Not cheating - "I knew our relationship was fake. You can do what you want."

A Top Star's Competition

It's been a good four months into their 'relationship' and the drama filming was coming to a close. 


On the couch of his luxury apartment, the smiling face of Kim Taehyung fills Jungkook's mind and he smiles unconsciously, biting his lip as to not let his smile grow too wide. 

Soon enough though, he's downright grinning like a madman when his mental image forms a pouting Taehyung with a large band-aid in the middle of his forehead. He stops smiling though, when he realises how he got the wound in the first place. 


ing cameraman, I swear. 

He huffs, before sighing and sitting up. 


He's got a free day today, for once. And goes to his office to pick up his script for some sort of wrap up episode they were going to film in a few days. 

Settling on the couch, he opens up to the middle of the script before his phone buzzes and he snatches it immediately with a name he hopes is on the screen. To his disappointment, it's not Taehyung. 


Park Sora


His face brightens. 


From : Sora Noona

To : Seagull Kook


im the the city wanna hang?


Sent 11:03am


It was still relatively early for a Tuesday, and he decided, why not. 


From : JJK Swag

To : Sora Noona


Sure missed you sweet thing :) 


Senf 11:04am


From : Sora Noona

To : Seagull Kook


ew see you in Finesse coffee shop


Sent 11:04


He grinned. 

From : JJK Swag

To : Sora Noona


see you there in all black


Sent 11:04am


From : Sora Noona

To : Seagull Kook


right you famous forgot lol


Sent 11:04am


From : JJK Swag

To : Sora Noona


wow you too i know u see me on bus stops


Sent 11:05am


From : Sora Noona

To : Seagul Kook


oh yah, u mean i see your boyfriend. v cute btw get his autograph
for me will you


Sent 11:05am


The reply was instantaneous 


From : JJK Swag

To : Sora Noona


dont talk about taehyung like dat makes me uncomfortable

and you can go get it yourself


Sent 11:05


From : Sora Noona

To : Seagul Kook


geez what the actual hell i was just saying what the majority of
the country thinks

cos he your bf makes him unavailable for people to love him

dont get huffy


Sent 11:05


Jungkook bites his lip. 

"Ugh, what the hell it's not like I'm being a possesive freak. I'm not being huffy." he doesn't reply and gets up. Going to his bedroom and into his wardrobe, he eyes the shelves of the massive room and he starts picking out clothes to meet his older cousin. 










Park Sora, Jungkook's older cousin was working at one of South Korea's newspaper agencies. Of course, this information regarding her relationship to the younger actor was not well known .

Sora was more known of being the face of a couple of smaller cosmetic and clothes brand shops, but nothing too large. She dressed in a black cap and let her hair flow down, dyed a beautiful ashy brown she sits in a coffee shop not far from Jungkook's luxury apartment as she sips on a cup of Americano. 

When the door chimes, she almost laughs at how ridiculous he dressed. Dressed almost suspiciously in all black, sunglasses, mask, hat and long sleeved shirt and pants, she wanted to snort at both his choice of unsubtle clothing and the weather. 


He spots Sora, and goes to sit in front of her. 


"Hey, Kook." she smiles, "Missed you." 

"Hey Noona," he replies, voice mufled by the mask. 

"It's 35 degrees today." she says nonchanlantly, leaning back and sipping on her cold drink. 

"Shut up." he mutters, "I couldn't wear anything less." 

"Yeah, and wear anything more and you'll still attract eyes. I mean, people are going to look at you if you're wearing something like that in this weather." 


Just as a snarky reply was about to leave Jungkook's lips, a waitor came up to their table. 

"May I take your order?" 

"Iced coffee, please." he says, through the mask. 

"Extra ice? You look like you might need it." the waiter says and Sora can't help it anymore and lets out a laugh. 

Jungkook's eyebrows knit together above his sunglasses and his older cousin's eyes twinkle with mirth. 


The waitor catches the smile on her lips and hurriedly looks away before the innocent crush could take on the form of a blush on his face. 


Jungkook being still bitter, just says, 

"Whatever, just iced coffee. With the ice cream please. And whipped cream." 


The waitor, still confused at why a customer is dressed like that, jots down extra ice next to the order anyway. 

"And you, miss?" he says. 

"I've already ordered, thank you." she replies and he's disappointed she hardly glanced at him. 

He walks away a little bit discouraged, but nonetheless goes to prepare the drink. 



"Hey, wanna go to my apartment instead. It's hot." Jungkook mutters, pouting behind the mask and Sora grins. 

"Sure thing, you poor thing." she collects her things on the table, ready to leave when the coffee came. 

"Cut it out." Jungkook says, leaning back and crossing his legs. "I have an air conditioner." 

"Alright, couz. Chill." she says, laughing at her own pun and Jungkook can't find it in himself to make a snarky comment. 










"Taehyung, have you seen?!" Namjoon comes flying into the room, long limbs everywhere and he unceremoniously smacks his hand in the door frame. "AH FU-!" 

"Hyung??" Taehyung comes out of his bathroom, Namjoon having decided to stay over after he dropped him back from a photoshoot he had earlier in the day. 

"Tae, there are news articles." he says, shaking his hand to cool off the pain. 


Taehyung's eyes large and inquisitive, he his head to the side in confusion. 


"I think, uh, he may be 'cheating'?" Namjoon says vaguely. 

"Cheating? Who? On what?" Taehyung says, taking the phone from Namjoon's outstretched hand. 


From the article, there was a image of a pretty young girl and a familiar looking figure dressed in black. They looked like they were rushing into a building together with hands held. 

"Is that-?" Taehyung frowns and his chest aches. He feels his heart drop down to his feet and shatter around him, feeling as if a tub of ice cold water was dumped on him. 

"I had enough." he s the phone back into Namjoon's unexpecting hands and walks off quickly, shutting the door to his bedroom and grabbing his phone. 


To : Jungkookie-ah

From : Taehyungg :3


you couldnt just have waited for us to plan a 'break up' for our
elationship? now you look like an for cheating on me and 
making me feel like


Sent 7:00pm


He throws his phone on his blanket before rubbing his eyes, willing the tears prickling at the corner of his eyes to go away. 









Jungkook's heart falls as his mind draws a blank. 


What? Cheating? 

He thinks, mind suddenly racing as he tries to put scattered pieces of stories this mess of a text message he just received is sending him. 


And all of a sudden he gets another text message. And another. This time from friends. They all seemed to be saying the same thing and linking him to articles. 


When he clicked open one of it everything falls into place and he knows he has to set things straight. This is just going to confuse and hurt Taehyung if anything and his cousin might also get from this nonsense. He's not dating her, and he wants to date Taehyung. 

No more playing this 'fake relationship' game. During the four months with Taehyung his mood had been constantly up and during one of his ty days just a small text message to Taehyung who he's come to know more of a friend than rival, has lifted his lips into a smile. 


He likes him. 

Jungkook blinks. 


I like him. I'm sure now, I need him. 

Jungkook grabs his jacket off the back of his chair and speeds to the door. Sora had long since left and people have probably already recognised her despite not being a famous model. 

He doesn't reply to the text message, despite the phone held tightly in his hand. 



I need him. 










As Taehyung sits on the edge of his couch in his living room where Namjoon had managed to coax him out of his bedroom, he's crying pathetically with Namjoon next to him. 


"Hey, hun. It's okay, cheating's not worth that many tears." Namjoon offers unhelpfully. 

Taehyung sniffles and he pushes him weakly. 

"I-" he hiccups. "We never liked each other, but now I go and fall in love." he swallows before hiccuping, bringing the tissue away from his nose and looking up at the ceiling, the tissue in his hand sitting on his lap. 


As Namjoon struggles to find words of comfort, there's sudden ferocious doorbell ringing at Taehyung's condomonium. They both turn to the door and Taehyung makes no move to get up. 


Namjoon pats his back once more before bringing his head closer and kissing it softly. He gets up from the couch before going over and looking through the security cam. 

When he sees Jungkook on the other side looking frantic, his face schools into an expressionless expression. 


"Tae, I'm going out for a second." he says, opening the door and stepping out quickly, Taehyung not getting to say anything. 



"Namjoon hyung?" Jungkook questions, hand raised as if to knock but was forced to move back slightly as Namjoon stepped out into the hallway. 

"You. What are you doing here?" 

"I need to see him. It's not what you think." Jungkook pleads, trying to get around but Namjoon won't move. 


"I need to! You don't get it!" Jungkook says, desperation in his voice. 


Namjoon's getting angry and he does his best to control his voice. 

"He's not hearing anything from you unless I hear it first. He's in there crying because of you and I'm not risking anything more from you if you were to go in there right now." 

Jungkook stops and pushes back his own need to cry right then and there. He forces out sentences of explanation between his teeth. 

"Sora, the girl in the picture," he starts. He only needed to see one article to know the entire scandal. "She's not who you think. She's not my girlfriend." he breathes in. "She's a journalist. And also a smaller model for little shops here and there. Sora's my cousin, she was just in the city and wanted to meet up! There's nothing!" by now there's tears in the eyes of the young actor and he just wants to hold Taehyung


"Oh." Namjoon says. He's rather taken aback and was not expecting this at all. "One moment." 

And then he's just gone back into the condomonium! He just walks back in! 


Jungkook sniffs and frowns with teary eyes. The door closes on him and he glares through glassy eyes. 


What the hell?! 


When the door opens and closes, he sees Taehyung sitting on the couch with his face turned to the door, with equally teary eyes but with glistening cheeks. In the next moment he's up against the door and pounding on it. 


"Taehyung?! Taehyung!" he calls. 


It's only a few extra seconds before the door opens again before he can make a racket and he's pulled inside. 


His wrist is being held by Taehyung and he wordlessly pulls him into a hug. When Taehyung weakly pushes against him Jungkook only tightens his hold on him. 


He feels Taehyung mumur against his shoulder. 

"I knew our relationship was fake. You can do what you want." 

Jungkook firmly shakes his head, hair tickling Taehyung's cheek. 

"No no you don't understand." he pulls back and holds the other's face in his hands. "That girl she's not anyone. I mean, no- she's my cousin." he states, looking to the side, eyes on the floor. 


Taehyung blinks. 

"Your what?" 

"Couz." he says simply. He grins then. 


Taehyung frowns and still in the other's arms tries to pull away. 

"Still. Filming for the drama's ended. Us 'breaking up' because you 'cheated' won't look good on you." 

"Well, now that this is come about I'm not going to keep Sora as my cousin a secret." 

"Uhm, yeah. True. Sorry. So like, how are we gonna 'break up'. It's weird timing right now-" Taehyung starts, the words sound sour on his tongue. 

"We don't." Jungkook's quick to say. 

"We.. don't?" 

"We don't. Almost losing you in this ridiculously stupid situation because of a dating scandal with my cousin has made me realise I need you. You said you liked me. And judging by the tears on your face you still do." 


Taehyung swallows. 

"We don't break up. Stay with me. I'm sure now, I love you." 

Taehyung just shakes his head, still unsure. 

"You.. love me? Isn't that too early for you to judge? You were iffy about me ever since you found out what I felt for you." 

"What about you, then?" he questions back. "What do you feel about me?" 

"I've known for a while. I can tell you that I love you." 


Jungkook pauses. 

"Say it again." he breathes out. Stepping forward even though he already had Taehyung in his arms, causing the boy to move back and bend his back slightly. 

"Say what?" 

"Say you love me." he leans forward, faces dangerously close and Taehyung leans his head back despite the other's arms wrapped firmly around his waist. "Say it to me again." 

Taehyung stops, blinking and having to stop to let the words process. 


"I love you." 

Jungkook's eyes flicker from his lips to his eyes and back to his lips. His half-lidded eyes driven by his emotions pulling it fully shut as he connects their lips. 

Taehyung's eyes fall instinctively shut as their lips stay connected, not moving but just enjoying the physical presence of each other against them, feelings hand in hand being shared through the simple kiss. 


And just like that Taehyung's heart is mended in a blink of and eye and Jungkook's heart swells with affection and fondness mixed in with a touch of relief. He didn't lose him. Taehyung's there. He's there with him and he's there to stay. 

Jungkook pulls his lips away, looking at Taehyung's eyes and he looks back into his. 


Taehyung loves him, and him, 

"I love you, too." he breathes. "It's not too early to say it. If you know the answer to a question on a test, you don't say it's too early to answer it." 

Taehyung continues looking up and into his eyes before shutting his own and leaning in for another kiss. But right before they do, Namjoon feeling a bit awkward to the side decides to speak up. 







"I'm still here guys." Namjoon says. 






I really feel i need to pick up the pace of this and next chapter may or may not be the final chapter of this story. most likely

and i also feel like i dont want to rush it but at the same time im seriously lacking motivation and im so sorry for putting this off for so long

ive been working on this bit by bit over a span of a few days maybe even a few weeks lost track of time, but its now 1 am and deicded to smash this out

For those subscribed to my other ongoing story 'My Gold to Silver' i have decided to rewrite both chapters and both will be hidden until i decide to do something about it

I will say i dont know when the next chapter will be up but i hope not too long of a wait since im now on holidays like finally

Thanks for reading guys and thanks for the support

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Chapter 25: Wowwww love every second of this story. Why it finished so fast!!?? Love the way you describe the sassy characters and also the love story was really great and the ending was the best. Thanks for writing and sharing this story with us. :)
TisyiaKpopper #2
Chapter 25: Aww such a cute story! Love it, great job authornim!
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 4: Aww tsundere jungkook
TisyiaKpopper #4
Bwibwikook #5
Chapter 23: I know you already make a statement about jungkook top but the sudden change of his character is a bit too weird for me like...he is cute bun in the beginning even tho he is sassy and all but this is too weird tohandle..but your plot and writing style is completely great tbh
Bwibwikook #6
Chapter 1: Poor director choi haha
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #7
Chapter 24: I'm ded Namjoon :,)
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #8
Chapter 16: Man I agree with Jin, Taehyung is such an angel :,)
Chapter 25: Noooo, why did this story have to come to an end? T^T This story was awesome, I enjoyed every single moment of reading it! My comments probably didn't show it, because they were full of a mess, but I had a lot fun in these... 9 hours of reading it! <333 You created amazing characters that falling in love with is as easy as saying 'taekook'. Their arguments were very creative and made me laugh for more than once! Taehyung was such a softie, a forgiving angel, and I wanted to hug him every single time he was hurt. Jungkook on the other hand was a total , but it was probably his first time falling in love, and at the end he and Tae were happy, so one can't stay mad at him for too long. Namjoon and Seokjin's journey with love wasn't as eventful so it was a nice contrast to the Taekook couple! Your way of writing is really pleasant to read althrough I hoped there would be more insight into Taehyung and Jungkook's minds? Feelings? Thoughts? It's just my own opinion though >_<
To summarise - you wrote a really great story here, I enjoyed it a lot~! ^^ <333
Chapter 24: gffgdh jdgfjdfggy kufdgfyu
Namjoon you er
finally. FINALLY! I'm proud of you Jungkookie! WOOHOOO *throws confetti in the air*