My Past Caught up With Me

Who's the Man?

Silence filled the room. Silence that was enough to make your ears bleed.


"I think,. .I just swallowed my gum." Jeongmin muttered with a small gasp.

"Please t-tell us you're joking."  Youngmin shakily said. 

You shook your head slowly, waiting for the words that came out of your mouth to register into their minds.

Still, there was silence.


"Really?" Hyunseong confirmed.

"Yes, really."

. . Silence again

"Are you SURE this isn't a joke??" Donghyun asked wildly as he grabbed both of your arms and started shaking your brains out. Immediately agitating you. 

"YES I"M NOT FREAKING JOKING!" You lash out, shimmying out of his grip. "Who in the right mind would joke about things like that?"

*long pause*


"Like seriously?" 


"Yes, seriously" you said, trying reeaaally hard to supress the scream of frustration that was uncomfortably lingering in your throat. Come on guys, my patience is already oozing out here.


The member's mouths were agape and their eyes the size of pingpong balls, even Jeongmin, who was about as emotional as a stick was blinking uncontrollably and chewed out of habit, but immediately stopped when he realized that his gum was now sticking somewhere in his stomach. Youngmin, almost like in a drama, put his palm on his forehead and plopped back down onto the sofa, looking like he was going to faint. 


"Guys. .I know that this is sudden, but I'm telling you, this is the truth. .I wanted to tell you sooner bu--"

Before you could finish the small speech of defending yourself, Kwangin screamed, already unable to contain himself.

"But Minwoo LOVES you!!" he said, in one breath. Eyes looking a bit concerned. Okat a LOT concerned.


You stiffened. . ."You guys knew?"

"Yes for five whole years." Kwangmin explained.

"and nobody bothered to tell me?"


"Well, we gave you TONS of hints. but you still couldn't pick it up."


Curse me and my cursed denseness.

 Donghyun sharply inhaled, making his nostrils widen to incredible lengths and then exhaled that same amount of air in an exasperated sigh. "If it's not Minwoo. .then it better be one hell of a man."

Erm. . nope. .Ljoe definitely is NOT one hell of a man.

"The guy's actually outside." Kwangmin said, pointing eagerly towards the direction of the door.

Boyfriend looked amongst themselves. Knowing that they had the same idea.

"GET HIIIIIIIIIMMM!" They scream in unison.


Ljoe was sitting peacefully on the steps outside the  apartment, despite it slightly freezing his but. He thought about leaving a dew minutes ago, or just simply busting through the apartment door and get some greatly desired answers, but luckily, the full moon kept him occupied.

Hm. .So peacefu---

before he could even finish his train of thought, he felt arms pull him into an upright position. He tried to look back to see the culprit, but he was immediately hauled up and carried up on the person's shoulder. His stomach was lying on top of of someones shoulder and strong arms held his waist in place. WHAT THE HELL?? 

what an embarrassing position. .

The door slammed open and they came in.

He tried to struggle, but if he did, he would've risked falling headfirst towards the ground, so he decided to beat up the person AFTER he was set down.

Then he felt his body being chucked harshly towards and empty couch. I am SO going to kill the bastard who did this.  He looked up, but he had to squint his eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness. Making his vision a bit blurry.

"THIS is HIM??" a mocking voice called out. "he weighs like a girl." 

okay. .I'm mad.

Ljoe immediately hurled himself forward, almost tackling the person, but suddenly a figure came between them. He immediately halted, almost tripping over.

"Stop it!" you blurted out. Gripping him by the shoulders to help steady himself, and glaring at the red-head who carried Ljoe in. "You too Donghyun."

"hmmph. . he couldn't even avoid tripping without her help." another guy scoffed, one who had brown, curly hair, which reminded Ljoe of an old friend. He realized that there were five of them.

You sharply turn your head to look at the boys. "Give him a break will you?"

The boys rolled their eyes and some grunted. But they obediently plopped on the remaining seats of the room, which Ljoe thought to be strangely colorful. They looked at both Ljoe and you with raised eyebrows.

"What are you waiting for?  sit." a blonde boy, or is it a girl? said. Ljoe tilted his head for a clearer view. Okay it's a boy.

Both of you cautiously sit down on the same couch.


Ugh. . this is going to be a loooong night. You stiffened. This is really awkward. Even though they you already introduced them to each other, the tension was still unbeatable.

Boyfriend was eating Ljoe up alive and he looked as if he was going to lash out at them any moment.

"What's your height?" Donghyun coldly asked. "I should lend you Hyunseong's shoe lifts." he added. Making Hyunseong glare at him for exposing his he-thought-it-was-well-hidden secret.

Facepalm. These guys are just asking for trouble.

Ljoe was visibly annoyed, giving Donghyun and the others satisfaction, but he surprisingly kept his cool  and even answered. "171 cm or 5'6." he said through gritted teeth.

"Oh,. .never mind, I don't think shoe lifts would make any difference." Donghyun snapped.

"Yeah. Why don't you give me sunglasses instead? I need to keep brace my eyes from that tacky red hair of yours." Ljoe snapped back.

He's not one to talk. .since he's probably tried every single hair color out there.

"Oh, sure. I won't mind. But I don't think my glasses would fit you, cuz well. .it's too manly for your girly frame. You should share your diet plan to girls you know. Since your too lanky. ..I mean, skinny." Donghyun slyly shot.

. . .

You mouth was wide open, so were the other members. Donghyun was never this mean before. Ljoe's mind seemed to be still buffering Donghyun's words. Pondering on how much he was going to react.

Oh God. I think he just went too far.

"I- I" Ljoe muttered, before he gave out a slight unintentional pout, but it was still noticeable. You blushed. Fudge. Why did I find that cute?. . Why is he the cute one? -.- 

"Why are you s-so mean to me?" Ljoe stuttered quietly, his head hanging low. You think that your heart just fluttered away and gave him a hug.

The members were silent, their expression's softened a bit. Donghyun clenched his teeth and inhaled deeply, holding the air in for a bit. Glaring at Ljoe.

Ljoe's eyes started getting a little red and he gave out a small sniffle. o.O I didn't know he was THIS sensitive. 

Donghyun exhaled sharply, immediately giving Ljoe a hug. "Dude. .I'm sorry. I guess I was just trying to scare you off." Ugh. .this prissy leader of ours. He's kinda like an umma.

Ljoe pulled away, not daring to look at Donghyun in the eyes. " Really?"

"Really" Donghyun confirmed, guilt clouding his eyes.


"heh." Ljoe scoffed.

He tilted his head up, showing all of you a cheeky smirk. A smirk that you know all too well. He patted Donghyun lightly on the cheeks. "No need to cry Ketchup. I forgive you." Ljoe lazily said, his smirk still glued to his face. Donghyun was speechless. So were the others.

Ah. .i knew something fishy was going on. Ol'e Byunghun's back. 

Shoot. .can't believe I fell for it. .AGAIN.

"Guys,. .sorry he's an . He's actually pretty nice if you just look past through his split-personali---"

You were cut off by a chorus of wild laughter. Even Donghyun was suppressing a smile.

"LOL. .this guy is hilarious." Hyunseong chimed. 

HUH?. .Sometimes. Even I don't get man humor.

"He sure got you good hyung." Youngmin said, finally warming up a bit to Ljoe. Faint chuckles were still audible throughout the room, and Ljoe was looking pretty pleased with himself.


"But Minwoo is still better." Kwangmin said quietly, feeling that nobody heard him, but you all did, making you look at him. When he realized he was thinking aloud, he covered his mouth. "I-I'm sorry."

Jeongmin sighed, popping three sticks of gum into his mouth and laying his head back to hit the sofa. "If that guy's the one Rinji likes. .then, there's nothing we can do about it."

Both of you were quiet. Actually, you were still confused. Hm. .but I wonder, if Minwoo and I were forced to like each other like what happened with Ljoe. .would I like him this much too? Ugh, . .you hated yourself for thinking this way and overcomplicating your already jumbled train of thoughts.


"Actually. This is just and arranged marriage." Ljoe confessed.

Boyfriend's eyes widened. "It's up to her to decide, if she prefers that guy Minwoo over me, then I think that there could still be changes. I mean, that guy's also rich I presume. I don't think her parents will mind if there's a change in the family name."

Your clenched your fists. His apathetic words kind of hurt you. Was their marriage really that dispensable? Is that what he thinks our relationship is? Just an arranged marriage? If I pick Minwoo, will he really give up just like that? What happened to all that "I'll wait for you" crap earlier?

. . Maybe. .he doesn't really care about me the way I do.. .

"Y-yeah." you said, disappointed.

The feel of the room started getting awkward. Then Ljoe pretended to look at his watch and awkwardly coughed. "I think I gotta go." and left.



"Hm. .shame. That guy's an after all." Hyunseong murmured.




"Wait...Minwoo's rich?" Jeongmin blinked



Ljoe rubbed his eyes open and looked around him, warm sunlight seeped even through his thick velvet curtains, a stark difference from last night's close to freezing temperature. He was in his room in their other house, where only their maids stayed. Not only because it was closer, but he thinks that he couldn't handle having a talk with his parents about what happened last night.

He knew that he shouldn't havedone that. It hurt him, saying those uncaring words. But, he just had to say it. He just had to say it to himself, that there'sa possibility he won't get you. Actually a BIG possibility. It was also so that you won't  get pressured of choosing him, just because it's an arranged marriage.

hm. .but that other guy's name. .No Minwoo. It. .it sounds strangely familiar. So familiar that it's been bugging him ever since.

*sigh* I need a walk. 


He grabs his favorite leather jacket, that held so much memories for him during his gangster days. Beating up other gangs who dared to challenge them. The thrill of hiding stolen stuff in it. (But afterwards they returned it. .we're a gang, not robbers) The many times it had to get washed because of the many sparring sessions he had with the guys. 

But he also remembered the bad stuff in it.  How he wore it, while secretly joining a hard-core gang. While getting involved in serious riots that caused other people terrible harm. Also when he was tricked into kidnapping a "criminal", but it turns out that person was innocent after all. And because of it, almost getting that person stabbed, . . and almost dead. He regretted them, regretted them so badly  it hurts.

He got nervous reminiscing all those terrible things he had done. So he grabbed his phone and unconsciously dialed Chunji's number. But he stopped midway, feeling suddenly lonely.

Oh. .I forgot. I don't have any friends anymore. Cap's probably their leader now.

He got out of his leather jacket and put on his Byunghun disguise and just grabbed his huge rimmed glasses and a goofy blue checkered shirt.

He was about to turn the knob when his phone rang.



"Why. .hello Ljoe-shi. Or. .is it Byunghun now?"

The voice made Ljoe immediately stiffen. He was unconsciously shivering right now. 


"H-how did you get my n-number?" Ljoe stuttered out.


"You know me, I have my sources."

The cold voice of the person on the other line made a bead of sweat trickle down his temples. He couldn't talk.


"You're pobably scared now huh Byunghun-shi?"


"Don't call me that." Ljoe firmly said. Gaining more courage and clenching his fists.


"Ha. .I see your not as wimpy as I thought you would be now. But anyways. .. .I heard your getting married."

Ljoe's heart stopped.


"To this rich girl named Go rinJi. From that famous publishing company right?"

Ljoe was a loss for words. Not being able to fathom what his former gang leader was capable of doing to both of you. Since his gang was like a powerful web of connections to other gangs and their main members are virtually untraceable. So even if he calls the police, it's useless.

How did he know? D-does he know I'm rich too?

"I told you, I have my sources. And yes, I am well-aware of your financial status. I was planning on getting money from you, but then, you strangely disappeared from us. Not very nice of you I might add"


"B-BASTARD! what the hell are you planning to do to her?" Ljoe yelled. Finding enough bravery to do so.

"Nothing, if you do as I say."


Ljoe gulped. "Wh-what do you want me to do?"


"Kidnap her of course."


"What?. .n-NO!"

"Well, it's either you kidnap her, or we kill you. And of course, after we ourselves kidnap her and get money from her, we're going to kill her too."


"You're kidding."


"No. .I am not. It's you're apology to us for letting that rich boy, No Minwoo go two years ago."


Minwoo. H-how could I forget?

No Minwoo. He's my rival. Rinji's bestfriend. The person I almost got killed.



AHHHH! SORRY FOR THE LAGGY UPDATES. I'm procrastinating a lot. And i'm trying to add in fluff, but I can't cus i just can't find it a place in this chappie. Which got really angsty in the end. Cuz I'm just DYING to reveal their pasts. But i can't do it so abruptly so you'll have to wait fro the next chapter to find out the whole story.


Also i didn't edit this so I could post it faster. But I'll reread it later so that if there's any mistakes I'll fix it

also comment and subscribe. .^^ they give me inspiration. .heheh

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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8