hold it there, ignoring Taehyung's cry of pain. 


"Ow, hyung." he grumbles. 


Namjoon proceeds to grab more tissues and clean his hands, not replying to him as Taehyung settles with staring at white in front of him. 










Jin managed to get Jungkook to the filming site without any media trouble. Since he went from his apartment straight to the set, it wasn't troubling. 


When he steps out, he sees Taehyung already sitting in a chair near the small medical tent, a nurse crouched in front of him and tending to an injury. Namjoon stood behind him and held his shoulders still. 


Jin's eyes widen in question, "What happened to him-?" 

Jungkook immediately takes off in his direction, leaving his manager in the wind he left behind as he made a beeline to Taehyung. 


Upon arriving, he takes the nurse by the shoulders and gently shoves her aside. She stumbles up to her feet and Taehyung looks down in surprise when he sees Jungkook now crouched in front. 

Taking his face in his hands, Taehyung's eyes are wide as Jungkook inspects his face. 


"What happened to you?" he says, eyebrows knit in a frown. 

"Uh, just the press." he answers, vaguely. "What are you doing?" 

Jungkook then tears his gaze from the wound to Taehyung's brown orbs which causes a jolt in him. He opens his mouth and takes a breath in as if to speak, but he doesn't know what to say, settling instead for,  

"I-I was just worried," he starts, "And uhm-" glancing around, he takes note of the eyes on him and says, "And just wanted to see how you were doing with the-your-uhm, our, dating news." he stutters out, retracting his hands very slowly until only his fingertips rested on his soft cheek and jawline. 

Taehyung flushes so adorably prettily between his hands and he clears his throat to hide his jittering heart from showing on his face. 


"Right, uhm. It, I'm- fine." he says out. 


Their act is so incredibly awkward that it has Namjoon cringing. 

Jungkook takes his hands away from his face in a split second and rests them on his knees, still crouching in front of the other with a knee resting on the ground. 

"Well, I-uh, everyone knows now so there's no hiding it, yeah?" he says. 


Damn it, Jungkook aren't you meant to be an actor? Why does this feel like some sort of ing charade? 

He thinks, ripping apart pillows in his head, stepping on legos and punching walls. 



He gets called and he blinks in surprise. 

"Jungkook? Everything okay?" Taehyung asks when the other didn't respond. 

Jungkook is suddenly hyperaware of the hand on his shoulder, and he jerks back as if he got burned, 

"Y-Yeah. Fine." 


He doesn't miss the way Taehyung's expression falls and the hurt that flashes in his eyes. 

"S-sorry. Didn't mean to touch you." he mumbles. 

And it goes straight to Jungkook's heart, pulling at his heartstrings and feeling very apologetic all of a sudden. 


"Hey, don't be sorry, I-I'm sorr-" he starts but Taehyung's already up and searching for a bandaid himself. 


Jungkook is up in an instant and pushing Taehyung down in the chair again, 

"Let me." he smiles, and Taehyung looks up, eyes blown wide and looking taken aback. 


Feeling his heart swirl at the other's smile, Taehyung only watches as Jungkook takes the band aid and plasters it carefully in the middle of his face. 

When he pulls back and looks at Taehyung from afar, Jungkook breaks into tiny giggles and a large smile, and Taehyung belatedly realises he's laughing at him. 


Face flushing again, from embarrassment this time, Taehyung picks up the paper wrapping of his band aid sitting on the plastic table beside him and flinging it at Jungkook uselessly, the wind catching it and pulling it away from even touching the other. 


He looks away with flushed cheeks in a poor attempt to hide his face with a large band aid sitting between his eyes. Jungkook comes up to him now and takes his face in one hand, tilting it forward and sending a gentle, beautiful smile his way, softening his expression and saying, "Don't be so shy, you still look handsome with this." he taps the bandaid in the middle and Taehyung pulls back. 

"Hey, that hurts you know!" he protests. 


Jungkook grins even wider before bending down slowly and enveloping his arms around Taehyung, the side of his face pressed against the other's ear and Taehyung's face at a slight angle upwards where he was still sitting in the seat. 


"Sorry, baby." Jungkook says, smoothly. 

The name catches Taehyung off-guard and his eyes widen a touch. Jungkook revels in the feeling of Taehyung going still in his arms, as an indication that Taehyung was surprised. 

But then, he nuzzles very slightly into Taehyung neck, angling his face so he could mutter in the other's ear, 

"Sorry for earlier as well. I feel like I'm always apologizing for something. But now that we're, well, dating, I don't see why you can't touch me." 


Taehyung blinks slowly, not knowing what to answer with. 

When he doesn't say anything, the other pulls back and looks at him in the eye. 


"Well, I don't think Director Choi will be happy about this." he says, glancing up at the covered wound before grinning. "You got a day off." 

"I don't think so, babe," Taehyung drawls, "They'll just photoshop the band aid off my face." 

Jungkook raises a brow, detecting playfulness in his tone. 

"What if I asked for you to take the day off?" he says, a teasing smile playing on his lips. 

The air takes on a fliratious touch. 

"Right, like he'll listen to you anymore than he'll listen to me." a smile touches Taehyung's lips. 

"You never know," Jungkook takes the opportunity to card his hand through Taehyung's hair. "He might listen to me-" 


"Cut your flirting, you disgusting sweethearts." Director Choi's voice cuts through whatever fliratious atmosphere it was that was currently occuring around the two only. 


Jungkook blinks at Director Choi, eyes sparkling with playful mischief. 

"Hey Director Choi, think Taehyung here can get the day off? The press managed to injure him." he shoots a small smile. 


Director Choi looks at him straight in the eye before breaking out into a boyish, sarcastic smile, 

"Oh sure," he drawls, "Take break whenever you want. Like hell." he changes his act in an instant and turns to the set. 


"Come on! We're busy. Camera team 1 get the lighting ready, and production 2 ready the set with the final touches!" 


Turning to look at Taehyung, Jungkook's hand resting on the side of his head where he could still feel the brown locks, he shoots a smile, 

"Worth a shot." Jungkook grins. 


Taehyung lets a small puff of air leave his nose as a small laugh, 

"Yeah, thanks for that." 








Maybe we could make this work. 

Jungkook thinks, staring down at Taehyung's grin. 












Yeah, it might. 










Thank you for 790+ subscribers! 

Yes, I'm back and no I will not say updates will come more frequently as I would be lying

I do not know when i will come back so enjoy this longer update though some of you would probably demand for a longer one

I'm so shocked so many people actually like this story, everyday i go on there's at least two or more that subscribe. Like babes, how do you find this story when i never update

But i hope you enjoyed the chapter

And Yoongi's mixtape had me at 0.1 seconds and the rest of his songs made me cry internally (Because i'm not a baby - i almost cried in real life when i told my friends who couldnt care less tbh gosh rude Yoongi, I love you <3 Suga Agust D, A TO G TO STD

Leave a comment to let me know what you think! 


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Chapter 25: Wowwww love every second of this story. Why it finished so fast!!?? Love the way you describe the sassy characters and also the love story was really great and the ending was the best. Thanks for writing and sharing this story with us. :)
TisyiaKpopper #2
Chapter 25: Aww such a cute story! Love it, great job authornim!
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 4: Aww tsundere jungkook
TisyiaKpopper #4
Bwibwikook #5
Chapter 23: I know you already make a statement about jungkook top but the sudden change of his character is a bit too weird for me like...he is cute bun in the beginning even tho he is sassy and all but this is too weird tohandle..but your plot and writing style is completely great tbh
Bwibwikook #6
Chapter 1: Poor director choi haha
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #7
Chapter 24: I'm ded Namjoon :,)
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #8
Chapter 16: Man I agree with Jin, Taehyung is such an angel :,)
Chapter 25: Noooo, why did this story have to come to an end? T^T This story was awesome, I enjoyed every single moment of reading it! My comments probably didn't show it, because they were full of a mess, but I had a lot fun in these... 9 hours of reading it! <333 You created amazing characters that falling in love with is as easy as saying 'taekook'. Their arguments were very creative and made me laugh for more than once! Taehyung was such a softie, a forgiving angel, and I wanted to hug him every single time he was hurt. Jungkook on the other hand was a total , but it was probably his first time falling in love, and at the end he and Tae were happy, so one can't stay mad at him for too long. Namjoon and Seokjin's journey with love wasn't as eventful so it was a nice contrast to the Taekook couple! Your way of writing is really pleasant to read althrough I hoped there would be more insight into Taehyung and Jungkook's minds? Feelings? Thoughts? It's just my own opinion though >_<
To summarise - you wrote a really great story here, I enjoyed it a lot~! ^^ <333
Chapter 24: gffgdh jdgfjdfggy kufdgfyu
Namjoon you er
finally. FINALLY! I'm proud of you Jungkookie! WOOHOOO *throws confetti in the air*