In a Pinch

Who's the Man?



Ljoe was now alone in his four walled prison, still on the floor tied up to a chair. They didn't even have the decency to at least pick him up.

Why the heck did he have to hit me so hard??. . ever heard of the word "acting"?

But I guess he's been wanting to kick me for leaving the group so suddenly.


Fine, I guess I'll forgive him this time. 

Lljoe smiled, which was weird because he was still pathetically lying on the floor.

He followed the plan well after all. 




Chunji was being led again to another room, walking alongside Rain.

Damn. .I guess I hit him too hard.

But I kind of enjoyed it.  . .kind of.


Chunji was also impressed, spying and acting has always one of his specialities, but he didn't expect Ljoe to pull off such a believable performance. But he still considered himself better. When he heard the new plan he was a bit nervous, it was a pretty hard one to pull off properly, but if they did a good job, the success rate was higher.

"Hey, when are you going to let me leave this place." Chunji asked.

"Tomorrow." Rain said, not even turning back.

"You're. .not even going to get someone to help me get the girl and spy at me at the same time?"

"Of course I will."

"Can it be that Myungsoo guy?" Chunji said as casually as he could.

Rain suddenly halted. SHIZ! is he on to me? Rain came closer towards Chunji, his eyes only slanted slits. A clear look of suspicion can be seen on his face.

"What are you planning?"

Chunji tried hard to stay composed. Calm down. .calm down. .act natural. You're good at this.


"Nothing really, just wanted to see what kind of guy my idiot "friend" would treasure so much." Chunji said. Rain still didn't look convinced. "Well, it doesn't really have to be him, I can use anyone of your henchmen."

Rain glared at Chunji. "Fine, but he's not the only one I'm going to send. I'm sending another two of my most loyal men to keep an eye on both of you."

"And, .it would be nice to see the look on Ljoe's face when the person he was just trying to save kidnaps his fiance." 

Chunji tried not to gulp, Rain's eyes were devious, almost even bloodthirsty. It was not hard to imagine all the bad things this lunatic did to Ljoe and his poor henchmen. He also noticed how famished and how bloodshot the eyes of his men were, though they were strong, it was clear that they all had some sort of injuries based from their movements.

Ljoe.. you idiot. How did you even get into a place like this.

Chunji clenched his fists.  I'll free you from this.


"Can I meet those three henchmen now?" Chuji asked. "I have a great plan in mind." he was always good at bluffing.

Rain pointed to a door in the farthest end of the hallway. 

"Stay there. .I'll have the three arrive."

"Ahh. .that over there in the farthest right corner of the hallway?" Chunji said loud and clear, loud enough for the subtly blinking communication device hidden in his chest. I guess those bodyguards of that Rinji are pretty useful.

"By the way, this is the first floor right?" Chunji asked again.

Rain turned again, annoyance in his face. "Yeah it is." he replied. "What's with all the questions?"

"Nothing, just wanted to know, because I don't remember being taken to the 2nd floor," 

Rain looked at him, thinking of something. "I don't trust you yet."

Chunji shrugged. "I'm not asking you to."



Chunji was inside the room, alone again. Only this time, unbound and the room was actually pretty nice. Well, nice would be an understatement. It looked like a freakin' hotel room. It wasn't that extravagant, but it was way better than the rest of this dump of a building he's seen. The room was carpeted and had clean white walls. He was sitting on a velvet couch, the table in front of him was well-furnished. 

One thing made him uneasy though. The cameras. He glanced at one for a brief second so that they wont know that he knows that it's there.

But those will soon be taken care of. Chunji decided to trust their newly found allies.

The door creaked open, and three men walked in. Chunji's eyes skimmed over the three of them and immediately spotted whom he was looking for. The boy in the middle, who had several noticeable bruises on his face. Ljoe's description was spot on. He noticed the other two men who had builds as if they were overloaded with vitamins since birth. They both had the same aura as that Rain guy, devious.

Chunji pretended to sneeze.



Nickun was listening intently to the small walkie talkie that was linked on Chunji's listening device. Chunji did a great job of acting all throughout and manage to hide the fact that he's been trying to say aloud his exact location. Based from their conversations, it seemed like Chunji managed to get Rain for him to meet that Myungsoo guy. But those two other men that he's also going to send could be trouble, and judging by the fact that Chunji was dead silent even though he was alone in a room proved their speculations that there were cameras to be true.

They heard a sneeze through the speakers. Their signal.

"Myungsoo's with him." Nickhun whispered to the other boys.

All of Boyfriend, Teentop and 2pm were hiding behind the bushes near the fence dividing the building's lawn and the street. Good thing it was already night time.

"Chansung, there are camera's it's time for you to do your thing." Taecyon advised.

Chansung proudly smiled. "Gladly."

He looked around, scanning the dark neighborhood. He looked for the one thing that he could use. He stood up from his crouched position, his trusty laptop still in hand. He went towards an electricity post. Wires were entangled in it everywhere. There was a sort of box embedded on the concrete post that propably held He sat down on the sidewalk near the post and started prepping up his usual equipment for something like this.


Changjo skipped forward, following him. 

"What're you doing?" Changjo asked, genuinely curious.

Chansung, who felt like he should "educate" a technical newbie proudly explained with puffed up shoulders, "I'm just using the electron reserves in this laptop to be able to transfer volt currents strong enough to make the--hmmpphh!" Chansung's shotgun like speed of talking was halted by Taecyon, who rolled his eyes.

Changjo blinked. 

"Well, in other words, or in english. He's just trying to cut off the building's power.

Changjo made an o-shape with his mouth. "Why not. .just, you know, cut the wires?"

Chansung sighed, like a teacher would to a student. "Well that would be dangerous, it would make a probable fire. Basic knowledge." he said matter-of-factly, annoying Changjo.

"Well, it will be a whole lot easier than doing something this complicated, having to use all these usual junk." Changjo pointed at Chansung's equipment arrogantly.

2pm was worried, one does NOT just disrespect Chansung's equipment. . .or else. 

Chansung stood up and grabbed Changjo's collar. Changjo's eyes widened momentarily, noticing their huge height difference. But he was in no way ready yet to back down, these kinds of situations called for his several martial arts degrees. He was ready to knock Chansung down, but before he could, they were both pried apart by Cap and Nickhun.

Cap landed a fist on top of Changjo's head and Nickhun did the same.

"OW!" they both yelped in unison.

"Pabo, don't pick a fight." Cap nagged. "At least not until the plan succeeds."

"Yah, stop being all sensitive about you're equipment."

The rest, who seemed to have also followed them near the electricity post were quite amused by how the two maknaes were being scolded.

The only ones who weren't crowding over them were you and Minwoo, both of you seemed to be having a serious yet slightly awkward conversation, which gave them even more of a reason to leave them alone.

Chansung gave Changjo one last glare before scoffing and continuing with his work. He opened the control box, his eyes widened. It was unexpected.

"This is. .this is some heavy duty stuff." Chansung said, trying to keep his "nerdy" terminologies on hold.

The control box looked pretty old and rugged on the outside, but on the inside, there was a top-rate wirework going on, and there was even a small input keyboard for a password. The connecters were new, the wires were well put and was pretty complicated to figure out. He figured that this was obviously no ordinary gang. 

"Tsk. .that's why I said we should cut it." Changjo mumbled, earning him a jab in the ribs by Cap.

Chansung sharply turned his head and stuck out his tongue. "But I can do it."

He started connecting wires and connected his laptop's USB cable to one of the empty sockets found in the middle. He switched some wires together and typed some commands on his keyboard. This took longer than he expected, the wires were complicated to decode and the system pass was hard to override. Then, his  laptop made some whirring sounds.

"Almost." Chansung said whilst typing wildly on his laptop.

Then, there was a sudden "pop" sound and a spark momentarily blurred everyone's vision. 

Chansung blinked off the sudden beam of light and looked at his completely drained laptop.


"Done." he smiled.




Chunji was already in the room along with the three men. They were crouching on the table with a piece of paper which had the draft of their "plan".  He noticed Myunsoo looking at him strangely, he didn't quite know if it was because he was dressed as a girl but had the voice of a man, or the fact that he probably thought that he betrayed his friend Ljoe.

Myungsoo was looking at him with melancholic eyes, along with his bruised face. Chunji went towards him casually and whispered as softly as he could, as to not let the other two hear.


"I'm not betraying him. Just go along with whatever happens in the next. . ." Chunji subtly glanced at his watch. "5 minutes."

Myungsoo tried hard not to gasp, he looked at Chunji with what seemed like a spark of hope in his eyes.

Chunji inwardly smiled. I can see why Ljoe likes this kid.


They waited, and waited. that five minutes felt like hours.

Even Chunji was getting a bit nervous.

What's taking them so long? were they found out?


Then all went black.



What went afterwards was absolute hell, Chunji, even in the dark, launched himself at one of the henchmen. He was confident in these types of sightless battles. The man struggled and tried to get Chunji off him. Throwing him from side to side, breaking some stuff, but he wouldn't budge. Chunji landed a few blows whilst being shaken off. Chunji gave him a headbutt as a finishing blow, which made him feel a bit dizzy afterwards but served its purpose by making man hunch over and lose consciousness.

There was a sudden beam of light across the room.

Chunji turned at the light source.

Damn, the other one had a friggin' lighter.

Seeing what he has done, the other henchman sprinted towards Chunji. Fast.

Chunji knew that without the element of surprise he wouldn't be able to take on this huge man in his condition, because he wasn't able to think straight due to the fact that the previous headbutt made his forehead bleed.

He stumbled backwards. Landing on his bottom, the man approached slowly, like a wild beast zoning in on it's prey. He had a terrifying smirk on his face, which was heightened by the fact that his overly angular features were being lit by the light of his ligher, kind of like in a horror movie. 

He struggled to move backwards using his hands and legs. 


His back hit the wall.

The man's smirk widened as he took out a knife from his shirt pocket.


My God.



GAAAAHHH! gosh, sorry I am a bit embarassed right now. That whole technical stuff that Chansung said was complete gibberish. .xD lol, i have no clue when it comes to things like that, so If you found it fake then. . hehehe well it is. lol

Anyways, at least I am updating a bit faster now. xD

sorry again for another cliffhanger. But at least now you know Chunji's intention for "betraying" Ljoe.

btw, this is unedited, so sorry for the mistakes. haha

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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8