
Who's the Man?

Panta was sitting on his bathtub, the scent of the orange caramel bubbles surrounding him almost putting him to sleep. His eyes were drooping when he was trying to concentrate on the small monitor in his hands.

Not watching my . >:) I'll always be watching you kitties. Bwahahah! I see everything because I'm the almighty k---P-panta I mean.


That was just his strategy to making both of you loosen up and let your guards down. He silently watched both of you in the dimly lit room, slowly sinking into his warm bed of bubbles. But. .I'm soo freaking. . *yawn*. .Slee--



All of his drowsiness went down the drain. The scene of both of you kissing startled him to the point of almost dropping his mini-T.V. He fought off a gasp to avoid swallowing any of his precious bubbles. 

Whoa. .


That was quicker than I thought.




"Go to the living room, I finished bathing." Panta announced in a microphone in his monitoring room, his voice resonating throughout the villa with the aid of multiple speakers.


He was about to leave the room when he saw something at the corner of his eye. He quickly turned around and pulled it over his head. Oh  God, I can't believe I almost forgot my hair.

He was careful not tol et any of you see him coming out of his room to avoid it's location being found out.


He arrived at the spacious living room and see both of you, nervously sitting on the same couch, but on far ends. You were both looking everywhere but each other and weren't even talking. 

Tsk.. .The kiss made them even more awkward.


Panta cleared his throat loudly to get both of your attention. Him doing so startled both of you, to the point were you almost stood up and Ljoe almost fell off the couch.

. . they're so jumpy.


Panta sat down on a couch parallel to the ones you were sitting on and gestured for both of you to do the same. 


"SO~! how was the truth or dare game?" Panta chimed. Both of you shared looks at each other, resulting to you and Ljoe being flustered and looking away immediately.


"N-nothing, 'ya know, just some random questions." Ljoe tried to say as casually as he could while avoiding eye contact and rubbing the back of his neck.


"Really? is that what really happened?" Panta turned to you. You nodded meekly. Panta realized that he didn't even need to watch you both on the monitor while bathing because you both are such terrible liars.

Panta gave out an exhausted sigh, knowing that both of you wouldn't admit it yourselves.


"So, saw you guys kiss." Panta said nonchalantly. At his words, both of you froze, wide-eyed, you almost bit the thumb you were nibbling on. Both of your reactions were so funny it took a huge effort for him to suppress his laughter.

"What?" Ljoe asked, trying to deny it. How the heck did he know? that only happened about five minutes ago.

"I saw it of course"

"But I thought you were bathing or something, and wouldn't watch."

"I lied."

. . .

"I Loathe you." Ljoe said with narrowed eyes. He was clearly at a loss for words and didn't know what else to say, he covered his mouth with his palm and turned to the side, so that his embarrassed face wouldn't be so obvious. But you were equally as flustered as he was. 


"So how was it?" 

Both of you were startled by the overly straightforward question, but Panta was asking it like he was just asking what time it is. You were about to say something like "yuck" but when you thought about it. Did,. .did you really hate it?. 

"It-it was. .I don't know." you say in a small voice.


"I Liked it." Ljoe said

You almost choked at his words, making you turn sharply towards him, to see that he quickly buried his face in a pillow after uttering those words.


"What??" you half said, half screamed.


Ljoe tilted his head to the side to face you a bit, enough for you see his eyes, with one eyebrow raised, but his nose and mouth were still covered by the pillow.

"Don't tell me you didn't." He said, with a slightly teasing  tone. 

"I- I did not!" you stutteringly denied.

"Well, it's hard to believe you when you when you're blushing like crazy right now."


THIS ARROGANT LITTLE!. . You're eye twitched because you couldn't think of a good enough comeback. Instead you yanked the pillow he was hugging away from him, revealing his also flustered face. "Well, at least I don't try to hide it."


He opened his mouth to say something back but a sharp pitched whistling sound that made both of you cover your ears and screech in eardrummy pain.


"Quiet." Panta said firmly. Something about his voice made both of you obey. His expression dead serious. . .Scary.


There was a few seconds of silence. But that was broken by the sudden and hysterical laugh of Panta. What the? 

"Hahahah! Sorry, couldn't take it, both of you are just so funny, you pretend not to like each other but end up kissing on the second day."


His words and hysterical reaction made both of you fuel with rage and embarrassment. "W-We don't like each other!" You both yelled in exact unison.


"Then how do you explain this?" he says while clearing his throat.  His expression changed.


"Last question. .Go Rinji, can I kiss you?" he says in a low tone, his eye's squinting in passion, attempting to imitate  what Ljoe did a few moments ago.


"GAAAAH!" Ljoe screamed. He closed his eyes and covered his ears to avoid reliving the embarrassment that he did earlier. He said that he liked the kiss, but it doesn't mean that he was proud of it. Panta's rendition of Ljoe's pick-up line made the hairs on your arm stand on end. It's even weirder when Panta says it. You rub your arms and shudder, trying to put the face flustering memory at the back of your mind.


When you were both still squealing about the remembrance of the kiss, It took awhile to realize that Panta stopped talking, when you both realized that he/she was just sitting on the couch with hands on his chin, creepily observing you both with a critical expression.

You nervously turn your heads towards him. "Wh-what?"

"As I thought, you are definitely a Type B couple."

"Type B couple?" Ljoe inquired.


Panta mowed through his oddly colored hair, and you swore that his/her hair tilted a bit to the left because of that. You tried to ignore it thinking that maybe too much plastic surgery made his scalp soggy. You shook away the disturbing thought.

"Usually, a kiss is a huge turning point of a couple." he said while. "Most of the time, there are only three things that happens after a kiss. A: the couple gets all lovey-dovey, B: the couple gets awkward and is in a state of confusion and the last is C: the couple gets completely disgusted with each other."


Bull's eye, the second one accurately pinpointed what you felt right now. Awkward and confused. You and Ljoe certainly aren't lovey-dovey right now, and even though you hate to admit it, you weren't disgusted with the kiss. .at all.  He even said he liked it *.* 

" So the result from the kiss is where I'll be basing my future activities for both of you."

You and Ljoe nodded. You were a bit surprised by how much sense Panta made right now. You were relieved that the activities he had made both of you do had an actual purpose and were not completely random and insane. 

"So, what activities are you talking about?" Ljoe asked.

At Ljoe's question made the corners of Panta's mouth tilt up, forming a slight smirk. Ljoe swallowed thickly, almost regretting that he asked the question. 


"The activity that I will make you do is simple." he said. Both of you moved your heads closer in Panta's direction, eager for him to reveal his next activity.


"Don't lose eye-contact until I say so." he said."Whoever averts ones gaze from the other gets no food."


You and Ljoe gave a sigh of relief. Whew. I thought that it was going to be something completely outrageous. This is going to be easy.



It was already the second day of Panta's "no-losing eye contact" activity. Remember what you said that it was going to be easy. NOT TRUE.  

"Yah, I need to go to the bathroom." You say.

Suddenly Panta's voice is heard through various speakers."I repeat, eye-contact"

Ljoe looked at you, wide-eyed. . "WHAT??" how are we going to get through this?


Both of you were allowed to do whatever you want for the rest of the day, all you had to do was not lose eye-contact with each other. You were on the patio, overlooking the beautiful ocean. You could say that the setting is romantic. If you weren't being blackmailed with food to look non-stop at Ljoe with him your marriage counselor observing you likea hawk from God-knows where.


"hahaha! I never knew you were into pucca," he said with an amused chuckle.

Your nose flared up. You managed to keep eye-contact inside the bathroom. You didn't want to talk about it.

"If YOUR the one who needs to go to the bathroom." you threatened.

He smirked. "What?"

You blushed, you knew where this was going. "I-I'll. . "

At your stuttering,he was even more amused. He slighty clenched the collar of his sweater and pulled it down a few inches, revealing his collarbone. "It's okay with me if you'll look" he whispered provocatively as he advanced forward. 

"EW!" you screeched as you pushed him away. "I'll never look even if it kills me!"

He returned to his seat and folded his arms with a smug lookand shrugged. "Fine, more food for me then."


Even though this activity annoyed you to the bone. Panta was right. It made both of you less awkward with each other to the point where both of you managed to joke freely with each other.

"Ljoe.. I'm sick of your face already."  you say.

"Really? he said a slight tinge of mischef in his voice. Then he suddenly cupped your face and pulled himself closer towards you, making you let out an embarassing sqeaking sound. 

"Then,  what about from this distance?" he said in a low tone with a smirk on his face.

You were definately startled, you tried your best to hide your complete discomfort at your distance and tried to be as nonchalant as possible. 

"Hm.. I've seen better."

Ljoe scrunched his face and pinched your nose. " you're so not cute." he said while returning to his seat.

You puffed your cheeks, pouted your lips and batted your eyelashes jokingly.  Which made him fall silent for a moment. . .Cute. .

"With this face?" You say in a very high pitched  voice.

Ljoe nervously chuckled. "haha. .don't kid yourself."





OKAY. .. so this is a messed up and a bit boring chapter. It's just that I wanted a bit of suspense before the next chapter, because the next chapter will have lot's of things going on. Minwoo will be coming back, and maybe even Boyfriend.

Hahah. . and about Panta, I guess I gave enough clues as to  what his secret is, .;)

 please do comment and subscribe ^^. 

and GUYS! merry Christmas =))  

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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8