Accidentally Switch
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“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to” Woobin repeated for the fourth time.


“Woobin oppa, its fine” Dara assured him. One of his friends throwing a party at his house and had invited the three of them.


Woobin sent her a worried look. “I know how much you hate parties.”


“I don’t hate parties. I just don’t go to them” Dara corrected.


“Why not?” Seunghyun, speaking for the first time since they started walking to the house that night.


Dara shrugged her shoulders. “I just don’t like them” the truth was that she’d rather curl up with a good book or hang out with Bom than go to a party.


“Okay. Well, stay by myside at all times and if you ever want to leave just tell me and we’ll go” Woobin ordered as they approached an old two-story house. He grabbed Dara’s hand and pulled her to his side.


A muscle in Seunghyun’s jaw twitched as he glanced at their clasped hands. “I’m sure she’ll be fine on her own”


Woobin glared at Seunghyun over Dara’s head. “I’m sure you attended college parties. With that you know that she needs someone with her”


Dara frowned, not liking Woobin’s tone. She could take care of herself. She was a big girl.


“So you’re saying she isn’t safe with your friends?”  Seunghyun countered.


“No” Woobin said slowly. “What I’m saying is that she barely has any experience with parties in general. She needs someone to guide her.”


“It doesn’t have to be you” Seunghyun said sourly.


Dara held up her free hand. “I’m right here, you know. Can’t we just go?” she walked into the house, still hand in hand with Woobin.


Even though it was only 10:30 at night, the house was already jammed packed with people. The living room had been turned into a makeshift dance floor, and there were couples scattered around grinding to the beat of the music. Dara looked back to say something to Seunghyun, but he had disappeared. “Where’s Seunghyun?” she asked Woobin.


He shrugged his shoulders. “He’s around here somewhere. I’m sure we’ll run to him eventually. You have your phone on you right?”


Dara nodded. She had finally gotten it back from Seunghyun that afternoon. She had begged and cajoled. And when that didn’t work, she promised to buy him a pack of peeps. Immediately, he handed it over informing her he liked the yellow ones the best.


Woobin directed her over to the kitchen where a keg sat with people crowded around it. “Do you want anything to drink? I can get you a soda or juice without alcohol”


“can I have Ginger Ale?”


Woobin grinned at her. “Coming right up!”


Rather reluctantly, she let his hand go. It had felt so comforting, holding his hand. Like being surrounded by a large wool blanket. She couldn’t wait till he returned. A whole night of holding his hand and being by his side.


Woobin returned with her drink and for a while he took her around the party, introducing her to his friends. They were all friendly and welcoming. During that time, she kept her eyes looking for Seunghyun, but she didn’t see him anywhere.


“I’m going to get another drink. Do you want anything?” Woobin asked, leaning in close so she could hear him over the music.


Dara shook her head. “I’m good” she shouted back, happily. She was having the time of her life. No one was pressuring her to drink like at high school parties and she got to hang out with Woobin. Best night ever!


20 minutes later, Woobin hadn’t returned and Dara started to get worried. Where was he? Foregoing his orders to stay where she was. Dara left her spot and made her way to the kitchen area. That was when she saw Woobin up against a wall, making out with a tall, leggy brunette. His shirt was halfway ed and there were red lipstick marks all over his neck and chest. The girl put her hand under his shirt and started to caress his stomach. He moaned loudly and d her , pulling her closer to him.


Dara felt like she got all the wind knocked out of her. God, she was so stupid! There she was waiting like an idiot for him and he was making out with some girl the whole time! Mortified, Dara rushed down the hallway and went into an empty bathroom and dialed Bom’s number.




“Bom!” she cried out in misery.


“Dara? What’s wrong?”


She leaned against the sink counter. “I am so stupid!”


“What happened?” Her best friend asked, her voice was laced with concern.


“I’m at this party and Woobin is making out with this brunette amazon girl in the freaking hallway! They are going at it like the two dogs in heat!”


Bom sighed. “Oh Dara. I’m so sorry”


“I feel so stupid! I should’ve known he would never like me. He always thought of me as the little kid he tutored” she cries out, her voice cracking. “Even at this party he acted like I was a child who needed babysitting. At least Seunghyun thought I can handle myself.”


Bom remained silent for a couple minutes as Dara collected herself. When her breathing started to return normal Bom carefully. “Dara, do you really think that you like Woobin?”


“What do you mean? Ofcourse I like him!”


“Really? Because it seems to me that you like Seunghyun, not Woobin”


“I do not like Seunghyun!” Dara exclaimed.


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mugirl9182 #1
Chapter 36: Hi Dear...hope you are doing great, haven't heard from you quite a while...I am still hoping for a great sweet happy ending of our tabisan here, would really glad & appreciate if we can read the next chappies....please please continue. Take care & thanks.
Chapter 36: oh god. it's like watching a teenage drama. i love it.
purplesatine #3
Chapter 17: pls update authornim, i miss this story
leopardrusty #4
Chapter 36: I can't wait to see Dongwook and Seunghyun being friends hehe. And aiyoo I hope Seungri and the rest can realise their mistakes :( . It makes Seunghyun looks like when he doesn't even know about it.
please update... i really miss this story
purplesatine #6
I miss you and your story authornim, please update soonest... hope everything is fine with you.
topren_31 #7
Where are you Authornim? I miss this story? When are you going to update? Please....
tabitabi #8
Authorniiiiiim....where are you? I miss your update
darkangel024 #9
Unnieee we miss you!! :(
sherryperry #10
Authornim....wea ..wea....! Pls.....update ....!