A Drive to the Countryside, With An Unexpected Visitor - "Why are you ripping my clothes?!

A Top Star's Competition

Notice: Note for araskey in Author's Note at the end of chapter! 



Taehyung is currently still on the line with his cousin's boyfriend, and when he hears the news Chanyeol has come to tell him, he's more than a little surprised. 


"The countryside?" Taehyung repeats. 

"Yeah. He woke up just a day or so ago and Baek said he's going to rest for a bit in a house his Chinese friend owns with his partner." 

"Why the countryside though?" Taehyung asks, frowning. 


With Chanyeol's voice on the line unclear and now indecipherable, Jungkook tries to hear as much as he can by sneakily leaning over on his plastic chair to catch the conversation. Not too much though, he didn't want to seem suspicious. 


"Baek told me that he's recognised a lot as your cousin and he didn't want to go out feeling stressed about people following him when he wants to just buy groceries for his parents." 

Taehyung suddenly felt a tad guilty. 

"Tell him I'm sorry. And I think the country air would be good for him too." 

"Yeah, sure. I think I might accompany him, if his friend allows. He probably will though since we're also aquainted." 

"Would they mind if I dropped by for just a day to visit and check on Baek? I won't be staying too long anyway, just a visit." Taehyung bit his lip. "It's just, I haven't been able to see him since I freak fainted in the hospital and now filming has been hella busy. We're a little behind in the script and filming and Director Choi isn't going easy." 

"That's fine, I guess. I'll tell 'em for you. Baek's leaving this Thursday so you can go over during the weekend or something. Do you need someone to drive you there? I can come back and get you if you want." 

"Uhm, no I should be fine. My manager can drive me. I need an address though." 


Jungkook frowns, What the hell are they talking about? 

Taehyung talks for a little bit more and Jungkook eventually tunes out an opts to sneak glances and stares to his right where Taehyung is seated. 

When he finally hangs up, Jungkook immediately snaps his head to the front so he wasn't caught looking at him. 


"What was that abou-" Jungkook starts to ask but Taehyung doesn't get a chance to reply when the Director calls for them. 


"Jungkook and Taehyung! Part 5 next! Come on!" 

Jungkook bites his lip and reluctantly makes his way over to the set, unable to talk to Taehyung about whatever he was talking about. 










"Come on, Taehyung!" Namjoon calls from the van parked in front of Taehyung's condomonium. 

"I'm coming, just wait for a little bit." Taehyung grumbles, putting his shoes on. He climbs into the back seat of the van behind the driver's seat and Namjoon starts the engine when Taehyung closes the door.


There's no filming scheduled for the weekend and so Taehyung has decided to take the chance to see his cousin in the countryside. They push past fans and reporters, well, security does and then when the van starts to move they become smart and move out of the way. 

Taehyung sits in the van and plugs one earplug in his ear. Then, upon Namjoon's request for him to get some rest since it would take awhile to get there, he closes his eyes and sleeps. 








Jungkook rummages through Jin's bag secretly when the other was over talking to an interviewer. After this schedule, he had planned to follow Taehyung. Once he found Jin's phone for starters. 

His plan was : 

1. Find Jin's phone. 

2. Call Namjoon to see where they were headed exactly. Since 'countryside' wasn't so specific. 

3. Drag Jin to drive him there. Somehow, he'd find a way. 


But currently, he was having trouble with step one. 

"Aha!" he pulls out a pink flip phone and immediately goes into his manager's contacts. "Kim Namjoon, come on, come on, Kim Namjoon." he mutters impatiently. 

"Yes." he hisses in hopes Jin wouldn't hear. 


Pressing the call button and casting a quick glance to his hyung, he places the phone at his ear. He unlocks his phone while Jin's flip phone is still ringing Namjoon. He's welcomed to an article talking about Taehyung's trip to the countryside. And that was how his mind just started making the plan to follow Taehyung's little visit. 


Why he's planning to follow, you ask? Well, Jungkook's reason is to annoy the other to the ends of the world and also, he doesn't have anything to do on the weekend besides this one interview. And a photoshoot that he ultimately got Jin to postpone because he, quote, 'wanted to rest.' 




Namjoon's deep voice answers on the other end of the line. 


"It's Jungkook." Jungkook answers. 


"You again?" 


"Yes. Me again. By the way, where are you going?" 


"Why are you always asking me that?" Namjoon says, amused and annoyed at the same time. More amused though. 


"Because, I read a ton of articles- I mean I came across an article on Taehyung's reported visit to the country." he answered. "And I want to follow." 


"What? Why?" Namjoon answers, increduled. 


"I have nothing to do right now and so just tell me where you're going." Jungkook whines. Which was totally untrue since he had an interview to finish and a postponed photoshoot he ultimately got Jin to reschedule. 

Well, since it was rescheduled to a Tuesday he's free now. 


"I'm not so sure if you'll be able to just tag along." 


"Please omg." Jungkook begs. 


"What is up with you? I thought you'd be glad of the free filming weekend without your sworn enemy." 


"I've.. found new ways to prank him." Jungkook replies lamely, making something up. 


"Well, that's no good." 


"PLEASE." Jungkook tries again. 


"Well, fine. I'll text you an address. And you might as well keep my number since you're practically calling me more than Jin does." 


With that, the call ended and Jin was just walking back when he sees Jungkook take the phone away from his ear, end the call and flip the phone before throwing it back into his bag. 


Highly suspicious. 


"What were you doing on my phone, young man." Jin asked, more like a statement but Jungkook just smiles. A smile Jin knows all too well. "What do you want, Jungkook?" Jin asks, slumping his shoulders as the other is surely going to ask for a favour. 


Jin's phone bleeps in his bag and Jungkook knows it's the address Namjoon had texted. 


"Drive me somewhere." 

Jin frowns, "Where?" 


Jungkook proceeds to take the phone out of Jin's bag again an hands it over, still shut. 

Jin opens his flip phone and glances at the little envelope icon sent from Namjoon. Pressing it, an address greets him and Jin literally groans and stomps his feet on the ground, whinging, 

"Jungkook why are you doing this, why do you want to go to the country. Do you know how far this is? You're lucky I know where this is-" 

"So you can take me there!" Jungkook suddenly chirps. 

"Wait, no I mean I don't know where it-" 


Too late. Jin had let his tongue slip and now he's paying the price for it. 

Get ready for a three and a half hour drive all the way to country. 



Oh my gosh, Jin really feels that the younger actor owes him so much for this. 










"Taehyung. Taehyung, wake up. We're here." Namjoon calls. 


He lightly taps the other's cheek gently, prodding the soft skin gently as a way of getting the other to open his eyes. Namjoon is currently by the open door of the van and is standing beside Taehyung while he sleeps. 

Taehyung opens his eyes with a little yawn which Namjoon can't help but smile. 


It's nearing five in the evening and the sun is already starting to set for the day, casting warm, soft glows of orange and red. 


"Come on. You want to see Baekhyun, don't you?" Namjoon turns and starts to make his way down the pathway to the front of door of a little house, leaving Taehyung to get out of the van. 

He checks his phone and when he sees no messages from Jin, or rather Jungkook, he shrugs assuming they were on their way. He hasn't told Taehyung a word and he wonders how he would react. 


The time was already late, nearing 5pm and even though Namjoon thought it was a waste of all that driving for a short visit before having to leave again, he couldn't help but be touched by the younger's concern for his family. Though of course, he was considered as Taehyung's family too. 




Taehyung latches onto Namjoon's arm, still slightly lethargic and delusional from sleep. The two of them walk towards the front door and when they knocked, they were welcomed by a Chinese person that owned the place. He had a rather adorable, warm smile that matched the gentle colours of the setting sun. 

"Hello! Taehyung, I assume? And you are?" he asks Namjoon politely after he addresses the young actor. 

"Kim Namjoon, a manager." he nods. 

The Chinese fellow nods in understanding and shakes Namjoon's hand, "Ah, yes. I understand. I'm Zhang Yixing. If you have problems pronouncing my name, you could call me Lay." 

Yixing proceeds to shake Taehyung's hand. 


"Well, Baekhyun is currently about to go outside for some air, if I'm not mistaken. Oh, and if you see another tall man walking around in the house, his name is Kris. We live here together so be sure to greet him if you happen to see him." Yixing says as he leads them inside, "He's working in the room down the hall though, so you'll have to see him later." 


The two nod and follow silently. 


"Baekhyun?" Yixing calls out, knocking gently on a door. It swings open to reveal Baekhyun clad in warm clothes with Chanyeol behind, holding his hand in case the other felt weak and needed some extra support. 

"Oh, Taehyung! Yes, Yixing told me you were coming." Baekhyun says, letting go of Chanyeol's hand and walking into the embrace of his cousin. 

Wrapping his arms around the small body, Taehyung almost breaks into tears at how close he came to losing the sassy little ball of energy in front of him. 


"Oh, Yixing. I'd like to inform you that," Namjoon starts, taking Yixing by the arm and leading him away slightly out of earshot from the goup of three. "There's another two coming over for a visit. It's actor Jeon Jungkook and his manager. I was wondering if it was okay if they dropped by for a bit as well?" 


Yixing looked surprised at that and the manager gave him time to get his head wrapped around the fact that another two people, a celebrity at that was coming to visit. 

"They'll leave as soon as we do. There'll be no pressure since really, if I were to tell the truth, he's coming over to see Taehyung. I think he's worried about his mental state, though he doesn't show it." 


Being the ever so kind Yixing, he simply smiles and replies with a gentle, "Sure. I'll go preprare some more food to accomodate them then." With that, he leaves for the kitchen. 


Namjoon blinks at the formal way Yixing talks and smiles. Turning back to Taehyung, he sees that Baekhyun was back in Chanyeol's grip and they were just leaving, about to walk outside as Baekhyun shot a smile at Taehyung. 

"Tae. Let's go grab a small bite. I think Yixing made something for you to eat." 

Taehyung nods at Namjoon and they walk to the kitchen, engaging in small chit-chat. 











Jin swerves the van dangerously as Jungkook lets out a scream. Thank gosh the road was clear as they were out of the city. 

"I think we're going the wrong way." he states simply. 

"Don't shout to tell me that." Jin gripes, "And it's the right way, I'm telling you. Didn't I say I knew where it was?" 

Jungkook puffs out his cheeks, "But we've been driving for ages." 

Jin rolls his eyes. "Because, my dear, it's a long way from the city. Be patient and go to sleep or something. I'll wake you when we arrive, okay?" he practically pleads. 

"I don't wanna." Jungkook says. 


Jin sighs and whines in frustration, "How old are you really? And you act so indifferent and-" 

"I do not act indifferent!" 

"Go to sleep! I'll wake you in like five minutes." Jin says. 


After that, Jin does not reply to any of Jungkook's whinges and continues to drive. 

Soon after, just as Jin said, in five minutes they were there. Ok, that's pushing it. In ten minutes they were there since Jin did get a litte lost. Not that he was going to tell the cocky young actor behind him. But no worries he got back on track in no time! 


"We're here." Jin says and Jungkook jumps up, excited. 


Jin simply raises an eyebrow. "Well, whatever. Let's go see Taehyung, the one you want to see so much." 

"That's not exactly true." Jungkook counters. 

"Then what is? You need to tell me exactly why you wanted to come here." Jin narrows his eyes, almost playfully. "Are you close with his cousin?" 

"What? I've never even spoken to the guy." Jungkook says, lifting his shirt onto his shoulder, his too big top slipping down. "Be a little modest, will you?" Jin says. 

"I'm trying!" 



Jin knocks on the door upon realising that there was no doorbell, very much embarrassed after he had spent a good minute looking for one. 

The door opens to reveal a young Chinese man in an apron, who proceeds to introduce himself as Yixing. 

"You must be Jeon Jungkook and Seok..jin, is that right?" he says, unsurely. 

"Yes, Seokjin. If it's too hard to remember just Jin is fine. I assume Namjoon has told you about our arrival here?" 

Yixing nods. 

"Come on in." 


The two follow him into the kitchen where he speaks again, "I was quite surprised hearing about more visitors. To be honest, this is the most people that have gathered in this place at once." 


In the kitchen, Taehyung and Namjoon are seated with Taehyung eating a cookie while Namjoon sips on coffee and reads the newspaper. The only source of news from the city. 

Looking up, Taehyung is shocked to see Jungkook standing by the doorframe of the kitchen, a shoulder exposed as his top slipped down again. 

"Jungkook!" he says, "What are you doing here?!" 

"Well, hello to you too." Jungkook rolls his eyes, uncrossing his previously crossed arms which was only there to make him look cool, and sits down. 


Taking in his appearance, Taehyung frowns. "This is not a fashion show. What are you wearing?" 

Jungkook's wearing a pair of skinny black jeans paired with Timberland boots. His too big top was a striped, knitted black and red top which constantly fell off his left shoulder. 


Jungkook shrugs. 

"I'm hot." 


Taehyung's eyes widen and he hits his shoulder, Jungkook bursting into laughter, leaning over the chair in a poor attempt to avoid his hits which he wasn't really trying to avoid in the first place. 

"Kidding!" he laughs. 


Taehyung scoffs, pulling at Jungkook's clothes higher to cover his shoulder. But what he didn't know what that Jungkook's piece of clothing was already tearing and had a huge hole in it anyway, resulting in him tearing Jungkook's clothes even more and he gasped. 

"Oh my gosh, cover cover cover!" Taehyung panics. 


Trying his best to bunch up the rest of knitted fabric and pulling it higher, Taehyung eventually realises his close proximity and he gives up at the same time, proceeding to release his grip on Jungkook's clothes. 


Jungkook has stopped laughing and his eyes were wide as saucers. His heart pounded and he placed a self-conscious hand over his shoulder in an attempt to cover up some skin, previous confidence of 'hot' gone. 

Though really, he looked hotter. But no one was going to admit to that. 


"Uhm, Yixing-ah.. do you have any spare clothes for Jungkook to borrow?" Jin asks. 

Yixing just nods, surprised and taken aback by the situation. He was not expecting the boys to come in here and be tearing each other's clothing. Unintentional or not. 









"Why're you ripping my clothes?!" Jungkook bites. 

"Why are you wearing stuff already ripped?!" Taehyung shoots back. 

"It's called fashion." 

"I already told you, this is not a fashion show! We're in the countryside!" 

"Well, fine! It's called style too, something you obviously lack." 

Taehyung fumes, "What was that, you gorilla?!" he says, slamming his hands on the table and leaning in. 

Jungkook does the exact same thing, narrowing his eyes, "Want me to say it again, deaf bug? You lack style, idiot." 


"Stop it you two. What are you doing? Do you think you're on set or in each other's houses? You can't fight like that here." Namjoon says, responsibly. 

Jin pats Jungkook's back and laughs at his ripped clothes, despite the situation. "Be modest, didn't I tell you?" he laughs. 

"Jin hyung don't laugh at me!" 


Yixing comes back holding a new shirt in his hands. 

"You can borrow my shirt for now. It should fit, I'm smaller than you but I took one of my larger t-shirts." he holds it out. 

"Thanks-mmpfft!" before Jungkook could take it from Yixing's outstretched hand, Taehyung snatches it and throws the piece of clothing right at Jungkook's face. 

"Hey! You can't do that!" Jungkook shouts, scrabbling at the piece of fabric on his face and glowering at Taehyung. 

"Am I supposed to be sorry?" 

"You little -" 


Jin smacks Jungkook upside the head. "Excuse you, young man. You are in the presence of someone else so do not talk like that." 

"You're scaring your host, you two." Namjoon says, trying not to laugh as the situation did not call for it. 


Yixing looked stunned at the scene unfolding before him. 


He was not expecting the two actors to not get on well, considering they were working on the same film. 

Yes, Yixing catches up with the latest news. 


"Uhm, if you'd all like to calm down I'll make you some tea and we can converse together in harmony, yes?" Yixing tries, half hugging himself in comfort or as a means of protection no one really knows. 

"Yes, that'd be nice, Yixing. Thank you very much." Namjoon says. 

"We're very sorry." Jin adds, glaring at both Jungkook and Taehyung. "You go change." he pushes Jungkook to go change in a separate room. It wasn't like he could just strip then and there for the sake of changing shirts. 

Taehyung drops back down into his seat, huffing. 


"Well, I think I'm owed an apology from Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung says, only to get smacked by Namjoon this time. 

"I think you owe him an apology, Kim Taehyung." 


Jin sits back, crossing his arms and shoots a glare at the young actor he wasn't even managing. 

"You both owe each other an apology." 


Namjoon and Jin look at each other and sigh, relating to each other and let out amused smiles to each other. 












"Hold up, why is he here in the first place?!" Taehyung shouts out, absolutely shocked and puzzled. 

Why was Jungkook in his cousin's friend's house in the countryside?! 


Yes Taehyung, confusing isn't it?










Sorry for such a late update

I wrote a longer chapter for you all and I finished writing this yesterday night, but it was so late I had to edit it today. 

I hope you enjoyed it though


As I said before, I have a note for subscriber araskey who had left a comment mentioning a scene in the countryside where Baek is resting. 

Yes, I didn't kill Baekhyun. 

I accepted the idea since I did not know exactly another event to write on, so thank you and I hope you enjoy it. 

I'll be expanding on the idea for the next chapter or so and if you've come across her comment, you might have a prediction of what might occur next. ^_^


And yes, Jungkook's clothes is from none other than War of Hormone. 

I love his striped top ^^

Just think of his shoes and Timberlands hahaha


Leave a comment to let me know what you think! 


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Chapter 25: Wowwww love every second of this story. Why it finished so fast!!?? Love the way you describe the sassy characters and also the love story was really great and the ending was the best. Thanks for writing and sharing this story with us. :)
TisyiaKpopper #2
Chapter 25: Aww such a cute story! Love it, great job authornim!
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 4: Aww tsundere jungkook
TisyiaKpopper #4
Bwibwikook #5
Chapter 23: I know you already make a statement about jungkook top but the sudden change of his character is a bit too weird for me like...he is cute bun in the beginning even tho he is sassy and all but this is too weird tohandle..but your plot and writing style is completely great tbh
Bwibwikook #6
Chapter 1: Poor director choi haha
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #7
Chapter 24: I'm ded Namjoon :,)
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #8
Chapter 16: Man I agree with Jin, Taehyung is such an angel :,)
Chapter 25: Noooo, why did this story have to come to an end? T^T This story was awesome, I enjoyed every single moment of reading it! My comments probably didn't show it, because they were full of a mess, but I had a lot fun in these... 9 hours of reading it! <333 You created amazing characters that falling in love with is as easy as saying 'taekook'. Their arguments were very creative and made me laugh for more than once! Taehyung was such a softie, a forgiving angel, and I wanted to hug him every single time he was hurt. Jungkook on the other hand was a total , but it was probably his first time falling in love, and at the end he and Tae were happy, so one can't stay mad at him for too long. Namjoon and Seokjin's journey with love wasn't as eventful so it was a nice contrast to the Taekook couple! Your way of writing is really pleasant to read althrough I hoped there would be more insight into Taehyung and Jungkook's minds? Feelings? Thoughts? It's just my own opinion though >_<
To summarise - you wrote a really great story here, I enjoyed it a lot~! ^^ <333
Chapter 24: gffgdh jdgfjdfggy kufdgfyu
Namjoon you er
finally. FINALLY! I'm proud of you Jungkookie! WOOHOOO *throws confetti in the air*