First job

Ready... Set... Love!

Dear diary,

Today when I woke up, appa was already out for his job. I feel so sorry for him. Ever since mama's death, appa has been the one who raise me up and is the source of finance for my family. But now he's weak from all the long hours jobs he has been taking up on his shoulders. It hurts me whenever I think of appa rushing from one job to another in order to have enough money to support our family. I love you appa!!!

So after breakfast, I headed to the street behind our school to look for a part time job. Along the street, I seeing a lots of couples walking hand in hand with each other. I felt so odd walking among a sea of loving couples so I fastened my pace towards the end of the street. When I reached the end of the street, I saw it.

I rushed across the street to the old bookshop which I bought the present for Xander from. Right outside the shop, a sign read "Help wanted". I walked into the shop and saw the same owner putting up the books onto the shelves just like the last time I left. "Excuse me sir, I'm looking for a job," I said softly, loud enough to be heard above the pin-drop silence in the shop. The owner turned around and asked, "Oh yes, dear, you wanna work here?" "Yes, sure," I replied him with a smile.

The owner, Mr. Tagashi, told me that I can start working from tomorrow onward. Before I left, he asked me how is the book I bought the other day and is the person I bought it for happy with it. I told him I don't know but I will ask him another day. I greeted him goodbye then returned home.

On the way home, I bought a big bag of food to cook for dinner. I rushed home as fast as possible to be able to finish cooking before appa reached home. He was so surprised when he saw a completed meal on the table when he entered the house. We ate dinner then spent the time till 10pm watching TV together. It has been a long since we had our little father daughter time. Somehow I wish mama is still here with us…

Anyway, gonna stop here cause I need to wake up early for Sunday class. Have to remember to ask Xander about his address and the book. Gonna check on appa before I go to sleep. Night!



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Milielitre #1
Chapter 35: I can't stop smiling^^ This story was so sweet and well written and... I don't know, reading it felt like eating chocolate ! (and I love chocolate !)
awww~~ nice story! keep it up!! ^^
klollipoper #3
awesome you go akira!
Wait who does shuu look like?
I hope Xander is not in Ouran's host club
hopelesswriter #7
O_o...did you entirely changed the last two chapters?
it seems different than i previously read...
aish akira you need to find him fast
ysluckystar #9
omg, akira, please just remember xander. :(
hopelesswriter #10
omonaaa..Akira woke up n lost her memory...
somehow she seemed more lively after losing her memory...
ugh...Mikki....i wanna punch her...
hope Xander is fine......>__< worried about him....
n wondering whether Akira will come to like him all over again or not...
ahh, this is getting interesting......i'm glad she's safe though.
and the PS at Xander's last entry.....gahh.. <3
thanks for the update. keep it up~!