Games of Fate

Who's the Man?

Teentop dragged the passed out boy inside their secret pub. They didn't want to, but they had no choice. 


"WHY did you have to actually punch him?" Niel whined, scoffing at Chunji. Who was still slightly creeped out at what he experienced. He's been mistaken as a girl before, a lot, but the whole "I love you" thing, tipped him over the edge.


"Wh-what else could I do? how would you react if a guy suddenly tells you he loves you, drunk?" Chunji defended.

"Well,. .certainly NOT punch him. Now we have to actually take care of him and stuff." Niel said with an exasperated sigh as he looked at the boy now comfortably lying in one of their leather sofas.

"Come on guys. Don't you actually have a thing called "heart"? I mean the man passed out, in an alley, probably mugged, probably has some mental issues, and you're blaming each other for having to actually help him?"

"He's right y'know." Changjo mused as he kept himself still occupied with his phone as he yawned. Being his usual apathetic self.


"Tsk" Niel and Chunji said in unison. They hate it when they loose. Which is almost never, so RIcky was just soaking in the moment. Trying not to let his smug expression show


They decide to just let the poor boy sleep his drunkenness off.




Minwoo scrunched up his face, eyes still clenched shut because of the pain in his head. UGH. . am I like. .having a hangover? Even though his head was painful, his thoughts were clear now. ,which means. .he's still in a freaking alley



He quickly pried his eyes open and sat upright sharply. The sudden movement making him see spots.  He got ahold of his temples and winced. Ow. 


"Hey kid. .You okay?" a voice called out. When his vision cleared he noticed that he was no longer in an alley, he was in like, .a place where people with bizzare video game complexes go and try to make a replica of the main villain's hideout.


A tall and muscular man with jet black hair and a partially shaved head came towards him and handed him a glass of water.

"Th-thanks." Minwoo got out, but his voice was oddly hoarse. "Where am I?"

"We kidnapped you." a boy with straight brown hair with white highlights, maybe a bit older than him said with a nonchalant face.


Minwoo's eyes widened and let out a choking sound. Oh my goossshhhh!!!. . so THAT explains the weird costume-y hair styles and outfits. He staggered backwards until his back hit the wall. Making his head hurt even more. 


The boy burst in laughter but was quickly cut off by an elbow jabbing him in the ribs, making him groan in pain.

"Yah RICKYY!!" he let out.


"Don't mess with him this early!,. .at least get close to him first before scaring the boy out of his wits." the boy presumably called Ricky scolded. Nope. .I  think I have no intention of getting close with him. He tilted his head to the side to get a clear view of Minwoo. "He's just kididng." Minwoo's chest heaved down with relief. 


"Fine" the boy with straight brown hair huffed. Slinging an arm around Minwoo's neck. "I like you. .you're funny and easy to mess with."


Minwoo flinched with annoyance. I don't like this guy already. But he just let it pass, I mean he was in a room surrounded by insane looking men, in a place he doesn't even know, what else could he do?


Ricky jabbed him again, harder, this time making the boy release Minwoo and clutch on to his stomach in a groaning mess. 

"Don't mind him." Ricky smiled.  "Before he freaks you out even more, let's start with the introductions. You can call me Ricky, the who told you that  you got kidnapped is named Niel. The one texting like crazy over there's named Changjo. The guy who gave you a glass of water's named Cap. .and." Ricky's voice trailed of as he glanced over at a blonde guy sitting quietly in one of the couches with an annoyed expression. 


". .The guy over there's Chunji. He's the one that gave you that. " RIcky pointed at Minwoo's face. Minwoo rose an eyebrow, clueless on what he meant by "that." He touched his cheek and winced in pain.


"Gaah!" he yelped, shocked by the sharp pain he felt from touching the sore area of his cheek.

"He kinda punched you." RIcky explained.

"Why the heck would he do that?" Minwoo said with an accusing expression at Chunji, which agitated the blonde making him stand up. He grabbed Minwoo by the collar and harshly tugged him close.

"YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU FREAKIN' LOVED ME! that's why." he screamed.


Minwoo slapped Chunji's strangling arms off. "Why the heck would I do THAT?" Minwoo defended, taken-aback by the outrageous reason.


"Cuz you were drunk." Chunji said in an are-you-stupid? tone

. . .

"Oh. " 


Minwoo's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. How embarrassing. . I will never. .I mean NEVER drink again.


"S-sorry about that."



Freakin Idooottt!




You were panting and panting as you ran farther and farther away from the building. Why are you running? you should be there. Comforting Minwoo. You know, your best friend for 5 whole years. Which had feelings for you just as long. 


You know that that was the right thing to do, but you couldn't you couldn't stop your legs from moving. All you wanted to do was to get away for a moment. To get away from that shocking experience. You wanted to get out of this confusion. You finally managed to stop in a park and quickly sat yourself in a bench just in case you decide to run again. UGHHH!! You harshly ruffled your hair in frustration. Pulling out the hair extensions in the process, leaving you with very messy short hair. You kick off those annoying heels so hard you make one heel crack off. But you didn't care. You cross your legs and tuck in your feet. Making you look like a middle-schooler in class.


You calmed yourself down and took deep breathes. 

I'm confused as hell right now.


You swallowed thickly as you tried to calm your wildly beating heart. Frankly, you had NO idea on what you felt about Minwoo. Even though the kiss and confession made your heart beat like a motor, you couldn't really picture yourself with him. All you considered him as was a brother.


Ugh. .so when I'm with Ljoe, it looks like gay love, and when I'm with Minwoo, it's . .=/


You felt like a bowling ball was chugged down your throat because of all the guilt you've been feeling. Knowing that Minwoo loved you for five whole years, your best friend, the person that you should know most about.  Yet, before even being able to confess properly (because of your stupid denseness), found out that you are getting married. You know that it's not technically your fault, I mean you didn't know that Minwoo loved you and he was also filthy rich, making him a guest in your wedding announcement. But still.


*sigh* It's like fate's playing a joke on me. 


Minwoo must be feeling just as ty as I am. . 




Ljoe was tapping his foot uncomfortably in the backseat of his limo. Debating with himself


Dude, relax, you did the right thing. It was good that you told her off and left her coldly there, it will make her more responsible.

OR, .you just couldn't control yourself, you know that you scolded her because you were hurt because she didn't want to go through the wedding whole-heartedly.

Tsk. .WHY would I get hurt over that?

Duh. .

Because you love her man.


Ljoe swallowed thickly, when he felt like an arrow pierced a bull's eye in his heart. My inner conscience is absolutely right.


"Ugh. .sir? are you okay?" The driver said as he looked at mirror to be able to look at Ljoe.

Ljoe blushed a deep shade of red.


"Um. .was I thinking out loud?"

"Yes. .apparently sir."



There was an awkward pause. "Won't you go back for her?" The driver made out.


Ljoe's eyed widened. "Y-you think I should?"

"Yes. " the driver said with a smile. Slowly putting the vehicle to a stop, waiting for Ljoe to make his decision.


Ljoe made up his mind and smirked. "Thank you mister." he said as he went out of the car like as fast as he could. He took a deep breathe in as he began sprinting like a mad man. He didn't know WHY he was running so hard. Then, he almost wanted to slap himself. Pabo! why in the world did you get out of the freaking car, you could've just asked the driver to take you back to the place. Ahh . .what the heck, at least it makes things more dramatic.  He thought to himself as he quickened his pace even more. Like he was running for his life.


He wanted to see you.


He remembered your hurt eyes after he scolded you, he winced with guilt at the thought. He didn't want to see ANYONE get hurt because of him ever again. Especially you, even if it's just an emotional wound.


He kept running until he was closely nearing the place of the failed announcement. He panted and puffed as he pulled his legs to a halt to stand right in front of the huge golden doors leading to the inside.


Is she still even here?


He slowly turned the knob of the door, thank God it wasn't locked, he opened it slightly just enough to see the inside.


The room was empty, except for two figures, only their silhouettes could be seen because of the dim light. He squinted his eyes.


His heart dropped.

He clenched his fists. You were kissing another man. He looked closely and saw that you weren't struggling whatsoever, so you clearly weren't forced into it. So that's why she couldn't do it. He bit his lower lip and looked away. He closed the door, relieving his eyes from the painful scene. He went down the stairs slowly and smirked bitterly to himself.


ha. .of course. What did you expect Ljoe? Guess your were right dad. A "bad seed" like me doesn't deserve an easy happy ending.


He rubbed his eyes and tried to pat the bitterness from his face but failed miserably, he still felt like he was stabbed.  The cold air of the night making his jaw clench and his fists tighten as he walked clumsily on with no particular destination in mind. He just needed to get away.




You've spent like almost an hour alone in the park. Not even caring that the cold is burning through your skin because of your skimpy clothing and bare feet. You've just been staring blankly, trying not to think about certain problematic things, when you heard footsteps.






The moist grass informing you that the person is already close. You snap out from your trance and turn slowly. 



"L-ljoe. ." you croaked. "Wh-why are you he--" before you could finish you sentence he harshly pulled you up, not even caring that you were bare-footed.


He pulled you close, he had on an unreadable expression, yet it was able to make your knees buckle. He was looking at you with so much intensity that you thought you were going to melt right off his grip. His dark brown orbs looking straight through you, even though half of his face was covered with his now warm brown hair. The moist tips of his hair and the slight panting signifying that he was running.


"I Love you Go RIn Ji." he said blatantly out-of-the-blue with the same unreadable expression. "Do you feel the same."

The question was so sudden and so ill-placed because of the very confusing experience you had with Minwoo that you didn't give an answer. Actually UNABLE to give an answer.


Your silence clearly pained Ljoe. Suddenly, he pulled you into a tight hug, his head rested on you shoulder and his arms holding you firmly in place. You felt his shallow breathes on your neck. He was so close. He lifted his head a bit to be level with your ear. His slight panting sending chills down your spine. 

"Was his kiss better?" he whispered.


You almost had a mini-heart attack. HOW THE FUDGE DID HE FREAKING KNOW?? your throat went dry. He must've somehow seen it. Fate must be having his share of laughs right about know.

You didn't want to answer, you know what his question actually really meant, as to whether you like Minwoo better or not.



"Sure?" he whispered again.


"I-I" you stuttered. You couldn't answer, no you weren't sure, because you don't even know what you feel about Minwoo's kiss.


Then, Ljoe suddenly leapt his head closer towards your own. Making both of your lips connect. Again, you couldn't pull away. It was like the first one. Gentle. But you could feel something else mixed in the kiss. It was more passionate. Like a cry of desperation.


He slowly pulled away, fluttering his eyes open in the process, he held the back of your head and made your foreheads bump gently, so you were now looking at each other face-to-face. Having no choice but to look straight at him, despite your embarrassingly blushing self.


"Something to help you decide." he said with a smirk. "To refresh your memory." But the pain in his eyes was still prominent.


Great Rinji. .you kissed two men in one evening and then still managed to hurt them.

You know that you have feelings for Ljoe. .but with your best friend suddenly surging into the picture like that, who wouldn't be confused?



I hate you fate.



WHEW. .sorry, sorry for the very slow updating pace. .it's just cuz the teachers in my school are piling us up with quizzes. I think we're having a five quizzes in a day ratio. .=/

sorry if its a bit boring too. 

Buuuut. .your comments really made me happy and forced me to make an update. . 

comments===faster updates xD hahaha

OOHH!. .and stay tuned for the next chappie. .because there's something that will be revealed. Both ljoe's and Minwoo's past. . and they're connected.

Also maybe Rinji's decision will be partially revealed.. .i think. well idk cus i haven't written it yet xD

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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8