The Two Weird First kisses

Who's the Man?

After that horribly awkward moment in that room. You both were led towards another room. The bedroom.

The door creaked open slowly, Please have two beds, please have two beds.

Both your hearts dropped. "One bed." you heard Ljoe murmur.

The room was medium sized with a king-sized bed in the middle. The walls were stark white and so were the rest of the furniture. It had two closets on both sides and a door that probably lead to a bathroom.


Ljoe eyed you from head-to-toe and shook his head and sighed in disappointment. Your nose flared up. WHAT WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?  You held back your anger, afraid of the possibility of Panta still watching over you.

You looked over to the corner, both of your luggage were already there. You grab your bag and start rummaging through it. After a few minutes you take out a circular object with a sigh of triumph.

"What the heck are you going to use tape for?" Ljoe said with a scrunched-up face. "You're not going to tie me up are you?"

You bonk him on the head with the roll of tape. "Pabo." 

You unroll a generous amount of tape and start putting up a line in the middle of the bed. "I get the right side." you say.


"Oh." Ljoe said with a slight pout. Apparently a bit embarrassed. "If you cross the line. .you're gonna get it." you lamely threatened, but you didn't know what else to say since your pride was smushed in that sparring match.


You immediately plop on the bed and passed out, snoring. Ljoe looked at you, sprawled unflatteringly on the bed, snoring almost as loudly as he would. THIS is my wife?. . -.-.  She didn't even change her clothes or wash her face. She could be my brother.


Ljoe unpacked his stuff and neatly arranged it in the shelves and on one of the closets. He changed into a Jersey and pajamas, then he stumbled over something. It was your stuff. He realized that you made a mess while looking for that roll of tape. He tried to ignore it,  It might be surprising, but whether he liked it or not, he was a neat-freak. He took a deep breathe and turned his back, but he couldn't help it. His eye twitched. He quickly arranged your stuff in a neat pile and stuffed them in your closet.


Ljoe looked around for anymore nuisances, the place was clean enough. He noticed that you weren't using a blanket. Aiish. .this girl. He pulled a blanket up to your shoulders. 


He looked at the clock and realized that is was already 11:00, seeing the late time, his shoulders slumped forward and his eyelids started to feel heavy. He climbed on the bed and stiffly lied down in order to not cross your "boundary". He looked at you face to face. 


You mumbled something and wriggled your nose in your sleep. He blushed. Th-that was actually pretty cute.

To drive that feeling away, he quickly turned to the other side to face the wall instead. He sighed. Better.

After a few minutes, he dozed off.



Ljoe slept happily and peacefully, he dreamt that he was fighting a thousand zombies in one of his video games and was winning. But that was ruined when he felt a huge weight around him. His eyes slowly fluttered open, still stinging from sleepiness. But when he saw what you were doing, he was fully awake, You were literally wrapped around him. One of your arms was laid on top of his chest and your legs were around him like a pillow. 

This is so awkward. . Who the heck had this boundary idea? 

He stiffly raised your arm for him to move, but then -

"Ljoe. ." you mumbled. His eyes widened. Sh-she's dreaming about me?.Then you suddenly smiled and giggled. What the heck is she dreaming about?


He decided to let you remain in this position  but he managed to untangle your legs. But the position was still uncomfortable, so he turned to his side to face you. He could feel your shallow breathes on his cheeks. OK. .This is even more uncomfortable.

He was about to turn his back away from you, when you suddenly screamed out., still asleep. "Barney!!" and wrapped your arms around his neck.



Your lips crashed into his. He was completely frozen. What the hell?? When he came back to his senses, he pulled away and sat up. He held his burning face. His heart was beating like crazy. He glanced back at you, he blushed even more.

He touched his lips.

Crazy feelings were boiling in his chest.


"Why did I NOT hate it?"


You woke up. It was probably around ten in the morning. You realize Ljoe already got up. Good

But. . .

Why did I dream that I was kissing Barney?

and you liked it?. .

Ew, do I have a for purple dinosaurs?


You went outside the room and looked around, the almost identical doors and hallways were seriously confusing. Most of the rooms were locked, but you managed to pry some open, let's just say, the rooms scared you, they were all so weird and random that you absolutely had no idea what they were for. One room was a room with a huge single fan in the middle and another were filled with different colored balloons. Is this Panta person conducting some weird experiments or something. You shuddered. So we must be the gunea pigs.


You finally found your way back down to the dining table. There was already food on the table and Panta was smiling at you casually. You clenched your fist. I want to strangle him soooo badly. Before you could charge at him he raised a finger and wagged it. 

"No no." he read your mind. He cocked his head to point at something. 


It was Ljoe, and he was tied-up to the chair and had tape in his mouth, restricting his speech. Your eye flinched. "Pfft" you tried to supress it. Nope, can't be done. "Wahahahhaha!" you laughed so hard your stomach hurt. Usually you'd panic and get freaked out. But dang! it was so funny. The great Ljoe getting tied up and beaten by a. .a. .whatever you would describe Panta as.


You took a seat with a grin on your face, looking at Ljoe, annoying him. Even with tape in his mouth, you could feel his embarassment. Teehee >:).

You pointed your thumb at Ljoe. "What did he do?"

"Tried to strangle me. So I tied him up." Panta said. "Real feisty one." he/she said while ruffling Ljoe's hair. Ljoe pulled away with annoyance. 

Heheh, Ljoe and I actually think alike. Good thing he did it first though.


You grab a huuge peice of waffles with your fork and push it closer towards Ljoe, teasingly moving it back and forth, making his eyes follow it, and gorged it inside my mouth. Looks like his patience ran out, so he started thrashing around trying to get out of the bonds. Making the table rumble.


He looks so pathetic that it just cracks me up.

Panta pulls the rope in his bonds and tighten it, making Ljoe stiffen. "Behave." he warns. Hahah, now he's really a pink poodle. Panta yanks the tape from his mouth making Ljoe hiss in pain. With the tape gone, he inhales deeply before he screams his lungs out. "WHAT THE HECK?? WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU TIE ME UP?? Release me!" he ordered through gritted teeth.

"Will you try to strangle me?."


"Then no"

"Fine!" Ljoe whined. Panta released him from the ropes and Ljoe fought the urge to strangle him again and behavely sat down. He mumbled curses under his breath that seemed to calm him down. 

During breakfast, only you and Panta were talking, Ljoe was still sulking in the corner and mumbling. Panta was actually pretty funny, scary weird, but funny. After all the food was eaten, (by me), Panta spoke out.

"Time for the second activity."

Your  heartbeat started pacing up, You swallowed thickly, suddenly blushing when you remembered what happened during his last activity. Ljoe seemed equally flustered and nervous

You felt something beneath your feet, like a small gust of wind or something. You then saw purple smoke seeping from the table. Your eyes widen in shock, but it was too late, the air you enhaled made your eyes droop.


You woke up, you had a slight headache. You were in a dimly lit room with only a candle in the middle as its light source. It took a few seconds for your eyes to get used to the lighting.  There was a shuffling sound beside you. What the fudge is that? You nervously turn your head.

"GAH!" you screeched. Ljoe covered his ears. "You look scary in this light." you said. 

"You look scary in any light."

"Shut up"

You shifted your position when there was a crumpling sound, apparently you sat on a paper envelope. You opened it. Ljoe scooched over closer to take a look. You felt unusually nervous with your distance. "Truth or dare." you read. This automatically makes both of you tense, truth or dare games never go well.


"Take turns in giving each other truth or dare questions, I will not be watching because I will be having my daily three hour bath. But it will be recorded so that I can see it later, If you both won't follow. . no food. " 

Ugh. .you remembered the sumptuous breakfast you had.

Ljoe stood up and headed to the middle of the room, closer to the candle. You followed. The candle light highlighted his features perfectly, he had a soft yet contoured jaw line, cat-like eyes and a small nose. I feel so manly.

"Y-yah, stop looking at me like that." Ljoe said, averting his eyes away. 

You quickly shake of your thoughts.

"Don't get so full of yourself, I wasn't staring or anything. So. .Truth or dare?" you ask. 


You pondered for a moment. "Do you remember what you said to me? on our first "date" when you were still pretending to be Byunghun?" 

He nodded. "That this marriage was fine. . if. .if it was with me? did you mean it?. . truthfully?" you say quietly. You already asked this question already, but at that time he was pretending to be Byunghun. You felt so stupid asking that question, of course he was lying, but the words he said at that time played in your mind afterwards.

He was stunned by the question, shocked that it was a serious one. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down in thought. 

"M-maybe. .yeah."

You felt relieved, at least he wasn't totally disgusted with you. Even though you always say that you hated each other and stuff, you were glad to know that at least part of those were jokes.

"Truth or dare?"  he asked.


He looked straight into your eyes, because of that, you were a bit scared of his question. "What about you? do you really hate having me as your husband."

You played with a loose thread of your shirt. "Maybe n-not hate."

"Why?" he asked again.

"That's unfair! those are two questions!" you protested.

"Just answer it." he said firmly. You looked up, and he had a dead serious expression, which forced you to oblige. 

"Your not whimpy and can actually keep up with me." you say. 

"Oh." he said, sounding disappointed. 

"But, I think, that you're kind of c-c--" you couldn't say it.

"C?" he said, with both eyebrows raised.

"cute. ."you say quietly.  He looked stunned, apparently not believing that he himself can be considered "cute".

"The way that you get embarrassed easily and stuff when we tease each other. And, the fact is. .that kiss on the forehead,. .i can't seem to shake the feeling of for some reason." you say quickly. Oh my God! what am I saying??. . 

You tuck your head in your knees and cover your face. That was embarrassing. You looked up and see that Ljoe wasn't laughing at all. In fact, he was blushing? 

He started advancing forward. Coming closer to you. You were stuck in your place for some reason. He looked at you with smoldering eyes. "Yah, .i-is Panta speaking to you with an earpeice or something?" you ask nervously.

"no." he immediately replied, still advancing. Your body kept you in place. But you managed to drop your head, so that you won't see his stare. He was now only inches from your face. You felt him tuck his finger under your chin and lift it up. You both just stare at each other for a few seconds, you could feel as if, by the way he was looking at you, that he was going to swallow you up.

You swallowed thickly. Not knowing what he was going to do.

"Last question." he said. "Go Rinji. .can I kiss you?" he said.

Your eyes widened. You were trying to see if he was joking, but his face was serious.  Maybe it was a spur of the moment thing, but for some reason, you mildly nodded. When you did, his features relaxed, apparently afraid that you would reject.


He caressed your cheek, slowly, it was as if electricity was running down your spine. He slowly inched over closer to you. You wanted to pull away but couldn't. His eyes fluttered closed. You did the same. His lips gently connected with yours. Your heart pounded right out of your chest. He pressed his lips harder. The feeling was so intense. Okay. .I change my mind, this feels so. .

You managed to get enough energy to pull away, but he held you in place by pressing your shoulders down.  You started struggling, but all strength left your body, so you just went with it. The kiss was so gentle, but your heart wouldn't stop beating.

He pulled away with half-lidded eyes, which left you panting and blushing like crazy. Then his eyes widened. 

"God!. .I am soooo sorry." he said, scurrying over to the other side of the room with his back towards you. He rested his forehead on the wall and started panting. "I don't know what came over me. It's just because that kiss last night wouldn't get out of my head."


"Huh? what kiss??"

He turned his head around a bit, so you could see his profile. "You kissed me last night.  . in your sleep."

Your eyes widened. Oh.  .so he was actually Barney. .

"I-its fine" since you were actually the indirect cause of it. "Sit down."


After you both got ahold of yourselves he suddenly said.

"Let's steal that recording before Panta sees it."

You nodded viciously.


"Yes. and burn it."

You both laughed. Those were the weirdest first kisses ever.


----  ------------------------  ----    

WEW! finally got a chap out. A long one too.

Yeah!.  .they kissed. .twice actually heheh.

So guys, how was it? was it weird? . .i dont know,. .i thought it was a bit weird, since i'm not really good at writing lovey-dovey things. I get a bit embarrassed writing them xD. . hhehe

anyways. .hope you liked it. Subs and Comments please! heheh ^^

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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8