Rice Cakes - "Cooking.. ugh, Seokjin WHY?"

A Top Star's Competition

After filming, Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting in a van together reading over lines. Now on speaking terms, the two thought it would be good for them to practice their scenes together and memorise lines. Especially the emotionally intense scenes that the director was sure to be critical on. 

Don't get the wrong idea, they were simply doing this based on work. But of course, partly because a certain actor could use some sort of further confirmation that he was not hated by fellow co-star. 


"You said you'd support me if I ever dated him! You're supposed to be with me on this.." Taehyung said, reading lines on his script which was sprawled open in his lap, sentences highlighted and small reminders written on blank spaces on the pages, Jungkook's script looking much like his. 

"I never said I'd support this. I said I'd support you if you dated, but never would I forgive you if you decide to date Min Giyoon." Jungkook responding by reading his own lines. 

"Fine, go side with the rest of the third-rate low lives who can't be happy for me." 


No sooner had Taehyung finished reading that last line did Seokjin, who was seated in front to supervise, despite the protests of the two that they weren't kids that needed to be taken care of - Namjoon had strongly argued that someone had to be there to watch that no violent actions start up due to some stupid reason - Girl's Generation's PARTY had started playing though the car radio where the album had been inserted in the CD port. 

It was not loud, but heck it was nothing but annoying to Taehyung and Jungkook who were trying to focus on memorising lines. 


"Hyung we are trying to memorise here, turn the noisy thing off." Jungkook snapped from the backseat. 

"Oh wow, well, fine then princess, I'll excuse your rude language." Seokjin said, unpleasantly. But then he smirked and turned around so that he was facing the two boys. "On second thought, get out." 


Wait, what?


"W-What? Get out- WHY?" Jungkook said, bewildered. Taehyung also looked rather taken aback. They weren't doing anything particularly disruptive. 

"Are we getting kicked out?" Taehyung asked quietly, but before Jungkook could reply, Seokjin started speaking. 

"I want to listen to some music, so if you find it unpleasant, get out. You can practice out there, I can't listen to the radio out there." 

"You have your phone, like please. I cannot believe you're kicking us out for that." Jungkook says flatly. 

"It's hot outside, I don't want to go out there."  Seokjin says and Jungkook cannot help but give the older male a blank stare. 

"So you're sending us out there because you don't wanna move off your throne, is that it?" 

"Come on, let's just do this outside. If your manager wants to listen to music just let him." Taehyung says to Jungkook already moving to open the car door. And Seokjin should be happy about this, but he can't help but feel a little like a child who his parents let him do whatever to shut him up. 


Seokjin is facing the front again, but sends a quick look back to them through the rear view mirror. 

"Jungkookie, I need to speak with you for a second so Taehyung darling wait outside for him, it won't be long." He says. 

"Oh, uh sure." Taehyung says, though slightly curious as to what the other had to say. But it was none of his business anyway so he quickly got off the van, he was not one to pry into someone else's business and for all he knew Seokjin probably just wanted water that was located at the back of the van and could not be bothered getting it himself and wanted his minion to get it for him. 


"What is it?" Jungkook asked as the door slid shut behind Taehyung. 

"You do realise a simple phone call or a mere text would not actually suffice for pulling a stunt like that, right?" 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jungkook says, resisting the urge to huff in his moment of impatience. 

"The interview, Kookie." 

Jungkook his lips before answering, "Yes, I apologised. I talked to him and it's fine. Now, can I go?" 

"Not so fast, young man." Seokjin says, turning around now to face him. 

"You're not actually going to believe he's alright with just that, are you? After all it was a simple text message." he says, disbelievingly. 

"Taehyung said it was okay, gosh, what is this? Your princess theory?" Jungkook says, sarcastically. "That angel of Kim Taehyung would forgive Jeon Jungkook for making fun of his family on live TV through an apology through text? He said it was fine." 

"What is up with your sassy attitude?" Seokjin bites. "Get rid of it." 


Jungkook does huff then, annoyed. 


"Taehyung is an angel for forgiving you at a drop of a hat. You should be grateful. Well, at least I think he forgave you." 

"What do you mean?" Jungkook frowns, questioning him. 

"Not anyone would forgive you if you made fun of their family on live TV an apologised through text." Seokjin clarifies for him so that he understood. "But it's Tae so, you're probably forgiven. Though he did show he wasn't exactly pleased with what you did, him yelling at you and all that. Honestly, you had it easy." 

"Not really." Jungkook muttered bitterly and Seokjin had to supress light laughter threatening to escape his lips. 

"Anyway, my point is, that you'd have to do a bit more than a text message to get off the hook from his cousin for not only making a fool of him but also of Taehyung." he says. 

Jungkook seemed to ponder over this as Taehyung's face and his cousin flashed briefly in his mind. 

"Fine." he muttered, "So? What do you want me to do?" 


Seokjin grins. Creepily. 












The door to the unmoving car slides open and Jungkook steps out. Taehyung had been waiting for him and had decided to give the other a little surprise. 

He plastered himself flat on the car and when the door opened and said actor stepped out, Taehyung jumped out from the side and shouted. 



"AH -! ing bastard why you got to scared the out of me!" Jungkook screamed. Taehyung laughed heartily, falling backwards and trying to relocate his stomach. 

"AHA! PFFT- oh my gosh I'm- HAA~" Taehyung said, trying to reconfirm he knew how to breathe, leaning his arm on the side of the door to regain balance and to catch his breath back. 

Jungkook just straightened up and pulled on his jacket indifferently, trying to pretend that he wasn't just scared less by a slowly dying person next to him. 

"Stop it." he hissed. 

"Wow, Jungkook." Taehyung said, grinning as he breathed in deeply. "Your mouth gets dirtier everytime we meet." 


Scowling, Jungkook resists the urge to slap him and punch him in the throat. 

"Come on. We're not doing this all day." he walks away from the car and Taehyung runs after him, still laughing at him as if they were the best of friends. 










"Aand~ CUE!" Director Choi shouted, signalling with a hand. 


Jungkook is seated at a table inside the house that Taehyung and him shared in the movie. He sips on hot tea and swears internally as the blasted thing burnt his tongue. He's an actor though, and he plays it off like nothing. 

Taehyung then enters, making sure his expression is everything happy and rainbows. He sits down in the seat in front of Jungkook and he almost forgets his character name. 

"Hey Minguk, you don't even know what happened." Taehyung said, biggest smile on his face threatening to rip his cheeks and eyes glowing. 

Putting down the cup he had in his hand and proceeding to run his fingers over the rim, Jungkook looks up says, "What is it, this time?" he raises an eyebrow, remembering a sticky note he stuck in his script for the detail. 

"You remember Min Gi Yoon? He totally asked me for a dinner date." Taehyung says. 

Jungkook schools his features into a frown, putting his arm down on the table and away from the tea cup. "I said to not hang out with him. He's no good, I'm telling you." 

Taehyung drops his face into a small glare. "What do you know about him? Leave him alone. You shouldn't be saying this when I like him." 

"You like him? You can't like him! Shi Hyuk-" Jungkook says angrily, looking at Taehyung in the eyes. 

"And why not?" Taehyung counters. "You need to-" Taehyung stops. 


Then he blinks and looks down, losing the glare instantly. 


"Ahh.." he sighs. 


"CUT! NG!" Director Choi calls from his position in the middle of the set where the cameras and lighting is all placed. 


Jungkook's expression goes back to being neutral as he too loses the angry character, watching as a producer walks on set with the script to show Taehyung his line that he had forgotton. 

He studies Taehyung's face as he knits his brows together, looking at the pointed line and muttering it to himself to get it remembered. He nods then and looks away, the producer walking off set. 

"Sorry. We'll do it again." Taehyung apologises and stands from the chair at the table to go to his starting position. 


Jungkook doesn't feel the urge to give the other for forgetting lines. Instead, he's almost startled to find that it was almost endearing. 








"You worked hard, see you all next filming!" The producers and the director all called out to one another and to the actors on and off set. Everyone repeating this gesture and then proceeding to pack up the equipment around the set. 


"Jungkook-ah, come on." Seokjin calls out, as he motions for him to get moving. 

It's now dark and Seokjin is bringing Jungkook to his apartment first to pick up a few things for his 'activity' he was gonna do with Jungkook to earn his forgiveness from Taehyung's cousin and maybe Taehyung himself, though he did say that Jungkook was forgiven. 

Jungkook sighs and resists the urge to whine. 

"This is gonna be fun, isn't it Jungkookie?" Seokjin grins happily, and to Jungkook it looks near sadistic. 

"This is gonna keep me up all night." he mutters in response instead, letting himself be dragged to the van. Knowing him, it actually just might. 


Glancing back one more time before he was unceremoniously shoved in the back seat, he sees Taehyung chatting with one of the staff, smiling kindly and in the cold it makes everything seem all sunsetty and warm. 










"Alright! Let's get started. Ready?" Seokjin says, looking over at Jungkook over the large mass of cooking supplies spread all over his kitchen countertop and luxury apartment. 

Heaving a sigh, he glares at Seokjin before grabbing a packet of flour off the counter. 


"What do we do first?" 








"Rice cakes?" Jungkook asks, and Seokjin only beams. 

"You can make a set of rice cakes for both Taehyung and his cousin and give it to them with a sorry speech that I will make sure you write." Seokjin tells him. 

"Hyung what the heck I can't cook!" 

"That's why I'm gonna be there to watch over your helpless as you make the rice cakes." 

"Hyung no, remember what happened when I tried to cook for Taehyung? You can't have forgotton that disaster. And plus, rice cakes take forever to make!" Jungkook says, sitting back in the van and looking like the whole world owed him money. 

'Not that I've tried but..' he adds silently. 

"Of course not. I haven't forgotton, how could I? That's why when he sees that you made an effort to cook again and it's actually further up the right side of the scale of 'Poison to Edible', he'll be more, I dunno grateful?" 

"Hyung this is gonna take forever to make ddeok(rice cakes btw) and I do not have the time for this!" 


Seokjin scoffs. 

"Jungkook please, I'm your manager and I set your schedule. Now, you will follow through with this as I'm not gonna let you off on a simple 'i'm sorry i did wrong' through text." 

"I didn't humilate you on live TV, why am I doing this according to-" 

"You made a joke of his family. Heck it makes ME angry, even though it wasn't me. How would you feel receiving a text message as an apology?" 

Jungkook kept quiet and looked down at his lap. 

"He said it was fine.. though.." Jungkook muttered. 

"But is it really? Even if it was fine for him, it shouldn't be. Taehyung that angel of a boy deserves more than a text message." Seokjin says. 

"Okay fine! Stop with the 'text message is not enough' statements already!" Jungkook says, glaring and then crossing his arms, puffing out his cheeks for a moment. 

"We'll drop by my place to pick up all the ingredients I bought after this!" Seokjin claps his hands instantly. 


Jungkook fixates his glare on him, "You planned this, didn't you." And Seokjin only laughs. 








"Alright, it's not actual cooking. Just mix the flour with water- NO, measure out the flour- NO not like that, no wait-! Okay you got this- NO, MY GOSH-" Seokjin snatches the bag of flour from Jungkook's hand and grabs the bowl with force, slamming it down onto the tiled floor. 

"Geez, sorry." Jungkook rolls his eyes. 


The two were currently on the floor surrounded by ingredients and measuring cups as the countertop was crowded with everything else, trying to get the right amount of flour for the first batch of rice cakes. 

Seokjin grew frustrated watching and grabbed the bag of flour to measure it himself. He poured the flour into the bowl which was situated ontop of a weighing machine, getting the right amount of flour. 


"How many grams again?" Seokjin watches as Jungkook looks over to see the numbers on the scale. 

He doesn't answer and Seokjin lifts the bowl off the scale once done measuring out the right amount. He hands it over to the other. 

"Now, measure out the water using the measuring cups and pour it into the bowl. After that you mix it into a sort of dough- WHAT ARE YOU DOING, put that jug down! No, don't pour it like that- No use the measuring cup, NO USE THE FREAKIN' MEASURING CUP." 


Jungkook holds onto the jug but stops what he's doing to look over at Seokjin cluelessly for more instructions. His expression is rather innocent and cute but Seokjin can't bring himself to even laugh because this is going to be the longest night of making ddeok ever. 


He admits that by roping Jungkook into making two full sets of ddeok would be actual near torture for himself and the other, he thought that since the other can't cook for be it making simple dough or full out frying something, it would be a good sort of payback method that he thought Jungkook deserved. Even if Taehyung had not asked for Jungkook to do something for him and full out have a hard time doing it, Seokjin thought it'll be good for the brat to learn his lesson. 

People may say he's going overboard for the sake of Taehyung, but he lowkey secretly dotes on the other actor after becoming closer to him and Jungkook's bratty attitude with him makes Seokjin want to hug Taehyung close to him and spoil him senseless. But of course, Taehyung was also a bit of child himself. 


There's a few cups of water spilt into the flour that Seokjin had measured out and the unidentified amount puts Seokjin off since he takes care in his cooking. 


"Please say you know how much is in the flour." Seokjin practically begs. 

"Okay, I know how much water there is." 

"Really?!" Seokjin exclaims. 

"No." came a flat out answer from Jungkook which has the other grabbing the closest plastic cup and threatening to hit him on the head. 

"Then why'd you say so?!" 

"Because you told me to say-" 

"I DIDN'T MEAN-" Seokjin cuts himself off and deflates. "Whatever. Let's slowly put some water in and mix it so it doesn't get all sticky." 


And Seokjin had just finished that sentence when Jungkook tips the jug of water into the bowl, adding roughly about three times more water than Seokjin had intended. 

"I said slowly you-!" Seokjin grabs the jug. "Give me that." 

He places it beside him and jabs a finger in the bowl. "Mix." he orders. 

Jungkook gives him a look, "With my hands?" 

"Yes." Seokjin tells him. 


He could have used a wooden spoon to start off with but by this time Seokjin couldn't care less and told him to get his hands covered in flour and water, which Jungkook found rather, unpleasant. 

Jungkook pulls up his sleeves and grimaces as his hand comes into contact with the flour and water, the substance covering his fingers and slotting themselves uncomfortably between them. 


"Hyung, can you do this instead?" he looks up helplessly from the bowl and Seokjin grins. 

"I don't owe anyone an apology." 


This has Jungkook grumbling to himself. 

I think you owe me an apology. 


"Come on. Can you mix it a little faster? We still have another batch to do and we gotta make the filling too." 

"What do you mean weI'm doing all the work here!" Jungkook tells him, nearly flicking clumps of dampened flour at him. 

"If I weren't here you'd manage to wreck the rice cakes anyway. So in a way, I am doing work too." Seokjin tells him. And this time a lump of wet flour hits him square in the cheek with an almost inaudible 'smack'. 








"Now, roll it - ROLL IT. Yes, SLOWLY, slowly FREAKIN' SLOWLY I SAID." Seokjin says, frustrated at 1:30am for a boy who cannot roll rice cakes for . 

"What?! I am!" Jungkook retorts. 

He holds out his palm to Seokjin and because they've added too much water it was still too sticky. So they decided to add more flour, and Seokjin had half a mind to buy more flour because he knew this would happen. 

"You know what, I'll do the rolling. You flatten out the dough and put the filling in. And when you're done you can go add colouring to the other green batch instead." 


Jungkook takes the bowl of green dough and proceeds to flattening them out into coin sized circles. And of course, Seokjin has something to say. 

"That's too small, omg what are you doing. Make it at least this big." 

Jungkook is too tired to even argue anymore and instead opts to roll his eyes and pull his lips into a scowl as he digs into the bowl for more dough that would please the mother hen. 


It's near 2:40am when they finish the first batch and it's looking pretty good. Seokjin dusts his hands off, flour falling to the ground and onto his clothes. 

Jungkook groans out loud and pulls his head back, full on lying on the kitchen floor out of sheer tiredness, arms on either side of him. 


"Are we done yet?" he mutters. 

"No, second batch!" he says, cheerily. He's also starting to feel a little drained, but that was what he was expecting. 


And the two stay up until 4:30am finishing the second batch of colourful ddeok. Seokjin feels accomplished and pleased as he places the last piece of a pink coloured rice cake onto a large plate, piled with lots of variety of colours. 


"Good. We're done. Let's get some sleep, I can see the sky brightening already." Jungkook grumbles, rubbing at his eye sleepily. 

"No, we still need to pack these." Seokjin tells him. 


Jungkook wants to punch him in the throat, but when Seokjin takes one to try and chokes on it and nearly coughs up a lung, Jungkook thinks that he can deal with that. 










Seokjin decides to sleepover Jungkook's place and there are two sets of very nicely packaged boxes of ddeok. One slightly bigger for Taehyung's cousin so he could share them with his lover. 

When the two are sprawled out with their mouths open on the very white leather couches, the doorbell rings really loudly and Seokjin and Jungkook wake up. 


"Ugh, who the hell comes at this time?" Jungkook grumbles, not bothering to check his appearance as he makes his way to the door with bed head, bad breath and dirty clothes with flour stains and pink and green food colouring. 

He throws the door open with annoyance. 


"What." he bites, before stopping in his tracks and a look of surprise takes his face hostage. 












Kim Taehyung. 








"Hi." he says. 






Thank you for 430 subscribers! 

Sorry for being away for so long! T_T but i made an extra long chapter to make up for it

But you can see I've been working on this since 29 Dec. Last year :'>

I hope you enjoyed it

Leave a comment to let me know what you think! 


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Chapter 25: Wowwww love every second of this story. Why it finished so fast!!?? Love the way you describe the sassy characters and also the love story was really great and the ending was the best. Thanks for writing and sharing this story with us. :)
TisyiaKpopper #2
Chapter 25: Aww such a cute story! Love it, great job authornim!
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 4: Aww tsundere jungkook
TisyiaKpopper #4
Bwibwikook #5
Chapter 23: I know you already make a statement about jungkook top but the sudden change of his character is a bit too weird for me like...he is cute bun in the beginning even tho he is sassy and all but this is too weird tohandle..but your plot and writing style is completely great tbh
Bwibwikook #6
Chapter 1: Poor director choi haha
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #7
Chapter 24: I'm ded Namjoon :,)
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #8
Chapter 16: Man I agree with Jin, Taehyung is such an angel :,)
Chapter 25: Noooo, why did this story have to come to an end? T^T This story was awesome, I enjoyed every single moment of reading it! My comments probably didn't show it, because they were full of a mess, but I had a lot fun in these... 9 hours of reading it! <333 You created amazing characters that falling in love with is as easy as saying 'taekook'. Their arguments were very creative and made me laugh for more than once! Taehyung was such a softie, a forgiving angel, and I wanted to hug him every single time he was hurt. Jungkook on the other hand was a total , but it was probably his first time falling in love, and at the end he and Tae were happy, so one can't stay mad at him for too long. Namjoon and Seokjin's journey with love wasn't as eventful so it was a nice contrast to the Taekook couple! Your way of writing is really pleasant to read althrough I hoped there would be more insight into Taehyung and Jungkook's minds? Feelings? Thoughts? It's just my own opinion though >_<
To summarise - you wrote a really great story here, I enjoyed it a lot~! ^^ <333
Chapter 24: gffgdh jdgfjdfggy kufdgfyu
Namjoon you er
finally. FINALLY! I'm proud of you Jungkookie! WOOHOOO *throws confetti in the air*