Bathroom makeout - "I need to pee."

A Top Star's Competition

AU and apology at the end of chapter


Taehyung and Jungkook were in the waiting room the next week, makeup getting done for their next live interview. This time though, the stage was bigger, meaning the audience was bigger too. 


Both could not imagine that it would be something akin to awkwardness after filming the bedroom scene. 


What the bloody , this is not supposed to and has never happened before. 

Jungkook thinks bitterly in his mind, them seated next to each other in the room while the stylist patted powder onto his face. He sputters and glares at her when some of it lands inside his mouth when he opened them to breathe. 


Taehyung glances over and suppresses a snort, opting to giggle like a child instead unconsciously, making him forget about his prior nervousness. 


Taehyung, despite being an actor has stage fright. Meaning, he loses it in front of a very large audience. Acting was one thing, being on stage in front of a large group of people was something else. Yeah sure, he's done it before after a series of some weird zen techniques with Namjoon before the stage, say, when he was chosen as a host for one of the end-of-year awards. So, he could deal with small crowds, such as one in the latest live interview. 


Taehyung starts to slightly sweat, and he fidgets nervously. Steamy scene forgotton, Taehyung stands up rather abruptly after getting his makeup done and hurries off in an attempt to find Namjoon before his anxiety attack hits because he forgot his pills and he can see the crowd from the mini TV in the corner on the ceiling and oh my gosh the seats are filling up quick. 


But just as he's about to run out the door like a criminal caught red-handed, the door is opened from the other side an a producer with an earpiece in one ear and papers in hand enters the room and smiles bright. 


"You boys ready? You'll be on in like ten minutes, if you need the toilet better go quick." he says, and he hardly has the time to move out the way before Taehyung runs past him in a flurry of blue. 


Taehyung wipes his sweaty hands on his blue shirt as runs around the crowded backstage hallways looking for Namjoon. He can feel the panic in him and he wants to cry, he swallows as he turns a corner and runs straight into the person he was looking for. 

Namjoon takes one look at him before gripping his shoulders tight and pulling him closer. 


"Hey, Tae. I've been looking for you, do you need water to take your-" Namjoon gets cut off. 

"I forgot them." Taehyung says breathlessly. "I can't do this." 


Namjoon looks at him calmly even as Taehyung starts reaching for his hair and pulling it in distress. 

"Yes. You can, you've done this before." 


Everytime. Everytime a big crowd comes up Taehyung always, without fail says he can't. He always does though with the help of Namjoon and his anxiety pills but of course he has to leave them at home. 


"Now breathe-" Namjoon starts to talk him through things but Taehyung's suddenly whisked off to wait the signal to go on stage. 


"Taehyung! It's time for you to go, come on." a producer catches him quickly and pulls him along. 

"No- wait!" Taehyung calls, but the producer pulls him along anyway. 



"Wait here." he leaves him standing there right behind the stage and he takes one look from around the black curtain at the side and he forgets how to breathe. He turns away immediately. 


Right then, Jungkook comes up there to wait as well and takes one glance at Taehyung before turning away. He snaps his gaze right back when he sees the terrified look on his face. 


"Taehyung? Taehyung, what's wrong you look like you're going to pass out." 

Taehyung looks to him and in and instant is forgetting about the insults and the uncomfortable atmosphere in the waiting room because of the bed scene, and is right up to Jungkook with a panicked expression. 


"Jungkook you might have to do the interview by yourself and answer all the questions, I feel so-" 

Jungkook frowns, "Are you okay? Do you want to sit down?" 

All Taehyung does his shake his head and he hears the presenter go on stage and the applause of the audience, he grips the front of Jungkook's shirt. 


"Oh my gosh, there's so many people-" 

"You get stage fright?" Jungkook asks in utter surprise. 

Taehyung is on the verge of an anxiety attack and Jungkook takes it upon himself to comfort him. 


"Hey, it's gonna be okay." he pulls Taehyung to him and hugs him close.


He has to calm down, the interview is starting in three minutes. And from how close he's holding to Taehyung, he can feel the erratic heartbeat under his shirt and Jungkook just holds him closer. 

Clutching onto Jungkook tightly, Taehyung closes his eyes shut and buries half his face in the other's shoulder trying to block out the presenter's voice and the sound of the crowd. Feeling his breath on the side of his face, it takes only half a minute for him to calm down enough for proper breaths. 


"You'll be okay." Jungkook further assures him. 

And this time, he is. 










The interview went smoothly, and Jungkook still worried for Taehyung answered most of the questions and talks about everything and anything related to the question. 

But Taehyung was really fine already, and couldnt help but be a tad embarassed. He'd allowed himself to be coddled by his rival who they supposedly have mutual hate for each other but Taehyung secretly developed a liking to him. 


There was just something about that confident demeaner, the slowly addictive voice and the small acts of warmness that seemed to emit from the core. So you wouldn't really know unless you've hanged around him for a while. Which he has. There's also that playful atmosphere that's starting to come about them when they argue that was taking over the feeling of wanting to top the other. And plus, he'd even gone as far as to cook for him when he was in hospital, make him rice cakes and accepted to help him memorise lines. Although that didn't turn out well but that's alright an apology fixed it. 

Jungkook knows how that turned out too. 



Now backstage, Taehyung pulled him back lightly by holding onto his arm. Jungkook turns around and sees Taehyung and waits for him to speak. 


"Earlier, thank you for.. you know.. like, calming me and all." 

And Taehyung wants to combust for being such as awkward little alien but all Jungkook does is smile at him - very out of character - and says, 

"That's fine. It just came as a suprise that you're afraid of crowds. Seeing as how you went pretty alright in our last interview." 

"No, well.. I'm not afraid of small ones." Taehyung says, trying to not sound weak. 

"But that was streaming live." Jungkook says, confused. 

"But I couldn't actually see them, so they weren't really there." Taehyung explains. "Ok, sorry. It makes no sense," 

"Yeah, it doesn't." 

"But that's just-" 


"TAEHYUNG!" Namjoon practically screams, flying into the room like a wizard with long clothing and heading straight for Taehyung. 

", what the fu-oof!" Taehyung finds himself with an armful of his manager as Namjoon cries into him dramatically and starts cradling his face. 

"Oh my gosh I was so so worried about you! I was expecting you to faint out there, you did well. Good job, you did good." Namjoon says in a rush of word vomit. 

"I'm fine. Jungkookie helped me." Taehyung says. 

"Don't call me that." Jungkook frowns. 


Taehyung smiles, cheekily. 

"Why not? It's cute." 

"I am not cute, I am-" 

"Manly? Masculine?" Taehyung says, clasping his hands together and doing a litle twirl, almost mocking him. 

"You little -" 


"Tae, are you sure he helped you?" Namjoon says, a hand on his shoulder. 

"Oh what? Yeah, he did." Taehyung says, flashing a smile. "Thank you." 


"I already said it's no problem." Jungkook mutters, embarassed now. 


Namjoon looks over at him. "Well, thank you for helping the lady. He's really fragile-" 

"I'm not fragile." Taehyung butts in. 

"-and will probably-" 


"Lets' find Seokjin." Namjoon says, stopping his useless ramble and turning to walk to the door to avoid Taehyung's complaints. 


Taehyung turns around and faces Jungkook. 


"Come on. If you follow Namjoon hyung might treat us out." he winks. 

Jungkook's breath gets caught in his throat for a bit and he trails after him when he realises that Taehyung has already walked off. 










Namjoon and Jin had driven their respected actors out to a restaurant, they met with a few of the producers for a celebration of getting halfway through filming. 

Like, gosh, do they need to do this if there's ever a movie with the two actors? It's amazing that one of them hasn't dropped the role, but in a rivalry like theirs of course who would back down. Especially in a Director Choi movie, it would practically be forfeit! 


Arriving in front of the restaurant, they enter and sit, Jungkook opposite of Taehyung with Jin and Namjoon beside their own child actors. 


"Yeah! Let's order some meat." Namjoon says, handing Jin a menu who accepts it while looking bashfully from under his bangs. 

Jungkook almost laughs at this and grins instead. 


"Hi Yoongi hyung." 


Jungkook looks up so fast in front of him to see Taehyung with that wretched phone of his on his ear. 


"Yeah, just getting- what? Oh ok. Just getting some dinner with Namjoon hyung, Jungkook and Jin hyung. What? No, we're with some of the staff." 

Right after he does a giggle and Jungkook wants to smash his head against the wooden table. But he doesn't. 

As he's convinced himself. He. Does. Not. CARE. At. All. 


But he does, secretly. 



After about an hour and a half of food, drinks and a couple more dishes, Namjoon's wasted, Jungkook's drunk and the only one who hasn't touched a drop of alcohol was Jin. Taehyung had a fews shots or so, so he was fine. 


"Wheee~~!!!" Namjoon sings, an arm around Jungkook's shoulder as the group of four stagger outside after Jin and a crew member pays the bill. 

Obviously high, Namjoon and Jungkook look at each other with arms around the other, before breaking out in large smiles and grins. Laughter ringing through the air and they point at each other with both hands and saying, "ayeee~~!!!!!!" to which no one knew what they were laughing about. 

A joke? Who knows. 


Taehyung watches with slight concern for Namjoon as he sees him go crazy. 

But Namjoon, feeling a bit bolder strides over to Jin before slinging an arm around him and bringing his face close. 

It was then Taehyung realises he cannot miss out on this and takes his camera out to film. 


"Heyyy, Jin hyeong~! Pyong! Pyong!" he jumps up and down. "I'm gone!" he says, widening his eyes before doing a litle turn. "And I'm back!" Before breaking out in little fits of laughter that has the other manager looking at him with a mix of amusement, shyness and downright embarrassment for him. 

"Namjoon darling, stop it. You're embarrasing yourself." Jin says, trying to get the other to stop moving around and puts an arm around him to stabalise him. His cheeks a slight red.

But Namjoon twists out of his hold before bursting into another moment of his aegyo time. 

"I dont wannaaaaa~~~!!!!" he practically almost screams before running around in his circle a few feet away from Jin and Jin looks on in so much embarassment when Namjoon starts circling him, shooting random hearts and singing. Before laughing and running away like a kid and running back to Jin, giving slight touches which leaves Jin immobile. 

The crew members are laughing along, a few that didn't drink hanging around before Jin has to take Jungkook back and Namjoon has no one to take him back since he cannot drive. And Taehyung, well, can't. Not like he would either, since he did too drink a little. 

So they decide to stay for a bit and help him out. 


"I need to pee." Jungkook says, trudging off to the toilet around the corner that was lit dimly, and Jin glances over. 

"Jungkook, wait! It's dark there I'll come with- Namjoon!" Jin turns around in an instant when Namjoon decides to fall on him. He looks up to see Jungkook still walking away, as if ignoring him or haven't heard he doesn't know. 

He looks to Taehyung. 

"Taehyung darling, follow after him will you? It's dark and might be dangerous and you seem to be sane." Jin says, trying to get Namjoon to stand up with a few crew members rushing to help. 


Taehyung nods and puts his phone back in his pocket after stopping the recording. He's so going to show that to Namjoon when he wakes up. 

He follows after Jungkook and sees him go inside. He halts for a bit outside, before deciding to follow him in because it was pretty dark and the other was bumbling around right now. 

Jungkook goes to a stall without bothering to close the door, thinking it appropriate in his state of mind to pull his pants all the way down to his ankles. Taehyung turns around in a hurry only to see him through the mirror. 

He mutters something under his breath and opts to look straight ahead to the other side of the bathroom. Not looking at either the stalls or the mirror, showing a direct reflection of Jungkook's exposed legs and thighs. 


After he's done, Jungkook stood there for a solid minute, he bent down and pulled his pants back up, not doing the buckle and turning around and really Taehyung is about to go crazy. 

Jungkook halts when he sees Taehyung standing there with scarlet cheeks and he starts to say something. 


"Jungkook, do your pants up proper-" he doesn't get a chance to finish as Jungkook's suddenly all up in his personal space. 


Walking straight to him, he pushes him against the filthy wall of the poorly lit restaurant bathroom. He leans in real close, head tilting to the side until his lips are aligned with his. He stays there for a while, and Taehyung's frozen. 

He feels a breath on his lips, Taehyung cannot move. He looks up and tries to meet Jungkook's eyes, but they're hooded with desire and alchohol and Taehyung feels his heart accelerating. And soon, Jungkook presses Taehyung's shoulders further into the wall that it hurts and his knee is in between Taehyung's legs, effectviely shortening their distance to almost nothing. 

Jungkook pulls his head up and Taehyung can't help but bring his head up as well, the other's pulling his back and he can feel the back of his head against the cold bricks. He breathes out and Taehyung closes his eyes as he feels the heat fan over his face. 


Oh my-

Taehyung's thoughts gets shut off as Jungkook decides to lean in right then and claim his lips in his drunken state. 

His eyes slide shut and Jungkook continues pressing his lips against his own, at first not so hard, but then he starts to get controlling and Taehyung finds that while he couldn't move before because of his own shock, now he was restricted. 

Jungkook turns his head and kisses him from the other angle before turning his head and presses his lips hard on the other from the other side. He straightens his head and kisses him straight on, his bottom lip caught between Taehyung's before he pulls away with a deep inhale. 

There's a sound at the back of his throat and he grabs both of Taehyung's hands, pinning his wrists to the side of his head and forcing harsh kisses on the other who's slowly started to fall apart under his touches and he lets out a noise of disapproval when Jungkook starts forcing his way into Taehyung's mouth. 

He tries to resist, but Jungkook's already not focused and attention solely on the man in front of him. As Taehyung tries to turn his head to the side, Jungkook lets out another noise and his grip on Taehyung tightens, the back of his wrists and hands sliding against the bricks behind as he tries to move his hands off him. 

Jungkook manages to force Taehyung's mouth open, only because the skin of his hands scraped painfully against the wall beside his head, and soon Jungkook's forcing his tongue down Taehyung's throat. 


It's only when Taehyung's gag reflex kicks in and his eyes sting because of it that Jungkook realises what he's doing and sobers up a bit. 

He pulls away in an instant, but he doesn't let Taehyung go and soon Taehyung's coughing up a lung in front of him, hands still pinned to the wall. Jungkook doesn't know what he's doing as his mind is still reeling from what happened. 

As Taehyung looks up and meets his yes briefly for a second, he decides to cough harsher on purpose and Jungkook's suddenly has a scare that he went too far. 


He stops his hacking coughing and straightens up, eyes glassy as he looks at Jungkook. 








"In case you didn't know, I don't like my kisses to be too harsh." 


Jungkook blinks. 


"And also, I don't like makeout sessions to be one-sided." 

With that, Taehyung leans forward and presses a soft kiss to Jungkook's lips, the taste of soju now at the back of Taehyung's throat, he doesn't go much farther than that and Jungkook's hands loosen their grip on Taehyung. 


Taehyung turns and leaves the bathroom, heart thumping and wrists hurting because seriously couldn't Jungkook have been gentler because, 

I'm a fairy, damnit. 

Taehyung rolls his eyes and rubs his wrist, thinking back to the director's words of 'Taehyung is practically a fairy'. 


And also, now Taehyung has a load of feelings to sort out, and well, Jungkook does too. 





"What does this all mean?" Jungkook thinks.

And Taehyung doesn't know either. Both their hearts thumping steadily in their chests. 











Ok, first of all sorry for my long absence and fire is lit af. 

And I would also like to apologise for all the trouble and irritation I might've given to a lot of you readers with me changing who's top and bottom to suit your likes. 

Fortunately for some, I'm keeping a top Jungkook because I adore a top Jungkook and a bottom Taehyung so I'm sorry if you don't like it. I'll understand if you want to go read another story since this characterisation seemed pretty important to some of you. 

But with the constant changes I would be so annoyed as well and I'm really sorry for that. What I meant when I commented I was confused unnecesarily was that I confused myself unneccesarily and brought about this whole mess of opinions. 

I'm not sure what I feel about this chapter, so if any changes would want to be done, please message me or somehting and I'll make slight changes. Nothing drastic but omg I feel the last kiss scene was a mess. Tell me if it doesn't fit


But anyway, enjoy the chapter and My Gold to Silver's first chapter is up. 

And btw, whoever watches Descendants of the Sun, you can message me and have a free fangirling session over the drama because Song Joong Ki

Leave a comment to let me know what you think! 

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Thank you!


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Chapter 25: Wowwww love every second of this story. Why it finished so fast!!?? Love the way you describe the sassy characters and also the love story was really great and the ending was the best. Thanks for writing and sharing this story with us. :)
TisyiaKpopper #2
Chapter 25: Aww such a cute story! Love it, great job authornim!
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 4: Aww tsundere jungkook
TisyiaKpopper #4
Bwibwikook #5
Chapter 23: I know you already make a statement about jungkook top but the sudden change of his character is a bit too weird for me like...he is cute bun in the beginning even tho he is sassy and all but this is too weird tohandle..but your plot and writing style is completely great tbh
Bwibwikook #6
Chapter 1: Poor director choi haha
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #7
Chapter 24: I'm ded Namjoon :,)
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #8
Chapter 16: Man I agree with Jin, Taehyung is such an angel :,)
Chapter 25: Noooo, why did this story have to come to an end? T^T This story was awesome, I enjoyed every single moment of reading it! My comments probably didn't show it, because they were full of a mess, but I had a lot fun in these... 9 hours of reading it! <333 You created amazing characters that falling in love with is as easy as saying 'taekook'. Their arguments were very creative and made me laugh for more than once! Taehyung was such a softie, a forgiving angel, and I wanted to hug him every single time he was hurt. Jungkook on the other hand was a total , but it was probably his first time falling in love, and at the end he and Tae were happy, so one can't stay mad at him for too long. Namjoon and Seokjin's journey with love wasn't as eventful so it was a nice contrast to the Taekook couple! Your way of writing is really pleasant to read althrough I hoped there would be more insight into Taehyung and Jungkook's minds? Feelings? Thoughts? It's just my own opinion though >_<
To summarise - you wrote a really great story here, I enjoyed it a lot~! ^^ <333
Chapter 24: gffgdh jdgfjdfggy kufdgfyu
Namjoon you er
finally. FINALLY! I'm proud of you Jungkookie! WOOHOOO *throws confetti in the air*