A Celebrity Couple - "I'll bring you to Neverland."

A Top Star's Competition

"You're saying you like me?" Jin asks. 

"Yes." Namjoon says, swallowing his mouth dry and his heart thumping wildly. 

"And, you want to go out with me?" Jin questions again. 

"Yes." Namjoon feels his mouth go as dry as the driest desert. 


Jin suddenly giggles. 


"You're so cute." he says. 

"I'm so what?" Namjoon repeats, not fully hearing things. 

"You're so cute." Jin says again. 

"I'm what- sorry-"


"Ok, sorry." Namjoon quietens again. 


"So, are you willing to take me somewhere?" Jin says. 

"Where-Where do you want to go?" Namjoon says, voice cracking as soon as he spoke. 

"Hmm.." Jin mulls over it for a second, sparing Namjoon more embarassment by overlooking his nervous voice break. "I want to go to a restaurant." 

"Any one in particular?" Namjoon thinks, mentally counting the money in his wallet and on his card. 

"Nope, take me wherever. But if it's not good, I might reject your dating proposal." Jin says, but only jokingly. 


Why wouldn't I date Namjoon, I've been waiting for months. 


Namjoon in his nervous, razzled state, takes Jin's words seriously and starts crossing off all the street stalls, cheap roadside restaurants and start adding up all the high-class, fancy, luxurious restaurants. 


"A simple noodle shop will do." Jin says, hurriedly, seeing the calculated, determined look on Namjoon's face with a slight panic. 


He didn't mean to stress the boy! 










"First date." Taehyung mutters. 

"Sorry?" Jungkook says, turning to Taehyung questioningly. 

"I said, this is our first date." he repeats. 

Jungkook grins, "It should be our countless one if I'd have done it right from the start." he says with a hint of regret. 


The two are standing in front of a counter, waiting to pay for tickets to a large aquarium. Jungkook's got his wallet out in one hand and Taehyung's right hand firmly in the other. 


"Two adult tickets, please." Jungkook says, and the man at the counter does something on his computer before printing their tickets, and looks up to receive the payment and pauses. 


"You're-" he starts. 

"Shh." Taehyung smiles, winking. 


It's been a month since the false dating scandal and it wasn't the first time they've been seen out together. But due to the two each taking on a new drama, they haven't had time for a proper date, meeting up for coffees at a coffee shop during a break, with the coffee shop in equal in distance from their filming sites or going out for lunch or a quick breakfast before one has to go to their schedule. Sometimes, their schedules clashed and they both couldn't make time. 

But the cell phones were always in use. 



The man, nodded before sliding the tickets over the countertop. As Taehyung reached for a hundred in his jacket, Jungkook panicked and almost threw his wallet at the unsuspecting man. 


"Wait, wait, wait." Jungkook said hurriedly, stretching an arm out and pushing him half a step back. 

Opening his wallet quickly and pulls out his card and hands it over. 


Taehyung pauses, then laughs. 



Upon entering, the couple walk hand in hand to view the fishes and the jellyfish. They cruise around to the crocodiles and the dolphins, to the turtles and the touch pool. Watching the dolphin show before heading to the restaurant in the aquarium for lunch and grabbing some fish and chips. 

It was only when they entered the shark exhibit did things start to get interestingly funny. 


As they walked in, the two not minding the cameras and phones, Taehyung had his arm hooked in Jungkook's arm and they were walking down a corridor of the shark exhihit. The glass reached over the top of them, allowing them to see the sharks swimming over them. 

When Taehyung was staring wide-eyed in interest at a shark swimming overhead, he felt a jump and heard a sharp intake of breath. He looked to the side to see Jungkook pressed up against him, shoulders knocking into each other and their sides touching. He had his eyes fixated on a big shark, swimming slowly past him further down the corridor from where they were walking from. 


"You okay?" Taehyung asks, raising a brow. 

Jungkook turns to look at Taehyung, grinning tensly before laughing nervously. 

"Yeah, just in case you get scared." he says, as an explanation of their close proximity. 


Taehyung smiles before letting Jungkook cling to him, as a result having them walk at a slower pace. He found himself walking side by side the shark tank with Jungkook slowly moving into him, forcing him to the side. It was only after a moment that Taehyung realised he was moving further away from his side of the tank, and moving Taehyung closer to his side. 

Glancing over at the other side of the tank, the side nearest to Jungkook, which was now almost two metres from him, he saw a shark seemingly looking in their general direction, wanting to swim off over the top of them. 


Taehyung smiles, 

"Hey, Kook." 

"Hmm." Jungkook says, absentmindedly paying attention to Taehyung, preoccupied eyeing the contents of the tank. 

"Look to your left." 


Jungkook glances quickly to his left and glances away, double taking to see the shark facing them in the glass, and Jungkook freaks out thinking that it's looking at him. 

"HOLY !" he jumps, grabbing Taehyung's arm with his hand that wasn't already linked with Taehyung's arm and pulls them out of the corridor, out into an open space with Taehyung trailing behind him, half being dragged and laughing. 


When they're out in the open area, they're facing a large tank with the glass reaching the ceiling all the way to the floor and the width across the entire span of the area. In the tank are multiple species of marine life, but the largest one there in captivity and in full view was a whale shark. Taehyung only gets to stare in awe at it for a moment right before Jungkook is pulling him out of there to the exit of the shark exibit, intending to leave the aquarium altogether with an air of 'nope' and ' this, im out'. 


Taehyung doesn't mind, because when they're out and his boyfriend immediately suggests an ice-cream, Taehyung teases him all the way to the ice cream shop as they walk down the street, holding hands. 









Their drama had been a success, and Taehyung and Jungkook became one of the most favoured on-screen couples as well as a much loved real-life couple. The majority of their support came from fans of the drama, obviously. But the two young actors undertake charity work and slowly becoming favoured by the general public as well. 

The 'Sora incident' was solved and was left behind, Sora herself deciding to move to LA to take on larger fashion opporutinities and projects. 

They were happy despite being busy and with their own managers going out it was easy to sort out dates and arange schedules to their own convenience. 


The celebrity couple was seated in front of their manager-couple, almost like a double date. Besides the fact that the couples were too absorbed in each other to care about what the other couple was doing. 

When they were served their coffees and waffles, one plate of waffle for each couple to share, Taehyung reaches for a knife and cuts the warm treat, making sure there was a generous amount of cream on it. Just as Jungkook thought that his gorgeous boyfriend was going to feed him, in went the waffle in Taehyung's mouth. 

Jungkook pauses before breaking out into a smile in disbelief. He shakes his head and laughs silently, looking over at Taehyung with a big mouth of food and chewing slowly. Feeling Jungkook's laugh against his shoulder, as he was sitting on an angle and leaning close to him, Jungkook's chest touching the back of his right shoulder, he turns and looks at him inquisitively with wide, gorgeous eyes and as cliché as you can get, a slight smear of cream on the side of his mouth. 


Feeling a sense of protectiveness and a larger surge of fondness, Jungkook leans in close to Taehyung's face and like, as it all plays out, darts a tongue out and swipes the cream off the edge of Taehyung's lips, sneakily pressing a kiss there before pulling away. 

Taehyung simply smiles at him, looking down shyly before cutting up a piece of waffle and hurriedly shoving it into Jungkook's mouth. 


"Mmm~" he hums, smiling with closed lips and chewing on the waffle, eyes scrunched cutely and leaning close to press a kiss to Taehyung's cheek while leaving cream on the spot. 

Taehyung whines before wiping it off with his thumb and swiping it off on Jungkook's lips. He it off his lips before puling Taehyung closer, sticking a fork in a piece of fruit and holding it up to Taehyung's mouth. Biting the strawberry off the fork, he hears Namjoon's phone go off with a message, and Jin's soon follows. 



"Director Choi?" they both say, looking at each other before turning their gazes to the young couple in front of them. 










"Will you two like to take the starring roles for my new movie?" Director Choi asks, half a year after the airing of Sentimental Attachment

The two actors both grin. 


"Yep!" Taehyung says. 

"Of course!" Jungkook adds. 


The young director laughs, 

"Still agreeing to projects even before reading the contract, I see." 









"I love you, Taehyung." Jungkook says, pulling away from a kiss. 

"You know I-" 


"CUT!" Director Choi shouts out. 

He sighs heavily. 


"This is the fifth time in fifteen minutes! Jungkook, Taehyung's character's name is HANSEONG." 

Taehyung laughs and Jungkook rubs his neck, sheepishly. 


"Right, got it." he says, "Sorry, got caught up in the moment." 

He glances at Taehyung with tousled hair and beautifully flushed cheeks. 


"Again. Camera three for close up standby, camera one long shot, ready set go." Director Choi says simply, already done for the day. 


When he sees the two boys are ready for the scene, he yells out, 

"Ready, set, ACTION!" 


They start the scene again, Jungkook pushing Taehyung against the back of a couch, much like the one where they had their first kissing scene of Sentimenal Attachment. 

Only this time, they're doing it right. Well, in terms of the kissing scene, not so much in lines. 


"Sunwoo, we should get going-" 

"Shh," Jungkook shushes, "Taehyung, I'll bring you to Neverland and back." 


Taehyung burst out in a loud, joyful laugh. 


"CUT, WHAT THE FRACK, JUNGKOOK?!" Director Choi yells. 



The line that was paired with the scene was already suggestive, add Taehyung's name in there and it suddenly turns into their own nighttime adventures. 


Jungkook flushes. 



Despite having made a name in the acting industry with highly rated dramas, this was their first Rated movie. And Director Choi was starting to wonder if they could pull it off. 


In terms of acting, they were spot on. It was just trying to get Jungkook to remember that Taehyung wasn't 'Taehyung' when they were filming anything even remotely romantic or suggesstive. 


Taehyung knew though, that Jungkook wanted to make up for the times he could have been the perfect boyfriend to him, even if he was doing it subconsciously or without thinking, Taehyung's name so often slipping into the romantic or cheesy line. And whenever Jungkook looks at Taehyung he feels the love in his heart for him and it was sometimes hard for him to control his feelings.


Especially if he had Taehyung under him and it was only when he says the wrong name and the voice of the movie director slices though the air, does he realise they're in the middle of a set. 




If Director Choi had difficulty filming Sentimental Attachment when the two didn't even like each other, he'll still be having a difficult time fimling 'A Lover's Rose' when the two are madly in love with each other. 

It seems that, even if they liked or hated each other, madly want to kill or madly in love, a movie with the two top star actors will never be easy and the filming was always an experience. Either of frustration, awkwardness or laughter. 








And maybe even love. 






Thats it

Sorry for the long wait seriously i havent updated in this is ages

Well, no more waiting as this story has come to an end

I'll be updating my thank yous and all in a separate update but for now thank you all for subscribing

This receive immense support of over 900+ subscribers and thank you so much to all who upvoted as well you guys are stars

Thank you for supporting this fanfic and I hope you can support my other ones too

(besides "I'm STRAIGHT!" because that ones cringe and cheesy af) 


Support spring day and not today and love the boys heaps

Love you all, my subs! Hope to see you in my other stories!


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Chapter 25: Wowwww love every second of this story. Why it finished so fast!!?? Love the way you describe the sassy characters and also the love story was really great and the ending was the best. Thanks for writing and sharing this story with us. :)
TisyiaKpopper #2
Chapter 25: Aww such a cute story! Love it, great job authornim!
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 4: Aww tsundere jungkook
TisyiaKpopper #4
Bwibwikook #5
Chapter 23: I know you already make a statement about jungkook top but the sudden change of his character is a bit too weird for me like...he is cute bun in the beginning even tho he is sassy and all but this is too weird tohandle..but your plot and writing style is completely great tbh
Bwibwikook #6
Chapter 1: Poor director choi haha
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #7
Chapter 24: I'm ded Namjoon :,)
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #8
Chapter 16: Man I agree with Jin, Taehyung is such an angel :,)
Chapter 25: Noooo, why did this story have to come to an end? T^T This story was awesome, I enjoyed every single moment of reading it! My comments probably didn't show it, because they were full of a mess, but I had a lot fun in these... 9 hours of reading it! <333 You created amazing characters that falling in love with is as easy as saying 'taekook'. Their arguments were very creative and made me laugh for more than once! Taehyung was such a softie, a forgiving angel, and I wanted to hug him every single time he was hurt. Jungkook on the other hand was a total , but it was probably his first time falling in love, and at the end he and Tae were happy, so one can't stay mad at him for too long. Namjoon and Seokjin's journey with love wasn't as eventful so it was a nice contrast to the Taekook couple! Your way of writing is really pleasant to read althrough I hoped there would be more insight into Taehyung and Jungkook's minds? Feelings? Thoughts? It's just my own opinion though >_<
To summarise - you wrote a really great story here, I enjoyed it a lot~! ^^ <333
Chapter 24: gffgdh jdgfjdfggy kufdgfyu
Namjoon you er
finally. FINALLY! I'm proud of you Jungkookie! WOOHOOO *throws confetti in the air*