A Dream or A Nightmare?

Who's the Man?

The dashing white limo left your house. 


Phew. .good thing he's gone, because I was just about to lose it.


Your mom gave you a sudden hug. Ok, THIS is weird. When she finally pulled away she clasped her hands on your cheeks and beamed you a grateful smile.


"Thank you Rinji." she said sincerely. There wasn't a hint of sarcasm in her voice, she was really happy.

"For what?"

"For trying."  she said. "You must've felt betrayed, forcing you into marriage like this."

YES! that's EXACTLY what I felt. But you couldn't bring yourself to make her sad, especially because this is one of the rare moments when she's genuinely happy. You see, your mom's really good at handling people, but most of the time, she's fake (well except to you.)

"Well, a bit, but I think I'm okay with it now."

LIES! come on Rinji tell her the truth.


"So you and Byunghun are okay with your marriage now?" she inquired expectantly. You could really see sparkling hope in her eyes.

"S-sort of"


"So your fine with the marriage?"

"I guess so."

OMG! stop lying! tell her you hate that lunatic of a husband.


Her eyes started welling up with tears. She was smiling. You widened your eyes in shock that she was that happy.

She gave you another hug. "I-I never thought that you were going to be this cooperative." she said. "You didn't even beat him up, not even once."

You tried not to twitch.. .  that couldn't have been farther from the truth.


She put a lock of your hair behind your ears and caressed your cheek. Like what she did back when you were a kid when you've done something to make her proud. But in the past few years, she stopped doing that, well, who could blame her? all you did was fight gangs, flunk school, escape body guards and beat up random people who pisses you off.

It felt nice, that you were finally doing something to make her proud, make her happy.




Then, your mom said something that made you regret that you lied to make her happy.


She clasper both of your hands eagerly.



. . . what?. . . 




You were in a fancy restaurant for dinner. With people wearing super branded clothes, violins and harpists playing in the background. You were totally out-of-place with your black shirt and plain jeans.


Beside you was your mom, across you was Ljoe( in Byunghun form of course) and both of his parents. They were eagerly discussing your reception.


Sh*t why did I agree to this thing??


Since you stupidly agreed to it, Ljoe had no choice but to agree too. But because of that, you saw cracks in his seemingly perfect facade, right before he grudgingly agreed, he glared at you as if he was going to chew your head off. You had to admit, if you were in his situation, you would be pretty pissed too.


"S-so, the wedding will be earlier?" Ljoe timidly asked.


Ljoe's mom smiled and looked at both of you endearingly. "That depends entirely on both of you, we just wanted to have a formal party when announcing your wedding, but we will keep our word, we will give you  both time until you both reach the age of eighteen."


Phew! -.- thank God! You looked at Ljoe, his glare softened, saying: hey don't worry instead of being extremely painful, I'll make your death only mildly painful.


"But if you want to have it earli--"

"NO!" both of you scream out. Both of your parents looked stunned.


. . awkward. . .

"Ugh, I need to go to the bathroom." you said, just to get away from the tension. Shortly afterwards, Ljoe said he needed to pee too.




You were in the bathroom. 

You looked at your bloodshot eyes. Who knew marriage could be so stressful? You washed your face and looked at yourself again. If this formal announcement happens, there's no going back. You would really HAVE to go through with the wedding.


What the heck was I THINKING? agreeing to it.


The door opened with a bang, and a very angry Ljoe walked through. He was actually pretty scary even with the nerdy outfit.


"WHOA! dude, girl's bathroom!" you said shooing him with your arms.

He looked up at the female sign. He looked a bit embarrassed. 


"Oh" then he stepped back. Going outside the bathroom, but leaving the door open so you could both see each other.

Wow, that was unexpected. Who knew that that'd work


He crossed his arms. Irritated that he couldn't get close to you. Thank you bathroom!


"Why in the WORLD did you agree to that formal announcement?" he said with furrow brows, expecting a logical answer.

"Um. ." you stuttered. "I-I just"

"Just WHAT?" he sounded more irritated

"I didn't want to let them down OKAY??" you lash out. A bit embarrassed by your reason. 


But instead of wailing how lame of an excuse that was, Ljoe's eyes softened. Like he understood. He gave out an exhausted sigh and moved through his perfectly slicked hair in frustration, ruffling it a bit. 


"I get it." he calmy said, though a bit grudgingly. "But you should've at least TOLD me first. Don't drive me up against a wall like that." 

Your eyes sparkled. You couldn't believe your ears, He was actually being NICE??

"D-don't look so happy, you look like an idiot." he said averting his gaze. Wh-whoa, her eyes are soo. . Oh shut up!

"Fine." you said cheerfully, ignoring his rude comment.

"Um. .Can you like, get out of your "protective circle" already?" he said pointing at the inside of the bathroom. "Talking to you from this distance is kinda weird." 

Oh yeah, he can't bring himself to come in. You couldn't help but chuckle a bit inside. Guess he's still got at least a fleck of innocence in him.

You got out of the bathroom cautiously, eyeing him if he was planning on strangling you or something.  

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing." hmm. . I guess, it's really fine with him? I thought that that was just a trap.

He suddenly gave you a peck in the cheek. You looked at him, wide-eyed. What the??. . 


He winked at you. "No backing out now, kay?" he said.


You groaned. I know. 




You were already in your room. Drenching yourself in thoughts and predictions on what will happen when your already married with Ljoe, you imagined yourself in a frilly apron, cooking pancakes for your son, you decided to nickname him  Batchoy, what? I like noodles . You gave Ljoe a gentlie kiss goodbye before he came out the door from work. 

"Take care honey, you look as handsome as always." you said.

He gave you a hug. "No you look more beautiful. I love you" he replied.

"Hihihih" you laughed shyly. "Love you too hun."

. . . 


you shivered. That's IMPOSSIBLE and DISGUSTING at the same time.


So you decided to think about a different scenario.

You were sitting in front of the T.V, watching wrestling with Batchoy.

"Hey." you said putting your arm around his tiny shoulder. "You see my boy, before doing a body slam, you must properly prepare yourself for the impact, or else, both you and your enemy will be unconscious." 

Your son nodded and jotted down notes.

You felt a gentle tap at your shoulder. You looked up and saw a spectacled Ljoe, wearing a pink apron and oven mits and holding a freshly-baked cake. 

"Don't teach our kids violent things okay?" he said with a shy smile.

"Fine, but only if you give me that cake." you said.

Ljoe took a spoonful of cake and fed it to you. "Anything for you honey." he said, beaming you a smile

. . . 

UGH! now I'M the father. Seriously that is soo messed up and also impossible, maybe it would've worked with the old Ljoe(Byungun).


You thought of yet another scene.

You were smashing the buttons of your game console violently as you stared at the T.V screen unblinking.

"WAHAHAHAHAH! Ljoe you got OWNED by my mothership!" you screamed, sparing a second to push his shoulder, making him push the wrong button.

"WHAT THE?? you made me kill my starship commander!" He yelled back. 

You both felt something behind you. You both looked back and saw Batchoy standing tiredly, holding a spatula and an apron. 

"Yah! stop playing and eat dinner already! I need to wash the dishes." the small boy nagged.

"Yeah yeah!, just a minute, don't be such a nag." Ljoe whined.

Batchoy did a face slap and walked away.

. . . 

That's probably the most LIKELY thing to happen.

. . .

Poor, poor Batchoy




Hahaha I kind of had fun writing this chap. Which of the three scenes do you think is most likely? xD

Also, sorry for not posting for the last week, it's cus I joined this debate competition that lasted for 6 days. . IKR? so tiring. .lol

Anyways, hope this chap made it up to you ^^


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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8