I see through you

Ready... Set... Love!

Dear diary,

Today is probable my most embarrassing day of my life!!! Urh!!! I just cannot get it out of my mind!!! Ok… Akira, calm down. I should just write everything down and forget about it.

So today was the last day of the camp which means we had to do our group project. And my group project was to give out flyers to promote care for pets. So yeah… we spent the whole day walking around under the hot Sun!!!

When we returned to church, we were all dog tired. Thanks God, we had a small snack then all of us (the whole class) went for shower but. But we only had like 30 minutes to finish showering and change cause we had to go for mass before the parent meeting started.

So since there's only one Ladies room and 2 Gents rooms. Anne, Chou and I went into a Gents room to shower and we asked our facilitator to guard outside so no one came in. Unfortunately, there were only 2 cubical in that room and one was broken so Chou showered in the cubical while Anne and I shower outside. Yes, at the basin with our under garment on. THANKS THE LORD!!!

Then it happened. While Anne and was showering, Xander came in. We girls screamed our lungs out and squatted down on the floor and Xander was pulled out of the room by our facilitator after she heard our scream. Chou came rushing out and asked what happened so we told her. THAT WAS THE MOST EMBRARESSING MOMENT OF MY LIFE!!!

After that, before we made our way to the church for mass, Anne and I pulled Xander to the small kitchen for a talk. Anne said, "Hey it's nothing ok. Just forget about it." I added, "Yeah just be normal ok?" But all Xander could do was nodded his head. Under the yellow light, I could see his bright red tomato face.

So then during mass, whenever I wanted to talk to my friend behind me, I had to turn my head and my eyes kept on landing on Xander. Once, I caught him looking at me and we made eyes contact for a long time until I pulled away. I looked down on my lap and could really feel my heated face! Then while we were waiting for the food to come after mass, Xander appeared right next to me and apologized. He stood so close that I could feel his breathe, heartbeat and we were just cm away from each other!!!

After that, whenever I looked around, I kept on making eyes contact with Xander and his face will automatically turned red. Somehow it was so cute to look at!!! The sight of his smiling and laughing with others then his tomato face when our eyes met kept on lingering in my mind. After the parent meeting, we all went home. Before I left, I handed Xander a letter which I wrote earlier then quickly dashed away.

On the way to my papa's car, I got tons of messages right after I my phone. It was all from Kai. I'm in deep trouble. Oh, I just called him and explained everything. I could still hear anger and annoyance in his voice. But hey, the camp is for God so I didn't do anything wrong, right?

Except for the thought I'm having now is all about Xander… What am I suppose to do?!?



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Milielitre #1
Chapter 35: I can't stop smiling^^ This story was so sweet and well written and... I don't know, reading it felt like eating chocolate ! (and I love chocolate !)
awww~~ nice story! keep it up!! ^^
klollipoper #3
awesome you go akira!
Wait who does shuu look like?
I hope Xander is not in Ouran's host club
hopelesswriter #7
O_o...did you entirely changed the last two chapters?
it seems different than i previously read...
aish akira you need to find him fast
ysluckystar #9
omg, akira, please just remember xander. :(
hopelesswriter #10
omonaaa..Akira woke up n lost her memory...
somehow she seemed more lively after losing her memory...
ugh...Mikki....i wanna punch her...
hope Xander is fine......>__< worried about him....
n wondering whether Akira will come to like him all over again or not...
ahh, this is getting interesting......i'm glad she's safe though.
and the PS at Xander's last entry.....gahh.. <3
thanks for the update. keep it up~!