A Kiss For Your Stresses - "Scene 3 page 495."

A Top Star's Competition

Jungkook emerges from the room next to the kitchen, ripped clothing in hand and a sour face on. Taehyung simply glares. 

"Something wrong with you?" Jungkook says with disinterested half lidded eyes, so very daringly raising an eyebrow with a smirk. 

Taehyung is about to pop a vein as his anger spikes. 


"Something's wrong with you. Why are you here?!" Taehyung says, tilting his head back. 

Jungkook replies, "I'm not sure if you'd believe me but trust me when I say I had absolutely nothing to do." he says, pulling out a chair and slipping into it, resting his elbows on the small table. 

Taehyung a brow suspiciously as Yixing comes and serves them all tea. 


"Oh really? And you expect me to believe that you just drove how-many kilometres for how-many hours just to spend time with me? On a weekend where you could've done practically anything?" 


Jungkook frowns, quickly about to retort when Taehyung adds, "And I'm sure you wouldn't be wearing clothes like that if you weren't attending for some event." 

The now-ripped black and red top sits on the floor beside Jungkook's chair and he blows air into his hair. 

"Oh please. What do you expect me to wear? Some cheap borrowed clothing? I'm a celebrity if you did not know. I can't go around wearing just anything." he says, conceitedly and makes a show of checking his nails. 


"You still haven't answered the question that matters, you narcisstic jerk." Taehyung spits, arms crossed and leaning forward slightly over the table. 

"What was the oh-so-important question then? You oh-so-self-important ." Jungkook growls back, leaning forward towards Taehyung challengingly as he narrows his eyes and the tension between the two of them heighten. 

"Slipped your mind already? It'll be a wonder for you to live without guidance, you baby." 

"I don't tend to remember such unimportant things. The only reason I remember you therefore, is only because I see you everyday." 

"Then the only reason you remember me and yourself is because you see yourself everyday." 

"Calling me unimportant, fermented carrot?!" 

"That's right, ya' soured milk!" 



Namjoon and Jin yell as they knocked their heads with a fist, it almost looked like a scene from an anime. 


"For one, you're in someone else's house." Jin says. 

"Two, you're acting like kids." Namjoon says. 

"Three, your comebacks ." Jin finishes. "So does your name calling." Namjoon adds. 


Yixing doesn't know what to do or say as he did not expect two fighting celebrity actors in the kitchen of his very humble home. 


"I can hear the fighting from my room." Kris says as he leans on the doorframe. 

"Kriseu!" Yixing yells happily, getting up and throwing his arms up and around the taller man's frame as he yells out his nickname. 

"Hello, Xing. Who are our visitors? Hey wait, you two are-" Kris greets and Yixing cuts his sentence off. "Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. Taehyung's come to see Baekhyun but Jungkook have also seemed to come visit." 

"Oh, are you close with Baekhyun too?" Kris says, taking a seat on a plastic chair he brought over due to all the seats already being used. 


"No." Taehyung and Jungkook both answer, snapping their heads to each other and shooting a harsh glare which seemed to ignite a lightning bolt in the space between their eyes. 

"Woah, okay. So you don't know Baekhyun?" Kris asks as he's takes in the show. 

Namjoon sighs yet again and addresses Kris. 


"I'm sorry for their behaviour right now and for any behaviour that may follow." 

Kris looks confused as Yixing absently wraps his arms around one of Kris's arms, already long forgotton about his guests as Kris stepped through the kitchen. 


"There's your question. Why are you here?" Taehyung says, never breaking his glance with the other actor. 

"I've already answered that, you bum." 

"Well that was a bull answer. Give me a proper one." 


Jungkook huffs. 

"Fine. To give you a satisfactory answer, I came to see your sorry here incase you needed company so you don't fall mentally ill and unable to continue filming. As you can see your dear cousin is doing fine and I don't think I have anything to worry about." 

"When I think your cold heart is actually starting to care for me you come and tell me that." Taehyung rolls his eyes. "So? Did Director Choi ask you follow me here?" 



"Then what?" 

"Where'd you get the address?" 



"..Namjoon hyung." 


Taehyung frowns. "Hyung? You both talked to each other so much already?" 

"Anyway. You should be grateful I even bothered to come out here." Jungkook says, averting the topic. 

"Grateful for what? It's not like you even brought anything." Taehyung says, leaning back in his chair, the tension dissipating and the atmosphere appearing lighter. 

"Excuse me do I money? I can't be bringing gifts wherever I go." Jungkook says. 


Kris suddenly laughs. Everyone turns to him as he grins. "Aren't you two a special pair." 

Yixing speaks up, finally remembering he actually had people over and that the world did not run on Kris alone. "Would you two like to see the fields outside? It's the country afterall and there's a lot of space for you to have a walk together or something." 





Taehyung and Jungkook chorus together a 'no' just as Jin and Namjoon agree with Yixing's idea at the same time. 

"You two go frolic in the fields and get some air into your hot blood so you can come back to the city without biting each other's heads off until after the movie." Jin says. 

"Frolic? What are we in the Sound of Music?" Jungkook rolls his eyes like a spoilt brat as he gets up, already knowing he'd be forced to go for a walk even if he argued. 


Namjoon eyes Taehyung who's not attempting to move from his seat. "You too." 

Taehyung makes a show of rolling his own pair of eyeballs and slams his hands down on the table as he stood up, making it a point to show his manager he wasn't happy. Just like a spoilt brat. 


"Come on, you nugget. Let's get this walk done with so we can actually make it back before midnight." Taehyung says to Jungkook, making it sound like the walk was a chore to finish or a scene to film. 

"I'm coming, jeez. I don't need you to tell me that." Jungkook bumps Taehyung's shoulder out of the way so he could leave the kitchen first. 

Earning a scoff from the other, the two actors leave for some outdoor air. 







"Are they always like that?" Kris says, amused. 

"Together, yes." Namjoon says. 

The two managers and the couple engage in civil conversation chit-chat about this and that. 










Taehyung and Jungkook leave the small house and enter a large field. They see Baekhyun and Chanyeol far off in the distance, the grass seemingly up to their hips as the two look blissfully in peace and in love. 

Taehyung gazes at his cousin with soft eyes, relief evident and he feels himself relax. He has his boyfriend, he'd be fine. 


Turning their gazes away, Taehyung and Jungkook start walking across the large open area, briefly reminded of their scene by the river where they kissed for the movie. 

Jungkook glaces sideways next to Taehyung and he quickly averts his gaze incase he decided to turn to look at him too. He secretly relishes in the small sight of Taehyung basking in the sun set glow and unconsciously a pink glow colours his face prettily. 


The two walk in silence and it quickly turns awkward. 

"So you really followed me here, eh?" Taehyung speaks up. 

Jungkook blinks, looking toward the ground sideways, "Well, it wasn't like a had a choice." he mumbles, absolutely lying. 

Taehyung feels his heart slightly heavier as he trudges along the grassy field. 


"But it isn't so bad being here." Jungkook adds, and Taehyung's hope spikes up ever so slightly. At what he doesn't know. 


What was he hoping for? Maybe Taehyung wished that Jungkook had really come to see him, despite having argued about torn clothes earlier. 

They walk further into the field and unintentionally walk closer together. It wasn't until Jungkook's arm brushes past Taehyung's not so subtly and the two look at each other in mild surprise. 

"S-Sorry." Jungkook stutters, taking a step away from Taehyung. 


Feeling uncharacteristically nervous, Jungkook clears his throat and suggest that they sit down at the edge of the field. It was a little cliff, not too steep that overlooked a mountain valley. It was beautiful. 

Jungkook couldn't help but picture Taehyung down in the valley with loose clothing and messy hair, the wind tousling it even more as he took a relaxed trip down through the mountains, the sky colours flattering his features. 


Hardly surprised by his thoughts at the moment, he turns to see the object that had took his attention. Taehyung was not far off from what he had just imagined. 

Tousled hair with the sun's setting glows showering him with beauty. 

Feeling mesmerised, Jungkook acted on impulse. 


He leaned in close and lightly brushed Taehyung's cheek with dry lips, eyes fluttering closed as he pressed the lightest kiss onto Taehyung's soft skin. 


It felt like two different stories. 

First, Taehyung and Jungkook were at each other's necks and up in each other's faces, fighting and arguing over the smallest things. Hating each other to no end and griping at each other. Pulling silly pranks just to get on the other's nerves. Insulting one another's acting skills and trying to top the other be it in name calling, crappy insults and of course, work projects. Films. Dramas. Advertisements. 


Second, Jungkook finds his attention slowly stolen by none other than Kim Taehyung. The supposed source of all his problems. But that doesn't seem to be the case. He finds himself attracted. Strangely attracted. Going so far as to spend a whole afternoon cooking for him. Driving for hours just to see him. Not really knowing that he only wanted to see him smile. Not wanting to admit that he was concerned for him and his mental state when his cousin went under a near death experience. 


Lastly, their movie. Sentimental Attachment. 

Was the movie making him feel these emotions? Was the movie finally making him realise all the good points, the appealing traits of the far from pleasant actor? Though that might be changing, he realises. 


As he retreats back to his own space, Jungkook stops halfway and his eyes enlarge, the light catching in them and making him look ever so pure. He's inches from Taehyung's face who has now turned to look at him in surprise. 


Taehyung feels his breath hitch in his throat as the wind flies past them, flickering Jungkook's lashes. The whole entire atmosphere screamed 'romance'. 

Jungkook yanks back quickly now, and opens his mouth to speak anything. Anything. 


"That's how I'm going to kiss you in scene 3 page 495, got it?" 


Jungkook wants to crawl into a hole and eat ice cream as comfort his whole entire life. How could he say something like that? 

Actually, no. Jungkook realised that this covered up perfectly what he did. Why he did it. 

Why did he kiss him? Who knows. 


Again. Taehyung feels his heart grow heavy, Heavier this time, dropping down to his stomach as his eyes dim in slight hurt. He clenches his teeth tight, and just when Jungkook turns to look at him again he's facing the mountain valley. 

And again, Jungkook wants to hide away when he catches the hurt in Taehyung's eyes. He feels a stab at his heart when he realises that Taehyung probably thought he was playing with his feelings. 


But then again, it made no sense. They were rivals to the bitter end who hated each other to the bone. 












But then again, did they hate each other down to the core? Did he mistake bitter as blissful instead? 








Jungkook is left with nothing but confused, romantic feelings. Kim Taehyung, he doesn't know what to feel. 










Thank you for 300+ subscribers!

A quick update for you this time

I hope you enjoy the new poster as a change of view and i hope you enjoyed the chapter


Their time at the countryside is not over just yet so anticipate the next chapter! 

I'm still thinking about how to progress the story without it being all from "I hate to you" to "I think I love you" in like, two chapters so suddenly. 

If you have ideas comment below or message me if you'd like

Leave a comment to let me know what you think! 


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Chapter 25: Wowwww love every second of this story. Why it finished so fast!!?? Love the way you describe the sassy characters and also the love story was really great and the ending was the best. Thanks for writing and sharing this story with us. :)
TisyiaKpopper #2
Chapter 25: Aww such a cute story! Love it, great job authornim!
TisyiaKpopper #3
Chapter 4: Aww tsundere jungkook
TisyiaKpopper #4
Bwibwikook #5
Chapter 23: I know you already make a statement about jungkook top but the sudden change of his character is a bit too weird for me like...he is cute bun in the beginning even tho he is sassy and all but this is too weird tohandle..but your plot and writing style is completely great tbh
Bwibwikook #6
Chapter 1: Poor director choi haha
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #7
Chapter 24: I'm ded Namjoon :,)
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #8
Chapter 16: Man I agree with Jin, Taehyung is such an angel :,)
Chapter 25: Noooo, why did this story have to come to an end? T^T This story was awesome, I enjoyed every single moment of reading it! My comments probably didn't show it, because they were full of a mess, but I had a lot fun in these... 9 hours of reading it! <333 You created amazing characters that falling in love with is as easy as saying 'taekook'. Their arguments were very creative and made me laugh for more than once! Taehyung was such a softie, a forgiving angel, and I wanted to hug him every single time he was hurt. Jungkook on the other hand was a total , but it was probably his first time falling in love, and at the end he and Tae were happy, so one can't stay mad at him for too long. Namjoon and Seokjin's journey with love wasn't as eventful so it was a nice contrast to the Taekook couple! Your way of writing is really pleasant to read althrough I hoped there would be more insight into Taehyung and Jungkook's minds? Feelings? Thoughts? It's just my own opinion though >_<
To summarise - you wrote a really great story here, I enjoyed it a lot~! ^^ <333
Chapter 24: gffgdh jdgfjdfggy kufdgfyu
Namjoon you er
finally. FINALLY! I'm proud of you Jungkookie! WOOHOOO *throws confetti in the air*