Scandal - "Maybe you should've thought of that before you shoved your tongue down my throat!"

A Top Star's Competition

Namjoon has his face in his hands and Taehyung is grinning to himself. 

Hooking up his phone to the widescreen TV in his living room, Taehyung is playing the video of Namjoon's drunk antics the night before loud and clear for all to hear. 


"Jin hyeong~ Pyong! Pyong!" 

"Oh my god." Namjoon says, this was not good for him with a hangover and he did not need utter embarrassment at 100% at 10:00 in the morning. Taehyung's lucky he's free for the morning and afternoon and despite his own love war in his mind and heart, he doesn't hesitate to mess up his manager's love life in a 31 second video. 


"Namjoon, darling, stop it. You're embarassing yourself." 

"I dont wannnaaa~~!!!" 


" me, Taehyung make it stop." Namjoon groans with his face in a pillow and leaning sideways on Taehyung's white leather couch as he laughs loud and boisterious. Mouth open and head thrown back, he claps his hands and cries at the video playing. 

"I'm-" he heaves, "never," he gasps, "going to get rid of this-" he wipes a tear from his eye, "ever." 


When the video ends, and Namjoon's embarassment had not subsided, Taehyung sighs in content with a wide grin and an open mouth before reaching for the remote in front of him and going to replay it. 

"Let's watch it again." 

"No! Taehyung, damn it what is wrong with you?!" Namjoon leaps up from his place on the couch and makes a grab for him and Taehyung shrieks and scoots away, but he didn't have to when Namjoon just got hit by a ton of theoretical bricks. 


"Ow.. my head.." Namjoon whines and Taehyung grins, paying no heed and rewatching Namjoon's shame for the- 


Ding, Dong! 


"Huh?" Taehyung looks up, and he scrambles off the couch to see who it was. Namjoon sighs in relief. 


Oh thank you, thank you. No more of that video for me. 

Namjoon wiggles his way across the couch and switches off the TV, head hurting too much to delete the video from Taehyung's phone which was too far away. 


His own phone bleeps. 

1 new message


"Oh! Jin hyung!" 


"Namjoon hyung! My new speakers just arrived! Let's check them out with that golden video of yours." 


No, not out of the gutter yet! 

Namjoon only groans. 









"JIIIN~~!!" Jungkook whines. 







Jungkook sits up on his own couch, rubbing his head and eyes watery. 

"That hurt!" 

"You're bothering me, I'm busy!" Jin retorts, reaching out a hand to rub at Jungkook's hair where he practically punched him. 

"By busy you mean staring at your phone wondering what to text Namjoon hyung." Jungkook rolls his eyes, head moving when Jin starts rubbing his head too hard and it starts turning around on his neck. "Let me." 

"Ha-Hey!" Jin exclaims when his phone is snatched and Jungkook types up a quick, Hey, how's your head? and presses send after batting Jin's hand away. 


"There, now listen to me." 

Jin takes his phone and gasps. 


"That's a good one! Oh thank you! I was wondering how to make it sound like I wasn't too worried, you know? But enough to show my concern-" 


"And because you know, I don't want to give him the wrong idea and-" 


"-it might get all awkward and you know we can't have that-" 

"I made out with Taehyung." 



He huffs. 

Jin is still staring wide-eyed. "Why?!" 

"I dunno, I was drunk, maybe?" 

"But you're an honest, straight forward drunk. There's no way you did that just because. And when did this even happen?" 

"Last night, after dinner. When Namjoon, uhmm.. I dunno but it was after in a dingy bathroom." 

"You like him. I know it. But really? And it's saying something if that's what you remember in your drunk lalaland." 

"No, it was because I sobered up then. Hyung, he kissed me back." 

"What? No. Pfft." Jin snorts. 

"Hyung, I'm telling you. He kissed me!" Jungkook persists. 


Jin realises he's not joking and turns back. 

"Maybe he likes you too then!" 

Jungkook stills and his heart flutters in the tiniest bit. 

"No, no- well, I don't know. No one can know about it when nothing's been sorted out." 


The TV serving as white noise becames suddenly blaringly clear. 


"The top star actors, Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung, had been photographed kissing in a bathroom yesterday night after what seemed like a staff dinner. In the images taken, Jeon Jungkook is seen seemingly having a hold on costar Kim Taehyung against the wall and dispatch clearly shows the two actor's close relationship. Nothing has been confirmed by either actor but a statement had been put out by Taehyung's company, stating that they would check in with the actor before confirming or disaffirming the news." 


"Oh ." Jungkook swears.

"How did they even get pictures?" Jin questions.


Right next to the head of the reporter is the said image of them making out blatantly in the bathroom last night. 


"Oh ." Jungkook slumps down on the couch. 













Taehyung is wrapped up in a coat later that night on the filming set, waiting for Jungkook to arrive. 

His van pulls up and Jungkook steps out with Jin following suit after him, shutting the door on the driver's side before walking over to Namjoon who has his head down in embarrassment and has a 300 word apology practiced in his head.


Jungkook steps out and shuffles awkwardly to Taehyung, the set and crew have their eyes on them both and before filming started, Jungkook grabs Taehyung by the arm over to some secluded area. 


"Okay, we need to go over some things." Jungkook starts off. 

"I think we do." Taehyung says, face getting heated and he clears his throat. 

"Did... did you hear the news this morning..?" Jungkook asks, hoping the other has so he doesn't have to explain it to him. 

"Uhm, about us dating? Yeah, I did. I came across some articles to-" 

"Ok, that's all I needed to know." he says. 

"So.. what do we do?" 

"We do nothing. We refute it all and we're not dating. We don't like each other in that way at all and we were just, practicing for an upcoming scene?" 

Taehyung frowns slightly, 

"..That wouldn't be believeable-" 

"Actually, no you're right. We say it's not us at all. It's in dim lighting so no one can say for sure." Jungkook nods, satisfied and turns go back onto the set. 


Taehyung reaches out for him at the last second and turns him back around. 

"What is it?" 

"You.." Taehyung looks down. "We need to go over some things, too.." 

"We just did." Jungkook frowns. 

"No, I mean.." Taehyung takes a deep breath and Jungkook waits patiently. "Why did you do it?" 


Jungkook freezes.

"Why did what?" he says, trying hard not to stutter and stuffing up his grammar too. 

"Why did you kiss me?" Taehyung looks up into the other's eyes. 


He knew what the other was asking when he first asked why he did it. But futilely hoped it wasn't the question he was being asked right now. 


"I don't know. I was drunk. That's it." he says steadily. But internally his teeth was close to chattering nervously and his heart thumping loudly. 

"That's.. it?" Taehyung asks, in disbelief. 

"Yeah. T-Tha-" Jungkook clears his throat when his voice cracks. "That's it." 

He turns to run the out of there but Taehyung's voice stops him again. 

"Don't I get some sort of apology?" he says, "If 'that's it'?" 


Jungkook turns around and Taehyung is there with a look of.. he doesn't know. Hurt anger?  

"What for?" 

Taehyung blinks and he feels the heat of anger now. 

"You don't just force a kiss on someone out of nowhere and expect everything to be a-okay afterwards." 

Jungkook feels irked, "You kissed me too!" 

"Yeah, only after for you to stop scraping the skin off my hands and finally let me go!" 

"I-what?! I wasn't that rough-" 

"Say that to the bandaids on my hands." 

"Well, look we just got to wait for this scandal to-" 

"Yeah, well you should've thought about that before you shoved your tongue down my throat!" 


Jungkook doesn't know what to say. 

"That wasn't my fault!" 

"Of course it was!" 

"No, it wasn't! I said, I was drunk." 

"And that makes it not your fault? It's still your body, isn't it? And from what I can tell, despite being drunk you remember what happened." 

Jungkook pulls his lips back, tips of his ears tinting red and he remembers clearly pinning Taehyung to the wall and not letting go even when he made a sound of discomfort. 

"I-I- Just let it go!" he almost shouts. 

"I can't when there's a scandal about it!" 

"We'll have to wait for it to cool down! And you shouldn't have kissed me!" 

"How else was I supposed to get you off me? Headbutt you?" 

"Maybe you could've!" 

"You were kissing me!" 

"Like I said, you shouldn't have kissed me!" 


Taehyung huffs. "You're not any making sense!" he says back, "Stop pushing the blame onto me! And how could I not have when you were towering over me looking like you did!" 


Oh.. fu-



"I-I mean!" Taehyung scrambles. He chances a glance at Jungkook's face and he wore an incredulous expression, eyebrow raised and looking demanding and questioning. 

"I-I- Just let it go!" Taehyung shouts, saying the same words Jungkook had just moments before. 

But Jungkook doesn't, "Oh no. I won't. What was that you said?" 

"I said nothi-" 

"Looking like I did? How did I look?" Jungkook says, taking a step forward. 


Hot as

Taehyung blinks his thought away. 


 Jungkook hardly recognises the absolute thrill in his body when he sees Taehyung back up and flushed. 


"You looked like ! Now get away from me!" Taehyung says, pushing back at Jungkook's chest but he doesn't budge. 

"No, princess. Are you saying you'd kiss a face that looks like ?" 

"I- ugh you!" 

"Nah, babe. I think I'd prefer it the other way around." 

"Oh my GAD-" 




And look who it is, it's Director Choi and whole entire set looking straight at them. Jungkook hadn't taken them to a secluded place because apparently, 'secluded place' to him meant 15 metres away in the shaded area of the brightly lit set. 


It's super quiet and Taehyung just wants to die


"Hello, Director Choi." they meekly greet. 

"Now, I have heard of your dating scandal. And I have heard this. What do I make of this?" 


Neither have an answer. 

In, one.. two.. 


"He kissed me!" they both shout, pointing fingers. 

"No! HE DID!" they jab fingers at each other. 

"He kissed me FIRST!" they yell at each other;s faces

"NO! You-!" they start, but is interrupted. 


"Stop!" Director Choi rolls his eyes. 

"You two give me the biggest headaches ever." he grumbles. "I'm only twenty-four, don't give me wrinkles." 


"You have one right on your foreheard right now-" Taehyung innocently states. 

"There's one around your mouth too when you-" Jungkook adds on. 


"Shut! Up!" he hits them both with the script book in his hands. "It's your fault!" 


"Now, I don't think the drama will actually have to say anything about this matter. But, you two need to sort things out." he narrows his eyes at them, looking almost cat-like. 


"Sort out it right now or later. We have work to do!" he stomps off with hands in fists and shoulders hunched, arms about half a metre away from his body and kicking at whatever. 

"I'm only twenty four-" he grumbles. "I still need a girlfriend-" he jumps up on the Director's chair and flips open the script roughly. 


"Jihyung and Hoseok! Scene 89 now!" he shouts. 







Taehyung and Jungkook glance at each other. 

"This isn't over." Jungkook points at Taehyung but Taehyung pushed past him and all but speeds away. 


He so likes me. 

Jungkook thinks, crossing his arms and face set in determination. He wasn't letting this go. Ever. 









With Namjoon and Jin to the side, experiencing their own love affair, Jin and Jungkook were all teasing that night. 

Jin constantly subtly, but enough for Namjoon to know that Jin got a kick out of his shame. 


And Jungkook was practically harrassing Taehyung on set. Sending dirty jokes and flirty winks his way. 


"CUT!" Director Choi shouts, "Okay good! Next!" 


"Well done, babe. You think you can do better in bed?" 

"ing stop it." Taehyung hisses, getting pissed and he more or less stomps away with steaming ears and Taehyung's heart is beating so fast he swears he would go into cardiac arrest. 


"So, Namjoon," Jin starts, "What do you say we go for a drink next time?" 

Namjoon flares red and Jin cannot hold back a light hearted laugh. "I'm just messing with you." 








It was after filming and Taehyung tries to make a dash for it, only to be held back by the iron grip of Jungkook. 

"Where are you going so fast? We didn't finish what we started." 

"If you're implying your about on the set earlier, then no, we never started anything." Taehyung tries ripping his arm away only to hurt himself in the process. 


Ugh, why couldn't I have time to work out

Taehyung stops but doesn't look his way. 


"You said earlier," Jungkook starts, playfulness almost gone. "'Looking like I did.' How did I look? You seem to like me. And I'm getting the idea you think I look good, at the very least. It seems the only reasonable explanation seeming that it's the reason you have for kissing me." 

"You kissed me first." 

"But that's not what we're talking about here." 


The other's 'You seem to like me' plays in his head. Taehyung bites his lip. "But you don't. So whether I do or not, doesn't matter." he says, neither agreeing or disagreeing with his earlier words. 

He successfully gets his arm out of Jungkook's hold and walks back to his van where he sees Jin and Namjoon conversing. He slides the sleek black door open and he gets inside, giving one last meaningful glance at Jungkook before the door slides shut and he disappears from Jungkook's view. 







I do. I just might actually, do like you.. Taehyung. 

Jungkook stands there thinking. He needs time to think this over. 












Wait for a bit, Taehyung. Until I know what the I'm doing. 









700+ subscribers thanks so much! It's not that good of a story and I'm so glad people actually like it. 

Anyway I know I've been away for a while I had exams  and though it's not really an excuse since I had time before but just didn't update. 

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you have ideas let me know. 

Leave a comment to let me know what you think! 


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Chapter 25: Wowwww love every second of this story. Why it finished so fast!!?? Love the way you describe the sassy characters and also the love story was really great and the ending was the best. Thanks for writing and sharing this story with us. :)
TisyiaKpopper #2
Chapter 25: Aww such a cute story! Love it, great job authornim!
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 4: Aww tsundere jungkook
TisyiaKpopper #4
Bwibwikook #5
Chapter 23: I know you already make a statement about jungkook top but the sudden change of his character is a bit too weird for me like...he is cute bun in the beginning even tho he is sassy and all but this is too weird tohandle..but your plot and writing style is completely great tbh
Bwibwikook #6
Chapter 1: Poor director choi haha
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #7
Chapter 24: I'm ded Namjoon :,)
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #8
Chapter 16: Man I agree with Jin, Taehyung is such an angel :,)
Chapter 25: Noooo, why did this story have to come to an end? T^T This story was awesome, I enjoyed every single moment of reading it! My comments probably didn't show it, because they were full of a mess, but I had a lot fun in these... 9 hours of reading it! <333 You created amazing characters that falling in love with is as easy as saying 'taekook'. Their arguments were very creative and made me laugh for more than once! Taehyung was such a softie, a forgiving angel, and I wanted to hug him every single time he was hurt. Jungkook on the other hand was a total , but it was probably his first time falling in love, and at the end he and Tae were happy, so one can't stay mad at him for too long. Namjoon and Seokjin's journey with love wasn't as eventful so it was a nice contrast to the Taekook couple! Your way of writing is really pleasant to read althrough I hoped there would be more insight into Taehyung and Jungkook's minds? Feelings? Thoughts? It's just my own opinion though >_<
To summarise - you wrote a really great story here, I enjoyed it a lot~! ^^ <333
Chapter 24: gffgdh jdgfjdfggy kufdgfyu
Namjoon you er
finally. FINALLY! I'm proud of you Jungkookie! WOOHOOO *throws confetti in the air*